Hello I am Miss Abbott and I teach the year 2 our class with the support of our fantastic teaching assistants Mrs Slade and Mrs Wiater.
In Maple class we enjoy learning and we know how to work hard whilst still having fun!
We appreciate the enjoyment and importance of reading. Therefore, here at Newtown we have the 100 club where children can win prizes for the amount of time they have read at home. Who will be the first to reach the amazing milestone of 100 reads?
Key things to remember:
The learning destination book can also be used for any additional home learning that your child wishes to be included.
Make sure that you come back to this class page so that you can see what exciting things our class have been getting up to at school.
Miss Abbott
Maple Class have been thoroughly enjoying football on the MUGA this term. They have been working hard on their ball control and they have been practising their shots.
Daily Planner For: Maple Class |
Day: Friday 5th March 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on link 1 below which will take you to Cosmic Kids Yoga video. Follow the instructor Jaime as she takes you through the different movements. Try your best but more importantly have fun! 😊
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is ure (sure it’s pure). Please see the front page of the Day 10 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2 and 3. On the game choose phase 3 and choose the sound ure. Then, watch Miss Abbott’s reading lesson for today linked to your reading comprehension. Please read the text ‘London’s Burning! A Fictional Story’ and answer the questions in your day 10 booklet.
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write a diary entry using the past tense. |
In your Day 10 booklet:
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
Check your capital letters and full stops. |
Maths |
You are learning to interpret pictograms. |
Click on link 5 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video.Today you will be interpreting pictograms. Once you have watched the video, complete the sheet in your day 10 booklet.
Remember to check how much each image is worth e.g., one circle = 1 animal.
Topic work |
You are learning to spend time reflecting. |
Today I would like you to think about what makes you feel happy. Draw a picture of something that makes you happy in each cloud.
I would love to see photographs of your happy clouds so please email me photographs:
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 Cosmic Kids Yoga – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5y3gCrL_XIM
Link 2 for phonics - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/15-ure
Link 3 for phonics- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/picnic-on-pluto
Link 4 for Miss Abbott’s reading and writing lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/200a6008dac348f88fdd880732d43819
Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson – https://www.loom.com/share/d6013ccb74e2442d93e7b8f92fc75421
Link 6 for White Rose Maths video – https://vimeo.com/501674074
Daily Planner For: Maple Class |
Day: Thursday 4th March 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on link 1 below which will take you to Cosmic Kids Yoga video. Follow the instructor Jaime as she takes you through the different movements. Try your best but more importantly have fun! 😊
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is ire (fire, fire). Please see the front page of the Day 9 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2 and 3. Link 3 will take you to an activity where you will need to listen to the tricky word and then spell it correctly using the letters that are displayed. Please read the text ‘The Isle of Coll’ and answer the questions in your day 9 booklet.
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.
Writing |
You are learning to write a diary entry using the past tense. |
In your Day 9 booklet:
Then, watch Miss Abbott’s writing lesson for today linked to your writing task.
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
You are learning to draw pictograms.
Click on link 5 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video.Today you will be answering questions all about pictograms. Once you have watched the video, complete the sheet in your day 9 booklet.
Remember to check how much each image is worth e.g., one circle = 1 animal.
Basic Maths facts |
You are learning to quickly double numbers up to 10. |
Click on link 7 below to play hit the button (doubles). Start by practicing ‘doubles to 10’. Then as your child improves they can have a go at doubling bigger numbers. |
Remember you can use your fingers or draw a picture to support you. |
Topic work |
You are going to recap your knowledge of seasons.
Today you are going to draw how the leaves change on a deciduous tree throughout the year and as the seasons change. Before completing this sheet, I would you like you to explore the videos and activities by clicking on link 8 below.
Log in to Espresso home learning: Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Cosmic Kids Yoga – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gldw-_9blXM
Link 2 for phonics - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/13-ire
Link 3 for phonics- https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/primary_uk/subject/module/activity/item829807/grade1/module63423/index.html
Link 4 for Miss Abbott’s writing lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/84ae0909734e4233b45f59098ae68376
Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson – https://www.loom.com/share/bfba1df3af444e19b7947c3f1e003a59
Link 6 for White Rose Maths video - https://vimeo.com/501673699
Link 7 Basic Maths - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Link 8 for Topic - https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/primary_uk/subject/module/frontscreen/item1162014/grade1/index.html?source=search-all-all-all-all&source-keywords=season
Maple Class |
Day: Wednesday 3rd March 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 I am looking forward to seeing you all on our TEAMS meeting at 11:15am this morning. |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on link 1 below which will take you to Cosmic Kids Yoga video. Follow the instructor Jaime as she takes you through the different movements. Try your best but more importantly have fun! 😊
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is are (care and share) Please see the front page of the Day 8 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4. Please read the text ‘I do like to be beside the seaside’ and answer the questions in your day 8 booklet. Try to see how much of the text you can read in 1 minute. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write verbs in the past tense. |
In your Day 8 booklet:
Then, watch Miss Abbott’s writing lesson for today linked to your writing task.
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
You are learning to make tally charts. |
Click on link 6 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video.Today you will be answering questions all about tally charts. Once you have watched the video, complete the sheet in your day 8 booklet.
Do not forget to read each question carefully.
Basic Maths facts |
You are learning to quickly recognise odd and even numbers. |
Follow link 8 below to play the game, ‘catch a star’. You will need to read the numbers and then decide whether this number is odd or even. |
Look at The Moon. If it says 'odd' you need to catch only odd numbers. If it says 'even' you should only catch even numbers. Every 30 seconds or so The Moon will change. Move the chimney to catch the numbers.
Topic work |
Create your own fireworks in a glass. |
Today you are going to have a go at creating your own fireworks in a glass. To complete this Science experiment, you will need to follow the instructions in your booklet for today.
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Cosmic Kids Yoga – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhWDiQRrC1Y
Link 2 for phonics - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/7-are
Link 3 for phonics- https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/are-spelling-session
Link 4 for phonics- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/buried-treasure
Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s writing lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/1f9c362eef1049118da2e47d91d1751d
Link 6 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson – https://www.loom.com/share/8f9a300470884bfb8ddd1ded17822daa
Link 7 for White Rose Maths video - https://vimeo.com/501671369
Link 8 for Basic Maths - https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/chimney/index.html
Maple Class |
Day: Tuesday 2nd March 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on link 1 below which will take you to Cosmic Kids Yoga video. Follow the instructor Jaime as she takes you through the different movements. Try your best but more importantly have fun! 😊
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is oi (spoil the boy). Please see the front page of the Day 7 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4. Please read the text ‘All About Africa’ and answer the questions in your day 7 booklet. Try to see how much of the text you can read in 1 minute. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write persuasively.
You are learning to use a range of adjectives. |
In your Day 7 booklet:
Then, watch Miss Abbott’s writing lesson for today linked to your writing task.
If you would like to use some alternative adjectives then use the thesaurus below to find other words that mean similar things. |
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
You are learning to divide by 10.
Click on link 7 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video.Today you will be learning to divide by 10. Once you have watched the video, complete the sheet in your Term 4 Day 7 booklet.
Do not forget to read each question carefully.
Basic Maths facts |
You are learning to quickly find number bonds to 100. |
Follow link 9 below to play ‘Funky Mummy’ and make sure you are on the game ‘bonds of 100 (multiples of 10).’ Then have a go at all bonds of 100. You need to click on the mummy which has the correct answer above it. |
Remember you can use your knowledge of number bonds to 10 to help you. |
Topic work |
Create your own firework painting. |
Today you are going to create your own firework painting. Follow the instructions in your Topic resources pack with today’s date at the top.
I would love to see pictures of your finished artwork so please email them to me at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Cosmic Kids Yoga - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9W8iV4AJYQ
Link 2 for phonics - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/2-oi
Link 3 for phonics- https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/oi-spelling-session
Link 4 for phonics- https://www.phonicsbloom.com/uk/game/odd-and-bob?phase=4#
Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s writing lesson – https://www.loom.com/share/f91ccda9b80f43d286e7c31d3a96c0da
Link 6 for Thesaurus (to support the writing task) - https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english-thesaurus
Link 7 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson – https://www.loom.com/share/77bdc034a5234c57a11057a7a465b5b0
Link 8 for White Rose Maths video - https://vimeo.com/498262386
Link 9 for Basic Maths - https://ictgames.com/funkyMummy/index.html
Daily Planner For: Maple Class |
Day: Monday 1st March 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on link 1 below which will take you to Miss Brown’s dance lesson (part 3). |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is ea (cup of tea). Please see the front page of the Day 6 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4. Please read the text ‘A helicopter tour of London’ and answer the questions in your term 4 day 6 booklet. Try to see how much of the text you can read in 1 minute. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to read key information all about China.
You are learning to write facts using capital letters and full stops correctly. |
In your Term 4 Day 6 booklet:
Then, watch Miss Abbott’s writing lesson for today linked to your writing task.
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to divide by 5.
Click on link 6 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today.If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video.Today you will be learning to divide by 5. Once you have watched the video, complete the sheet in your Term 4 Day 6 booklet. |
Do not forget to read each question carefully.
Basic Maths facts |
You are learning to partition numbers into tens and ones. |
Click on link 7 below which will take you to ‘Place value basketball’. You can choose the level to start on, but I would suggest working on the lower numbers first and then working your way up. To play this game you need to look at the pieces and work out what number is being represented. Then, click on the basketball with the number you think is correct. |
Support: The longer sticks represent a 10 and then each small square represents a 1. Therefore, if the picture showed two long sticks and five small squares this would be 25. |
Topic work |
Create your own St David’s Day bunch of flowers.
Today you are going to create your own bunch of daffodils for St David’s Day. Follow the instructions in your Topic resources pack with today’s date at the top. To find out more about St David’s Day then click on the information PDF below. |
I would love to see pictures of your finished flowers so please email them to me at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Miss Brown’s dance lesson (part 3) - https://www.loom.com/share/0ab6efcce5024a7ea7063a3eb4843b8a
Link 2 for phonics - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/1-ea
Link 3 for phonics- https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/ea-spelling-session
Link 4 for phonics- https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/primary_uk/subject/module/activity/item834786/grade1/module63429/index.html
Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s writing lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/94469494d9a84ae180f1d41eb7916430
Link 6 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson – https://www.loom.com/share/f65207d28056469fbc00b79a7574af2e
Link 7 for White Rose Maths video - https://vimeo.com/498262138
Link 8 Basic Maths – https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/place-value-basketball
Maple Class |
Day: Friday 26th February 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 I am looking forward to seeing you all on our TEAMS meeting at 11:15am this morning. |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on link 1 below which will take you to ‘Just dance’ videos. Follow the moves as they come up along the bottom of the screen. Some of the dance moves shown are with 2 or more people but you can adapt these to do it on your own. Try your best but more importantly have fun! 😊 |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is oa (goat in a boat). Please see the front page of the Day 5 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4. Then, watch Miss Abbott’s reading lesson for today linked to your reading comprehension. Please read the text ‘Deep Sea Explorers’ and answer the questions in your day 5 booklet. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to show speech using speech bubbles.
You are learning to use a range of punctuation accurately.
In your Day 5 booklet:
Challenge: Can you include more than one exclamation marks? |
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
Check your capital letters and full stops. |
Maths |
You are learning to identify odd and even numbers. |
Click on link 6 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video.Today you will be identifying odd and even numbers. Once you have watched the video, complete the sheet in your day 5 booklet. I have attached a link to help the children to visualise odd and even numbers using numicon. On this website they are called number frames, but the children call the pieces as numicon. |
Do not forget to read each question carefully.
Basic Maths facts |
You are learning to recap your Maths knowledge.
Click on link 9 below which will take you to Twinkl Go. You will see a box on the right hand side of this page which says child login. In this box type in the code:BA1834You should see 10 games and videos to choose from. Your child can select any of these games or videos to play or watch. To play the games your child will need to click on LAUNCH. |
Please email Miss Abbott if you have any issues with accessing these games:
Topic work |
You are learning to spend time reflecting. |
Today I would like you to complete the mindfulness activities at the back of your booklet titled ‘Don’t worry, be happy!’ and ‘I am amazing!’ Once you have done this spend some time doing something that makes you happy. This could be playing with your toys, reading a book, playing a game or relaxing. It is up to you! |
Remember that we are all good at different things. There are lots of things which make you unique and amazing.
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Just Dance - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDSHLtb57Hk and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39L-M5nhx6Y
Link 2 for phonics - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/10-oa
Link 3 for phonics- https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/oa-spelling-session
Link 4 for phonics- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/DragonsDen.html
Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s reading lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/01782a8402994d0989bf1a67c0be682c
Link 6 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson – https://www.loom.com/share/991ef57dfbad4575a94302fb658fb54d
Link 7 for White Rose Maths video – https://vimeo.com/498261586
Link 8 for Interactive numicon - https://mathsbot.com/manipulatives/numberFrames
Link 9 for Basic Maths - https://www.twinkl.co.uk/go
Daily Planner For: Maple Class |
Day: Thursday 25th February 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on link 1 below which will take you to ‘Just dance’ videos. Follow the moves as they come up along the bottom of the screen. Some of the dance moves shown are with 2 or more people but you can adapt these to do it on your own. Try your best but more importantly have fun! 😊 |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is aw (yawn at dawn). Please see the front page of the Day 4 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4. Choose phase 5 and choose the sound aw.
Then, watch Miss Abbott’s reading lesson for today linked to your reading comprehension. Please read the text ‘Terrific Travel Competition’ and answer the questions in your day 4 booklet. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write extended sentences to describe a setting. |
In your Day 4 booklet:
What might you see? What might you hear? What might you smell? |
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
You are learning to divide by 2.
Click on link 6 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video.Today you will be answering questions all about dividing by 2. Once you have watched the video, complete the sheet in your day 4 booklet. |
Do not forget to read each question carefully.
Basic Maths facts |
You are learning to recap your Maths knowledge.
Click on link 8 below which will take you to Twinkle Go. You will see a box on the right hand side of this page which says child login. In this box type in the code:BA1834You should see 10 games and videos to choose from. Your child can select any of these games or videos to play or watch. To play the games your child will need to click on LAUNCH. |
Please email Miss Abbott if you have any issues with accessing these games:
Topic work |
You are going to explore on a nature walk
Today I would like you to use the sheet in your day 4 booklet to go on a nature hunt. Write notes as you are walking to complete each section:
I would love to hear about what you found on your nature walk so please send any pictures of you exploring or your completed sheet to:
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Just Dance - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYgIVc5Jvjg and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkstiMe2Ybs
Link 2 for phonics - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/6aw
Link 3 for phonics- https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/aw-spelling-session
Link 4 for phonics- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/picnic-on-pluto
Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s reading lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/c7ec1f352ca14b6186fa5df3e78a11e7
Link 6 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson – https://www.loom.com/share/f5285db2197041aeb977930302797ce8
Link 7 for White Rose Maths video - https://vimeo.com/498260506
Link 8 Basic Maths - https://www.twinkl.co.uk/go
Maple Class |
Day: Wednesday 24th February 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 I am looking forward to seeing you all on our TEAMS meeting at 11:15am this morning. |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on link 1 below which will take you to a ‘Just dance’ video. Follow the moves as they come up along the bottom of the screen. Some of the dance moves shown are with 2 or more people but you can adapt these to do it on your own. Try your best but more importantly have fun! 😊
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is u-e (huge brute) Please see the front page of the Day 3 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2 and 3.
Parents: There is a brief advert at the start but then your child will be able to access the game.
Please read the text ‘Terrible Tornadoes’ and answer the questions in your day 3 booklet. Try to see how much of the text you can read in 1 minute. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to use a range of appropriate adjectives to describe a character. |
In your Day 3 booklet:
Then, watch Miss Abbott’s writing lesson for today linked to your writing task.
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
You are learning to make equal groups by grouping.
Click on link 5 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video.Today you will be answering questions all about equal groups by grouping. Once you have watched the video, complete the sheet in your day 3 booklet. |
Do not forget to read each question carefully.
Basic Maths facts |
You are learning to recap your Maths knowledge.
Click on link 7 below which will take you to Twinkl Go. You will see a box on the right hand side of this page which says child login. In this box type in the code:BA1834You should see 10 games and videos to choose from. Your child can select any of these games or videos to play or watch. To play the games your child will need to click on LAUNCH. |
Please email Miss Abbott if you have any issues with accessing these games:
Topic work |
Draw and/or create your own paper lantern.
Today you can choose between drawing a cartoon Chinese lantern or creating your own paper lantern. You can do both if you’d like! To make your own lantern follow the instructions in your day 3 booklet. To draw a cartoon Chinese lantern, click on link 8 below. |
I would love to see pictures of your artwork so please email me a picture of your work to: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Just Dance - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8SIxE-MCFY
Link 2 for phonics - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/5-u-e
Link 3 for phonics- https://www.roythezebra.com/reading-games/alphabetical-order-1.html
Link 4 for Miss Abbott’s writing lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/e96b42110e6345ac9d7773a157033522
Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson – https://www.loom.com/share/84d323c3057a474fbeb47f8f63cc4b06
Link 6 for White Rose Maths video - https://vimeo.com/492603961
Link 7 Basic Maths - https://www.twinkl.co.uk/go
Link 8 for Topic - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M4xv84i4Wk
Maple Class |
Day: Tuesday 23rd February 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on link 1 below which will take you to a ‘Just dance’ video. Follow the moves as they come up along the bottom of the screen. Some of the dance moves shown are with 2 or more people but you can adapt these to do it on your own. Try your best but more importantly have fun! 😊
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is i-e (nice smile). Please see the front page of the Day 2 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
Please read the text ‘Song of the Seasons’ and answer the questions in your day 2 booklet. Try to see how much of the text you can read in 1 minute.
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to sequence part of a story.
You are learning to use a capital letter and a full stop accurately. |
In your Day 2 booklet:
Then, watch Miss Abbott’s writing lesson for today linked to your writing task.
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
You are learning to make equal groups by sharing.
Click on link 7 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video.Today you will be making equal groups by sharing. Once you have watched the video, complete the sheet in your day 2 booklet.
Do not forget to read each question carefully.
Basic Maths facts |
You are learning to recap your Maths knowledge.
Click on link 10 below which will take you to Twinkl Go. You will see a box on the right hand side of this page which says child login. In this box type in the code:BA1834You should see 10 games and videos to choose from. Your child can select any of these games or videos to play or watch. To play the games your child will need to click on LAUNCH. |
Please email Miss Abbott if you have any issues with accessing these games:
Topic work |
Create your own paper chain Chinese New Year Dragon.
Today you are going to make your own paper chain dragon. Follow the instructions in your Topic resources pack with today’s date at the top. |
I would love to see pictures of your finished dragons so please email them to me at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Just Dance - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkiYo-Ja654
Link 2 for phonics - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/4-i-e
Link 3 for phonics- https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/i-e-spelling-session
Link 4 for phonics- https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/primary_uk/subject/module/activity/item825098/grade1/module63425/index.html
Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s writing lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/f99b34a3ed174031a22d5a00cacb9eaf
Link 6 for the writing challenge – https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/primary_uk/subject/module/video/item910893/grade1/module910304/collection910356/section911049/index.html
Link 7 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson – https://www.loom.com/share/859363688eb642bf967a94ff288823ac
Link 8 for White Rose Maths video - https://vimeo.com/492603633
Link 9 for Interactive base ten - https://mathsbot.com/manipulatives/blocks
Link 10 Basic Maths - https://www.twinkl.co.uk/go
Daily Planner For: Maple Class |
Day: Monday 22nd February 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on link 1 below which will take you to Miss Brown’s dance lesson (part 2).
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is a-e (make a cake). Please see the front page of the Term 4 Day 1 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4. Please read the text ‘How to build a snowman’ and answer the questions in your term 4 day 1 booklet. Try to see how much of the text you can read in 1 minute. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to sequence part of a story.
You are learning to use a capital letter and a full stop accurately. |
In your Term 4 Day 1 booklet:
Then, watch Miss Abbott’s writing lesson for today linked to your writing task.
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning your 10 times table.
Click on link 6 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today.If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video.Today you will be learning and recapping the 10 times-table. Once you have watched the video, complete the sheet in your Term 4 Day 1 booklet. |
Do not forget to read each question carefully.
Basic Maths facts |
You are learning to recap your Maths knowledge.
Click on link 8 below which will take you to Twinkl Go. You will see a box on the right hand side of this page which says child login. In this box type in the code:BA1834You should see 10 games and videos to choose from. Your child can select any of these games or videos to play or watch. To play the games your child will need to click on LAUNCH. |
Please email Miss Abbott if you have any issues with accessing these games:
Topic work |
Create your own lucky fish craft. |
Today you are going to make your own lucky fish. Follow the instructions in your Topic resources pack with today’s date at the top.
I would love to see pictures of your finished fish so please email them to me at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Miss Brown’s dance lesson (part 2) - https://www.loom.com/share/267f3691b81d4933ba31fc585cbe6fec
Link 2 for phonics - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/3-a-e
Link 3 for phonics- https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/a-e-spelling-session
Link 4 for phonics- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/buried-treasure
Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s writing lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/acb76bccf30b44deb7f5afa525b68e3a
Link 6 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson – https://www.loom.com/share/8a86a6467e5b491a886e4c56ed39a426
Link 7 for White Rose Maths video - https://vimeo.com/490421912
Link 8 Basic Maths – https://www.twinkl.co.uk/go
Daily Planner For: Maple Class |
Day: Friday 12th February 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 I am looking forward to seeing you all on our TEAMS meeting at 11:15am this morning. |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is ure (sure it’s pure). Please see the front page of the Day 25 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2 and 3.
Then, watch Miss Abbott’s reading lesson for today linked to your reading comprehension. Please read the text ‘The Naughty Bus’ and answer the questions in your day 25 booklet. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to use adjectives in your writing.
You are learning to use a capital letter and a full stop accurately. |
In your Day 25 booklet:
Once you have completed your story, remember to read it aloud to check that it makes sense.
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
Check your capital letters and full stops.
I would love to read your stories, so if you can, please send a photo of these to: |
Maths |
You are learning your 5 times-table.
Click on link 5 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video.Today you will be learning and recapping the 5 times-table. Once you have watched the video, complete the sheet in your day 25 booklet. |
Do not forget to read each question carefully.
Basic Maths facts |
You are learning to quickly find number bonds to 100. |
Follow the link 7 below to play ‘Funky Mummy’ and make sure you are on the game ‘bonds of 100 (multiples of 10).’ Then have a go at all bonds of 100. You need to click on the mummy which has the correct answer above it. |
Remember you can use your knowledge of number bonds to 10 to help you. |
Topic work |
Create a presentation |
Today I would like you to create a presentation to show what you have learnt about Africa this week. You can do this however you would like e.g., a poster, PowerPoint, video, or paintings. |
I would love to see photographs of your presentations, so please send them to me at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBodyCoachTV/featured
Link 2 for phonics - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/15-ure
Link 3 for phonics- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/picnic-on-pluto
Link 4 for Miss Abbott’s reading lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/59ad5af08b204f4c819522b508faf3d5
Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson – https://www.loom.com/share/8a89f730b67a40cd98a31e1b78adad47
Link 6 for White Rose Maths video - https://vimeo.com/490421314
Link 7 for Basic Maths - http://www.ictgames.com/funkyMummy/index.html
Daily Planner For: Maple Class |
Day: Thursday 11th February 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is ow (brown cow). Please see the front page of the Day 24 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2 and 3.
Then, watch Miss Abbott’s reading lesson for today linked to your reading comprehension. Please read the text ‘Missing Unicorn’ and answer the questions in your day 24 booklet. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to use a range of punctuation in your writing.
You are learning to use adjectives to describe.
In your Day 24 booklet:
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
You are learning your 2 times-table.
Click on link 5 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video.Today you will be learning and recapping the 2 times-table. Once you have watched the video, complete the sheet in your day 24 booklet. |
Do not forget to read each question carefully.
Basic Maths facts |
You are learning to partition numbers into tens and ones. |
Click on link 7 below which will take you to ‘Place value basketball’. You can choose the level to start on, but I would suggest working on the lower numbers first and then working your way up. To play this game you need to look at the pieces and work out what number is being represented. Then, click on the basketball with the number you think is correct. |
Support: The longer sticks represent a 10 and then each small square represents a 1. Therefore, if the picture showed two long sticks and five small squares this would be 25. |
Topic work |
African artwork |
Today I would like you to create some African Animals Sunset artwork. Follow the instructions within your Topic resources booklet which will explain how to do this. You can use A4 paper instead of A3 as shown in the instructions. |
I would love to see pictures of your paintings so please email pictures of these to me at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBodyCoachTV/featured
Link 2 for phonics - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/14-ow
Link 3 for phonics- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/dragons-den
Link 4 for Miss Abbott’s reading lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/e751d61a783f496c8c7d7f2b3e1e71b8
Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson – https://www.loom.com/share/e4e5b775e5024f34bc916dfc89193820
Link 6 for White Rose Maths video - https://vimeo.com/490420447
Link 7 Basic Maths - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/place-value-basketball
Maple Class |
Day: Wednesday 10th February 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 I am looking forward to seeing you all on our first TEAMS meeting at 11:15am this morning. |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is ew (chew the stew).
Please see the front page of the Day 23 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2 and 3.
Please read the text ‘Firey Dragon Jelly’ and answer the questions in your day 23 booklet. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to plan out a story.
In your Day 23 booklet:
Then, watch Miss Abbott’s writing lesson for today linked to your writing task.
The links for the online dice and the video about commas can be found below. |
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
You are learning to make doubles.
Click on link 7 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video.Today you will be making doubles. Once you have watched the video, complete the sheet in your day 23 booklet. |
Do not forget to read each question carefully.
Basic Maths facts |
You are going to learn your 5 times tables.
Practise your 5 times tables using hit the button online. The link for this can be found below.
How many can you get right in 1 minute? |
Remember to use your counting in 5s to help you.
Perhaps write your 5 times tables down on a piece of paper to help you to begin with J |
Topic work |
You are learning all about human and physical geography. |
Today you are going to be learning about human and physical geography around the world. Have a look at the PowerPoint PDF attached. In your Topic resources booklet complete the human and physical geography sorting activity. To do this you will need to cut up the pictures and put them into two piles human geography and physical geography.
Check your sorting is correct by using the answers sheet at the back of your Topic resources booklet. |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBodyCoachTV/featured
Link 2 for phonics - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/12-ew
Link 3 for phonics- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/buried-treasure
Link 4 for Online dice (for writing) – https://eslkidsgames.com/classroom-dice
Link 5 for the comma challenge (writing) - https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/primary_uk/subject/module/video/item910801/grade1/module910313/collection910408/section910998/index.html?source=search-all-all-all-all&source-keywords=comma
Link 6 for Miss Abbott’s writing lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/5c69ca88cee740769cd50a03756ee5dd
Link 7 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson – https://www.loom.com/share/8a681990dcba49d1b49953bec8c46568
Link 8 for White Rose Maths video - https://vimeo.com/490420115
Link 9 Basic Maths - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Maple Class |
Day: Tuesday 9th February 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is er (better letter). Please see the front page of the Day 22 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2 and 3.
Please read the text ‘Dilly and the Three Monsters’ and answer the questions in your day 22 booklet.
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to sequence part of a story.
You are learning to use a capital letter and a full stop accurately. |
In your Day 22 booklet:
Then, watch Miss Abbott’s writing lesson for today linked to your writing task.
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
You are learning to use arrays.
Click on link 5 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video.Today you will be answering questions using arrays. Once you have watched the video, complete the sheet in your day 22 booklet.
Do not forget to read each question carefully.
Basic Maths facts |
You are going to play a Maths game. |
Click on link 7 below which will take you to a bingo Maths game. Try to challenge yourself to have a go at either addition, subtraction, or multiplication questions. |
You can choose the question types and the difficultly levels for this game. Remember to challenge yourself.
Topic work |
You are learning about the different animals of Africa. |
Today I would like you to use the research sheet in the back of your day 22 booklet and research key information about Lions, African Elephants and Giraffes.
I would love to see pictures of your animal research sheets, so please email them to me at: maple@newtown.wilts.sch.uk 😊
You should try and answer the questions: Where can you find them? What do they eat? What features do they have? (skin, claws, fur etc)
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBodyCoachTV/featured
Link 2 for phonics - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/9er
Link 3 for phonics- https://www.phonicsbloom.com/uk/game/odd-and-bob?phase=4
Link 4 for Miss Abbott’s writing lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/5196dd69b858400797c6db5da586b0e7
Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson – https://www.loom.com/share/e20f23ee883a4b4faf01ca3661e1fbab
Link 6 for White Rose Maths video - https://vimeo.com/490417143
Link 7 Basic Maths - https://www.abcya.com/games/math_bingo
Daily Planner For: Maple Class |
Day: Monday 8th February 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is u-e (huge brute). Please see the front page of the Day 21 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. The links needed to watch the video and play the game can be found below under links 2 and 3.
Please read the text ‘Diary of a mermaid’ and answer the questions in your day 21 booklet.
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to sequence part of a story.
You are learning to use a capital letter and a full stop accurately. |
In your Day 21 booklet:
Then, watch Miss Abbott’s writing lesson for today linked to your writing task.
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to answer multiplication sentences using pictures.
Click on link 5 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today.If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video.Today you will be answering multiplication questions using pictures. Once you have watched the video, complete the sheet in your day 21 booklet. |
Do not forget to read each question carefully.
Basic Maths facts |
You are learning to answer addition and subtraction questions quickly. |
Click on the basic maths link below. Click on addition or subtraction. Choose Year 2 at the bottom. Choose your difficulty level. Read the question that pops up on the screen and shoot (by clicking on spaceship) the correct answer when it appears. |
To move the space ship across the page, you need to place the mouse on it and drag it across the screen. |
Topic work |
Research the geography of Africa.
Learn key facts about Africa. |
Today you are going to begin researching and learning about a different part of the world. You are going to be researching Africa. Use the page in your day 21 booklet to research and make notes about what you have learnt. Click on link 8 below to support you with your research for today.
I would love to see pictures of your research sheets so please email them to me at:
Log in to Espresso home learning: Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBodyCoachTV/featured
Link 2 for phonics - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/5-u-e
Link 3 for phonics- https://www.phonicsbloom.com/uk/game/alien-escape?phase=4
Link 4 for Miss Abbott’s writing lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/717db27b3c8244c19f9e5b10aff26d54
Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson – https://www.loom.com/share/b9b137e6cdef4dfba7e12e33083ffcab
Link 6 for White Rose Maths video - https://vimeo.com/488113679
Link 7 Basic Maths – https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/289/KS2_Maths_Invaders
Link 8 for Topic - https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/modules/t2_passport/sudan/index.html
Daily Planner For: Maple Class |
Day: Friday 5th February 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is ire (fire, fire). Please see the front page of the Day 20 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2 and 3.
Then, watch Miss Abbott’s reading lesson for today linked to your reading comprehension. Please read the text ‘A Tale of Two Feathers’ and answer the questions in your day 20 booklet. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to use adjectives in your writing.
You are learning to use a capital letter and a full stop accurately. |
In your Day 20 booklet:
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
Check your capital letters and full stops.
I would love to read your stories, so if you can, please send a photo of these to: |
Maths |
You are learning to answer multiplication sentences using the x symbol.
Click on link 5 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video.Today you will be answering multiplication sentences using the x symbol. Once you have watched the video, complete the sheet in your day 20 booklet. |
Do not forget to read each question carefully.
Basic Maths facts |
You are learning to quickly find number bonds to 100. |
Follow the link 7 below to play ‘Funky Mummy’ and make sure you are on the game ‘bonds of 100 (multiples of 10).’ Then have a go at all bonds of 100. You need to click on the mummy which has the correct answer above it. |
Remember you can use your knowledge of number bonds to 10 to help you. |
Topic work |
You are going to create an animal out of different materials or objects.
Today I would like you to make an animal out of anything you would like (remember to ask an adult before using something!) This could involve food, sticks, leaves, paper, or recycled materials. The choice is yours! Please click on the PDF file attached below which will provide you with some ideas of what you can do. |
It would be great if you could share your amazing creations with me via the class email: I would love to see them. 😊
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBodyCoachTV/featured
Link 2 for phonics - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/13-ire
Link 3 for phonics- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/picnic-on-pluto
Link 4 for Miss Abbott’s reading lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/2f386fc36128418cac66e2130d4c276f
Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson – https://www.loom.com/share/261f63cdf266446f8893b1991d29e2bb
Link 6 for White Rose Maths video - https://vimeo.com/488111269
Link 7 for Basic Maths - http://www.ictgames.com/funkyMummy/index.html
Daily Planner For: Maple Class |
Day: Thursday 4th February 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on link 1 below which will take you to Miss Brown’s dance lesson.
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is ur (nurse with a purse). Please see the front page of the Day 19 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
Then, watch Miss Abbott’s reading lesson for today linked to your reading comprehension. Please read the text ‘The Great White Shark’ and answer the questions in your day 19 booklet.
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write a story using capital letters, full stops, and conjunctions.
In your Day 19 booklet:
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
Check your capital letters and full stops. Remember that names and days of the week must start with a capital letter.
You are learning to add equal groups.
Click on link 6 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video.Today you will be adding equal groups. Once you have watched the video, complete the sheet in your day 19 booklet.
Do not forget to read each question carefully.
Make sure that you double check your counting to ensure that you have not make any mistakes. |
Basic Maths facts |
You are learning to answer addition and subtraction questions quickly. |
Click on the basic maths link below. Click on addition or subtraction. Choose Year 2 at the bottom. Choose your difficulty rating. Read the question that pops up on the screen and shoot (by clicking on spaceship) the correct answer when it appears. |
To move the space ship across the page, you need to place the mouse on it and drag it across the screen. |
Topic work |
You are going to design a shoebox habitat for your chosen zoo animal.
Today you are going to design a habitat for your chosen zoo animal (just like we did in class for other animals). Remember to think carefully about what your animal’s habitat will need. Think carefully about how they would get their food and shelter. Would they need to be able to hide from predators?
Remember that the word habitat means the place where an animal lives.
Parents: Your child only needs to design their shoebox habitat. If you have an empty shoebox and resources to make this then they can do so but please do not worry if this is not possible.
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Miss Brown’s dance lesson - Friend like me - Part 1 (loom.com)
Link 2 for phonics - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/8-ur
Link 3 for phonics- https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/ur-spelling-session
Link 4 for phonics- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/dragons-den
Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s reading lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/08e2a915fdf744fdbee11f17cd20b9ad
Link 6 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson – https://www.loom.com/share/ce6c16eb44224c2988886aefa1e4ccef
Link 7 for White Rose Maths video - https://vimeo.com/488110327
Link 8 Basic Maths - https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/289/KS2_Maths_Invaders
Maple Class |
Day: Wednesday 3rd February 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 Our singing teacher Kate Courage has created a lovely lesson for your child to look at. Please click on the link here to watch this:
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is are (care and share). Please see the front page of the Day 18 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
Then, watch Miss Abbott’s reading lesson for today linked to your reading comprehension. Please read the text ‘Pythons’ and answer the questions in your day 18 booklet.
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to use capital letters and full stops to write a sentences.
You are learning to sequence a story.
In your Day 18 booklet:
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
Check your capital letters and full stops. Remember that names and days of the week must start with a capital letter.
You are learning to make equal groups.
Click on link 6 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video.Today you will be making equal groups. Once you have watched the video, complete the sheet in your day 18 booklet.
Do not forget to read each question carefully.
Make sure that you double check your counting to ensure that you have not make any mistakes. |
Basic Maths facts |
You are learning to revise mental Maths facts. |
Click on link 8 below to play the mental maths train game.Select an operation (+,-, X, ÷) and have a go at completing the questions. |
Challenge yourself by picking more difficult categories e.g., two digit numbers.
Topic work |
You are learning to research a zoo animal of your choice.
Use the sheet in your day 18 booklet to research a zoo animal of your choice. To find out facts about your animal you can click on some of the topic links below including the link to the amazing animals’ videos which you may have used last week.
Log in to Espresso home learning: Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBodyCoachTV/featured
Link 2 for phonics - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/7-are
Link 3 for phonics- https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/are-spelling-session
Link 4 for phonics- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/buried-treasure
Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s reading lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/478e2cb9bf74474cb2bf39989e71556f
Link 6 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson – https://www.loom.com/share/80d2d64757bf40f28e99516fa21cf002
Link 7 for White Rose Maths video - https://vimeo.com/488108584
Link 8 Basic Maths - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/mental-maths-train
Link 9 for Topic (Amazing animals) - https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/videos/amazing-animals/
Link 10 for Topic – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z6882hv
Link 11 for Topic - https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/primary_uk/subject/module/video_index/item1149557/grade1/index.html
Maple Class |
Day: Tuesday 2nd February 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is ai (snail in the rain). Please see the front page of the Day 17 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
Please read the text ‘Paul the Lucky Octopus’ and answer the questions in your day 17 booklet.
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to use adjectives to describe.
In your Day 17 booklet:
Then, watch Miss Abbott’s writing lesson for today linked to your writing task.
For your task today you need to draw the 5 animals that will be in your story and then write a sentence to explain what they are, their name and what is wrong with them. For example, On Monday, Lucy the Lizard visited the vet because she had cut her tail. |
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
Check your capital letters and full stops. Remember that names and days of the week must start with a capital letter as they are proper nouns.
Today your child will be starting a multiplication and division unit. |
You are learning to recognise equal groups.
Click on link 6 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video.Today you will be recognising equal groups. Once you have watched the video, complete the sheet in your day 17 booklet.
Do not forget to read each question carefully.
Make sure that you double check your counting to ensure that you have not make any mistakes. |
Basic Maths facts |
You are learning to quickly double numbers up to 10. |
Click on link 8 below to play hit the button (doubles). Start by practicing ‘doubles to 10’. Then as your child improves they can have a go at doubling bigger numbers. |
Remember you can use your fingers or draw a picture to support you. |
Topic work |
You are learning to follow simple instructions to draw a cartoon zebra. |
Click on link 9 below to draw a simple zebra. Remember you can share your amazing drawings with me via the email: maple@newtown.wilts.sch.uk I would love to see them. 😊
There are lots of different drawing videos on this channel if you would like to have a go at drawing more! |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBodyCoachTV/featured
Link 2 for phonics - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/11-ai
Link 3 for phonics- https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/ai-spelling-session
Link 4 for phonics- https://www.phonicsbloom.com/uk/game/odd-and-bob?phase=4
Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s writing lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/68b2de879c7246f8a8534347c21f40e1
Link 6 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson – https://www.loom.com/share/02a2c1e9b3d448edaf7a3e8007322df5
Link 7 for White Rose Maths video - https://vimeo.com/488106597
Link 8 Basic Maths - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Link 9 for Topic - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3z3ClG9eM0E
Maple Class |
Day: Monday 1st February 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is oa (goat in a boat). Please see the front page of the Day 16 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
Please read the text ‘How the Kangaroos got their tails’ and answer the questions in your day 16 booklet. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to use adjectives to describe.
You are learning to use a capital letter and a full stop accurately. |
In your Day 16 booklet:
Then, watch Miss Abbott’s writing lesson for today linked to your writing task.
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to answer Two-step problems.
Click on link 6 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today.If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video.Today you will be answering two-step problems which involve money. Once you have watched the video, complete the sheet in your day 16 booklet.
Do not forget to read each question carefully.
Make sure that you read the pounds and pence carefully. |
Basic Maths facts |
You are learning to answer addition and subtraction questions quickly. |
Click on the basic maths link below. Click on addition or subtraction. Choose Year 2 at the bottom. Choose your difficulty rating. Read the question that pops up on the screen and shoot (by clicking on spaceship) the correct answer when it appears. |
To move the space ship across the page, you need to place the mouse on it and drag it across the screen. |
Topic work |
Visiting the Zoo game. |
In your booklet labelled Topic resources there is a at the zoo game for you to play with your family. Cut out the dice and the counters and follow the instructions to play!
Have fun 😊 |
Link 3 for phonics- https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/10-oa
Link 4 for phonics- https://www.phonicsbloom.com/uk/game/alien-escape?phase=4
Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s writing lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/cdfd52a2943746638129ca0fdafc4914
Link 6 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson – https://www.loom.com/share/978920a83ea3470d995158d532fe9420
Link 7 for White Rose Maths video - https://vimeo.com/479817217
Link 8 Basic Maths - https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/289/KS2_Maths_Invaders
Daily Planner For: Maple Class |
Day: Friday 29th January 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is aw (yawn at dawn). Please see the front page of the Day 15 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4. Read the Titanic reading comprehension text and answer the questions about what you have read.
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to join your letters accurately.
You are learning to use a capital letter and full stop.
You are learning to use your phonics sounds to spell words.
In your Day 15 booklet:
Please watch Miss Abbott’s handwriting videos (for each letter in your booklet) before completing your handwriting pages for today. Each video is about 2 minutes long.
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to find change. |
In your Day 15 booklet: Click on link 11 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video.Today you will be finding change. Watch the video and complete the sheet in your day 15 booklet.
Topic work |
The Zoo vet colouring |
Colour in the Zoo vet pictures in the back of your day 15 booklet.
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active- https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBodyCoachTV/featured
Link 2 for phonics - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/6aw
Link 3 for phonics- https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/aw-spelling-session
Link 4 for phonics- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/picnic-on-pluto
Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s handwriting (letter u) - https://www.loom.com/share/db6d6df0543a43b2b426c5248ed0fd33
Link 6 for Miss Abbott’s handwriting (letter v) - https://www.loom.com/share/118829ff55284c3795f44c60d50deedb
Link 7 for Miss Abbott’s handwriting (letter w) - https://www.loom.com/share/11b807c0256247e8b7783b93f0c6271c
Link 8 for Miss Abbott’s handwriting (letter x) - https://www.loom.com/share/2f0a34d3a4844cc0845642ff1838f413
Link 9 for Miss Abbott’s handwriting (letter y) - https://www.loom.com/share/925f8e79387e483ab265a7cd8d955f19
Link 10 for Miss Abbott’s handwriting (letter z) - https://www.loom.com/share/c855ac545e4e4882b3a9600a9f62aad4
Link 11 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson – https://www.loom.com/share/164d6ef57af549368cc00df1229fd288
Link 12 for White Rose Maths video - https://vimeo.com/479816820
Daily Planner For: Maple Class |
Day: Thursday 28th January 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the YouTube video below to follow Jaime completing a cosmic kids yoga video (link 1).
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
Reading/ Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is i-e (nice smile).
Please see the front page of the Day 14 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
Read the reading comprehension titled ‘What plants need to grow’ and answer the questions.
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to use adjectives.
You are learning to write clear sentences using a CL and full stops to describe an animal.
In your Day 14 booklet:
Then, watch Miss Abbott’s writing lesson for today linked to your writing task.
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to find the difference between amounts of money. |
Click on link 6 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today.
Look carefully at the numbers on the coins to check their value. The booklets are printed in black and white so the numbers can be tricky to see 😊 |
Topic work |
Design your own zoo. |
Today I would like you to watch a virtual tour of Longleat using link 8. Then have a go at designing your own zoo using the sheet in day 14 of your booklet.
I would love to see pictures of your amazing Zoos so please email pictures of these to me at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02E1468SdHg
Link 2 for phonics - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/4-i-e
Link 3 for phonics- https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/i-e-spelling-session
Link 4 for phonics- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/dragons-den
Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s writing lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/205be6a38c6e4e34ae7bd53bf456cdc5
Link 6 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson – https://www.loom.com/share/5dcf0b2bdd4642128df0a45cf25cddf8
Link 7 maths game - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/coins-game
Link 8 Longleat virtual tour - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUmHClrRPxc
Maple Class |
Day: Wednesday 27th January 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is a-e (make a cake). Please see the front page of the Day 13 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
Then, watch Miss Abbott’s reading lesson for today linked to your reading comprehension. Complete the reading comprehension activity titled ‘The year of the Ox’ and answer the questions.
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write simple sentences.
You are learning to use a capital letter and full stop.
You are learning to use your phonics sounds to spell words.
In your Day 13 booklet:
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
Check your capital letters and full stops.
Challenge: Include adjectives in your Zoo vet story to describe the different characters.
Maths |
You are learning to find the total of different coins.
Click on link 6 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today.Today you will be finding the total of different coins. Watch the video and complete the sheet in your day 13 booklet.
If you are finding it tricky think about different methods that you could use to add numbers together e.g., the column methods.
Topic work |
Make a ladybird. |
Please follow the instructions in your day 16 booklet to make your own toilet roll tube ladybird.
I would love to see pictures of your ladybirds so please email pictures of these to me at:
If you do not have a spare toilet roll you could use any cardboard cylinder. |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active- https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBodyCoachTV/featured
Link 2 for phonics - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/3-a-e
Link 3 for phonics- https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/a-e-spelling-session
Link 4 for phonics- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/buried-treasure
Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s reading lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/a12acf1359814e72af4dbbc3cfe60305
Link 6 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/c887a020875440119fd3c2fbf03cc632
Link 7 for maths- https://vimeo.com/479815623
Maple Class |
Day: Tuesday 26th January 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the YouTube video below to follow Jaime completing a cosmic kids yoga video (link 1).
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is oi (spoil the boy). Please see the front page of the Day 12 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
Then, watch Miss Abbott’s reading lesson for today linked to your reading comprehension. Please read the text ‘Happy New Year’ and answer the questions in your day 12 booklet. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to use adjectives to describe. |
In your Day 12 booklet:
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to compare values of money. |
Click on link 6 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today.
Don’t forget to use your more than > and less than < signs when comparing amounts 😊 |
Topic work |
Make an animal. |
Using your booklet labelled ‘Maple class topic resources’ choose an animal, cut out the pieces and stick them together with Sellotape, glue or split pins.
I would love to see pictures of your animals so please email pictures of these to me at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISX9DSK4uEk
Link 2 for phonics - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/2-oi
Link 3 for phonics- https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/oi-spelling-session
Link 4 for phonics- https://www.phonicsbloom.com/uk/game/odd-and-bob?phase=4
Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s reading lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/8e984485ed0d4a1f995163aa2abbec8d
Link 6 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson – https://www.loom.com/share/2d5d3a7eec734752a09caf621dfe21ce
Link 7 maths game- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/toy-shop-money
Maple Class |
Day: Monday 25th January 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is ea (cup of tea). Please see the front page of the Day 11 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
Then, watch Miss Abbott’s reading lesson for today linked to your reading comprehension. Read the story ‘The zoo vet’. Answer the question in your day 11 booklet about the story you have just read.
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to sequence a story.
You are learning to use a capital letter and a full stop accurately. |
In your Day 11 booklet:
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense.
Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to make the same amount using different coins.
Click on link 6 which will take you to Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson to support you with your sheet for today.
Don’t forget to look closely at the coins to check the number written on them (they can be tricky to see as it is in black and white).
Topic work |
Make an animal mask. |
Using your booklet labelled ‘Maple class topic resources’ choose an animal of your choice. Design and create a mask using the template provided.
I would love to see pictures of your animal masks so please email pictures of these to me at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBodyCoachTV/featured
Link 2 for phonics - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/1-ea
Link 3 for phonics- https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/ea-spelling-session
Link 4 for phonics- https://www.phonicsbloom.com/uk/game/alien-escape?phase=4
Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s reading lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/b6ddcb3f1d564fe2adf86257e24a8db8
Link 6 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/e6f16bd8bc8c45b6b041361282924dd4
Link 7 maths game- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/coins-game
Daily Planner For: Maple Class |
Day: Friday 22nd January 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is ai (snail in the rain). Click on the document below (Maple 22.1.21 – Phonics). This will take you to the instructions for today’s phonics and reading tasks. The links can be found below. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
To write about a favourite poem using conjunctions. |
Challenge: write your own poem using alliteration. |
Maths |
You are learning to interpret information from a pictogram. |
Click on link 6 to watch Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson for today.
Complete the Maths page for day 10 titled ‘Maths – pictograms.’ |
Basic maths facts |
You are learning to sequence multiples of 5. |
Follow the Link 7 to play Caterpillar ordering. You will need to click on ‘sequencing’ and then ‘counting in multiples’ and under multiples of 5 click on ‘0-100’ to count forwards. Challenge: Try counting back in multiples of 5 by selecting ‘100-0’ instead. |
Topic work |
You are learning to design a recycled robot activity. |
On the final page of your booklet, you need to design a robot to help with household chores. Your robots should be made from recycled materials. Remember to label your robot to explain what each part does.
Remember you can share your amazing drawings with me via the email: maple@newtown.wilts.sch.uk I would love to see them. 😊
Link 1 for Joe Wicks - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyCLoPd4VxBuPuwfVuS-OBtK_kZqJCX-b Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/11-ai Link 3 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s writing session) - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/ai-spelling-session Link 4 for Phonics game -https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/6/planetary-plurals Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s writing lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/010fab219cea4e82b947cf2bbdfcc6ad Link 6 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/a0d5dc686f884228b0bdee6eb025c5cc Link 7 for Basic Maths - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ordering-and-sequencing/caterpillar-ordering |
Daily Planner For: Maple Class |
Day: Thursday 21st January 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 Our singing teacher Kate Courage has created a lovely lesson for your child to look at. Please click on the link here to watch this: Singing with Kate Courage - YouTube
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website. |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is ur (nurse with a purse). Click on the document below (Maple 21.1.21 – Phonics). This will take you to the instructions for today’s phonics and reading tasks. The links can be found below. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
To compare a series of poems. |
You will need your day 9 booklet for today not day 8 as mentioned in the video! |
Maths |
You are learning to interpret information from a pictogram.
Click on link 6 to watch Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson for today.Complete Q3 – 4 in your booklet for day 9.Remember that to find the difference or to find how much more one person has, you need to put the bigger number in your head and take away the smaller number to work out the difference. |
Basic maths facts |
You are learning to check calculations. |
Look through the questions on the next page in your booklet. Read each calculation and tick the one which is correct. |
Remember to use your fingers to help you.Remember to read the questions carefully. |
Topic work |
You are learning to identify which materials have certain properties. |
Go to the page titled ‘property testing’ in your booklet for day 9. You need to test materials for certain properties. Begin by finding the objects in the first grid. If you do not have all these objects then you can choose another object in your house. Remember to ask a parent first.
Your first test requires you to pour water onto the object and see if it absorbs or repels the water. Your next test requires you to look and decide if the object is transparent or opaque. |
If you need support with understanding any of the words then turn to the next page in your booklet which will explain the terms. |
Link 1 for Joe Wicks - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyCLoPd4VxBuPuwfVuS-OBtK_kZqJCX-b Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/8-ur Link 3 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s writing session) - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/ur-spelling-session Link 4 for Phonics game -https://www.ictgames.com/phonicsPop/index.html Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s writing lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/95e46ee0999941cd876969c7044fdb7f Link 6 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/cd341b6afd3145d1929830c330ddf409 |
Daily Planner For: Maple Class |
Day: Wednesday 20th January 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is are (care and share). Click on the document below (Maple 20.1.21 – Phonics). This will take you to the instructions for today’s phonics and reading tasks. The links can be found below. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.
To write a descriptive text using exclamation marks and capital letters. |
Maths |
You are learning to interpret data using tally charts and block diagrams. |
Click on link 6 to watch Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson for today.Complete Q1 - 2 in your booklet for day 8. |
Remember to read each question carefully. |
Basic maths facts |
You are learning to quickly find number bonds to 100. |
Follow the link 7 below to play ‘Funky Mummy’ and make sure you are on the game ‘bonds of 100 (multiples of 10).’ Then have a go at all bonds of 100. You need to click on the mummy which has the correct answer above it. |
Remember you can use your knowledge of number bonds to 10 to help you. |
Topic work |
You are learning to explore the properties of different materials. |
Explore the videos all about materials by clicking on link 8 below. Then, complete the grid in your booklet by ticking the column which describes the material. You can tick more than one column for each material.
Log in to Espresso home learning: Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Link 1 for Joe Wicks - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyCLoPd4VxBuPuwfVuS-OBtK_kZqJCX-b Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) - https://newtown-communityprimary.primarysite.media/media/7-are Link 3 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s writing session) - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/are-spelling-session Link 4 for Phonics game - https://www.phonicsbloom.com/uk/game/phonics-frog?phase=3# Link 5 for Miss Abbott’s writing lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/52e356815b32472387033d5ac1db0629 Link 6 for Miss Abbott’s Maths lesson - https://www.loom.com/share/97bff7d5287d4f7f9e29f9fcb16fd73d Link 7 for Basic Maths - http://www.ictgames.com/funkyMummy/index.html Link 8 for Topic - https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/modules/s2_materials/index.html?source=search-all-all-all-all&source-keywords=describing%20materials
Daily Planner For: Maple Class |
Day: Tuesday 19th January 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text.
Your sound of the day is ew (chew the stew). Click on the document below (Maple 19.1.21 – Phonics). This will take you to the instructions for today’s phonics and reading tasks. The links can be found below. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.
To use adverbs and adjectives in short phrases. |
Maths |
You are learning to interpret information from a pictogram. |
Complete the Maths page for day 7 titled ‘Maths – pictograms.’ Have a look at the pictogram on the page. Answer the questions below using the information given to you in the pictogram. Parents:We have not covered pictograms in class so your child will need to watch the video link 4 below which will explain how to read and interpret pictograms. |
Basic maths facts |
You are learning to quickly answer addition and subtraction facts to 20. |
Turn to the next page in your booklet titled ‘Addition and subtraction facts to 20 – speed test’. See how long it takes you to complete all of these or give yourself a set amount of time and how many you can do. |
Remember to use your fingers to help you.Remember to read the questions carefully. |
Topic work |
You are learning to understand whether a material is man-made or natural. |
Read through the information in your booklet all about ‘man made and natural materials’.
After this, you need to cut and stick the materials into the sorting grid. The pictures which need to be cut out are on the page after the sorting grid.
I have attached the information PDF below so that you can zoom in if the font is too small in your booklet. |
Link 1 for Joe Wicks - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyCLoPd4VxBuPuwfVuS-OBtK_kZqJCX-b Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/12-ew Link 3 for Phonics game - https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/BuriedTreasure2.html Link 4 for Maths - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sZvuIjCkjg
Daily Planner For: Maple Class |
Day: Monday 18th January 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is u-e (huge brute) Click on the document below (Maple 18.1.21 – Phonics). This will take you to the instructions for today’s phonics and reading tasks. The links can be found below. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.
To write a character profile using adjectives. |
Maths |
You are learning to measure and compare objects.
Complete the Q7-9 in your booklet for day 6.If you need support with this work then watch the BBC link 4 which I have attached below. |
Remember to read each question carefully.Remember to draw pictures to help you visualise the question. |
Basic maths facts |
You are learning to quickly recognise odd and even numbers. |
Follow link 5 below to play the game, ‘catch a star’. You will need to read the numbers and then decide whether this number is odd or even. |
Look at The Moon. If it says 'odd' you need to catch only odd numbers. If it says 'even' you should only catch even numbers. Every 30 seconds or so The Moon will change. Move the chimney to catch the numbers. |
Topic work |
You are learning to describe materials. |
See if you can collect some of the objects shown in the grid on the page titled ‘describing materials.’ Hold some of these objects to see how they feel. Then complete the sentences on your sheet to describe what the material is like. |
Remember to use the word bank to help you.
Can you think of any other adjectives that you could use to describe how the object feels?
Link 1 for Joe Wicks - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyCLoPd4VxBuPuwfVuS-OBtK_kZqJCX-b Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/5-u-e Link 3 for Phonics game - https://www.phonicsbloom.com/uk/game/odd-and-bob?phase=5 Link 4 for Maths - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z9dp7yc Link 5 for Basic Maths - https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/chimney/index.html |
Daily Planner For: Maple Class |
Day: Friday 15th January 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text. |
Your sound of the day is ire (fire fire). Click on the document below (Maple 15.1.21– Phonics). This will take you to the instructions for today’s phonics and reading tasks. The links can be found below. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
You are learning to use time conjunctions correctly. |
Remember to re-read the sentences to ensure that they make sense.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Maths |
You are learning to measure and compare objects.
Complete the Q1-6 in your booklet for day 5.If you need support with this work then watch the BBC link 4 which I have attached below. |
Remember to read each question carefully. |
Basic maths facts |
You are learning to partition numbers into tens and ones. |
Click on link 5 below which will take you to ‘Place value basketball’. You can choose the level to start on, but I would suggest working on the lower numbers first and then working your way up. To play this game you need to look at the pieces and work out what number is being represented. Then, click on the basketball with the number you think is correct. |
Support: The longer sticks represent a 10 and then each small square represents a 1. Therefore, if the picture showed two long sticks and five small squares this would be 25. |
Topic work |
Japanese colouring and wordsearch |
Enjoy colouring the Japanese colouring sheets at the back of your booklet for day 5. Can you find the words in the wordsearch too?
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Joe Wicks - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyCLoPd4VxBuPuwfVuS-OBtK_kZqJCX-b Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/13-ire Link 3 for Phonics game - https://www.phonicsbloom.com/uk/game/phonics-frog?phase=3# Link 4 for Maths - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zcbwr2p Link 5 for Basic Maths - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/place-value-basketball |
Daily Planner For: Maple Class |
Day: Thursday 14th January 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text. |
Your sound of the day is ure (sure it’s pure). Click on the document below (Maple 14.1.21– Phonics). This will take you to the instructions for today’s phonics and reading tasks. The links can be found below. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.
You are learning to write a letter using capital letters, full stops, and finger spaces. |
Remember to use your phonics word mat to support your writing.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Remember to check your work for capital letters, full stops, fingers spaces etc.
Remember to read through your writing to ensure it makes sense.
Maths |
You are learning to answer word problems using your knowledge of addition and subtraction.
Read the questions carefully and decide whether you need add or subtract the numbers.Work out this calculation either using your fingers or a 100 square to help you (I have provided one of these with your learning pack). |
You might find it useful to underline or circle the numbers in the question to help remind you of the numbers you need to add or take away.Remember that you can also use column addition or subtraction to help you find the answers. |
Basic maths facts |
To learn your 5 times tables.
Practise their 5 times tables using hit the button online (link 4 below).
How many can they get right in 1 minute? |
Remember to use your counting in 5s to help you.
Perhaps write your 5 times tables down on a piece of paper to help you to begin with J |
Topic work |
You are learning all about Japanese Manga. |
Read and look through the information all about Japanese Manga. Then follow the instructions on the following page to draw your own manga character.
There is a blank page before ‘Day 5’ starts so you can choose to draw your picture on this blank page or on a separate piece of paper. |
Link 1 for Joe Wicks - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyCLoPd4VxBuPuwfVuS-OBtK_kZqJCX-b Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/15-ure Link 3 for Phonics game - https://www.ictgames.com/phonicsPop/ Link 4 for Basic Maths - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button |
Daily Planner For: Maple Class |
Day: Wednesday 13th January 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text. |
Your sound of the day is ow (brown cow). Click on the document below (Maple 13.1.21– Phonics). This will take you to the instructions for today’s phonics and reading tasks. The links can be found below. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.
You are learning to write a story using capital letters, full stops, and finger spaces. |
Remember to use your phonics word mat to support your writing.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Remember to check your work for capital letters, full stops, fingers spaces etc.
Remember to read through your writing to ensure it makes sense.
Maths |
You are learning to add values of coins together.
Look carefully at the coins on this page. Add together the amounts to find the total. Write your total at the end of each row.At the bottom of the sheet, you need to draw the coins you could use to pay for the items. There is more than one answer for each of these.Challenge:Can you think of more than one way to pay for the items? |
Parents: If you have physical coins or toy coins then this would be a helpful support for your child. Although, they should be able to complete this sheet without this. |
Basic maths facts |
You are learning to count up and down in 10s. |
Complete the tricky tens sheet.Begin by counting up in tens to fill in the number lines.Then use these number lines to help you answer the questions underneath. |
Remember to read the mathematical signs carefully.Challenge: Time how long it takes you to answer 5 of the questions and then see if you can beat your time on the next 5 questions. |
Topic work |
You are going to create a poster all about an Asian animal. |
Read through the information on the following pages all about Asian animals. Then pick your favourite Asian animal and create a poster all about it. On this poster you could include:
There is a blank page before ‘Day 4’ starts so you can choose to either create your poster on this blank page or on a separate piece of paper. |
Link 1 for Joe Wicks - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyCLoPd4VxBuPuwfVuS-OBtK_kZqJCX-b Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/14-ow Link 3 for Phonics game - Picnic on Pluto (phonicsplay.co.uk)
Daily Planner For: Maple Class |
Day: Tuesday 12th January 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn.
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text. |
Your sound of the day is er (better letter). Click on the document below (Maple 12.1.21– Phonics). This will take you to the instructions for today’s phonics and reading tasks. The links can be found below. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.
You are learning to write sentences using the correct punctuation. |
by writing sentences to explain what you would do.
Remember to use your phonics word mat to support your writing.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word.
Remember to check your work for capital letters, full stops, fingers spaces etc.
Remember to read through your writing to ensure it makes sense.
Maths |
You are learning to subtract 2-digit numbers using column subtraction.
Complete the column subtraction questions in your booklet. |
Remember to use these steps to help you:
Basic maths facts |
You are learning to practise your 2, 5 and/or 10 times tables.
Follow the link 4 below to play ‘Funky Mummy’ and click on the game ‘times table’ and choose between x2, x5 or x10. You can select all 3 if you would like a challenge! You need to click on the mummy which has the correct answer above it. |
Remember to count in 2s, 5s and 10s to help you find the answer.
You may want to write this out onto a piece of paper before you begin to play. |
Topic work |
You are going to design a Kimono. |
Watch the video by clicking on link 5 below which will tell you all about Japan. In this video it will discuss what a Kimono is. Then have a go at designing your own Kimono. Log in to Espresso home learning: Username: student31363 Password: Newtown |
Remember you can share your amazing drawings with me via the email: maple@newtown.wilts.sch.uk I would love to see them. 😊 |
Link 1 for Joe Wicks - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyCLoPd4VxBuPuwfVuS-OBtK_kZqJCX-b Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/9-er Link 3 for Phonics game - https://www.phonicsbloom.com/uk/game/odd-and-bob?phase=5 Link 4 for Basic Maths - http://www.ictgames.com/funkyMummy/index.html Link 5 for Topic - https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/primary_uk/subject/module/video/item1246722/grade2/module1234788/index.html?source=search-all-all-all-all&source-keywords=kimono |
Daily Planner For: Maple Class |
Day: Monday 11th January 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
You are learning to answer questions about a text. |
Your sound of the day is oi (spoil the boy). Click on the document below (Maple 11.1.21– Phonics). This will take you to the instructions for today’s phonics and reading tasks. The links can be found below. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
You are learning to write facts about Japan. |
Remember to use the Japan word mat in your booklet to support your writing. You will also find a phonics word mat in your resources pack which will support your writing.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Remember to read through your writing to ensure it makes sense.
Parents: The information on the overview says to choose one of the images on the following pages to write about, however there is now only one image with lines for you to write on. |
Maths |
You are learning to add 2-digit numbers together using column addition.
Complete the column addition questions in your booklet. |
Remember to add the ones first and then the tens column.Remember to carry if the ones column totals more than 10.Remember to double check that your final answer is correct. |
Basic maths facts |
You are learning to write as many facts as you can using your number bonds to 10. |
Complete the sheet titled ‘If I know this…’Look carefully at each question and think about what number sentences you can write using the original question. An example is provided at the top of this sheet. |
Topic work |
You are learning about the continents of the world. |
Read through the information in your booklet and listen to the continents song by clicking on the link below. Then have a go at answering as many of the questions in your booklet (after the continents of the world information). |
Your child can discuss the answers with someone who lives at home if they would rather talk about this topic then write down every answer in their booklet. |
Link 1 for Joe Wicks - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyCLoPd4VxBuPuwfVuS-OBtK_kZqJCX-b Link 2 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s speed sound) - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/2-oi Link 3 for Phonics (Mrs Tawn’s writing session) - https://newtown-community-primary.primarysite.media/media/oi-spelling-session Link 4 for Phonics game - https://www.ictgames.com/phonicsPop/index.html |
Daily Planner For: Maple Class |
Day: Friday 8th January 2021 |
Good morning Maple Class! 😊 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active by completing a child friendly yoga video. |
Click on link 1 below to take part in this activity. Follow each instruction carefully and be aware of your surroundings. You do not need to have much space to carry out this activity. |
Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
You are learning to answer questions about a story you have heard. |
Click on link 2 below which will take you to a story book on the Espresso website. Listen to this story and then click on the link 3 and link 4 which will take you to the activities linked to your reading.
Log in to Espresso home learning: Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Spelling |
You are learning to accurately spell year 2 common exception words. |
Practise these words in your orange workbook – could, cold, door, even, every, everybody, eye, fast
Rainbow write you spelling word using a different colour pencil. |
You are learning to recognise statements, questions, exclamations, and commands.
Maths |
To learn your 10 times tables. |
Over the next few days, we are going to revisit some of our previous Maths learning.Practise your 10 times tables using hit the button online (link 6 below). How many can you get right in 1 minute? |
Don’t forget to add 10 each time.
Perhaps write your times tables down on a piece of paper to help you to begin with J |
Topic work |
You are learning about different animals. |
Click on link 7 below and explore the videos and activities all about animals. |
Remember to read the questions carefully and rewatch the videos if you get stuck on the activities.