Newtown Community Primary School
'Newtown Primary School is a Community Primary School and we take the "Community" aspect of our title very seriously. Our children, their families and extended families are at the heart of everything we do.'

Our Values and Ethos

Achieving at Newtown

Excellence in Learning for Excellence in Life

The curriculum we teach at Newtown Community Primary school is designed with what is right for the children of Newtown at its heart.

Our school is socially, ethnically and culturally diverse.  Along with the incredible Newtown children, this diversity, we believe, is a strength. It is also a great source of pride and definitely something we celebrate.  It brings a wealth of opportunities for children to successfully understand and be well prepared for leading successful and fulfilling lives in modern Britain both now and in the future.

The broad, balanced and enriching Newtown curriculum is guided by these key principles:

Getting the basics right matters: It is essential children master

Reading, Writing, Maths and Communication


Outstanding behaviour leads to great learning and a culture

of fairness and respect for everyone


Learning which is enjoyable, purposeful, motivating and 

memorable is key to children achieving well


Learning how to stay safe is a crucial life skill


Good physical health and mental wellbeing make a difference

to children now and in the future



Please take a look at our Curriculum page by clicking the link below