Here in Willow Class our Teacher is Miss Brown and we are lucky to have 2 brilliant Teaching Assistants Miss McVeigh and Mrs Wiater. We have many exciting topics coming throughout the year for the children to get their teeth into, Space and Amazing Animals are to name a couple.
In Willow Class we love to get out and about in the local community and we will go on Welly Walks during the year. Children can bring in wellies for the day or keep them in school.
Reading is very important in Willow Class, please help us in supporting your child at home. Here at Newtown we have the 100 club where children can win prizes for the amount of time they have read at home. Who will get there first...?
Willow Class is a place where everyday is filled with smiles.
Where children can become explorers, investigators and artists. Where no day is the same and the children can grow and learn together. Please come back to see the amazing things we have been doing.
This term the children have been enjoying learning about the different Fairytales. They have been visited by the Fairy Godmother to make some wishes, they have planted their own Beanstalks to see if it can grow into the clouds to find the Giant in the castle and they have measured the Giants footprints. They have also been scientists, investigating the best materials to use for the Three Little Pigs house.
Willow Class enjoyed last term's topic on Under the Sea, they have worked really hard on their Under the Sea projects. (Thank you Mums and Dads) We had a show and tell where they showed their friends their projects. They spoke about how they made it, why they chose to make it and who helped them. Their friends asked questions and they enjoyed sharing their work.
In Willow Class we have been enjoying learning about fireworks and why we celebrate Bonfire Night. We enjoyed making firework biscuits, especially decorating them. We have also made fireworks out of playdough and made firework art.
Willow Class have had a wonderful couple of days in their new school. They are enjoying making new friends and getting to know the different areas in the classroom.
We had a school tour where we were able to see Mr Marshall in his office, meet the big children in Year 6 and have a look at the big field.
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