Welcome to our dedicated Early Years page for children starting at Newtown in September.
We are so pleased you have chosen our school and look forward to welcoming you into the school community. On this page you will find all the information you will need to know in the lead up to your little one starting school.
On here you will find links to videos that introduce you to the headteacher of our school, as he takes you on a tour of our amazing site. There are also some lovely photos of the children learning, playing and enjoying school. There is a parent’s guide for you to read with helpful information about your child’s transition into school. Please take the time to read this through and share the picture part with your child. I would also suggest you share the photos below with your child too, this will allow them to have an insight into what it will be like for them when they start school in September.
Please take the time to explore the rest of our website, as it is full of so much useful information. The uniform section is particularly helpful and will tell you where you can purchase uniform ready for school. You can find this information under the parents tab on the main page.
As the Early years leader at Newtown I am delighted that you and your family are joining our school community and am available to answer any queries or questions you may have. You may call the school office on 01225 752678 or email our office admin at admin@newtown.wilts.sch.uk and we will answer any questions you may have.
I look forward to meeting you and your child very soon.
Katie Potter
Early Years Leader
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