Newtown Community Primary School
'Newtown Primary School is a Community Primary School and we take the "Community" aspect of our title very seriously. Our children, their families and extended families are at the heart of everything we do.'

Sycamore Class (Year 1)

Miss Abbott can be reached at:

Sycamore Class Blog

Hi Sycamore Class

We are very lucky to now have a blog up and running where we can communicate easily. Usernames and passwords will be sent out soon.

To find this blog and access it you need to go to the school website.

  1. Click on children
  2. Click on home learning
  3. Scroll down and click on class blog
  4. Log in using your details
  5. Click on the title of the blog 
  6. Scroll down and add your comment


Each week I will put up a different discussion point for you to contribute to. All  posts will have to be approved by me before they are published so it is totally safe and secure for you to use. 

Home Learning - 21st July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Tuesday 21st July 2020

I hope you all have a lovely summer holiday and I look forward to hearing about what you’ve been up to in September. Happy holidays! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

PE With Joe is no longer live on this day, however if you still need your daily fix of Joe Wicks you can rewatch previous PE with Joe or take part in his other work outs.


Below is the new link.


Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.



You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is are (care and share). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 21.7.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to write sentences using capital letters and full stops.

Click on the file English – spreading your wings. Encourage your child to write in full sentences to answer each part of the butterfly.

My friends are…

I am good at…

I like learning…

I want to get better at…


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.






You are learning to recognise coins.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 21.7.20 – Maths).


Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 10, Lesson 4 – Counting in coins

(Ignore the w/c dates on the website)

Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Basic maths facts

You are learning to count in 2s using coins.

Click on the link 5 below to try today’s quick Maths activity. Select ‘one coin’ and ‘2p (up to 20p)’. Your child will need to count up in 2s to make the amount shown on the price tag.

Parents: Feel free to set them another challenge by selecting another level.


Topic work

You are learning to reflect on your year at school.

Click on the PDF file Topic – Memories page and complete each section by writing a simple answer or drawing a picture.


It would be great to see your completed page so please share this on our class blog or send it to the class email:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s catch up PE lessons -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) -

Link 3 for phonics game -

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths –


Home Learning - 20th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Monday 20th July 2020

Good morning Sycamore Class! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.




You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ure (sure it’s pure). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 20.7.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities. The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.



You are learning to complete and identify words using your phonic sounds.


Open the PDF – Summer writing activity and complete the first sheet by matching the sounds to the words. Then have a go at finding the words in the word search on the next page. 



A trigraph is a group of three letters representing one sound. (e.g. igh and air)

A digraph is a combination of two letters representing one sound. (e.g. ph and th)



You are learning to recognise coins.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 20.7.20 – Maths).


Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 10, Lesson 2 – Recognising coins

(Ignore the w/c dates on the website)

Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Basic maths facts

You are learning to quickly find number bonds to 20.         

Follow the link 5 below to play ‘Funky Mummy’ and make sure you are on the game ‘bonds to 20’.

You need to click on the mummy which has the correct answer above it.

Remember you can use your fingers or counters to support you.

Topic work

You are learning to understand that change can be good.

Click on the PDF file called Topic – The Cautious Caterpillar and read this story to your child. Then click on the next PDF Topic – Questions to go with the story and discuss the questions with your child. Talk to them about how the change of year groups will have many positive aspects such as a brand new classroom and a new playground whilst still having some familiarity of the previous year (the same teacher and classmates).


Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound session) -

Link 3 for Phonics game -

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths -

Home Learning - 17th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Friday 17th July 2020

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

PE With Joe is no longer live on this day, however if you still need your daily fix of Joe Wicks you can rewatch previous PE with Joe or take part in his other work outs.

Below is the new link.



You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is oy (toy for a boy). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 17.7.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities. The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 17.7.20 – Reading – The sick dragon). The reading and questions are on 2 separate PDF files.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to write sentences using a capital letter and a full stop.


You are learning to extend your sentences using and or because.

Today your child is going to continue writing their own fairy tale story carrying on from what they wrote yesterday.

  1. Encourage your child to read through their work from yesterday to remind themselves of what their story was about.
  2. Your child needs to continue writing sentences in their story.  Remind your child to use the story word mat to support their writing. (This PDF was attached with yesterday’s daily planner).

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.






You are learning to solve problems with position and direction.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 17.7.20 – Maths).

Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Basic maths facts

You are learning to partition numbers into tens and ones.

Click on link 5 below which will take you to ‘Place value basketball’. You can choose the level to start on, but I would suggest working on the lower numbers first and then working your way up. To play this game you need to look at the pieces and work out what number is being represented. Then, click on the basketball with the number you think is correct.

Support: The longer sticks represent a 10 and then each small square represents a 1.

Therefore, if the picture showed two long sticks and five small squares this would be 25.

Topic work



Movie afternoon

This afternoon we will be choosing a film to watch in school. Maybe you could make a cosy den or find some blankets and cushions to sit in whilst you watch a film of your choice at home.


Link 1 for Joe Wick’s catch up PE lessons -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound session) -

Link 3 for Phonics game -

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths -


Home Learning - 16th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Thursday 16th July 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

PE With Joe is no longer live on this day, however if you still need your daily fix of Joe Wicks you can rewatch previous PE with Joe or take part in his other work outs.


Below is the new link.


Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ir (whirl and twirl). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 16.7.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities. The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 16.7.20 – Reading –Lion’s Lunch). The reading and questions are on 2 separate PDF files.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to write sentences using a capital letter and a full stop.


You are learning to extend your sentences using and or because.

Over the next two days your child is going to write their own fairy tale story.

  1. Before they start writing, encourage them to think carefully about the following:
  • Which characters will be in your story?
  • Where will your story be set?
  • What will happen at the start, in the middle and then at the end of your story?

Your child could write some simple notes on another piece of paper to remind themselves of their ideas when they come back to their work tomorrow.

  1. Once they are happy with their ideas they can begin to write their story using the PDF file – Story writing frame.  Encourage them to use the story word mat to support their writing.


Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Parents: The children will be working on their story over two days in school so please don’t expect your child to complete this today. I would expect them to think of their ideas and begin to write about two (maybe three) sentences of their story today. Then tomorrow they can continue from where the got up to today.



You are learning to describe position.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 16.7.20 – Maths).

Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to order amounts up to £1.

Click on Link 6 below and select ‘prices’ then, ‘up to 100p’. Your child will need to put the values in size order.

Support: You can use the 100 square grid in your TTS book A (page 28) to help you.

Topic work

Quiz afternoon

Go through the short quiz on the PDF file – Sycamore end of year quiz. See how many of the questions you can answer.

After completing this, your child could have a go at making up a few of their own quiz questions to test on you or a sibling.

I have attached the answers at the end of the PDF file.

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s catch up PE lessons -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound session) -

Link 3 for Phonics game -

Link 4 Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths -

Home Learning - 15th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Wednesday 15th July 2020

Remember to keep singing! Here is the link to the site we use:


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.



You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is air (that’s not fair). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 15.7.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 15.7.20 – Reading – New Clothes for Alex). The reading and questions are on 2 separate PDF files.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to create a wanted poster using adjectives to describe the wolf.

Today your child is going to create their own wanted poster for a wolf.

           1. Look at the examples on the PDF file –             Wolf Wanted poster examples. 

           2. Use the Wolf Wanted worksheet to                   write descriptions about the wolf. 
           Consider the questions:

What crime has the wolf committed?

What adjectives could you use to describe the wolf?

3. Your child needs to then write sentences to state what he has done and what he looks like. If they are finding it hard to get started then they can begin with this:

Big bad wolf on the loose! Look out for…

               4. To finish, your child needs to draw a                 picture to go with their description.

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.



Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


You are learning to revise your year 1 Maths knowledge.

Every Wednesday, your child will need to complete a Maths activity mat. This will incorporate a range of skills which they will have learnt in the classroom. Today’s activity mat can be found below (Sycamore15.7.20– Maths).



Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to count in sets of 2s.

Use your number cards to organise the cards into 2s. Start at 0 and count in 2s, placing the numbers you say in a line.

For example, you should have the cards:

0, 2, 4, 6… (See if you can go all the way to 30!)

Challenge: Ask someone in your house (a parent, brother or sister) to remove some numbers from your number line and count in 2s to see if you can work out the number(s) they have removed.


Topic work

You are learning to keep physically fit.


Following on from yesterday’s sports afternoon. Have a look at some of the different videos and activities on Discovery education. Click on link 4 below and then you can choose the section which most interests you (e.g. street dance, gymnastics, activity challenges etc.)


Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) -

Link 3 for phonics game -

Link 4 for Topic -

Home Learning - 14th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Tuesday 14th July 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

PE With Joe is no longer live on this day, however if you still need your daily fix of Joe Wicks you can rewatch previous PE with Joe or take part in his other work outs.


Below is the new link.


Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.



You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is or (shut the door). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 14.7.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities. The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 14.7.20 – Reading – Minibeasts). The reading and questions are on 2 separate PDF files.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to complete work using your SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) knowledge.


Today your child needs to complete the PDF file below English – SpaG mat.

Section a: Get your child to think carefully about whether the word needs an es or just an s to make it into a plural.

Section b: Ask your child how you know which part comes first (there’s a capital letter). Encourage them to order the words and then say the sentence out loud to ensure that it makes sense.

Section c: Encourage your child to add the ‘ed’ ending to all the words and say the word out loud.

Section d-f they should be able to complete these parts more independently.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Remind your child to read each question carefully.  







You are learning to describe position.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 14.7.20 – Maths).

Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to quickly recognise the number bond pairs to 10.

Follow the link 5 below to play hit the button (number bonds). Start by practising ‘up to 10 – make 10’ then as you improve you can move onto ‘up to 20 – make 20’.


Remember you can use your fingers or counters to support you.

Topic work

To keep yourself physically fit.

Sycamore Sports Afternoon

This afternoon, children in Sycamore class will be taking part in a sports afternoon. Why not join in by having a go at some of the activities below:

  • Timed running races, can you improve your time?
  • Target practice- throw a ball into a bucket from a distance.

What other events and challenges can you think of to try?


It would be great to see photos of your sports afternoons at home. Why not take a photograph of you taking part in an activity and email it to:

Or you could post your photo on our class blog.

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s catch up PE lessons -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) -

Link 3 for Phonics game -

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths -


Home Learning - 13th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Monday 13th July 2020

Good morning Sycamore Class! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.




You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is oo (look at a book). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 13.7.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities. The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 13.7.20 – Reading – A Bun for Barney). The reading and questions are on 2 separate PDF files.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.



You are learning to write your tricky words correctly.

To complete today’s writing task, you will need a pencil and a piece of paper or you can write your in your orange book.

Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work if they are using their books.

  1. Click on the PDF file – English tricky words game.
  2. Read through the words on each page and decide which one you think shows the correct spelling. Then write this word on your paper.
  3. Check that your answers are right by looking at the spellings on the final page of the PDF file.
  4. After you have written all 7 words down then you need to have a go at writing a sentence using at least one of the words you have just spelt.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


After writing your sentence, check your capital letters and full stops.




You are learning to describe turns.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 13.7.20 – Maths).

Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Basic maths facts

You are learning to quickly find number bonds to 10.

Using the number cards 0-10, make as many number bonds to 10.

Challenge: Time how long it takes you to find them all. Can you improve your speed?

You will need to make another 5 (by writing this on a post it note or scrap piece of paper) to make one of your number bond pairs.


Topic work

You are learning to find things that are different colours.

Use the PDF file – Colour scavenger hunt and go around your house or garden to find different objects that match the colours on your sheet.

Don’t forget to share photos of what you find  and send them to the class email: or post it on our class blog.


Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) -

Link 3 for Phonics game -

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Home Learning - 10th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Friday 10th July 2020

I hope you have a lovely weekend. 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

PE With Joe is no longer live on this day, however if you still need your daily fix of Joe Wicks you can rewatch previous PE with Joe or take part in his other work outs.

Below is the new link.



You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is oo (poo at the zoo). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 10.7.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities. The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 10.7.20 – Reading – Wanted poster).

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to publish your work neatly.


You are learning to proof read your work.

Today your child is going to publish their work onto the ‘House for sale!’ advert sheet (attached below).

  1. Using their sheet from yesterday, they need to copy this writing under the picture box.
  2. Then on the other lines they need to copy their work from Tuesday and Wednesday.
  3. Today’s task is about bringing all their writing together on one sheet. They need to focus on keeping it neat and using their best handwriting!
  4. To finish their sheet off, they need to draw a picture of their house to go in the picture box.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.




You are learning to compare numbers.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 10.7.20 – Maths).

Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 9, Lesson 4 – Comparing numbers (2)

(Ignore the w/c dates on the website)


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to sequence multiples of 5.

Follow the Link 5 to play Caterpillar ordering. You will need to click on ‘sequencing’ and then ‘counting in multiples’ and under multiples of 5 click on ‘0-100’ to count forwards.

Challenge: Try counting back in multiples of 5 by selecting ‘100-0’ instead.

Remember you can use your fingers or counters to support you.

Topic work



You are learning to follow instructions to develop your balance, agility and coordination.


Click on the Fairy tale yoga story PDF and read this story with your child. Then look at the instruction cards on the separate PDF and encourage your child to have a go at each of the different yoga positions. You could finish by rereading the story and your child could get into the correct position for each part of the story.


Link 1 for Joe Wick’s catch up PE lessons -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound session) -

Link 3 for Phonics game -

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths -


Home Learning - 9th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Thursday 9th July 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

PE With Joe is no longer live on this day, however if you still need your daily fix of Joe Wicks you can rewatch previous PE with Joe or take part in his other work outs.


Below is the new link.


Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ure (sure it’s pure). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 9.7.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities. The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 9.7.20 – Reading – Troll’s Troubles).

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to write sentences using a capital letter and a full stop.


You are learning to extend your sentences using and or because.

Today your child is going to write the introduction to their house advert.  

  1. Look at the examples of introductions by clicking on the English – Examples PDF below.
  2. Talk to your child about how these adverts exaggerate.
  3. Using the sheet (English – house introduction) your child needs to write their own introductions to their house advert.

Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.






You are learning to compare numbers.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 9.7.20 – Maths).

Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 9, Lesson 3 – Comparing numbers

(Ignore the w/c dates on the website)


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to quickly find number bonds to 20.      

Follow the link 5 below to play ‘Funky Mummy’ and make sure you are on the game ‘bonds to 20’.

You need to click on the mummy which has the correct answer above it.

Remember you can use your fingers or counters to support you.

Topic work

You are learning to create a piece of artwork linked to a story.


Today I would like you to choose a fairy tale of your choice and create a piece of artwork linked to this. You could make something using recycled materials, draw, paint or colour a picture or take photographs which link to the story. If you would like some ideas then click on the Topic PDF below.

Remember to share your amazing work via our class blog or through the class email: 

I would love to see what you have been up to! 😊

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s catch up PE lessons -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound session) -

Link 3 for Phonics game -

Link 4 Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths -


Home Learning - 8th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Wednesday 8th July 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.



You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ire (fire fire). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 8.7.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 8.7.20 – Reading – 3 Little Pigs ending). Encourage your child to write their answers using full sentences.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to write sentences using a range of adjectives.


You are learning to always use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces in your work.

Today your child needs to carry on with their sheet from yesterday. I have the attached it again below if you need it (English – describing their house). Using their sheets from Monday, they need to write sentences to describe what is in their house.

e.g. The fantastic bathroom has everything you need from the shiny metal shower to a huge bath. 

They can use the sentence starter below to get them started:

On the ground floor you will find… and…

On the top floor you will find… and…


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Remind your child that they are trying to sell the house, so they want to make it sound amazing!






Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.




You are learning to revise your year 1 Maths knowledge.

Every Wednesday, your child will need to complete a Maths activity mat. This will incorporate a range of skills which they will have learnt in the classroom. Today’s activity mat can be found below (Sycamore 8.7.20– Maths).



Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Remember to read each question carefully.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to count in 5s using coins.

Carrying on from your counting activity above. Click on the link 4 below to try today’s quick Maths activity. Select ‘one coin’ and ‘5p (up to 50p)’. Your child will need to count up in 5s to make the amount shown on the price tag.

Parents: Feel free to set them another challenge by selecting another level.

We have only learnt coins up to £2 and adding coins up to 50p/£1 so they may struggle going beyond this.


Topic work

You are learning about traditional tales.

Use the espresso videos (Link 6) to listen and watch some traditional tales. Then have a go at some of the activities by clicking on the ‘activities’ tab on the left-hand side of the page.


Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) -

Link 3 for phonics game -  

Link 4 for Basic Maths -

Link 6 for Topic -

Home Learning - 7th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Tuesday 7th July 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

PE With Joe is no longer live on this day, however if you still need your daily fix of Joe Wicks you can rewatch previous PE with Joe or take part in his other work outs.

Below is the new link.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  



You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ew (chew the stew). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 7.7.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities. The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 7.7.20 – Reading – 3 Little Pigs middle). Encourage your child to write their answers using full sentences.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to write sentences using a range of adjectives.


You are learning to always use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces in your work.

Over the next two days your child needs to complete the sheet attached below (English – describing their house). Using their sheets from yesterday, they need to write sentences to describe what is in their house.

e.g. The fantastic bathroom has everything you need from the shiny metal shower to a huge bath. 

They can use the sentence starter below to get them started:

On the ground floor you will find… and…


Remind your child that they are trying to sell the house, so they want to make it sound amazing! I have attached a word mat below to support their writing.

Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Parents: The children will be working on this sheet over two days in school so please don’t expect your child to complete this today. I would expect them to get the first done part today and the next floor written tomorrow. Encourage them to really focus on the quality not the quantity of their writing!



Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.




You are learning to partition numbers into tens and ones.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 7.7.20 – Maths).

Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 9, Lesson 2 – Partitioning numbers

(Ignore the w/c dates on the website)

Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to tell the time to the hour and half an hour.

Click on link 5 below. You will need to scroll past the writing until you see the game with the teddy bear and clock face. Click on the play button. Select level 2 (Read time to the hour and half an hour) to begin with and then if your child would like more of a challenge then they can try some of the other levels.

Parents: I would recommend leaving the clock at 12 hour clock as the children have not been taught 24 hour digital time yet. If you feel your child will be confident with 24 hours then they are welcome to have a go!

Topic work

You are learning to build a simple shelter.

Today I would like you to have a go at building a shelter for a little toy of yours. This could be inside with newspaper, Lego or even a pack of cards. If you have a garden (and it’s dry!) you could build a little shelter using only things you can find on the ground such as twigs and leaves. Click on the PDF below to see some ideas.

Now it’s time to see if it can withstand the Wolf’s huff and puff! To do this try huffing and puffing yourself or waft it with a magazine or small book.

I would love to see your shelter building so please take a photo and either share this on the class blog or send it to our class email.

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s catch up PE lessons -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) -

Link 3 for Phonics game -

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths -

Home Learning - 6th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Monday 6th July 2020

Good morning Sycamore Class! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.



You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is oa (goat in a boat). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 6.7.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities. The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 6.7.20 – Reading – 3 Little Pigs start). Encourage your child to write their answers using full sentences.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.



You are learning to use adjectives to describe a material.


You are learning to use your phonic sounds to spell words correctly.

Over the course of this week your child is going to design and create a house advertisement linked to the story of the 3 little pigs. Today they will be focusing on different materials and adjectives they could use to describe them.

  1. Go through the PowerPoint which has been saved as a PDF below (English – Materials). What words could you use to describe each material? Can you think of any other materials? (e.g. clay, rubber, paper etc.)
  2. Next, they need to decide on the materials they will use for the items listed in the table (see English PDF – Materials for their house). Encourage your child to use a range of materials. Then, in the next column your child needs to write an adjective which matches this material (e.g. wood and hard).

Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.



Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Ensure that your adjective matches the material you have chosen.



You are learning to count accurately up to 100.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 6.7.20 – Maths).


Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 9, Lesson 1 – Counting to 100

(Ignore the w/c dates on the website)

Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Basic maths facts

You are learning to complete 2D shape patterns.

Click on link 5 below which will take you to ‘Shape Patterns’. You can choose the level to start on and then work your way up. The aim of the game is to spot and complete the pattern by selecting the correct missing shape on the train carriage.


Topic work

You are learning to design a house for the 3 little pigs.

Use the PDF sheet below (Topic – Designing their house) to draw the different parts in your house. Think carefully about what you would need to include, such as a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, lounge etc.)

What furniture would you need in each room?

Remember to include the furniture which you wrote about in your writing.


Try to use a ruler to label the different parts of your house.

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) -

Link 3 for Phonics game -

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths –

Home Learning - 3rd July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Friday 3rd July 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

PE With Joe is no longer live on this day, however if you still need your daily fix of Joe Wicks you can rewatch previous PE with Joe or take part in his other work outs.

Below is the new link.



You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ai (snail in the rain). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 3.7.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities. The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 3.7.20 – Reading – Super Starfish).

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to write sentences with capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.


You are learning to write sentences using and to join your ideas.


You are learning to use a range of adjectives.


Today your child is going to write about an adventure under the sea. It is up to them how they write this. They can either write a story using the sentence starter:

One day deep down under the sea

Alternatively, they can just write sentences to describe what they can see.

I can see…

They can use the picture at the top of the English – Sea Adventure PDF file to get them started.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.




You are learning to order numbers within 50.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 3.7.20 – Maths).

Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to partition numbers into tens and ones.

Click on link 5 below which will take you to ‘Place value basketball’. You can choose the level to start on, but I would suggest working on the lower numbers first and then working your way up. To play this game you need to look at the pieces and work out what number is being represented. Then, click on the basketball with the number you think is correct.

Support: The longer sticks represent a 10 and then each small square represents a 1.

Therefore, if the picture showed two long sticks and five small squares this would be 25.

Topic work



You are learning to listen carefully to spot instruments in pirate shanti songs.

Click on the topic link 6 below and listen to the pirate songs. As you are listening make notes of what instruments you think you can hear.

Use the link 7 for instruments below to listen to what they sound like.

Which is your favourite pirate music? Why?

Did any of them sound familiar?

Use words and sentences like:

It made me think of…

It sounded dramatic when…

Use words such as volume, pitch and tempo (see definitions below).

Volume - how loud it sounds

Pitch - high and low notes

Tempo - how fast or slow the music sounds

Challenge: you could create a piece of art work as you listen to show how it makes you feel or think.



You could also have a go at drawing some other sea creatures by clicking on the art tutorial below (link 8).

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s catch up PE lessons -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound session) -

Link 3 for Phonics game -

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths -

Link 6 for Topic (music) -

Link 7 for Topic (instruments) -

Link 8 for Topic (drawing) -

Home Learning - 2nd July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Thursday 2nd July 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

PE With Joe is no longer live on this day, however if you still need your daily fix of Joe Wicks you can rewatch previous PE with Joe or take part in his other work outs.


Below is the new link.


Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ur (nurse with a purse). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 2.7.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities. The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 2.7.20 – Reading – My Scuba Diving Diary).

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to write sentences using a capital letter and a full stop.


You are learning to extend your sentences using and or because.

Today your child is going to write sentences about why Tiddler was late.

  1. Begin by listening to the story of Tiddler (link 4 below). Encourage your child to listen carefully to some of the reasons as to why Tiddler is late to school.
  2. Discuss with your child some of the reasons and then get them to think of other reasons as to why he could have been late. It can be as elaborate as they like!
  3. Then, on the English PDF sheet below get your child to write their ideas down into sentences. They can use the sentence starter:

Tiddler was late because…

  1. They can finish their sheet by drawing a picture at the bottom if they want to.


Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.



Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.




You are learning to compare numbers within 50.

Follow the link 5 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 2.7.20 – Maths).

Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to order amounts up to £1.

Click on Link 6 below and select ‘prices’ then, ‘up to 100p’. Your child will need to put the values in size order.

Support: You can use the 100 square grid in your TTS book A (page 28) to help you.

Topic work

You are learning to draw different sea creatures.



Click on link 7 below and watch a live stream of a tropical reef. Whilst watching, get your child to sketch all of the animals that they can see. Remind them to look at the shapes and patterns on each creature and to include these in their sketches.

I would also recommend scrolling down and clicking on the highlights to see more variety!

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s catch up PE lessons -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound session) -

Link 3 for Phonics game -

Link 4 for writing (Tiddler) -

Link 5 Maths lesson -

Link 6 for Basic Maths -

Link 7 for Topic -


Home Learning - 1st July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Wednesday 1st July 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.



You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is are (care and share). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 1.7.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 1.7.20 – Reading – Seashell search).

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to read sentences using your phonic sounds.


You are learning to complete sentences.


Begin today’s lesson by watching the video link 4 below to familiarise your child with what they might see under the water.

  1. Read the beginning of each diary entry on the PDF – English file below. 
  2. Your child will then need to complete the missing parts of each sentence.

(Remind your child that the capital letter has already been written on the first 3 days and Sunday’s).


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.


Parents: I would encourage your child to write for 20minutes and then stop wherever they are. I don’t expect your child to complete both pages so they can pick the parts that they have ideas for.


You are learning to revise your year 1 Maths knowledge.

Every Wednesday, your child will need to complete a Maths activity mat. This will incorporate a range of skills which they will have learnt in the classroom. Today’s activity mat can be found below (Sycamore1.7.20– Maths).



Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Remember to read each question carefully.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to count in 2s using coins.

Click on the link 5 below to try today’s quick Maths activity. Select ‘one coin’ and ‘2p (up to 20p)’. Your child will need to count up in 2s to make the amount shown on the price tag.

Parents: Feel free to set them another challenge by selecting another level.


Topic work

You are learning to create your own pirate character

Begin by watching the pirate story following the link 6 below. Then click on link 7 to create your own virtual pirate! You will see the different options to click on: Heads, clothes, legs, arms etc.


If your parent has a phone camera they could take a photo of your design and email it to:

or post it on our class blog. I’d love to see them!

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) -

Link 3 for phonics game -

Link 4 for Writing -

Link 5 for Basic Maths –

Link 6 for Topic -

Link 7 for Topic -

Home Learning - 30th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Tuesday 30th June 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

PE With Joe is no longer live on this day, however if you still need your daily fix of Joe Wicks you can rewatch previous PE with Joe or take part in his other work outs.


Below is the new link.


Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.



You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is i-e (nice smile). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 30.6.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities. The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 30.6.20 – Reading – Keeping our oceans clean).  

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to write simple sentences using adjectives.


You are learning to always use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces in your work.

Today your child needs to write sentences to create a riddle for a sea creature. Have a look at the PDF (English examples) for some ideas to get your child thinking. Here are the answers in the order of the PDF pages – Shark, Octopus, crab, turtle, pufferfish, whale, sea horse, swordfish, Jellyfish and human.

  1. Look at the examples and decide on the sea creature you want to write about.
  2. Research facts or look at pictures so that you can write descriptive sentences as your clues.
  3. Write your sentences on the English riddle worksheet PDF below and finish it off by drawing a picture to show the answer.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Try to use a range of descriptive words and don’t forget to check that your adjectives makes sense.





You are learning to compare objects within 50.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 30.6.20 – Maths).

Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to solve maths questions as quickly as you can.

Play the mental maths train game using the link 5 below. Select an operation (+or -) and have a go at completing the questions.


Topic work

You are learning to explore materials which sink or float.



Click on the topic link 6 below to look at the different materials that float and sink.  Fill a big bowl of water and find objects around the house (ones that you don’t mind getting wet) and experiment with what objects float and which ones sink.  In your orange homework book write a list of the objects you have used and make a grid (like the one in the video) to say which objects float or sink.



Link 1 for Joe Wick’s catch up PE lessons -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) -

Link 3 for Phonics game -

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths -

Link 6 for Topic -

Home Learning - 29th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Monday 29th June 2020

Good morning Sycamore Class! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.




You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is aw (yawn at dawn). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 29.6.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities. The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

Today’s optional reading comprehension is a simpler colouring one and can be found by clicking on the PDF below (Sycamore 29.6.20 – Reading – Sea creatures).  

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.



You are learning to research facts about a sea creature using technology or books.


You are learning to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces in all your writing.


You are learning to use adjectives to describe a sea animal.


Today your child is going to create a passport for a sea creature of their choice (e.g. a turtle, jellyfish, octopus, starfish etc.)

  1. They will need to choose the sea creature and with adult support they should research what they look like, where they live and if they have any special features (e.g. they have 3 hearts and blue blood).
  2. They must then fill in the passport looking carefully at each subheading. Then they can draw a picture for the passport.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.




You are learning to find one more or one less of a number (up to 100).

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 29.6.20 – Maths).

Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Basic maths facts

You are learning to count forwards and backwards from any number up to 100.


Follow the link 5 below to play the game ‘Blast off’. Then click ‘count on and back’ and select either 30-99 counting on or counting back.


Topic work

You are learning about what is under the sea.

Use the espresso videos (Link 6) to learn more about what is under the sea.

Then, see if you can have a go at some of the quizzes by clicking on link 7 below.


Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) -

Link 3 for Phonics game -

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths -

Link 6 for Topic -

Link 7 for Topic -

Home Learning - 26th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Friday 26th June 2020

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is a-e (make a cake). Link 1 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 26.6.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 26.6.20 – Reading – The Best Dress Ever).

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to write and draw your own comic strip using speech bubbles.

Click on the file (Sycamore 26.6.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Remember to use your comic planner from yesterday to help you.





You are learning to partition numbers into tens and ones.

Follow the link 3 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 26.6.20 – Maths).



Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to chant in sets of 2s, 5s and 10s.

You child needs to practise chanting in sets of 2s, 5s and 10s today.


Adults: You could count in 2s, 5s, and 10s but make mistakes and see if the children can spot them.

e.g. 5, 10, 15, 20, 35, 40

2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10



Topic work

You are learning to use a range of materials to create a planet.

Create a planet of your choice. You can make or draw or paint a planet of your choice from our solar system.

Try and use found materials from around your house e.g. cardboard from the recycling. Make sure you look carefully at pictures of your planet before starting your project.


Be creative! Can you use recycled materials to make your planet?

Link 1 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound session) -

Link 2 for Phonics game -

Link 3 for Maths lesson -


Home Learning - 25th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Thursday 25th June 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is oi (spoil the boy). Link 1 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 25.6.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities. The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDFs can also be found below (Sycamore 25.6.20 – Reading (1 and 2) – The sun and the stars reading and questions).

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to use your phonic sounds to write words.


You are learning to plan your comic strip.

Click on the file (Sycamore 25.6.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.



Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.






You are learning to count accurately up to 50.

Follow the link 3 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 25.6.20 – Maths).

Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to quickly find number bonds to 20.      


Using the number cards 0-20, make as many number bonds pairs to 20. (e.g. 12 and 8)

Challenge: Time how long it takes you to find them all. Can you improve your speed?

You will need to make another 10 number card (by writing this on a post it note or scrap piece of paper) to make one of your number bond pairs.

Topic work

You are learning to follow simple instructions to draw a rocket.


Click on link 4 below to draw a rocket. Remember you can share your amazing drawings with me via the email: I would love to see them. 😊

There are lots of different drawing videos on this channel if you would like to have a go at drawing more!

You could also have a go at drawing Daisy from the story we’ve looked at in writing. Click on link 5 if you would like to have a go at doing this.

Link 1 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound session) -

Link 2 for Phonics game -

Link 3 Maths lesson -

Link 4 for Topic (drawing) -

Link 5 for Topic (drawing Daisy) -


Home Learning - 24th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Wednesday 24th June 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:



You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.



Your sound of the day is ea (cup of tea). Link 1 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 24.6.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 24.6.20 – Reading – Neil Armstrong).

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to identify verbs in a text.


You are learning to write verbs in the past tense.


You are learning to write comparison sentences.


Click on the file (Sycamore 24.6.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.




You are learning to revise your year 1 Maths knowledge.

Every Wednesday, your child will need to complete a Maths activity mat. This will incorporate a range of skills which they will have learnt in the classroom. Today’s activity mat can be found below (Sycamore 24.6.20 – Maths).



Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Remember to read each question carefully.


Basic maths facts

You are learning to find one more or one less than numbers up to 30/50/100.

If you have a computer/tablet/laptop/phone then the child can play on the game using the link 3 below. (start by clicking ‘up to 30’ and then increase as the child improves).

Another option (instead of using the internet) uses the number cards in your pack. An adult or sibling shows the child a number card and the child must find or write the number which is one more and one less than the number which has been shown.


Topic work

You are learning to put facts into chronological order.



Today’s task may require adult support. Your child will need to read and cut out the fact cards using the PDF below. Next, they need to order them and put them in the correct place on the timeline PDF. You may need to help your child with reading the years. When they are happy with the order, your child can glue these down on the sheet.

Remember you can share your learning on our class blog. 😊

Link 1 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) -

Link 2 for phonics game -

Link 3 for Basic Maths –


Home Learning - 23rd June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Tuesday 23rd June 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:



You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is oy (toy for a boy). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 23.6.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities. The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 23.6.20 – Reading – A space Adventure!)

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to use your phonic sounds to read a text.


You are learning to use adjectives.


You are learning to use because to explain your reasons.

Click on the file (Sycamore 23.6.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


The story, ‘Superheroes – All Sorts’ has been attached as a PDF file below. You will recognise this story from last week.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.





You are learning to count in 5s.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 23.6.20 – Maths).


Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 7, Lesson 2 – Count in 5s.

(Ignore the w/c dates on the website)

Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.



Basic maths facts

You are learning to quickly recognise odd and even numbers.

Follow the link 5 below to play the game, ‘catch a star’. You will need to read the numbers and then decide whether this number is odd or even.


Look at The Moon. If it says 'odd' you need to catch only odd numbers. If it says 'even' you should only catch even numbers. Every 30 seconds or so The Moon will change. Move the chimney to catch the numbers.

Topic work

You are learning to create a rocket.

For today’s activity you will need some junk modelling materials (e.g. recycled toilet rolls, plastic containers, tissue paper, coloured paper etc.). Have a go at making a rocket.  Think about what the rocket needs for example: wings, rocket launchers etc.

The YouTube video (Link 6) below gives an idea of how you could make it, but you do not have to use it and you can make your own.

-Think about what you will use to stick


Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) -

Link 3 for Phonics game –

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths -

Link 6 for Topic -

Home Learning - 22nd June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Monday 22nd June 2020

Good morning Sycamore Class! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.




You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ir (whirl and twirl). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 22.6.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 22.6.20 – Reading – The Planet Zog).

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.



You are learning to use your phonic sounds to read a text.


You are learning to answer questions about what you have read.


You are learning to write a poem using conjunctions such as because.


Click on the file (Sycamore 22.6.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.



Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.




You are learning to count in 2s.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 22.6.20 – Maths).


Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 7, Lesson 1 – Count in 2s.

(Ignore the w/c dates on the website)

Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Remind your child to use their counters to support their work.


Basic maths facts

You are learning to quickly double numbers up to 10.

Follow the link 5 below to play hit the button (doubles). Start by practising ‘doubles to 10’ then as the child improves they can have a go at ‘doubles from 5 to 15’.

Remember you can use your fingers or counters to support you.

Topic work

You are learning about Space.

Use the espresso videos (Link 6) to learn more about Space and our Solar system.

Then, see if you can have a go at the planets quiz by clicking on link 7 below.

Remind the children that this video was filmed a couple of years ago and that Tim Peake is now back on earth.  How was Tim Peake able to float around the Space Station? Ask the children if they would like to live in space and why?

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) -

Link 3 for Phonics game -

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths -

Link 6 for Topic -

Link 7 for Topic quiz -


Home Learning - 19th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Friday 19th June 2020

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is air (that’s not fair). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 19.6.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 19.6.20 – Reading – My Dad, the Superhero).

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to write using speech bubbles.

Click on the file (Sycamore 19.6.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.




You are learning to recognise and complete patterns with 2D and 3D shapes.

Follow the link 4 to watch a video linked to today’s Maths sheet. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 19.6.20 – Maths).


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to solve a word problem and match it to the correct sum.

Click on link 5 below which will take you to the Discovery site and the game ‘Word problems: choose the calculation (up to 20)’. Your child will need to read the word problem and then decide which calculation goes with the questions.


Log in to Discovery Espresso home learning:

Username: student31363

Password: Newtown


Topic work

You are learning to complete a superhero home learning challenge.

Click on the Topic superhero challenge PDF below. Your child could choose to complete one or as many of these superhero challenges as they would like.


Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound session) -

Link 3 for Phonics game -

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths-


Home Learning - 18th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Thursday 18th June 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is or (shut the door). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 18.6.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities. The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 18.6.20 – Reading – Florence Nightingale).  

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to spell ‘ing’ verbs.


You are learning to create your own supervillain ID form.


Click on the file (Sycamore 18.6.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.



Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.





You are learning to sort 2D shapes.

Follow the link 4 to watch a video linked to today’s Maths sheet. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 18.6.20 – Maths).


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to order amounts up to £1.

Click on Link 5 below and select ‘prices’ then, ‘up to 100p’. Your child will need to put the values in size order.

Support: You can use the 100 square grid in your TTS book A (page 28) to help you.

Topic work

You are learning to create your own superhero using vegetables.

Click on link 6 to hear Miss Brown read the story ‘Supertato’ and then design your own superhero using a real-life piece of fruit or a vegetable.

Click on the Topic PDF for ideas on how to make your own Superveg.

Remember you can share a picture of your Superveg via our class blog or the class email:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound session) -

Link 3 for Phonics game -

Link 4 Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths -

Link 6 for Topic -


Home Learning - 17th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Wednesday 17th June 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.



You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is oo (poo at the zoo). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 17.6.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 17.6.20 – Reading – Captain Tom Moore).

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to spell ‘ing’ verbs.


You are learning to create your own superhero ID form.



Click on the file (Sycamore 17.6.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Think carefully about the adjectives you could use to describe your superhero.



You are learning to revise your year 1 Maths knowledge.

Every Wednesday, your child will need to complete a Maths activity mat. This will incorporate a range of skills which they will have learnt in the classroom. Today’s activity mat can be found below (Sycamore 17.6.20 – Maths).



Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Remember to read each question carefully.


Basic maths facts

You are learning to count in 2s using coins.

Click on the link 4 below to try today’s quick Maths activity. Select ‘one coin’ and ‘2p (up to 20p)’. Your child will need to count up in 2s to make the amount shown on the price tag.

Parents: Feel free to set them another challenge by selecting another level.


Topic work

You are learning to design your own superhero.


Today your child is going to design their own superhero using the Topic PDF below. They need to think of a name, costume and the super power it will have.


Remember you can share your superhero design via our class blog or the email:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) -

Link 3 for phonics game -

Link 4 for Basic Maths –


Home Learning - 16th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Tuesday 16th June 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.




You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ar (start the car). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 16.6.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities. The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 16.6.20 – Reading – Grizzly girl superhero).

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to use your phonic sounds to read a text.


You are learning to answer questions about what you have read.


You are learning to extend your sentences using the word because.

Click on the file (Sycamore 16.6.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


The story for today’s task can be found under Monday’s daily planner on the website.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.



Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Remember to use the word because to extend your sentences.



You are learning to recognise and name 2D shapes.

Follow the link 4 to watch a video linked to today’s Maths sheet. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 16.6.20 – Maths).


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Basic maths facts

You are learning to order and sequence numbers up to 100.


Click on link 5 below and have a go at ordering and sequencing numbers.

Parents: I would recommend that your child sticks to numbers up to 100 and please ensure they don’t click on decimals as this will confuse them!

Topic work

You are learning to improve your memory skills.


You are learning to test your listening skills.


Do you have a super memory?

Click on the Topic game (link 6) below to see how quickly you can match the cards.

Do you have super listening?

Can you carry out an experiment with your family to see who can hear quiet sounds from the furthest distance (e.g. crumpling paper, dropping a pen, clicking a pen etc.) You can measure the distance using standard measures (cm/m) or non-standard (footsteps). You could record the results in a table to see who came 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.


Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) –

Link 3 for Phonics game -

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths -

Link 6 for Topic -

Home Learning - 15th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Monday 15th June 2020

Good morning Sycamore Class! 😊

Parents: On Thursday the children’s topic activity will be to create a Superhero using a vegetable. They will need a vegetable for this activity such as a carrot, courgette, leek, aubergine, potato or butternut squash.


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.




You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is oo (Look at a book). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 15.6.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 15.6.20 – Reading – Water Woman).

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.



You are learning to use your phonic sounds to read a text.


You are learning to use capital letters for proper nouns.


You are learning to write extended sentences using the word and.

Click on the file (Sycamore 15.6.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


The story, ‘Superheroes – All sorts’ has been attached as a PDF file below.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.



Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.




You are learning to sort 3D shapes.

Follow the link 4 to watch a video linked to today’s Maths sheet. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 15.6.20 – Maths).


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to solve maths questions as quickly as you can.

Play the mental maths train game using the link 5 below. Select an operation (+or -) and have a go at completing the questions.


Topic work

You are learning to create your own superhero mask.

Today you are going to create your own superhero mask. Click on the Topic PDF below to print the template. You could use colouring pencils, tissue paper or coloured paper to make it stand out.


Parents: If you don’t have a printer then you could draw the outline for your child instead.

Remember you can share your superhero mask via our class blog or the email:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) -

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths -


Home Learning - 12th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Friday 12th June 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is igh (fly high). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 12.6.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 12.6.20 – Reading – Fairtrade).

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to write a letter to a dinosaur.


You are learning to use the correct punctuation marks in your work.

Today your child is going to write a letter to a dinosaur.

  1. Watch the video of Miss Abbott reading ‘Dear Dinosaur’ (this is a different book to the book you used on Wednesday) by clicking on link 4 below.
  2. Then, your child needs to use the English worksheet below to write their own letter to T-rex. Discuss these questions with your child first to get them started:
  • What question would you like to ask the dinosaur?
  • Which question words could you use?
  • What punctuation mark comes at the end of a question?
  • What would you like to tell the dinosaur?
  • How could you start and finish your letter? (You could look back at the video to help you!)

Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check that your capital letters, full stops and question marks are in the correct place.




You are learning to recognise and name 3D shapes.

Follow the link 5 to watch a video linked to today’s Maths sheet. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 12.6.20 – Maths).


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to complete 2D shape patterns.

Click on link 6 below which will take you to ‘Shape Patterns’. You can choose the level to start on and then work your way up. The aim of the game is to spot and complete the pattern by selecting the correct missing shape on the train carriage.



Topic work

You are learning to investigate texture.


Click on the link 7 below and watch the art lesson. Today you are going to go on a texture hunt to create a piece of artwork. To complete today’s activity you will need a piece of paper, pencil, a black pen and you could also use some colouring pencils if you have them.


I would love to see them. 😊

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound session) -

Link 3 for Phonics game -

Link 4 for Writing -

Link 5 for Maths lesson -

Link 6 for Basic Maths -

Link 7 for Topic -

Home Learning - 11th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Thursday 11th June 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ee (What can you see?). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 11.6.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities. The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 11.6.20 – Reading – All About Beaches).

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to write an acrostic poem using adjectives.


Today your child is going to write an acrostic poem about Dinosaurs.

  1. Look at the PDF below (English Poem PowerPoint) to understand what an acrostic poem is.
  2. Then your child needs to use the English worksheet below to create their own acrostic poem about dinosaurs.

Parents: Encourage your child to use their word mat from Monday’s writing session.

Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.

Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.




You are learning to measure length.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 11.6.20 – Maths).


Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 5, Lesson 3 – Measure length

(Ignore the w/c dates on the website)


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.



Basic maths facts

You are learning to tell the time to the hour and half an hour.

Click on link 5 below. You will need to scroll past the writing until you see the game with the teddy bear and clock face. Click on the play button. Select level 2 (Read time to the hour and half an hour) to begin with and then if your child would like more of a challenge then they can try some of the other levels.


Parents: I would recommend leaving the clock at 12 hour clock as the children have not been taught 24 hour digital time yet. If you feel your child will be confident with 24 hours then they are welcome to have a go!

Topic work

You are learning to investigate colours.

Click on the link 6 below and watch the art lesson. Today I would like you to complete the first activity and to do so you will need an egg box or a small container/box of some kind.



  • Remember you can share your amazing colour palettes with me via our class blog or the email:
  • I would love to see them. 😊

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound session) -

Link 3 for Phonics game -

Link 4 Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths -

Link 6 for Topic -


Home Learning - 10th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Wednesday 10th June 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.



You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ay (May I play?). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 10.6.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 10.6.20 – Reading – Hide and Seek).

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to read a text with adult support.


You are learning to write sentences using because.


Today your child is going to write about where they would want to go if they could travel like T-rex in the story.

  1. Read the Dear Dinosaur book by clicking on the PDF below (English story). Your child will most likely need help with reading this. Adults: you can read the whole story to them, if preferred, as the focus of this task is the writing part.
  2. After reading the story, get your child to think about where they would like to go and why. This could be the same as somewhere T-rex goes in the story.
  3. Your child then needs to use the sheet (Sycamore 10.6.20 – English worksheet) to write about where they would like to go and why. I have included a sentence starter at the top to get them started. There is also space at the bottom for them to draw a picture of where they want to go.

Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.



Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.




You are learning to revise your year 1 Maths knowledge.

Every Wednesday, your child will need to complete a Maths activity mat. This will incorporate a range of skills which they will have learnt in the classroom. Today’s activity mat can be found below (Sycamore 10.6.20 – Maths).



Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to partition numbers into tens and ones.

Click on link 4 below which will take you to ‘Place value basketball’. You can choose the level to start on, but I would suggest working on the lower numbers first and then working your way up. To play this game you need to look at the pieces and work out what number is being represented. Then, click on the basketball with the number you think is correct.

Support: The longer sticks represent a 10 and then each small square represents a 1.

Therefore, if the picture showed two long sticks and five small squares this would be 25.

Topic work

You are learning to follow simple instructions to draw a health hero.

Click on link 5 below to draw a health hero. You could write a little note underneath your picture such as ‘Thank you NHS workers!’ and put this in your window to say thank you to all our incredible health workers.

Remember you can share your amazing drawings with me via the email: I would love to see them. 😊

There are lots of different drawing videos on this channel if you would like to have a go at drawing more!

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) -

Link 3 for phonics game -

Link 4 for Basic Maths -

Link 5 for Topic (drawing) -

Home Learning - 9th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Tuesday 9th June 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.




You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ew (chew the stew). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 9.6.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities. The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 9.6.20 – Reading – Shavuot).

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to write facts about a Stegosaurus.


Today your child is going to write a fact file about a stegosaurus.

  1. Click on link 4 below to take you to a video of ‘Andy’s Adventures’. Your child will need to listen carefully to any facts they hear.
  2. Then, using the English worksheet below, they need to write sentences to go under each subheading on the sheet.

e.g. This dinosaur has huge plates. It has seventeen plates down its back.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Try to use and or because to extend your sentences.





You are learning to measure lengths.

Follow the link 5 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 9.6.20 – Maths).


Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 5, Lesson 2 – Measure Length

(Ignore the w/c dates on the website)

Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Basic maths facts

You are learning to name the 3D shape.


Click on the link 6 below and complete the ‘Name the 3D shape’.

Remember to double check your answer before clicking on it.

Topic work

You are learning to create an e-safety poster.

In your TTS booklet (Book B) turn to pages 64 and 65.

Today you are going to make an e-safety poster which could be used in school to help keep your friends safe online.
Make sure you use lots of colours to make your poster bright and interesting. 

Read the internet safety tips on page 64 before you create your own poster.

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) -

Link 3 for Phonics game -

Link 4 for Writing -

Link 5 for Maths lesson -

Link 6 for Basic Maths -


Home Learning - 8th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Monday 8th June 2020

Good morning Sycamore Class! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.




You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is oa (goat in a boat). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 8.6.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities. The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 8.6.20 – Reading – T-Rex).

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.



You are learning to use adjectives to describe different dinosaurs.

Click on the file (Sycamore 8.6.20 – English instructions) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.




You are learning to compare lengths and heights.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 8.6.20 – Maths).


Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 5, Lesson 1 – Compare length and height

(Ignore the w/c dates on the website)


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.



Basic maths facts

You are learning to quickly find number bonds to 10.

Using the number cards 0-10, make as many number bonds to 10.


Challenge: Time how long it takes you to find them all. Can you improve your speed?

You will need to make another 5 (by writing this on a post it note or scrap piece of paper) to make one of your number bond pairs.

Topic work

You are learning to identify where your food comes from and locate it on a map.

In your TTS booklet (Book B) turn to pages 84 and 85.

We live in a global world where we rely on people and things in other countries.

Have a look in your fridge and kitchen cupboards and use the box on page 84 to write a list of the different countries your food comes from.

Link 5 below shows a video explaining where some foods come from.

Have a think about how your food gets here. How would it be transported?

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) -

Link 3 for Phonics game -

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Topic -  


Home Learning - 5th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Friday 5th June 2020

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. I am looking forward to seeing some of you on Monday. 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ow (brown cow). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 5.6.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 5.6.20 – Reading – Layers of the Ocean). 

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to use your phonic sounds to read a text.


You are learning to write sentences using and to join your ideas.


Click on the file (Sycamore 5.6.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.




You are learning to add by making 10.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 5.6.20 – Maths).


Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 4, Lesson 4 – Compare number sentences.

(Ignore the w/c dates on the website)


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Remind your child to use their counters to support their work.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to partition numbers into tens and ones.

Click on link 5 below which will take you to ‘Place value basketball’. You can choose the level to start on, but I would suggest working on the lower numbers first and then working your way up. To play this game you need to look at the pieces and work out what number is being represented. Then, click on the basketball with the number you think is correct.

Support: The longer sticks represent a 10 and then each small square represents a 1.

Therefore, if the picture showed two long sticks and five small squares this would be 25.

Topic work

You are learning to identify different materials.

In your TTS booklet (Book B) turn to page 82 and 83.

These pages link with your previous home learning about materials. If you would like to remind yourself of different materials then click on link 6 below.

Pg. 82 - Items in our houses are made from different materials. Draw lines to match the product to the material it is made from.

Pg. 83 - Go on a material hunt around your house. In the boxes create a tally of the items you have found and write the name of the different items.


Remember that not all products look the same even if they are made of the same material.

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound session) -

Link 3 for Phonics game -

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths -

Link 6 for Topic -

Home Learning - 4th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Thursday 4th June 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ai (snail in the rain). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 4.6.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities. The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 4.6.20 – Reading – Birds in your garden).

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to use your phonic sounds to read a text.


You are learning to identify rhyming words.


You are learning to write sentences using a capital letter and a full stop.

Click on the file (Sycamore 4.6.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.



Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.





You are learning to answer word problems using addition and subtraction.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 4.6.20 – Maths).


Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 4, Lesson 3 – Add and subtract worded problems.

(Ignore the w/c dates on the website)


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Remind your child to use their counters to support their work.


Basic maths facts

You are learning to order amounts up to £1.

Click on Link 5 below and select ‘prices’ then, ‘up to 100p’. Your child will need to put the values in size order.

Support: You can use the 100 square grid in your TTS book A (page 28) to help you.

Topic work

You are learning to create your own piece of Aboriginal art.

In your TTS booklet (Book B) look at the Aboriginal artwork on page 80. These images have been created using dots and different textures. In the box opposite create your own piece of Aboriginal artwork, it can be of anything you like.

You could look up different examples of Aboriginal artwork online to help you with your ideas.

I would love to see them. ðŸ˜Š


Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound session) -

Link 3 for Phonics game -

Link 4 Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths -


Home Learning - 3rd June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Wednesday 3rd June 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.



You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is er (better letter). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 3.6.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 3.6.20 – Reading – Stephen Hawking).

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to explain your opinion using the word because.


You are learning to confidently tell a story.

Click on the file (Sycamore 3.6.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.




You are learning to revise your year 1 Maths knowledge.

Every Wednesday, your child will need to complete a Maths activity mat. This will incorporate a range of skills which they will have learnt in the classroom. Today’s activity mat can be found below (Sycamore 3.6.20 – Maths).



Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Remember to read each question carefully.


Basic maths facts

You are learning to count in 2s using coins.

Click on the link 4 below to try today’s quick Maths activity. Select ‘one coin’ and ‘2p (up to 20p)’. Your child will need to count up in 2s to make the amount shown on the price tag.

Parents: Feel free to set them another challenge by selecting another level.

We have only learnt coins up to £2 and adding coins up to 50p/£1 so they may struggle going beyond this.


Topic work

You are learning to create a self-portrait.

In your TTS booklet (Book B) turn to page 78 and 79.

The Mona Lisa is a very famous painting by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci. It is one of the most famous and most valuable paintings in the world. On page 79 please draw a self-portrait of yourself in the style of the Mona Lisa.

  • Take your time when drawing your self-portrait. Look in a mirror to help you study your own face.

I would love to see them. ðŸ˜Š

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) -

Link 3 for phonics game -

Link 4 for Basic Maths –


Home Learning - 2nd June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Tuesday 2nd June 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.




You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ure (sure it’s pure). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 2.6.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities. The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 2.6.20 – Reading – Eid al Fitr).

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to use your phonic sounds to read a text.


You are learning to sequence events in the story.


You are learning to write adjectives to describe animals.

Click on the file (Sycamore 2.6.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


The story, ‘The race across the river’ has been attached as a PDF file below.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.



Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Try to use a range of descriptive words and don’t forget to check that your adjectives makes sense.





You are learning to add by making 10.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 2.6.20 – Maths).


Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 4, Lesson 2 – subtract within 20.

(Ignore the w/c dates on the website)


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Remind your child to use their counters to support their work.


Basic maths facts

You are learning to order and sequence numbers up to 100.


Click on link 5 below and have a go at ordering and sequencing numbers.

Parents: I would recommend that your child sticks to numbers up to 100 and please ensure they don’t click on decimals as this will confuse them!

Topic work

You are learning to identify artefacts from the past.

In your TTS booklet (book B) turn to pages 76 and 77. Look at the artefacts on page 76. What do you think it was used for? Who may have used it? How long ago do you think it was used?

On page 77 you have been given 3 objects that can be found in your home. In the boxes draw what you think these items may/may have looked like in the past, present and future.


Look around you house for the items you are going to be drawing to help with drawing the item in the present.

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) -

Link 3 for Phonics game - 

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths -

Home Learning - 1st June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Monday 1st June 2020

Good morning Sycamore Class! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.




You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ur (nurse with a purse). Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 1.6.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

The optional reading comprehension PDF can also be found below (Sycamore 1.6.20 – Reading – VE day).

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.



You are learning to use your phonic sounds to read a text.


You are learning to write a list using your phonic sounds.


You are learning to write extended sentences using the word and.

Click on the file (Sycamore 1.6.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


The story, ‘The race across the river’ has been attached as a PDF file below.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.



Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.




You are learning to add by making 10.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Most days your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. The sheet for today’s lesson can be found below (Sycamore 1.6.20 – Maths).


Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 4, Lesson 1 – Add by making 10.

(Ignore the w/c dates on the website)


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Remind your child to use their counters to support their work.


Basic maths facts

You are learning to solve maths questions as quickly as you can.

Play the mental maths train game using the link 5 below. Select an operation (+or -) and have a go at completing the questions.


Topic work

You are learning to explore falling objects and the effects of air resistance.

In your TTS booklet (Book B) turn to page 52 - Egg parachutes.

Your aim today is to construct a parachute to allow an egg to be dropped out of an upstairs window onto a hard surface without it breaking.

Please use recycled materials to do this e.g. cardboard boxes.

I would love to see them. J


Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) -

Link 3 for Phonics game - 

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths -


Home Learning - 22nd May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Friday 22nd May 2020

I hope you have a lovely half term Sycamore Class. Don’t forget to keep sharing what you’ve been up to on our class blog or via our class email. 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is are.


Turn to the page in your week 2 booklet labelled ‘Friday 22nd May – Phonic Activities’ to find today’s instructions for your phonics session. I have attached the Phonics PDF below so that you can access the links on this page more easily.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to use your phonic sounds to read a text.


You are learning to compare 2 poems.

Turn to the page titled ‘What to do today’ dated ‘22.5.20’. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.



Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.






You are learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s.

Today’s Maths task is to complete the ‘counting in 2s, 5s and 10s’ worksheet which can be found after your writing tasks. Your child will need to use their counting skills to find the answers to each question.


It might be a good idea to use physical objects at home to help your child with some of the trickier questions. For example, socks could be used for counting in 2s or pieces of pasta for counting in 5s etc.


Remember to read the questions carefully and draw pictures or use objects to help you answer the questions.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to count in 5s using coins.

Carrying on from your counting activity above. Click on the link 4 below to try today’s quick Maths activity. Select ‘one coin’ and ‘5p (up to 50p)’. Your child will need to count up in 5s to make the amount shown on the price tag.

Parents: Feel free to set them another challenge by selecting another level.

We have only learnt coins up to £2 and adding coins up to 50p/£1 so they may struggle going beyond this.


Topic work

Daily Challenge Activity

Turn to the final page in your week 2 booklet and see if you can have a go at today’s challenge.



Don’t forget to share what you’ve done on our class blog or via the email:

I would love to see them. 😊


Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound session) -

Link 3 for Phonics -

Link 4 for Basic Maths -


Home Learning - 21st May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Thursday 21st May 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is aw.


Turn to the page in your week 2 booklet labelled ‘Thursday 21st May – Phonic Activities’ to find today’s instructions for your phonics session. I have attached the Phonics PDF below so that you can access the links on this page more easily.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.


Mrs Tawn has also made a spelling video linked to today’s focus sound. Follow link 3 below.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to use your phonic sounds to read a text.

You are learning to identify and write about things you really like using your senses.

Turn to the page titled ‘What to do today’ dated ‘21.5.20’. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.



Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.





You are learning to add more by counting on (up to 20).


You are learning to answer word problems. 

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website.

Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheets which links with the clip. These sheets can be found in your booklet following on from the writing pages.


Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 3, Lesson 4 – Add more and count on within 20 on

 (Ignore the w/c dates on the website)

Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.



Basic maths facts

You are learning to tell the time to the hour and half an hour.

Click on link 5 below. You will need to scroll past the writing until you see the game with the teddy bear and clock face. Click on the play button. Select level 2 (Read time to the hour and half an hour) to begin with and then if your child would like more of a challenge then they can try some of the other levels.


Parents: I would recommend leaving the clock at 12 hour clock as the children have not been taught 24 hour digital time yet. If you feel your child will be confident with 24 hours then they are welcome to have a go!

Topic work

Daily Challenge Activity

Turn to the final page in your week 2 booklet and see if you can have a go at today’s challenge.



Don’t forget to share what you’ve done on our class blog or via the email:

I would love to see them. 😊

Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for  for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s spelling video) -

Link 3 for phonics -

Link 4 Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths -


Home Learning - 20th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Wednesday 20th May 2020

Good morning Sycamore Class 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.



You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is u-e.


Turn to the page in your week 2 booklet labelled ‘Wednesday 20th May – Phonic Activities’ to find today’s instructions for your phonics session. I have attached the Phonics PDF below so that you can access the links on this page more easily.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to use your phonic sounds to read a text.


You are learning to plan and write your own version of a story.

Turn to the page titled ‘What to do today’ dated ‘20.5.20’. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


The story ‘No Thank You’ can be found in this booklet (after Monday’s optional comprehension sheet).


Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.




You are learning to add together and find a part.

Follow the link 3 to the White Rose website.

Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheets which links with the clip. These sheets can be found in your booklet following on from the writing pages.


Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 3, Lesson 3 – Add together and find a part.

(Ignore the w/c dates on the website)


Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.



Basic maths facts

You are learning to complete 2D shape patterns.

Click on link 4 below which will take you to ‘Shape Patterns’. You can choose the level to start on and then wok your way up. The aim of the game is to spot and complete the pattern by selecting the correct missing shape on the train carriage.



Topic work

Daily Challenge Activity

Turn to the final page in your week 2 booklet and see if you can have a go at today’s challenge.



Don’t forget to share what you’ve done on our class blog or via the email:

I would love to see them. 😊


Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics -

Link 3 for Maths lesson -

Link 4 for Basic Maths –


Home Learning - 19th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Tuesday 19th May 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.




You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is o-e.


Turn to the page in your week 2 booklet labelled ‘Tuesday 19th May – Phonic Activities’ to find today’s instructions for your phonics session. I have attached the Phonics PDF below so that you can access the links on this page more easily.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to use your phonic sounds to read a text.


You are learning to use adjectives to describe animals.

Turn to the page titled ‘What to do today’ dated ’19.5.20’. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


The story ‘No Thank You’ can be found in this booklet (after Monday’s optional comprehension sheet).


Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.



You are learning to use your number bonds to answer questions.

Follow the link 3 to the White Rose website.

Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. This sheet can be found in your booklet following on from the writing pages.


Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 3, Lesson 2 – Fact families – linking addition and subtraction (1).

(Ignore the w/c dates on the website).


Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included on the website.



Remind your child to use their counters to support their work.



Basic maths facts

You are learning to partition numbers into tens and ones.

Click on link 4 below which will take you to ‘Place value basketball’. You can choose the level to start on, but I would suggest working on the lower numbers first and then working your way up. To play this game you need to look at the pieces and work out what number is being represented. Then, click on the basketball with the number you think is correct.


Support: The longer sticks represent a 10 and then each small square represents a 1.

Therefore, if the picture showed two long sticks and five small squares this would be 25.

Topic work

Daily Challenge Activity

Turn to the final page in your week 2 booklet and see if you can have a go at today’s challenge.


To see some more Pop Art work click on the link 5 below. Alternatively, click on the PDF file – Andy Warhol for some more tips on how to create your own pop art.


Don’t forget to share what you’ve done on our class blog or via the email:

I would love to see them. 😊


Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics -

Link 3 for Maths lesson -

Link 4 for Basic Maths -

Link 5 for Topic (Pop Art) -


Home Learning - 18th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Monday 18th May 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.




You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is i-e.


Turn to the page in your week 2 booklet labelled ‘Monday 18th May – Phonic Activities’ to find today’s instructions for your phonics session. I have attached the Phonics PDF below so that you can access the links on this page more easily.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.


Mrs Tawn has also made a spelling video linked to today’s focus sound. Follow link 3 below.


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.



You are learning to use your phonic sounds to read a text.


You are learning to recall and sequence parts of a story.

Turn to the page titled ‘What to do today’ dated ’18.5.20’. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


The story ‘No Thank You’ can be found on the pages before the writing instructions.


You will notice that the picture cards have been printed back to back so you will need to create new cards using a piece of paper. However, you can use the pictures and writing in the booklet to help you. If you’re unable to do this then complete the ‘Fun-Time Extra’ instead.


Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.




You are learning to find and make number bonds. 

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website.

Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheets which links with the clip. These sheets can be found in your booklet following on from the writing pages.


Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 3, Lesson 1 – Part-whole relationships number bonds.

(Ignore the w/c dates on the website)


Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included on the website.



Remind your child to use their counters to support their work.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to count in in sets of 2s, 5s and 10s.

Start by counting in 2s and see how far you can get. Then change this to 5s and then finally count in 10s.

Support: You can use the 100 square grid in your TTS book A (page 28) to help you.

Topic work

Daily Challenge Activity

Turn to the final page in your week 2 booklet and see if you can have a go at today’s challenge.



Don’t forget to share what you’ve done on our class blog or via the email:

I would love to see them. 😊


Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics -

Link 3 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s spelling video) -

Link 4 for Maths lesson -


Home Learning - 15th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Friday 15th May 2020

You’re doing a great job Sycamore Class. Keep up all your hard work! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.


Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is e-e.


Turn to the page in your week 1 booklet labelled ‘Friday 15th May – Phonic Activities’ to find today’s instructions for your phonics session. I have attached the Phonics PDF below so that you can access the links on this page more easily.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to read a poem using your phonic sounds.


You are learning to write sentences to explain a fright.



Turn to the page titled ‘What to do today’ dated ’15.5.20’. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.




Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.





You are learning to recap your language of day, week, month and year.


You are learning to quickly recognise o’clock times.

Today you need to complete the two sheets in your booklet titled ‘Dates’ and ‘Time to the Hour’.




Remember to read the questions carefully and double check your answers to make sure that you’ve not made any simple mistakes.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to develop your number formation.

Use the next page in your paper booklet to practise forming your numbers correctly. Try to write these numbers as neatly as you can.


Topic work

Daily Challenge Activity

Turn to the final page in your week 1 booklet and see if you can have a go at today’s challenge.


If you would like to see more of Georgia O’Keeffe’s artwork then click on the link 3 below.


In addition, I have attached a beetle colouring sheet in the paper booklet for your child to complete if they would like too.


Don’t forget to share what you’ve done on our class blog or via the email:

I would love to see them. 😊


Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics -

Link 3 for Topic -


Home Learning - 14th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Thursday 14th May 2020

Good morning Sycamore Class! 😊



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is a-e.


Turn to the page in your week 1 booklet labelled ‘Thursday 14th May – Phonic Activities’ to find today’s instructions for your phonics session. I have attached the Phonics PDF below so that you can access the links on this page more easily.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.


Mrs Tawn has also made a spelling video linked to today’s focus sound. Follow link 3 below.


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to read a poem using your phonic sounds.


You are learning to identify rhyming words.


Turn to the page titled ‘What to do today’ dated ’14.5.20’. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.



I have also attached letter formation handwriting practise which can be found after the Maths page in your paper booklet. It would be helpful for your child to complete this to ensure they are working on keeping their work neat.

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


To see if 2 words rhyme say the words aloud to check that they have the same sound at the end of the word. 




You are learning to use your Maths learning to solve word problems.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website.

Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. This sheet can be found in your booklet following on from the writing pages.


Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 2, Lesson 4 – problem solving.

Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included on the website.




Basic maths facts

You are learning to count in 10s.

Next time you walk up or down a flight of stairs then count in 10s every time you climb a step to practise your counting.

i.e. 10, 20, 30, 40….

On the way down you could try to count backwards!


Topic work

Daily Challenge Activity

Turn to the final page in your week 1 booklet and see if you can have a go at today’s challenge.


In addition, I have attached a dinosaur colouring sheet in the paper booklet for your child to complete if they would like too.

Don’t forget to share what you’ve done on our class blog or via the email:

I would love to see them. 😊


Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics -

Link 3 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s spelling video) -

Link 4 Maths lesson -



Home Learning - 13th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Wednesday 13th May 2020

Good morning Sycamore Class! 😊

See if you can have a go at the ‘Guess the story’ post on the class blog in the Sycamore Class section. I think you’ll recognise some of the stories from the classroom.


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.



You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is oi.


Turn to the page in your week 1 booklet labelled ‘Wednesday 13th May – Phonic Activities’ to find today’s instructions for your phonics session. I have attached the Phonics PDF below so that you can access the links on this page more easily.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to listen carefully to a story.


You are learning to identify and then use because in your writing.


Turn to the page titled ‘What to do today’ dated ’13.5.20’. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Link 3 below will take you to the story for the first part of today’s task - ‘It’s story time’. 



Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.




You are learning to find a quarter of an amount.

Follow the link 5 to the White Rose website.

Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. This sheet can be found in your booklet following on from the writing pages.


Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 2, Lesson 3 - Find a quarter (2).


Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included on the website.



Remind your child to use their counters to support their quartering if needed.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to develop your number formation.

Use the next page in your paper booklet to practise forming your numbers correctly. Try to write these numbers as neatly as you can.


Topic work

Daily Challenge Activity

Turn to the final page in your week 1 booklet and see if you can have a go at today’s challenge.

Click on link 5 below to find out more about Brunel’s SS Great Britain.


In addition, I have attached another dinosaur colouring sheet in the paper booklet for your child to complete if they would like too.


Don’t forget to share what you’ve done on our class blog or via the email:

I would love to see them. 😊


Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics -

Link 3 for Writing (re-watching the story) -

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Topic -


Home Learning - 12th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Tuesday 12th May 2020

Good morning Sycamore Class! 😊

Don’t forget to have a go at guessing the teacher in disguise. The video for this can be found here and you will find a photo sheet with your paper booklets:


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.


Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.




You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ea.  


Turn to the page in your week 1 booklet labelled ‘Tuesday 12th May – Phonic Activities’ to find today’s instructions for your phonics session. I have attached the Phonics PDF below so that you can access the links on this page more easily.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below.


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to listen carefully to a story.


You are learning to describe foods you like and dislike.


You are learning to write sentences using conjunctions.

Turn to the page titled ‘What to do today’ dated ’12.5.20’. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.



Link 4 below will take you to the story for the first part of today’s task - ‘Story time’. 


I have also attached letter formation handwriting practise which can be found after the Maths page in your paper booklet. It would be helpful for your child to complete this to ensure they are working on keeping their work neat.

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.




You are learning to find a quarter of a shape.

Follow the link 5 to the White Rose website.

Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. This sheet can be found in your booklet following on from the writing pages.


Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 2, Lesson 2 - Find a quarter (1).

Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included on the website.




Basic maths work

You are learning to sequence multiples of 5.

Follow the Link 6 to play Caterpillar ordering. You will need to click on ‘sequencing’ and then ‘counting in multiples’ and under multiples of 5 click on ‘0-100’ to count forwards.


Remember you can use your fingers or counters to support you.

Challenge: Try counting back in multiples of 5 by selecting ‘100-0’ instead.

Topic work

Daily Challenge Activity

Turn to the final page in your week 1 booklet and see if you can have a go at today’s challenge.

If you would like to find out more about Isambard Brunel then click on link 7 below.


In addition, I have attached a butterfly colouring sheet in the paper booklet for your child to complete if they would like too.

Don’t forget to share what you’ve done on our class blog or via the email:

I would love to see them. 😊


Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Mrs Tawn’s speed sound session –

Link 3 for Phonics - 

Link 4 for Writing (re-watching the story) -

Link 5 for Maths lesson -

Link 6 for Basic Maths game -

Link 7 for Topic -

Home Learning - 11th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Monday 11th May 2020

Good morning Sycamore Class!  😊 Remember to keep singing! Here is the link to the site we use:


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.




You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is oo (poo at the zoo).

Turn to the first page in your week 1 booklet to find today’s instructions for your phonics/reading session. I have attached the Phonics PDF below so that you can access the links on this page more easily.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.



You are learning to listen carefully to a story.


You are learning to recall information and write using your phonic sounds.


You are learning to write sentences using a range of adjectives.

Turn to the page titled ‘What to do today’ dated ‘Monday 11th May’. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.



Link 3 below will take you to the story for the first part of today’s task - ‘Reading time’.  


Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.


Make sure that your choice of adjective makes sense.

(i.e. You wouldn’t say the see through cat or the kind cheese!)



You are learning to find a half of an amount.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website.

Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip. This sheet can be found in your booklet following on from the writing pages.


Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 2, Lesson 1 - Find a half (2).


Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included on the website.



Remind your child to use their counters to support their halving if needed.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to develop your number formation.

Use the next page in your paper booklet to practise forming your numbers correctly. Try to write these numbers as neatly as you can.

Challenge: Say a number aloud and see if your child can write the numeral the correct way round and then challenge them to write the number in words. 

i.e. 16 and sixteen

(Make sure that they don’t write 61!)


Topic work

Daily Challenge Activity

Turn to the final page in your week 1 booklet and see if you can have a go at today’s challenge.


If you would like to see more of Andy Goldsworthy’s artwork then click on the PDF file – Andy Goldsworthy which can be found below.


I have also attached a dinosaur colouring sheet in the paper booklet for your child to complete if they would like too.


Don’t forget to share what you’ve done on our class blog or via the email:

I would love to see them. 😊


Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics -

Link 3 for Writing (Story for part 1) -

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Home Learning - 8th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Friday 8th May 2020

Happy VE day Sycamore class!

To find out more about what this is, see the topic part of your work today.


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ire (fire fire!)


Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 8.5.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to read and write words using your phonics sounds.


You are learning to write a letter using capital letters and full stops.

Click on the file (Sycamore 8.5.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.




You are learning to use your maths knowledge to have a go at challenges.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Today’s Math session is a little different. There is a challenge sheet instead of a video and worksheet. As stated on the website, Q1 and Q2 is suited for your child but they may need support for the later questions.

You can access the challenge by clicking on Summer Term – Week 1 - Friday Maths Challenge.


Alternatively, if you’re child finds this too tricky then they can have a go at the word problems on page 36 of their TTS paper booklets.


Remind your child to use the counters (in their plastic wallets) or other objects you have at home to help with some of the questions.

Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to quickly half numbers to 10.

Follow the link 5 below to play funky mummy (halving). Click on ‘halves up to 10’.  You need to click on the mummy which has the correct answer above it.

Remember you can use your counters to support you on the first level.

Topic work

Celebrating VE day



As today marks the 75th anniversary of VE day the children will learn about what this means. Click on link 6 below to watch a video to explain.


Once your child has some understanding of what this day means, click on the PDF file – VE day Activities. This provides a range of ideas which you and your child could complete.


In this pack you will see there are recipes, game ideas, drawing/colouring suggestions and even a quiz to test their knowledge.


Parents: this video is aimed at KS2 so you may want to watch it beforehand to check that you are happy for your child to watch it. I recommend that they only watch this video up to 2.16mins.

Alternatively, you could show your child the PDF file below – VE day which explains simply what this day celebrates.

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound session) -

Link 3 for Phonics -

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths -

Link 6 for Topic -


Home Learning - 7th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Thursday 7th May 2020

Have a lovely bank holiday weekend Sycamore Class!


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is oo (look at a book).


Please click on the document below (Sycamore 7.5.20 - Phonics) to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to compare two stories.


You are learning to confidently read part of a story off by heart.


Click on the file (Sycamore 7.5.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Remember to use a clear voice when telling your story. Imagine you’re on stage like in our Christmas Nativity!


Try to include the actions in your story as this will help you to remember the different lines.




You are learning to find a half of a shape.  

Follow the link 3 to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 1, Lesson 4 - Find a half (1).

Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to quickly find number bonds to 20.                


Using the number cards 0-20, make as many number bonds pairs to 20. (e.g. 12 and 8)


Challenge: Time how long it takes you to find them all. Can you improve your speed from when you did this before?

You will need to make another 10 number card (by writing this on a post it note or scrap piece of paper) to make one of your number bond pairs.

Topic work

You are learning how to say members of your family in French.


Click on the video link 4 below to learn how to say and write members of your family in French. Watch the video a few times and have a go at repeating the French words.


Then, click on the PDF (French family sheet) and draw pictures in the frames to show the members of your family. On the lines under each frame, label the family member in French. Remember to refer back to the video if you can’t remember how to say the name of a relative e.g. brother or mother.


Remember that you do not need to fill in all the boxes. Just draw in as many of them as you want too.


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can draw and write the French names in their orange homework books or on another piece of paper. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics -

Link 3 for Maths lesson -

Link 4 for Topic (French) -


Home Learning - 6th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Wednesday 6th May 2020

Good morning Sycamore Class! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ow (blow the snow).


Please click on the document below (Sycamore 6.5.20 - Phonics) to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to sequence pictures related to a story.


You are learning to create a labelled story map.

Click on the file (Sycamore 6.5.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Remember to keep referring back to the story to help you order your story map correctly.


You are learning to divide objects into equal groups.

Follow the link 3 to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.

Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 1, Lesson 3 - Make equal groups (sharing)

For question 4 you could change this to 20 counters instead of 30 (Using the ones you had in your plastic wallet). Alternatively, you could use other objects to help you work out the answers using 30 things.

Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to quickly recognise odd and even numbers.

Follow the link 4 below to play the game, ‘catch a star’ again. See if you are quicker at finding the odd and even numbers!  

Support: Before you start playing the game, see if you can write the single-digit numbers which are even. Then use this sheet to help you with playing the game. Remember that you always look at the last number to decide whether it is even or odd. For example, 36 is even because it ends with a 6.

Look at The Moon. If it says 'odd' you need to catch only odd numbers. If it says 'even' you should only catch even numbers. Every 30 seconds or so The Moon will change. Move the chimney to catch the numbers.

Topic work

You are learning to say and read colours in French.

Today you are going to learn the colours in French using the two topic links below. Listen to the video by clicking on link 5 and have a go at repeating the colour names in French. You can see these written down next to the English colour if you click on link 6.


Then, either print out the PDF file (French rainbow) or draw your own rainbow but use the PDF to help you know the order of the colours you need to use. To complete the rainbow, you will need to read the French word and colour in that part using the correct colour. I have attached a French colour word mat (see other PDF file below) to support you.

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics -

Link 3 for Maths lesson -

Link 4 for Basic Maths -

Link 5 for Topic (video) -

Link 6 for Topic -

Home Learning - 5th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Tuesday 5th May 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.



Parents if you are unable to print the phonics word sheet then just write these words on a piece of a paper for your child to dot and dash.

You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ee (What can you see?).

Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 5.5.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 3 for the phonics video (instead of a game today) can be found below too.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to identify and write rhyming words.


You are learning to use adjectives and similes to describe an animal.


Click on the file (Sycamore 5.5.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today. If your child needs reminding of what a rhyming word is then click on link 4 below.


Challenge: When you are completing the description part of the writing tasks see if you can include a simile. For example, their teeth are sharp like knives. Their skin is scaly like a fish.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.


Remember to use the word ‘and’ to extend your sentences.


You are learning to divide objects into equal groups.

Follow the link 3 to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.

Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 1, Lesson 2 - Make equal groups (grouping)


For question 4 you could change this to 20 counters instead of 30 (Using the ones you had in your plastic wallet). Alternatively, you could use other objects to help you work out the answers using 30 things.

Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to count in sets of 5s and 10s to solve word problems.

Using your TTS paper booklet, turn to page 42 ‘Prove it!’ and have a go at answering the questions in the two boxes.  In box one you need to fill in the missing numbers and then work out if box 2 is true of false.

Remember to use your counting in sets to help you with these two problems!

Topic work

You are learning to say common greetings in French.

Carrying on from your French learning yesterday, today you are going to learn how to communicate with one another in French. Watch the video by clicking on link 6. Listen to it once and then on the second time, have a go at joining in the song.

If possible, see if you can have simple conversation in French with someone in your house. The more you practise, the better you will get!

If you would like to listen to more French greetings then click on Link 7 below.


Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Mrs Tawn’s speed sound session –

Link 3 for phonics –

Link 4 for Writing -

Link 5 for Maths lesson -

Link 6 for Topic (video) -

Link 7 for Topic (French greetings) -

Home Learning - 4th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Monday 4th May 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.




You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ay (may I play?).

Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 4.5.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to sequence pictures related to a poem.


You are learning to write sentences using adjectives and conjunctions to describe what would happen next.


Click on the file (Sycamore 4.5.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.



You are learning to double numbers up to 20.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you need to click on Summer Term – Week 1, Lesson 1 - Make doubles.


Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.

If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to order coins from the lowest value to the highest value.


Click on the link 5 below to play the game. You will need to order the coins.

Remember to look carefully at the colour of the coin and the writing on the coin. If you need further support with coin recognition then watch the link 6 and have another go at the game after you’ve done so.

Topic work

You are learning to say and read numbers in French up to 10.

Over the course of this week you are going to be learning some basic French. Today you need to click on link 7 below which will take you to a video on Discovery education. Listen to this video a few times and have a practise at saying the French numbers aloud.

Then, either print out the PDF file (Topic - French number game) or make your own cards using the PDF as a guide. The instructions for this game can be found in the left hand corner on the PDF file.

I have also provided you with a French numbers word mat (see other PDF file) to help you in the game. Remember you are only playing using numbers up to 10.

Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Mrs Tawn’s speed sound session –

Link 3 for phonics -

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Basic Maths game –

Link 6 for Basic Maths video -

Link 7 for Topic (French) -

Home Learning - 1st May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Friday 1st May 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ar (start the car).

Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 1.5.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to spell words using your phonics sounds.


You are learning to write sentences using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. 



Click on the file (Sycamore 1.5.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.

Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Challenge: See how many adjectives you can include in your ‘Nocturnal Nosh’ writing.

For example, I would not like to eat slugs because they would be slimy and chewy.

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.





You are learning to add equal groups of objects using arrays to support.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you need to click on Week 2, Lesson 5 – Step 4 - Make arrays.


Remind your child to use the counters (in their plastic wallets) or other objects you have at home to help with some of the questions.


Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to continue a pattern.

Look at the second box ‘What’s missing?’ on page 35 in your TTS paper booklet. Look carefully at the number patterns. See if you can fill in the missing numbers.


Topic work

You are learning to distinguish between an object and the material which it is made.


Following on from yesterday’s learning, have a go at the two activities following link 5 and link 6.


Challenge: See if you can design a toy that is made out of more than 2 different materials. Think carefully about why that material would work well for each part of your toy. You can design this on a piece of paper or in your orange homework book.



Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound session) -

Link 3 for Phonics -

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Topic -

Link 6 for Topic -


Home Learning - 30th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Thursday 30th April 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is or (shut the door).

Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 30.4.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to use your phonic sounds to read a text.

You are learning to write sentences using capital letters and full stops.

Click on the file (Sycamore 30.4.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.




You are learning to add equal groups of objects together by counting in sets.

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.

Today you need to click on Week 2, Lesson 4 – step 3 - Add equal groups.

Remind your child to use the counters (in their plastic wallets) or other objects you have at home to help with some of the questions. Alternatively, they could draw simple pictures to help them visualise a question.


Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to identify and use the correct mathematical symbol in a number sentence.

Look at the first box ‘What’s missing?’ on page 35 in your TTS paper booklet. Have a go at filling in the missing spaces by deciding if you need an add or subtract sign. See how many of them you can complete, some of these are tricky!



Topic work

You are learning to distinguish between an object and the material which it is made.


Watch the videos following link 5 and link 6.

After watching the two videos, have a look around your house and garden (if you have one) to see if you can find an object made of the following:

  • wood
  • metal
  • glass (be careful with this one)
  • Plastic 

Then, have a go at drawing and labelling some of these objects. Don’t forget to tidy the objects away after you have drawn them!


Challenge: See if you can write some adjectives (describing words) around your drawn object to describe how it feels or looks.

For example, hard, shiny and see-through (transparent).


Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Mrs Tawn’s speed sound session -

Link 3 for phonics -

Link 4 Maths lesson -

Link 5 for Topic -

Link 6 for Topic -


Home Learning - 29th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Wednesday 29th April 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Parents if you are unable to print the phonics word sheet then just write these words on a piece of a paper for your child to dot and dash.

You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ou (Shout it out).


Please click on the document below (Sycamore 29.4.20 - Phonics) to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to use your phonic sounds to read a text.


You are learning to write simple instructions using a verb and the correct punctuation.

Click on the file (Sycamore 29.4.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Don’t forget to look back at the ‘key features’ of instructions to ensure that you have included everything that you need to.


You are learning to recognise and count equal groups of objects.

Follow the link 3 to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you need to click on Week 2, Lesson 3 – Step 2 - Make equal groups.


Remind your child to use the counters (in their plastic wallets) or other objects you have at home to help with some of the questions. Alternatively, they could draw simple pictures to help them visualise a question.

Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to add two numbers together accurately.

Look at the second box ‘What’s missing?’ on page 34 in your TTS paper booklet. Have a go at answering the 2 questions.

You may need to write the numbers to the side of the boxes as the answer boxes are quite small!

Topic work

You are learning to recreate or adapt a piece of artwork taking inspiration from an artist that you have researched.


Today, you need to choose a piece of artwork from your chosen artist and then recreate your own piece of art taking inspiration from the one you have chosen.

This could involve using colouring pencils, paint, drawing, collage with different materials or could even involve creating a sculpture. I have shown some possible ideas on the PDF file below.


You can share your amazing artwork with me via the email:

I would love to see them. 😊

Remember that Art is all about how you express yourself, so it does not need to look the same as the piece of artwork you have been inspired by. It might just use the same colours, or similar shapes. Try to add in your own style!



Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics -

Link 3 for Maths lesson -


Home Learning - 28th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Tuesday 28th April 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.



Parents if you are unable to print the phonics word sheet then just write these words on a piece of a paper for your child to dot and dash.

You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ir (whirl and twirl).

Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 28.4.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to use your phonic sounds to read a text.


You are learning to write simple instructions using a verb.

(Click on the link 4 below to help your child understand what a verb is.)

Click on the 2 files Sycamore 28.4.20 – English and English (reading) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.  

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops. Think about this question: would an exclamation mark be better with the instruction you have written?




You are learning to count in multiples of 10.

Follow the link 5 to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you need to click on Week 2, Lesson 2 – Step 1 - Count in 10s.

Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to continue a pattern.

Look at the first box ‘What’s missing?’ on page 34 in your TTS paper booklet. Look carefully at the number patterns. See if you can fill in the missing numbers.


Topic work

You are learning to create a poster about a famous artist, using information you have researched.

Using your knowledge from yesterday create a poster or fact file to tell the reader all about the artist of your choice.


This could be done through drawings, writings or on a computer through typing and copying and pasting pictures of the artist and their work.


I have provided a template for Wassily Kandinsky if you would like to use this or look at it for ideas. (See the PDF file below).


Make sure that your poster is bright and colourful to encourage people to read it. 


Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Mrs Tawn’s speed sound session –

Link 3 for Phonics - 19455/grade1/module63425/index.html

Link 4 for Writing (verbs) -

Link 5 for Maths lesson -


Home Learning - 27th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Monday 27th April 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.




You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ie (terrible tie).


Please click on the document below (Sycamore 27.4.20 - Phonics) to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.



You are learning to use your phonic sounds to read a text.


You are learning to write short letters using a range of punctuation.

Click on the 2 files Sycamore 27.4.20 – English and English (reading) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.

Parents: The children are familiar with full stops, exclamation marks and question marks but we have not discussed commas. Some of the children may know about this from Phonics but if you would like more support with teaching this then show the video link 3 below.

Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.  

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.

Check your capital letters and full stops.

Remember that if you are writing a question it must end with a question mark.


You are learning to compare and describe capacity and volume (for example, full/empty, more than, less than, half, half full, quarter).

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you need to click on Week 2, Lesson 1 – Step 6 – Compare capacity.

Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.

If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to quickly recall your multiplication facts for the 2x, 5x and 10x tables.

Go back to page 32 in your TTS paper booklet and recap the multiplication number sentences. Have a go at pretending to be a soldier and chant the tables. 



Remember you can read the ‘x’ as lots of, times or multiplied by.

Topic work

You are learning to research an artist.

Over the next few days you are going to be learning about an artist of your choice. You can either choose one of the following:

  • Wassily Kandinsky
  • Leonardo da Vinci (Link 5)
  • Vincent van Gogh (Link 5 and 6)
  • Henri Matisse

…or someone else. Maybe one of your favourite book illustrators?

You can find out about some of these artists by either clicking on links below, by looking on the internet (remember your internet safety!) or using any books you might have at home.

Your task today is to just learn more about your chosen artist ready to complete other activities later in the week.


Home Learning - 24th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Friday 24th April 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is air (that’s not fair).

Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session. Watch this before clicking on the document below (Sycamore 24.4.20 - Phonics). Here you will find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below too.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to use your phonic sounds to read a text.


You are learning to write your own letter using key features.

Click on the file (Sycamore 24.4.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Challenge: Can you include a question mark, full stop and exclamation mark in your letter?

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.

Check your capital letters and full stops.

Remember that if you are writing a question it must end with a question mark.




You are learning to compare and describe capacity and volume (for example, full/empty, more than, less than, half, half full, quarter).

Follow the link 4 to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you need to click on Week 1, Lesson 5 Measure capacity.

Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to find one more or one less than numbers up to 30/50/100.

If you have a computer/tablet/laptop/phone then the child can play on the game using the link 3 below. (start by clicking ‘up to 30’ and then increase as the child improves).

Another option (instead of using the internet) uses the number cards in your pack. An adult or sibling shows the child a number card and the child must find or write the number which is one more and one less than the number which has been shown.


Topic work

You are learning about important people in history.

You are learning about how they have impacted our lives.

Watch the videos following the link 6 to find out about black people who have impacted our lives and history. You will recognise one of the people from Term 1! Before watching the video about Mary Seacole, see if you can make a list of any facts you can remember about her and her life. Then you can tick these as the information is revealed in the video.



Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound session) -

Link 3 for Phonics -

Link 4 for Maths lesson -

Link 5 game for basic maths -

Link 6 for Topic -

Home Learning - 23rd April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Thursday 23rd April 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is oy (toy for a boy).


Please click on the document below (Sycamore 23.4.20 - Phonics) to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to use your phonic sounds to read a text.


You are learning to recognise and use rhyming words.

Click on the file (Sycamore 23.4.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Say the rhymes out loud to check that they use the same sounds at the end of the word.



You are learning to compare and describe capacity and volume (for example, full/empty, more than, less than, half, half full, quarter).

Follow the link 3 to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you need to click on Week 1, Lesson 4 Introduce capacity and volume.

Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to count in sets of 5s.

Use your number cards to organise the cards into 5s. Start at 0 and count in 5s, placing the numbers you say in a line.

For example, you should have the cards:

0, 5, 10, 15…

Challenge: Ask someone in your house (a parent, brother or sister) to remove some numbers from your number line and count in 5s to see if you can work out the number(s) they have removed.


You could also time yourself doing this activity and then reshuffle the cards and see if you can sort them into multiples of 5s in less time than before.

Topic work

You are learning about what Fairtrade is and why it is important.


Watch the 2 videos (see link 4 below) about Fairtrade and then complete the quiz which can be found in the ‘activities’ on the tab on the left-hand side of the page.

After you’ve done that you could have a look around your house to see if you can anything with the Fairtrade logo on.


Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics -

Link 3 for Maths lesson -

Link 4 for Topic (Fairtrade) -

Home Learning - 22nd April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Wednesday 22nd April 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ue (Come to the rescue).


Please click on the document below (Sycamore 22.4.20 - Phonics) to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to use your phonic sounds to read a text.


You are learning to recognise and use rhyming words.


Click on the file (Sycamore 22.4.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your work to check that it makes sense.


Say your rhymes out loud to check that they use the same sounds at the end of the word.


You are learning to compare and describe  mass/weight (for example, heavy/light, heavier than, lighter than).

Follow the link 3 to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you need to click on Week 1, Lesson 3 – Compare Mass.


Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to quickly recognise the number bond pairs to 10 and then to 20.


Follow the link 4 below to play hit the button (number bonds). Start by practising ‘up to 10 – make 10’ then as you improve you can move onto ‘up to 20 – make 20’.


Remember you can use your fingers or counters to support you.

Topic work

You are learning to recap your knowledge of the 4 seasons in the UK.


Using your knowledge from yesterday create a poster to tell the reader all about the seasons. You could split your page into 4 sections so that you have space to talk about all 4 (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter).


If your child would like a word mat to support them with creating their poster then click on the topic document below.


Remember that posters do not need to include lots and lots of writing. Pictures, keywords or simple sentences can help to explain what you know.


Make sure that your poster is bright and colourful to encourage people to read it. 

Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics -

Link 3 for Maths lesson -

Link 4 for Basic Maths -



Home Learning - 21st April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Tuesday 21st April 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.



Parents if you are unable to print the phonics word sheet then just write these words on a piece of a paper for your child to dot and dash.

You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is wh (whisk whisk).


Please click on the document below (Sycamore 21.4.20 - Phonics) to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to listen carefully to a story.


You are learning to sequence parts of a story.


You are learning to write sentences using capital letters and full stops.


Click on the file (Sycamore 21.4.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.


Remember to use the word ‘and’ to extend your sentences.


You are learning to compare and describe  mass/weight (for example, heavy/light, heavier than, lighter than).

Follow the link 3 to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you need to click on Week 1, Lesson 2 – Measure Mass.

(Your child won’t be able to answer question 3 on the sheet but if possible, you could encourage them to compare weights of objects in the house or use scales if you have them).

Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to quickly find number bonds to 10.

Using the number cards 0-10, make as many number bonds to 10.


Challenge: Time how long it takes you to find them all. Can you improve your speed?

You will need to make another 5 (by writing this on a post it note or scrap piece of paper) to make one of your number bond pairs.

Topic work

You are recapping your knowledge of the 4 seasons in the UK.

Watch a range of videos (see link 4 below) about the different seasons and then complete the activities which can be found on the tab on the left-hand side of the page.


Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics –

Link 3 for Maths lesson -

Link 4 for Topic -


Home Learning - 20th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Monday 20th April 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.




You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is kn (knock knock, who’s there?)


Please click on the document below (Sycamore 20.4.20 - Phonics) to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to listen carefully to a story.


You are learning to write sentences using adjectives and conjunctions to describe your favourite part of a story.


Click on the file (Sycamore 20.4.20 – English) below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.


Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.


Remember to use the ‘Useful words’ box on the page to help you.


You are learning to compare and describe  mass/weight (for example, heavy/light, heavier than, lighter than).

Follow the link 3 to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you need to click on Week 1, Lesson 1 - Introduce Weight and Mass


Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to count in 2s.

Next time you walk up or down a flight of stairs then count in 2s every time you climb a step to practise your counting.

i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12…


Topic work

You are learning to follow simple instructions to draw a dolphin.


Click on link 4 below to draw a simple dolphin. Remember you can share your amazing drawings with me via the email: I would love to see them. 😊

There are lots of different drawing videos on this channel if you would like to have a go at drawing more!

Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics -

Link 3 for Maths lesson -

Link 4 for Topic -

Home Learning Day 18 - 17th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Friday 17th April 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ph (take a photo).


Please click on the document below (Sycamore 17.4.20 - Phonics) to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.





You are learning to read and write your tricky words correctly,


  1. Turn to page 12 in your new booklet. Read through the information on this page to explain the tricky words game.
  2. Then, revisit any incomplete literacy work from the past few weeks. (Look back at your week 3 booklets in particular as there was lots of work to complete in these).


If you do not have a dice then write the numbers 1 – 6 on individual pieces of paper (with a pencil) and turn facing downwards. Muddle them up and choose a piece of paper to determine your number as oppose to rolling the dice.

Remember you have counters in your plastic wallet which you can use.




You are learning to recall your multiplication facts.

  1. Revisit page 32 in your new booklet. Today you need to have a go at the ‘Learning Tips’ on this page.
  2. Then have a go at answering the questions on page 33.

Remember to draw a picture or use counters to help you.








2 ‘lots of’ 5 =

2       x      5 =

  1. Once completed, you can check your answers by looking back at page 32.

Challenge: Some of you could also have a go at the bottom part of page 33.

Parents: So far, the children have learnt ‘lots of’ instead of using the times sign (x). For this reason, they may be unsure how to read this number sentence. Please remind them that they can say 1 ‘lot of’ 2 is 2 or 1 times 2 is 2. It would be great to get them to read it both ways, but I understand some of them may choose to read it as ‘lots of’ as this is what they are familiar with.


Remind the children to count in sets of 2s, 5s or 10s to find their answers for the questions on page 33.

e.g. 3 x 10 =

(The child puts up 3 fingers and counts in 10s as they put each finger down…10, 20, 30)

Basic maths facts

You are learning to count in sets of 2s.

Use your number cards to organise the cards into 2s. Start at 0 and count in 2s, placing the numbers you say in a line.

For example, you should have the cards:

0, 2, 4, 6… (See if you can go all the way to 30!)

Challenge: Ask someone in your house (a parent, brother or sister) to remove some numbers from your number line and count in 2s to see if you can work out the number(s) they have removed.


Topic work

You are learning to follow simple instructions to draw a dinosaur.


Following on from your dinosaur learning yesterday, click on link 3 below to have a go at drawing a dinosaur of your own. Remember you can share your amazing drawings with me via the email: or through sharing them on our class blog. I would love to see them!

If you’d like to add some facts around your picture that would be even better!

Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics -

Link 3 for dinosaur drawing video-

Home Learning Day 17 - 16th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Thursday 16th April 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is au (Paul the astronaut).


Please click on the document below (Sycamore 16.4.20 - Phonics) to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to use alliteration to write a tongue twister.

  1. Read through ‘Tongue Twisters’ on page 10 of you new home learning booklet (tts book). See how quickly you can say them without making a mistake.
  2. Then, on the following page have a go at writing your own tongue twisters. What do you notice the tongue twisters you have just read? (They use the same initial sounds and one uses rhyme) See if the child can use alliteration to come up with a tongue twister.

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Remember to say your tongue twister out loud to check that it’s tricky!


You are learning to recap your number bond knowledge to 10 and 20.


You are learning to recall your multiplication facts.

  1. Turn to page 31 in your new booklet and complete the game and task on this page.
  2. Then, turn to page 32. Today you just need to read through these number sentences. (The x sign is a multiplication/times sign. See note to the side which explains the child’s understanding of this.)
  3. Your child does not need to do the ‘Learning Tips’ on this page today as they will revisit this page tomorrow, just encourage them to have a go at reading some of the number sentences.

Parents: So far, the children have learnt ‘lots of’ instead of using the times sign (x). For this reason, they may be unsure how to read this number sentence. Please remind them that they can say 1 ‘lot of’ 2 is 2 or 1 times 2 is 2. It would be great to get them to read it both ways, but I understand some of them may choose to read it as ‘lots of’ as this is what they are familiar with.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to quickly half numbers to 10.

Follow the link 3 below to play hit the button (halves). Start by practising ‘halves to 10’ then as you improve you can move onto ‘halves from 5 to 15’.

Remember you can use your counters to support you on the first level.

Topic work

You are learning about the names of dinosaurs and facts about them.

I’m aware that we have a lot of dinosaur lovers in the class and as this is not an area we have covered in our Topic; I thought the children could watch a range of videos (see link 4 below) about different dinosaurs. Then they should complete some of the activities which can be found on the tab on the left-hand side of the page.


Parents: There are no set activities the children have to do so they can explore the parts that interest them on the dinosaur page.

Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics -

Link 3 for Basic Maths game -

Link 4 for Topic -


Home Learning Day 16 - 15th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Wednesday 15th April 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.



Parents if you are unable to print the phonics word sheet then just write these words on a piece of a paper for your child to dot and dash.

You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ear (Hear with your ear).


Please click on the document below (Sycamore 15.4.20 - Phonics) to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to read and write your red tricky words.



  1. Choose 2/3 sets of your tricky words (laminated pink sheets in your plastic wallet) and read through the words a few times.
  2. Then using a separate piece of paper, write down these tricky words with a space between each one.
  3. If you have scissors then cut these words into strips, muddle them up and spread them out (facing upwards). Then, play ‘fastest finger’ by asking someone to say one of the words and you need to find and point to it quickly.

Challenge: Can you write a sentence with more than 2 of your tricky words in? Check that it makes sense.


You are learning to order numbers.


You are learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s.

  1. Complete page 29 in your new home learning booklet (tts book). You will need to put the numbers in order and then continue the counting patterns at the bottom of the sheet.
  2. Next, complete page 30. On this page you need to write al the number bonds to 20 using the numicon pictures for number bonds to 10 as a support.

Write your answers as number sentences:

e.g. 1 + 19 = 20

Remember that you have 20 counters in your plastic wallet that can be used to help you.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to use language of day, week, month and year.

Follow the link 3 below to play the game using your knowledge of days of the week and months of the year.

Remember your login can be found on the back of your yellow reading record.

Topic work

You are learning to use keywords and symbols to describe the weather.

Click on the ‘Instructions for Topic’ sheet linked below. This will explain the child’s task. Then if possible print the ‘Weather forecast sheet’ for the child to plan their own weather forecast.

If you are unable to print this, your child can still plan and create their own weather forecast using their orange book to plan it instead of using the printed grid. They will just need to split the page into 4 to plan each section.


Parents: Your child will probably need help with reading some of the information.

Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics –

Link 3 for Basic maths -


Home Learning Day 15 - 14th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Tuesday 14th April 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.



Parents if you are unable to print the phonics word sheet then just write these words on a piece of a paper for your child to dot and dash.

You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is e-e (Go Pete and Steve!)

Please click on the document below (Sycamore 14.4.20 - Phonics) to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to write questions and answers using the correct punctuation.


  1. Read through ‘The Things I like’ example on page 8 of you new home learning booklet (tts book). Then have a go at writing your own version of this in the box below. Remember to use questions and answers within your writing and don’t forget to draw a picture of yourself in the box on the right.
  2. Then read through the questions on the following page and answer each question on the lines. Look back at page 8 to help you to find the correct answers.

Remember that a question ends with a question mark (?) instead of a full stop.


Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.

Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.

Check your capital letters and full stops. Remember that a name needs a capital letter too.


Remember to write your answers using full sentences.


You are learning to develop your counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s.

  1. Turn to page 28 in your new booklet and complete the activity ideas at the bottom of this page.
  2. Next finish any incomplete Maths pages from your older booklets.  If you have no work to catch up on then visit your active learn login and complete some of the new games I have set.

Remember your login for Active learn can be found on a sticker on the back of your reading record. If you have trouble getting onto this site then please contact me via the class email -

You can use your counters from your plastic wallet to cover some of the numbers on the 100 grid square.


You can use the 100 grid square on page 28 to help you with some of the Active learn games.



Basic maths facts

You are learning to find one more or one less than numbers up to 30 or 100.

Use the number cards in your pack. Get an adult or sibling to show you a number card and then you must find or write the number which is one more and one less than the number which has been shown.

Challenge: Use the 100 grid square on page 28 of your new work booklet to extend this activity to numbers up 100 instead of up to only 30.

Topic work

You are learning to be positive about yourself.



You are learning to improve your scissors skills.


  1. Complete the ‘I am an Amazing Person!’ page in your booklet. (this can be found at the back of your old plastic wallet).


  1. Children to then have a go at cutting along the dotted lines to practise their scissor skills. They can choose 2 pages in the ‘My Scissor skills booklet’ (this can be found at the back of your old plastic wallet).

Here are the definitions for some of the words on the sheet:

Unique: Being the only one of its kind. (Think about what makes you different to your friends.)

Talent: The skill that someone has to do something very well. This can sometimes be something which others find difficult.

Citizen: A person who lives in a particular place. (You are a citizen of Trowbridge and England.)

Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics -

Home Learning Day 14 - 9th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Thursday 9th April 2020

Have a lovely Easter weekend! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ew (Chew the stew).


Please see the front page of the Week 3 Day 4 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) and phonics reading books to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


There are lots of different writing tasks in today’s booklet so encourage your child to choose just 3 out of the 5 sheets. They are welcome to complete all of them, but this will take them more time.

You are learning to improve your handwriting and spelling of keywords.


You are learning to how to infer and retrieve information.


You are learning to write simple sentences to answer a question.

  1. Begin by reading the high frequency words in your Week 3 Day 4 booklet. Then copy these words on the lines using your best handwriting.
  2. Complete the tricky words sheet following the same format as previously.
  3. Then, read the text at the top of the sheet titled ‘What Is Pink?’ and answer the 4 questions underneath.
  4. Next, you need to read the statement/question on the following pages and write simple sentences to continue the story/answer the question.

Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly!


Tip: Remember to read the text 3 times. Underline any keywords and don’t forget to read the questions carefully.


Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.

Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.

Check your capital letters and full stops.



Parents: We tend to call an equation/sum a number sentence to simplify this for the children.

Therefore, the children will refer to something like this:

2 + 3 = 5

6 – 2 = 4

as a number sentence.

You are learning to add and subtract numbers up to 20.

You are learning to write a word problem to match the number sentence.

You are learning to recognise half and quarter of an object, shape of quantity.

  1. Today you will need to complete the ‘Writing Mathematical statements..’ sheet by using the images to work out what numbers and signs are needed to make the number sentences.
  2. Challenge (this page is likely to need adult support so if working independently your child can move onto the final page).

Have a go at writing a story to match the number sentences on the following page.


  1. Then complete the sheet titled ‘Year 1’ in your Week 3 Day 4 booklet.  


Look carefully at the signs needed in each number sentence.

  • Is the number getting bigger? This would show it needs to be an add sign.
  • Is the number getting smaller/less? This would mean it needs to be a take away sign.

Remember that a half is when something is split into 2 parts that are the same size.

A quarter is when something is split into 4 parts that are the same size.

Remember to use the counters for quartering and halving the amounts of the final page of your booklet.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to quickly count in sets of 10s.

Find some rice/stones/leaves etc. and group these into piles of 10. Then count the groups by counting in 10s. i.e. 10, 20, 30…

Challenge: Can you count them backwards?

i.e. ...40, 30, 20, 10


Topic work

You are learning to understand the Easter story and how people celebrate Easter.


Watch the video by clicking on link 3 below to learn about Easter time then link 4 will tell you all about the Easter story.

Once you have finished watching these videos make an Easter card (this could be made from paper) for someone in your family.

Click on the PDF below for some Easter egg designs to draw on your card.

If you have a printer you could print and colour these too.

Don’t forget to use your best handwriting in the card.

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics -

Link 3 for Topic -

Link 4 (The Easter story)

Home Learning Day 13 - 8th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Wednesday 8th April 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is oa (Goat in a boat).

Link 2 below will take you to Mrs Tawn speed sound session for today’s sound.

Please see the front page of the Week 3 Day 3 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) and phonics reading books to support these activities.

The link 3 for the phonics game can be found below.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to improve your handwriting and spelling of keywords.


You are learning to how to infer and retrieve information.


You are learning to write simple sentences to answer a question.

  1. Begin by reading the high frequency words in your Week 3 Day 3 booklet. Then copy these words on the lines using your best handwriting.


  1. Then, read the text at the top of the sheet titled ‘The Farmer and his Sons’ and answer the 4 questions underneath.

Tip: Remember to read the text 3 times. Underline any keywords and don’t forget to read the questions carefully.


  1. Next, you need to read the questions on the following pages and write simple sentences to answer the questions.


Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly!



Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.



You are learning to add and subtract numbers up to 20.

You are learning to use bonds and subtraction facts to 20.  

  1. Today you will need to complete the ‘Dinosaur Addition’ sheet first as this is easier than the previous page.
  2. Then complete as much as you can on the sheet titled ‘Year 1’ in your Week 3 Day 3 booklet.  

Look carefully at the signs in each number sentence (some of them are add and some are take away so be careful).


Remember you can use your fingers or counters to support you with your counting forwards and backwards.


Basic maths facts

You are learning to sequence multiples of 5.

Follow the Link 4 to play Caterpillar ordering. You will need to click on ‘sequencing’ and then ‘counting in multiples’ and under multiples of 5 click on ‘0-100’ to count forwards.

Challenge: Try counting back in multiples of 5 by selecting ‘100-0’ instead.

Remember you can use your fingers or counters to support you.

Topic work

You are learning to be self-reflective.



  1. Complete the ‘My practising Jar’ sheet page in your booklet. (This can be found at the back of your plastic wallet).


Then, see if you can work on one of these targets for 10/15minutes.





Get the children to think about these questions before you complete the page:

  • What do you find tricky? How do you think you could find this easier?
  • Do you think you could get better at a sport, reading, writing, maths, drawing, painting or building?

Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics -

Link 3 for phonics game -

Link 4 for Basic Maths game -

Home Learning Day 12 - 7th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Tuesday 7th April 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.



You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ai (Snail in the rain).


Please see the front page of the Week 3 Day 2 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) and phonics reading books to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to improve your handwriting and spelling of keywords.


You are learning to improve your spelling and use of Year 1 tricky words.


You are learning to write simple sentences using conjunctions to extend your writing.

  1. Begin by reading the high frequency words in your Week 3 Day 2 booklet. Then copy these words on the lines using your best handwriting.
  2. Next, read the tricky words in the table found on the next page. Complete the columns after the words to practise writing them. Then fill in the missing words and have a go at writing your own sentences too.
  3. After that, you need to read the questions on the following page and write simple sentences to answer the question.
  4. Finally, look at the picture on the following page and write simple sentences to explain what you can see in the picture. Remember to use the word ‘and’ to extend your sentences.

Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly!

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.

Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.

Check your capital letters and full stops.


Parents this might take the children longer than a normal day’s writing activity so they can always come back to it at another time. Try to encourage them to complete 3 of the 4 pages before moving on.


You are learning to read and write numbers to 100 in numerals.

You are learning to add and subtract numbers up to 20.

  1. Complete the sheet titled ‘Year 1’ in your Week 3 Day 2 booklet. You will need to fill in the missing 100 square and then have a go at reading and answering some of the other tasks underneath the grid.
  2. Then, complete either 1 or 2 of the addition and subtraction sheets at the back of this booklet. 

Remember you can use your fingers or counters to support you with your counting forwards and backwards.



Basic maths facts

You are learning to quickly find number bonds to 20.          

Follow the link 3 below to play ‘Funky Mummy’ and make sure you are on the game ‘bonds to 20’.

You need to click on the mummy which has the correct answer above it.

Remember you can use your fingers or counters to support you.

Topic work

You are learning to name and label the basic parts of the human body.

  1. Watch the link 4 below and then complete page 9 in your separate animals’ booklet (this can be found at the back of your plastic wallet) titled ‘Year 1 Science Animals, Including Humans’.

Extension: This next task is optional and will depend if you have the resources to do so. Have a look at Page 10 in your Animals’ booklet to see the final instructions.

Adults: children will need support with some of the trickier body parts (abdomen and thigh).

Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics –

Link 3 for Basic Maths facts -

Link 4 for Topic -

Home Leaning Day 11 - 6th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Monday 6th April 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.



You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ow (brown cow).


Please see the front page of the Week 3 Day 1 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) and phonics reading books to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to improve your handwriting and spelling of keywords.


You are learning to write simple sentences using capital letters and full stops.


You are learning to improve your spelling and use of Year 1 tricky words.

  1. Begin by reading the high frequency words in your Week 3 Day 1 booklet. Then copy these words on the lines using your best handwriting.


  1. Then, look at the picture on the following page and write simple sentences to explain what you can see in the picture.


  1. Next, read the tricky words in the table found on the next page. Complete the columns after the words to practise writing them. Then fill in the missing words and have a go at writing your own sentences too.

Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly!


Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.


Challenge: On the ‘What can you see’ picture, try to include adjectives (describing words) and a conjunction (and, because) to extend your sentences.  


You are learning to count in multiples of 10s, 5s, 2s.


You are learning to write numbers to 20 in numerals and words.

  1. Complete the ‘Counting in 10s’, ‘Counting in 5s’ and ‘Counting in 2s’ sheets Week 3 Day 1 booklet. Count in sets of either 2 5 or 10s to complete the addition questions quickly.
  2. Then, work through the final page titled ‘Year 1’ in your booklet to improve your counting of larger numbers and your ability to match the numbers in words to the numerals.

Remember you can use your fingers or counters to support you with your counting forwards and backwards.


Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when spelling the numbers in words.

Basic maths facts

I can count in multiples of 2s.

Count up in 2s out loud. Then complete the pairs of socks page (see PDF below) by writing the numbers in between each pair of socks.


Finish off this sheet by decorating your socks with different colours and patterns.

Topic work

You are learning to describe and compare the structure of a variety of animals. 

Complete pages 7 and 8 in your separate animals’ booklet (this can be found at the back of your plastic wallet) titled ‘Year 1 Science Animals, Including Humans’.


(Parents, please be aware there are notes at the bottom of the page to help you with supporting your child.)


Challenge: Once you’ve completed the parts of animals’ sheets you could learn about why they have certain body parts by having a go at the quiz (link 3 below).

Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics -

Link 3 for Topic challenge quiz -

Home Learning Day 10 - 3rd April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Friday 3rd April 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is er (Better Letter).


Please see the front page of the Week 2 Day 5 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.


You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) and phonics reading books to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to improve your spelling and use of Year 1 tricky words.



You are learning to write simple sentences to answer a question.

  1. Begin by reading the tricky words in the table found on the next page. Complete the columns after the words to practise writing them. Then fill in the missing words and have a go at writing your own sentences too.
  2. Next, you need to read the questions on the following pages and write simple sentences to answer each of the questions.

Challenge: Try to include adjectives (describing words) in your writing.

Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly!


Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.

Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.

Check your capital letters and full stops.


You are learning to count in multiples of 5s.


You are learning to count carefully and compare numbers.

  1. Complete the sheet ‘Counting in 5s Maze’ in your Week 2 Day 5 booklet.  

You need to count in 5s to help the rabbit get to the carrots.

  1. Then, complete the ‘Comparing Groups of Objects’ sheet by counting the pictures on each line and circling the answer which is the odd one out.

Remember the pattern when counting in 5s.  The numbers should alternate between ending in either a 5 or a 0.

e.g. 0, 5, 10, 15, 20


Remember to always double check your answers.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to quickly find number bonds to 20.          


Using the number cards 0-20, make as many number bonds pairs to 20. (e.g. 12 and 8)

Challenge: Time how long it takes you to find them all. Can you improve your speed?

You will need to make another 10 number card (by writing this on a post it note or scrap piece of paper) to make one of your number bond pairs.


You are learning to identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.


You are learning to improve your scissors skills.


  1. Watch the video link 3 below then complete page 6 in your separate animals’ booklet (this can be found at the back of your plastic wallet) titled ‘Year 1 Science Animals, Including Humans’.
  2. Children could then have a go at cutting along the dotted lines to practise their scissor skills. They can choose any 2 pages in the ‘My Scissor skills booklet’.

If you need further help with completing this sheet then click on the link 4 below.


Some of the answers to the animal sheet can be found on the quiz below (link 5)

Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics -

Link 3 video for Topic -

Link 4 video for Topic -

Link 5 video for Topic answers -

Home Learning Day 9 - 2nd April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Thursday 2nd April 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is are (Care and Share).


Please see the front page of the Week 2 Day 4 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) and phonics reading books to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to improve your spelling and use of Year 1 tricky words.



You are learning to write simple sentences to answer a question.

  1. Begin by reading the tricky words in the table found on the next page. Complete the columns after the words to practise writing them. Then fill in the missing words and have a go at writing your own sentences too.
  2. Next, you need to read the questions on the following pages and write simple sentences to answer each of the questions.


Challenge: Try to include conjunctions (and, because) to extend your answers.

Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly!


Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.

Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.


You are learning to write numbers in words and represent a number pictorially.

You are recapping your number bonds knowledge.

You are learning to recognise o’clock and half past times on both analogue and digital clocks.

  1. Complete the sheet ‘Number representations to 20’ and ‘Spring number bonds’ in your Week 2 Day 4 booklet.  On the number bonds sheet, the two parts underneath must equal the number at the top.
  2. Then, complete the ‘Digital and Analogue clocks’ sheet by matching the written time to the analogue clock and then to the digital clock.

Remember you can use your fingers or counters to support you with your counting on.


Try to use a ruler when drawing the lines to match your clocks.




Basic maths facts

You are learning to quickly recognise odd and even numbers.

Follow the link 3 below to play the game, ‘catch a star’. You will need to read the numbers and then decide whether this number is odd or even.

Support: Before you start playing the game, see if you can write the single-digit numbers which are even. Then use this sheet to help you with playing the game. Remember that you always look at the last number to decide whether it is even or odd. For example, 36 is even because it ends with a 6.

Look at The Moon. If it says 'odd' you need to catch only odd numbers. If it says 'even' you should only catch even numbers. Every 30 seconds or so The Moon will change. Move the chimney to catch the numbers.


You are learning about how to keep safe online.


Click on the PDF file below which will take you to an instruction page from the ‘Think U Know’ site. You will need to begin by watching the video and the link for this can be found below (link 4).

Adults – children can watch the video on their own, but they will need someone to talk through the answers with.

Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics -

Link 3 for Basic Maths game -

Link 4 video about e-safety (watch episode 2) -

Home Learning Day 8 - 1st April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Wednesday 1st April 2020

Our home videos are live! Don’t forget to watch some of our stories. Follow the link:


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is u-e (Huge Brute).

Watch this video first:


Please see the front page of the Week 2 Day 3 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) and phonics reading books to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to improve your spelling and use of Year 1 tricky words.




You are learning to write simple sentences to answer a question.



  1. Begin by reading the tricky words in the table found on the next page. Complete the columns after the words to practise writing them. Then fill in the missing words and have a go at writing your own sentences too.
  2. Then complete the page about ‘Backwards Land’ in your Week 2 Day 3 booklet. This part can be silly and made up!
  3. Next, you need to read the question on the following page and write simple sentences to answer the question.

Use the sentence starter:

If I had a pet dragon I would…

Challenge: Try to include conjunctions (and, because) to extend your answers.

Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly!


Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.


Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.



You are learning to identify and name 2D shapes.

You are learning to compare 2 objects and say which is taller and which is shorter.

  1. Complete the sheet ‘2D Shape Hunt’ in your Week 2 Day 3 booklet.  You will need some form of coloured pencils/pens to do this. If you don’t have the correct colours then you can change the colours.
  2. Then, complete the ‘Measuring Length and Height’ sheet using the language shorter and taller to complete the sentences. 

Remember you can use your fingers or counters to support you with your counting forwards and backwards.


Basic maths facts

You are learning to quickly double numbers up to 10.

Follow the link 3 below to play hit the button (doubles). Start by practising ‘doubles to 10’ then as the child improves they can have a go at ‘doubles from 5 to 15’.

Remember you can use your fingers or counters to support you.

Topic work

You are learning to be positive about yourself.



You are learning to improve your scissors skills.


  1. Complete the ‘Things I like about me’ page in your booklet. (this can be found at the back of your plastic wallet).


  1. Children to then have a go at cutting along the dotted lines to practise their scissor skills. They can choose 2 pages in the ‘My Scissor skills booklet’ (this can be found at the back of your plastic wallet).

Get the children to think about these questions before you complete the page:

  • What are you good at in school?
  • What kind things do people say to you? (e.g. You are kind, smiley, funny, pretty, hardworking, clever etc.)
  • What do you enjoy doing?

Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics -

Link 3 for Basic Maths game -

Home Learning Day 7 - 31st March 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Tuesday 31st March 2020

Remember to keep singing! Here is the link to the site we use:


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.



You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is o-e (Phone home).


Please see the front page of the Week 2 Day 2 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) and phonics reading books to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to improve your spelling and use of Year 1 tricky words.


You are learning to write simple sentences to answer a question.



  1. Begin by reading the tricky words in the table found on the next page. Complete the columns after the words to practise writing them. Then fill in the missing words and have a go at writing your own sentences too.
  2. Next, you need to read the question on the following pages and write simple sentences to answer the questions.

You can use the sentence starters:

The animals are cheering because…

If I woke up in a different world I would…

Challenge: Try to include conjunctions (and, because) to extend your answers.

Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly!

Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.

Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.

Check your capital letters and full stops.


Challenge: Can you include more than one adjective in your answer?


You are recapping how to accurately count in 2s.

You are learning to add and subtract numbers to 20.

  1. Complete the sheet ‘Counting in 2s Dot to Dot’ in your Week 2 Day 2 booklet. Start at 0 and join the dots correctly by counting in 2s. 
  2. Then, complete the ‘Addition and Subtraction to 20 Spring Mosaic’ sheet. You will need some form of coloured pencils/pens to do this. If you don’t have the correct colours then you can change the colours.

Remember you can use your fingers or counters to support you with your counting forwards and backwards.


Basic maths facts

You are learning to find one more or one less than numbers up to 30/50/100.

If you have a computer/tablet/laptop/phone then the child can play on the game using the link 3 below. (start by clicking ‘up to 30’ and then increase as the child improves).

Another option (instead of using the internet) uses the number cards in your pack. An adult or sibling shows the child a number card and the child must find or write the number which is one more and one less than the number which has been shown.


Topic work

You are learning to identify and name a variety of common animals, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds.

You are learning to improve your scissors skills.

  1. Complete pages 4 and 5 in your separate animals’ booklet (this can be found at the back of your plastic wallet) titled ‘Year 1 Science Animals, Including Humans’.
  2. Children could then have a go at cutting along the dotted lines to practise their scissor skills. They can choose 2 pages in the ‘My Scissor skills booklet’ (this can be found at the back of your plastic wallet).

If you need reminding about the animal groups then revisit the videos you watched last week using link 4 below.

(Remember your login can be found on the back of your yellow reading record.)


(Parents, please be aware there are notes at the bottom of the Science pages to help you with supporting your child.) 

Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics -

Link 3 game for basic maths -

Link 4 for Animal videos -

Home Learning Day 6 - 30th March 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Monday 30th March 2020



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.



You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ea (cup of tea).


Please see the front page of the Week 2 Day 1 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) and phonics reading books to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to improve your spelling and use of Year 1 tricky words.


You are learning to write simple sentences to answer a question.

  1. Begin by reading the tricky words in the table found on the next page. Complete the columns after the words to practise writing them. Then fill in the missing words and have a go at writing your own sentences too.
  2. Next, you need to read the question on the following page and write simple sentences to answer the question.

For example,

My cat is the best superhero ever! He can carry out secret missions because his cape makes him invisible.

Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.


Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.

Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.

Check your capital letters and full stops.


Challenge: Try to include conjunctions (and, because) to extend your answers.

Challenge: Can you correctly use an exclamation mark?


You are learning to add and subtract numbers to 20.


You are learning to write numbers to 20 in numerals and words.



  1. Complete the ‘Addition and Subtraction to 20’ sheet in your Week 2 Day 1 booklet. You will need some form of coloured pencils/pens to do this. If you don’t have the correct colours then you can change the colours.
  2. Then, using the following page ‘I spy and Count to 20’ page, count the numbers of each spring object and write the numeral and number word in the table on the next page.

For example,

If you see 6 butterflies then you need to write 6 in the first column and six in the next one.

Remember you can use your fingers or counters to support you with your counting forwards and backwards.


Remember to do careful counting. It is always good to double check each answer to ensure you have not miscounted the objects.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to count in sets of 5s.

Use your number cards to organise the cards into 5s. Start at 0 and count in 5s, placing the numbers you say in a line.

For example, you should have the cards:

0, 5, 10, 15…

Challenge: Ask someone in your house (a parent, brother or sister) to remove some numbers from your number line and count in 5s to see if you can work out the number(s) they have removed.

You could also time yourself doing this activity and then reshuffle the cards and see if you can sort them into multiples of 5s in less time than before.

Topic work

You are learning to identify and name a variety of common animals, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds.

Complete pages 2 and 3 in your separate animals’ booklet (this can be found at the back of your plastic wallet) titled ‘Year 1 Science Animals, Including Humans’.


(Parents, please be aware there are notes at the bottom of the page to help you with supporting your child.)

If you need reminding about the animal groups then revisit the videos you watched last week using link 3 below.


(Remember your login can be found on the back of your yellow reading record.)

Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for phonics -

Link 3 for Animal videos -

Home Learning Day 5 - 27th March 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Friday 27th March 2020

Remember to keep singing! Here is the link to the site we use:


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 


Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.

Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is i-e (nice smile).


Please see the front page of the Day 5 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) and phonics reading books to support these activities.

The link 2 for the phonics game can be found below.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to improve your handwriting and spelling of keywords.


You are learning to write instructions to explain how you made your vehicle.

  1. Begin by reading the high frequency words in your Day 5 booklet. Then copy these words on the lines using your best handwriting.
  2. Next, you need to write simple instructions to explain the different stages of making your car.


Challenge: Try to include time conjunctions (First, next, then, after and finally) to explain the order which you did each step.  

Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly!

Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.

Check your capital letters and full stops.

Here are some key words to help you:

  • Design
  • Template
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Colouring
  • Glue gun


You are learning to count to and across 100, forwards and backwards from any number.  


  1. Complete the ‘One More, One Less’ lorry sheet by writing the number that comes before and after the number in the middle.
  2. Then fill in the missing number lines on the following page. Use the numbers on each line to help you.

Remember you can use your fingers or counters to support you with your counting forwards and backwards.



Basic maths facts

You are learning to count in sets of 2s.

Use your number cards to organise the cards into 2s. Start at 0 and count in 2s, placing the numbers you say in a line.

For example, you should have the cards:

0, 2, 4, 6… (See if you can go all the way to 30!)

Challenge: Ask someone in your house (a parent, brother or sister) to remove some numbers from your number line and count in 2s to see if you can work out the number(s) they have removed.


Topic work

You are recapping your knowledge of what plants need to grow.

Complete the ‘Plants Need..’ sheet on the back of your Day 5 booklet. If you are struggling then watch the video (Link 3) below to help you.  


Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Phonics -

Link 3 for Topic work  -

Home Learning Day 4 - 26th March 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Thursday 26th March 2020

Hello Sycamore class 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping Physically Active

You are learning to keep physically active. 

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson. 

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.

Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  

Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.



You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is aw (yawn at dawn).


Please see the front page of the Day 4 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.

You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) and phonics reading books to support these activities.


For the final phonics activity on the sheet you need to fill in the missing letters on the ‘Dinosaur Days’ and ‘All at sea’ sheets using the letters at the bottom of the pages. Once completed you can colour in the pictures.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to improve your handwriting and spelling of keywords.


You are learning to write simple sentences to match a picture using capital letters and full stops.

  1. Begin by reading the high frequency words in your Day 4 booklet. Then copy these words on the lines using your best handwriting.
  2. Then, look at the pictures on the following pages and write simple sentences to explain each part of the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’.


Challenge: Try to include adjectives (describing words) and a conjunction (and, because) to extend your sentences.



Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly!


Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.

Check your capital letters and full stops.

Remember to use the words at the top of the pages to help you.


Parents this might take the children longer than a normal day’s writing activity so they can always come back to it at another time. Try to encourage them to write at least 3 sentences before moving on.


You are learning to subtract numbers using pictures to help you.



  1. Complete the ‘Green Bottle Subtraction’ sheet in your booklet.
  2. Complete the sheet ‘Elmer Subtraction From 20’ in your Day 4 booklet. You will need some form of coloured pencils/pens to do this. If you don’t have the correct colours then you can change the colours.

Remember you can use your fingers or counters to support you with your counting backwards.


Alternatively, you could make a number line to help you.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to quickly answer addition and subtraction number sentences.


Follow the link 2 below to play the ‘Lotto: addition and subtraction (1-10)’ game.


Challenge: Time how long it takes you to complete one game. Can you improve your speed at answering all 5 questions?


Topic work

You are recapping your knowledge of plants and trees.

Watch a range of videos (see link 3 below) about different plants and trees and then complete the activities which can be found on the tab on the left-hand side of the page.


Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -

Link 2 for Basic Maths game -

Link 3 for Plant videos -


Home Learning Day 3 - 25th March 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Wednesday 25th March 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is ur (nurse with a purse).

Please see the front page of the Day 3 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.


You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) and phonics reading books to support these activities.

Here is the link to the Phonics game:

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word


If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to improve your handwriting and spelling of keywords.


You are learning to write simple sentences using capital letters and full stops.

  1. Begin by reading the high frequency words in your Day 3 booklet. Then copy these words on the lines using your best handwriting. Today there are 2 pages of handwriting practise.
  2. Then, look at the picture on the following page and write simple sentences to explain what you can see in the picture.

Challenge: Try to include adjectives (describing words) and a conjunction (and, because) to extend your sentences.

Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly!


Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.


Check your capital letters and full stops.



You are recapping your number bonds knowledge.


You are learning to use pictures to add numbers together.

  1. Complete the robot number bonds pages in your booklet. Fill in the missing parts of the robots to make the number bonds.
  2. Complete the ‘Building brick addition’ sheet by adding the bumps on the Lego pieces.

Challenge: Can you use one of these number sentences (e.g. 2 + 4 = 6) to write other number sentences

(e.g. 12 +4 = 16 and 6 – 4 = 2)

Remember you can use your counters to help you.

Both numbers in the robot’s hand need to add up to make the number in the tummy. Remember to use your fingers or use your counters to count on if you are stuck.  

Basic maths facts

You are learning to quickly recognise the number bond pairs to 10.

Follow the link 1 below to play hit the button (number bonds). Start by practising ‘up to 10 – make 10’ then as you improve you can move onto ‘up to 20 – make 20’.


Remember you can use your fingers or counters to support you.

Topic work

You are recapping your knowledge of animals and animals’ groups.

Watch a range of videos (see link 2 below) about different animals and then complete the activities which can be found on the tab on the left-hand side of the page.


Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Basic Maths facts

Link 2 for Animal videos


Home Learning Day 2 - 24th March 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class

Day: Tuesday 24th March 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Your sound of the day is a-e (make a cake).


Please see the front page of the Day 2 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.


You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) and phonics reading books to support these activities.

Here is the link to the Phonics game:

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word

If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to improve your handwriting and spelling of keywords.


You are learning to spell plurals by using s or es correctly.


  1. Begin by reading the high frequency words in your Day 2 booklet. Then copy these words on the lines using your best handwriting. Continue to practice your handwriting by tracing the letters on the following page and then writing the letter on your own underneath.
  2. Before completing the next page watch the video link 1 (see below). Then follow the instructions on the worksheets ‘Adding s and es’.

Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly!


The login in details for discovery espresso can be found on the back of your child’s reading record.

Click login and use:

Username: student31363

Password: Newtown




You are learning to add 2 numbers together correctly up to 20.


You are learning to correctly write o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to times on an analogue clock.

  1. Complete the sheet ‘Elmer Addition to 20’ in your Day 2 booklet. You will need some form of coloured pencils/pens to do this. If you don’t have the correct colours then you can change the colours.
  2. Have a go at drawing the hands on the clock to match the time underneath. If you get stuck with the quarter past and quarter to times have a look at link 2 and link 3 below. 

If possible, encourage the children to use a ruler to draw the hands on their clocks.


The children should be confident with o’clock and half past however, not all children will have learnt quarter past and quarter to. To support the child with this part of the sheet I have included 2 links below which will help them.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to quickly recognise the number bond pairs to 10.

You will need the number cards 0-10 and preferably someone to play with (although this could be done on your own). Turn all the cards over so you can’t see the numbers. Take it in turns to turn 2 cards over. If they add up to make 10 then that person can keep the cards. If not, the cards must be turned over and the next person plays. Continue this process until all cards have been cleared. The winner is the person with the most cards at the end.

You will need to take the number 5 card out as the set of cards does not include another 5 so they will not be able to match this pair.


Topic work

You are finding key information about Australia.

Use the internet to research information about Australia (link 4 below is good place to start). Then make a poster to show the most important information you’ve found out. You can create the poster on a separate piece of paper or on the bordered page in your Day 2 booklet. (This can be found at the back.)

Remember to read through your writing to ensure it makes sense.


Make your poster is bright and colourful to encourage people to read it.  

Links to support the booklet work:

Link 1 for Writing:

Link 2 for Maths (quarter past)

Link 3 for Maths (quarter to)

Link 4 (Information about Australia)

Home Learning Day 1 - 23rd March 2020

Daily Planner For:

Sycamore Class


Day: Monday 23rd March 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.




Please see the front page of the Day 1 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session.


You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) and phonics reading books to support these activities.


Here is the link to the Phonics game:



Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word


If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.


You are learning to improve your handwriting and spelling of keywords.


You are learning to use a range of punctuation correctly.


  1. Begin by reading the high frequency words in your Day 1 booklet. Then copy these words on the lines using your best handwriting.
  2. Follow the instructions on the worksheets ‘Capital Letters and Full Stops’ and ‘Question marks and ‘Exclamation marks’.

Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly!


Make sure to check your work for any mistakes.


You are learning to relate times of the day to activities appropriately.


You are recapping your number bonds knowledge.

  1. Complete the sheet ‘What time?’ in your Day 1 booklet.
  2. Complete the robot number bonds pages in your booklet. Fill in the missing parts of the robots to make the number bonds.

Both numbers in the robot’s hand need to add up to make the number in the tummy. Remember to use your fingers or use your counters to count on if you are stuck.

Basic maths facts

You are learning to quickly find number bonds to 10.

Using the number cards 0-10, make as many number bonds to 10.

Challenge: Time how long it takes you to find them all. Can you improve your speed?

You will need to make another 5 (by writing this on a post it note or scrap piece of paper) to make one of your number bond pairs.


Topic work

You are researching animals that live around the world, in particular Australia.

Research an animal from Australia of your choice and create a fact file on the final page in your Day 1 booklet.


Look carefully at the subheadings to make sure that what you are writing is the correct information.

Check that the fact makes sense.

Don’t forget to draw a lovely picture to go with your writing!

Welcome to Sycamore Class!


Here in year 1 our class teacher is Miss Abbott with the support of our teaching assistant Miss McVeigh.


This year we will cover a wide range of topics, from Mary Seacole to Castles and dragons and Healthy Eating. In Sycamore class we enjoy learning and we know how to work hard whilst still having fun!

The children will have weekly maths homework to complete on the Active Learn website. This login can be found in the back of each child’s reading record. We would also appreciate your support with helping your child to practise their spellings each week.


We appreciate the enjoyment and importance of reading. Therefore, here at Newtown we have the 100 club where children can win prizes for the amount of time they have read at home. Who will be the first to reach this amazing milestone?


Make sure that you come back to this page so that you can see what exciting things our class have been getting up to at school.


Miss Abbott

More Farm to Food

This term Sycamore have been growing a range of plants to compare how plants grow differently. They have been recording each plants speed of growth and the number of the leaves grown on each plant. They have enjoyed watching the seeds grow taller each day!

The children are also in the process of designing and making their own wooden vehicles which will be transporting one piece of fruit across the classroom. Prior to our designing stage, the children carried out some product research to see what they need to include on their vehicles.

Farm to Food

This term Sycamore class are looking at where our food comes from. We have been busy learning about plants and understanding which parts of plants we can eat. As part of this learning we tried a range of vegetables and fruit from avocado, radishes, mango to celery and cucumber. As you can see from their faces there were some clear favourites and others that were not so popular! We are also looking forward to our upcoming trip to Wagamama to understand how the meals and juices are created from a range of plants.

Busy in Sycamore Class

Sycamore Class have been doing some excellent Maths learning this term. We have been using cubes to measure different objects around the classroom and some of us were working together to carry out a measuring investigation. We have also been busy writing diary entries imagining we were Zog at Dragon School. We have all worked hard to plan and publish these fantastic Diary entries.


Alongside this, we have been busy preparing for our Christmas play and making our Christmas crafts. We look forward to seeing lots of you at the Christmas Fayre and showing you our fantastic reindeer hot chocolate cones!

Farleigh Hungerford Castle trip

To start out new topic of Dragons and Castles, the children visited Farleigh Hungerford Castle. They learnt about how and why castles were built as well as who would have lived in the castle. They all enjoyed dressing up and imagining what life would have been like in the castle!

African Drumming and Dancing

Sycamore class had some special visitors all the way from Ghana who performed and then taught the children how to drum and dance in a traditional Ghanaian style. The children were enthusiastic, confident and fantastic performers!

Sycamore’s Wild Science 

The children ventured outside to learn all about fire and shelter building with Mr Marshall and Mrs Disney. Not only did the children build shelters for themselves but later in the week they created shelters for different animals using only items which they found outside. They collected a range of useful items such as sticks, grass, leaves and pebbles. They worked as groups to build shelters. They were then ‘rain’ tested to see how waterproof the shelters were!

Sycamore Class have made a great start to year 1! Throughout this term we have been learning about the life and works of Mary Seacole and about why she is an important figure in History. As part of our topic, we had a Mary Seacole day, alongside year 2, where the children came in dressed as nurses, doctors and paramedics. The children took part in a range of activities from cooking to creating our own nurse hats and role play in both a modern and Victorian hospital. They also got a chance to try some of their culinary delights which went down well! I think you’ll agree the children all looked great!