On this page you will find our most recent Ofsted reports, and relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Tables.
Newtown Community Primary school was inspected on the 3rd and 4th of December 2024, this was an ungraded inspection.
Ungraded inspections are carried out under section 8 of the Education Act 2005. They were previously known as section 8 inspections of good and outstanding schools. An ungraded inspection differs from a graded inspection because it does not result in individual graded judgements. Instead, it focuses on determining whether the school has taken effective action to maintain the standards identified at the previous inspection.
We are incredibly proud to tell you that our school has maintained the good standards that were identified in the previous inspection.
There were many areas that Ofsted were incredibly positive about and words such as exemplary, ambitious and impeccable were used.
During the inspection, the HMI inspector visited lessons; spent time talking to the children and adults; looked through the children’s books; spoke with parents and leaders in the school. We are very happy, that during his time in our school, key things such as kindness, respect and tolerance were noticed on many occasions. Please take your time to read the report carefully as it really captures the many things that make Newtown special.
In summary, the report highlights are:
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