Newtown Community Primary School
'Newtown Primary School is a Community Primary School and we take the "Community" aspect of our title very seriously. Our children, their families and extended families are at the heart of everything we do.'

Chestnut Class (Year 3)

Miss Pearce can be reached at:

Chestnut Class Blog

Hi Chestnut Class

We are very lucky to now have a blog up and running where we can communicate easily. Usernames and passwords will be sent out soon.

To find this blog and access it you need to go to the school website.

  1. Click on children
  2. Click on home learning
  3. Scroll down and click on class blog
  4. Log in using your details
  5. Click on the title of the blog 
  6. Scroll down and add your comment


Each week I will put up a different discussion point for you to contribute to. All  posts will have to be approved by me before they are published so it is totally safe and secure for you to use. 

Home Learning - 21st July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Read Supercats and answer questions

Read through the story from page 16 -. 29 The story is attached below.

You will be working on this story for the next 3 days. Answer the questions below the best you can:

  • What was special about Wild Bill’s teeth?
  • What was Tagg’s mum and dad’s secret-agent code name?
  • What was Wild Bill’s code name?
  • What do you think Tagg wants his superpower to be? (p25)
  • Why is Glamour upset?


Read at least twice.

  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.
  • Can you find at least 2 new words and search for the meaning?




Plan a short story about an animal with superpowers

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (ordinary, awesome, whiskers) Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up half-way and monkey letters hang below the line.


Think back to your character design from yesterday. Plan a short story to explain what your character gets up to.

Remember to plan for:

Opening: How does your story begin?

Build up: What happens next in the story?

Climax: What is the exciting part?

Resolution: How is the problem solved?

Ending: Is it a happy ending?


  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • Add illustrations to your story when you have finished.
  • Remember to check your punctuation and spelling carefully.



Bitesize your spelling words



Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


Invisible, fly, camouflaged, powerful, mighty, perilous, dangerous, curious


  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Split the word into memorable chunks:

Cam – ou – flag - ed



Add and subtract capacity

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 12 – Lesson 2.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

Daily ten questions

  • Open the basic maths link below
  • Select level 3
  • Choose an area you would like to get better at
  • Answer the 10 quick questions


Try level 3 if it is too easy

Keeping Physically Active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Write a letter to my new teacher

What other things do you want to tell your new teacher?

What are your favourite subjects?

What subjects do not like as much?

Who are your friends?

What makes you happy?

What was your best memory from year 2?


Plan a letter to your new teacher by answering these questions and then write it up in best.

Always remember to plan your writing before writing it out in best. Use bullet points to help you.


White Rose – Year 3 – Summer Term – Week 12 – Lesson 2:


Basic Maths


PE With Joe   

Home Learning - 20th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Read Supercats and answer questions

Read through the story from page 1-16. The story is attached below.

You will be working on this story for the next 3 days. Answer the questions below the best you can:

  • How many siblings does Tagg have?
  • Where were the kittens born?
  • What do you think ‘kitten rearing’ means?
  • How is Tagg described?
  • How was Tagg treated differently and why?

What are Melody’s and Chester’s superpowers?





Create a character that has superpowers

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (litter, superpower, perilous) Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up halfway and monkey letters hang below the line.


Think back to Tagg and the other super cats. Think of your own animal that will be a character in a story.

Draw a picture of your animal.

Be clear to show what your animal is wearing and what superpowers it has.

Write these around your design.



  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • Remember to use capital letters, full stops and commas in your answers.



Spell key words linked to reading text

Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


Invisible, fly, camouflaged, powerful, mighty, perilous, dangerous, curious


  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Can you think of a sentence where you would use these words?

Where have you heard this word before?


Compare capacity

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 12 – Lesson 1.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

Daily ten questions

  • Open the basic maths link below
  • Select level 3
  • Choose an area you would like to get better at
  • Answer the 10 quick questions


Try level 3 if it is too easy

Keeping Physically Active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

All about me portrait

As you are moving up into year 4, think about what you would want to tell your teacher about you.

Draw a self-portrait and write adjectives around it that describe you best.



  • Think back to when you have created portraits before and how to structure the face and position the features.


White Rose – Year 3 – Summer Term – Week 12 – Lesson 1:


Basic Maths


PE With Joe   


Home Learning - 17th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


infer meaning from a poem

Read Sheep in Winter. Read it twice – once in your head and once out loud. What do you notice about the rhyme scheme?

• Think about the poem from Day 4 (The Cow). How is this poem similar? How is it different? Which poem do you prefer? Why?


  • File is attached below as ‘Friday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.





Identify adverbs in poetry

Remind yourself about adverbs

• Use the Revision Card to remind yourself about adverbs.

• Complete Animal Adjectives and Adverbs.

• Read four more animal poems: Rabbit Poem, God laughed when he made the duck, Duck’s ditty and The Sparrow.

• Find adverbs used in these poems. Underline them if you can. You can check your answers at the end of the pack.

• Choose your favourite poem and practise reading it aloud. The Top tips for reading a poem aloud will help you to do this.

  • Record any work on paper or in orange book
  • Remember to use expression when performing your poem
  • You could include actions also


Spelling test


Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


Height, history, imagine, increase, important, interest, island, knowledge, learn. length


Ask an adult or a sibling to test you on your words today.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Friday maths challenge

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 11 – Lesson 5.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The answers are next to the link on the website

Basic maths facts

Times table practise

Click on the times tables that you are working on in the link below. You should be confident with your 2s, 5s, 10s, 3s and 4s. Check these by playing hit the Button.

Move onto 6 or 7 times table when you are ready.

Top tip: I find it helpful to have a pencil and paper nearby so I can work out trickier questions and make a note of the ones I need more practise with.

Keeping Physically Active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Learn about reptiles

Watch the reptile video below.

How many reptiles can you name?

Which is the largest reptile?

What features does a chameleon have?

What does constrictor mean?


Choose a reptile of your choice to create a piece of art-work for. You could draw, paint, collage or even sculpt. The choice is yours.

Key words:

  • Scales, skin, carnivores, hunting, eggs, sea turtles, nests, hatchlings, saltwater crocodile, tail, legs, jaws, sharp teeth, chameleon, camouflage, insects, amphibians, constrictor, poisonous, cold-blooded

Home Learning - 16th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Infer meaning from a poem

Read The Cow from your English pack. Read the poem twice – once in your head and once out loud.

• What patterns do you notice in the poem? Which is your favourite line?


  • File is attached below as ‘Thursday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.





Identify and use adverbs

Remind yourself abut adverbs

• Use the PowerPoint on Adverbs to remind yourself of adverbs. If this is not possible, use the Revision Card.

• Complete Loving Cows.

Learn the poem by heart

• Read Top Tips for learning a poem by heart.

• Practise reading The Cow until you know all or some of it off by heart. Recite it to a grownup.


  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • Don’t forget to include adjectives and noun phrases.


Sentences using your spelling words


Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


Height, history, imagine, increase, important, interest, island, knowledge, learn. length

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it

Remember to use capital letters and full stops and any other punctuation you can show off!



Measure capacity

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 11 – Lesson 4.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

Apply maths knowledge into word problems

Open the attached PDF document which has 5 questions.

Make sure you highlight the key words in the question.

Which operation is it asking you to use?

  • If you are stuck on any, you can email or post on the blog for extra help.

Keeping Physically Active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Learn about fish

Watch the video below about fish.

Where do fish live?

What do they have running through their bodies?

How do they breathe?

Do sharks lay eggs?

How do fish hide from predators?

What do we call a group of fish together?

What do fish eat?

What eats fish?


Create a poster or fact file to teach others about fish. You can use link 2 to help you.

Key words:

Water, swim, turn, fins, gills, eggs, spine, hatch, fingerlings, prey, protection, teeth, predators, coral reef, clown fish, snapper fish, schools, sea horses, mammals, salmon, cod, tuna, seabream, aquarium


If you prefer, you can choose a fish of your choice to write about rather than lots of them.

Home Learning - 15th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Infer meaning from a text.

Watch the first two and a half minutes (2:30) of The Homing Instinct by clicking on reading link below.

• What can you see here that is in the story King of the Sky?

What is different?

What did you learn that was new?

Write your answers to these questions.

  • File is attached below as ‘Wednesday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.





Research a famous pigeon!

Read the sentences on Pigeons 1. Cut these sentences out and decide which of the Headings they belong to. You could just copy these if you do not have a printer.

Next: Use the Research Questions to find out about Mary of Exeter.

• Can you make a poster about Mary and her adventures, showing what you have learnt?


  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.



Family trees


Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


Height, history, imagine, increase, important, interest, island, knowledge, learn. length


Use the word ‘increase or knowledge’ and write it in a bubble. Using branches, how many other words can you think of that begin with ‘in/know’ or that contain the ending ‘ledge/crease‘?

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it




Add and subtract mass

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 11 – Lesson 3.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

Apply maths knowledge into word problems

Open the attached PDF document which has 5 questions.

Make sure you highlight the key words in the question.

Which operation is it asking you to use?

If you are stuck on any, you can email or post on the blog for extra help.

Keeping Physically Active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Learn about birds

Watch the bird video below.

What features do all birds have?

What is special about the hummingbird?

What is special about the ostrich?

What do birds eat?

How are penguins different from other birds?


Use the bird gallery in link 2 to choose a bird and research a bit more. Write a few facts about your bird and draw a picture.


Key words:

Eggs, chicks, beaks, wings, legs, feathers, hummingbird, ostrich, worms, seeds, fruit, eagle, prey, predator, nest, penguins

Home Learning - 14th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Infer meaning from a text

Listen to the reading of King of the Sky again (link below).

• Write what we know about Mr Evans and the Boy on Outlines 1 and 2 or on your own paper.

• Write what else you would like to know about them too.


  • File is attached below as ‘Tuesday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.
  • Can you find at least 2 new words and search for the meaning?




Punctuate speech correctly

Use the PowerPoint on direct speech. If this is not possible, remind yourself using the Revision Card.

• Look closely at Speech Bubbles 1 and 2. Decide what the boy and Mr Evans could be saying and write it inside the speech bubble.


• Write the speech that you put in Speech Bubbles as sentences. Use speech marks, commas and reporting clauses.

• You could challenge yourself to write a paragraph that describes the scene and that includes direct speech.


  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • Add illustrations to your story when you have finished.
  • Remember to check your punctuation and spelling carefully.



Bitesize your spelling words



Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


Height, history, imagine, increase, important, interest, island, knowledge, learn. length

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Split the word into memorable chunks:

I – mag – ine



Compare mass

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 11 – Lesson 2.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

Apply maths knowledge into word problems

Open the attached PDF document which has 5 questions.

Make sure you highlight the key words in the question.

Which operation is it asking you to use?

If you are stuck on any, you can email or post on the blog for extra help.

Keeping Physically Active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Know what an amphibian is

Watch the video below about amphibians.

What are amphibians?

How do amphibians begin their lives?

How many types of frog are there?

Describe their skin.

How do frogs and toads protect themselves from predators?


Create a fact sheet/ fact file to explain what amphibians are. Use link 2 to help you with this.




  • Make notes as you watch to note down the key amphibians it talks about.

Eggs, gills, tails, lungs, legs, metamorphosis. 

Home Learning - 13th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Infer meaning from a story.

Listen to the reading of King of the Sky in the link below.

• Which part of the story did you like best? Does it remind you of any other stories that you have seen or read?

• Read King of the Sky – Text and Questions 1. Answer the questions.

• Go on… Challenge yourself to read and answer the questions on King of the Sky – Text and Questions 2.


  • File is attached below as ‘Monday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.
  • Can you find at least 2 new words and search for the meaning?




Describe a place using adjectives and noun phrases

Look at the pictures of St Peter’s Square in Rome and Tredegar in Wales.

• Write some Descriptive Words and Phrases about each of these places. What do you notice? How could you describe it to someone who couldn’t see the photographs?

• Write a description of the view from your home. Try to make it really clear so someone can imagine it without actually seeing it. Notice small details, like the brickwork, or the shape of windows.


  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • Remember to use capital letters, full stops and commas in your answers.



Spell key words from Y3 National Curriculum.

Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


Height, history, imagine, increase, important, interest, island, knowledge, learn. length

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Can you think of a sentence where you would use these words?

Where have you heard this word before?


Measure mass

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 11 – Lesson 1.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

Apply maths knowledge into word problems

Open the attached PDF document which has 5 questions.

Make sure you highlight the key words in the question.

Which operation is it asking you to use?

If you are stuck on any, you can email or post on the blog for extra help.

Keeping Physically Active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Write about my favourite animal

Watch the video link below.

How do they move?

How do they look?

How many legs does it have?

Where does it live?

Does it fly?

What does it eat?


Draw a picture of your favourite animal with labels to show its’ features.


Explain why this is your favourite animal.

You could also include facts about your animal linked to the questions above.

  • Make notes as you watch about how the animals look and move.
  • Make a note of the types of animals that you see – how many can you name?

Home Learning - 10th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


infer meaning from a poem

Read Where Go the Boats. Read the poem twice – once in your head and once out loud.

• What do you like about the poem? What patterns can you spot?

• Use the Poem PowerPoint to listen to the poem being read. Is it how you expected it? What is the same and what is different?


  • File is attached below as ‘Friday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.





Learn a poem by heart

Remind yourself about the perfect form

• Use the PowerPoint Slides 8 to 12 on Perfect Form. If this is not possible, remind yourself of Perfect form using the Revision Cards. Complete Which Tense?

• Now turn each of the simple past tense sentences that you found into the perfect form.

 Learn a poem by heart

• Choose your favourite poem from: Where Go the Boats, The Swing (Day 4) and A Good Play (Day 3).

• Practise reading a verse from the poem again and again, until you can say it without looking at the words. Learn all the verses.

  • Record any work on paper or in orange book
  • Remember to use expression when performing your poem
  • You could include actions also


Spelling test


Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


February, forwards, forward, fruit, grammar, group, guard, guide, heard, heart


Ask an adult or a sibling to test you on your words today.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Friday maths challenge

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 10 – Lesson 5.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The answers are next to the link on the website

Basic maths facts

Times table practise

Click on the times tables that you are working on in the link below. You should be confident with your 2s, 5s, 10s, 3s and 4s. Check these by playing hit the Button.

Move onto 6 or 7 times table when you are ready.

Top tip: I find it helpful to have a pencil and paper nearby so I can work out trickier questions and make a note of the ones I need more practise with.

Keeping Physically Active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Design a bee friendly garden

Open the attached document about Earth day and saving the bees.

Follow the steps on here.

  1. Find out why bees are under threat
  2. Design a bee friendly garden. Remember that bees love brightly coloured flowers.
  • Open the RHS link to help you. Scroll down and read the section titled ‘how to attract bees to your garden’.

Home Learning - 9th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Infer meaning from a poem

• Read ‘The Swing’, Read it twice –in your head and out loud.

• What do you like about this poem? What rhyming patterns can you spot?

• Now use the Poem PowerPoint to listen to the poem being read. Does it sound like you expected or is it different? How?


  • File is attached below as ‘Thursday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.





Describe the best playground ever!

Use the PowerPoint uploaded yesterday slides 5, 6 and 7 on the progressive form of the past tense. If this is not possible, remind yourself about progressive form using the Revision Card.

• Complete In the Playground by rewriting the sentences in the progressive past tense.

Follow step 3 in your English pack to describe the best playground ever.


  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • Don’t forget to include adjectives and noun phrases.


Sentences using your spelling words


Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


February, forwards, forward, fruit, grammar, group, guard, guide, heard, heart

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it

Remember to use capital letters and full stops and any other punctuation you can show off!



Tell the time to 5 minutes

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 10 – Lesson 4.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

Practise times tables

Open the multiplication wheels. Have a go at as many as you can. It does not matter if you leave 9x, 11x and 12x.

  • The number in the middle is the times table you are working on. Multiply it by the one on the outer circle and then write answer on outside.

Keeping Physically Active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Learn about the life cycle of a bee.

Open the Power Point presentation and read through the information about bees.


Look at the final slide where the four stages are illustrated with key words. Create your own poster with images to show the four life stages of a bee.


Key words: egg, larvae, pupa, adult bee.


White Rose – Year 3 – Summer Term – Week 10 – Lesson 4:


Basic Maths

See uploaded attachment

PE With Joe   



See uploaded Power point today

Home Learning - 8th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Infer meaning from a poem

Read A Good Play (in your English pack today). Read the poem twice – once in your head and once out loud.

• What do you like about the poem? What patterns can you find in it?

Write down these answers.


  • File is attached below as ‘Wednesday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.





Write and draw from your imagination

Use the PowerPoint upload Slides 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the past tense. If this is not possible, then use the Revision Card to remind yourself.

• Complete Present and Past.

• Choose 3-5 of these verbs and write them into longer sentences in the past tense.

Follow step three in your English pack.

  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.



Family trees


Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


February, forwards, forward, fruit, grammar, group, guard, guide, heard, heart


Use the word heart and write it in a bubble. Using branches, how many other words can you think of that begin with ‘hea’ or that contain the sound ‘ear’?

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it




Recognise and describe 3D shapes

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 10 – Lesson 3.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

8 x table

Consolidate your understanding of the 8 x table by answering questions on the uploaded attachment below.

How can the 4 x table help us learn our 8 x table?

What pattern do you notice?

Is there a link to the 2 x table?

Keeping Physically Active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Learn about pollination

Watch the video link below about pollination.

Write down key words as you watch.

Which two ways does the video describe how pollination happens?

(wind and insects)


Have a go at one of the activities uploaded in the pollination pack.

You can just copy out the writing if you do not have a printer or you might choose to do a picture with arrows to show the pollination process.

Key words: stamen, pollen, bees, seed, pollination, insects,


White Rose – Year 3 – Summer Term – Week 10 – Lesson 3:

Basic Maths

See uploaded attachment

PE With Joe   


Link 1:

Home Learning - 7th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Infer meaning from a video clip. 

Watch the clip from a film version of Sword in the Stone. (See below table.)

• Which parts of this version were as you expected? What was different? What would you do differently if you were making a film of the story?

Write down your answers to the questions above.


  • File is attached below as ‘Tuesday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.
  • Can you find at least 2 new words and search for the meaning?




Write a story summary

Step 2 in English pack:

Read through Story Paragraphs.

• Choose your favourite part of the story.

• Improve the sentences by rewriting them. Add descriptive words to them. You could make the sentences longer. Add new sentences too about the character’s feelings.

Step 3:

Use words and pictures to make a Story Summary of the whole story.

• Use your summary to practise telling the story out loud.


  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • Add illustrations to your story when you have finished.
  • Remember to check your punctuation and spelling carefully.



Bitesize your spelling words



Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


February, forwards, forward, fruit, grammar, group, guard, guide, heard, heart

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Split the word into memorable chunks:

Feb- ru -ary



Recognise and describe 2D shapes

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 10 – Lesson 2.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

4 x table

Consolidate your understanding of the 4 x table by answering questions on the uploaded attachment below.

How can the 4 x table help us learn our 8 x table?

What pattern do you notice?

Is there a link to the 2 x table?

Keeping Physically Active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Explain photosynthesis

Watch the video again from yesterday’s lesson. Focus on the part that talks about the plant making its’ own food. This is called photosynthesis.

Have a go at answering the questions in link 2.


Have a go at completing the photosynthesis upload sheet. If you cannot print just copy this out the best you can.


Key words: carbon dioxide, water, light

Home Learning - 6th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Answer questions about a text.

Listen to the reading link below ‘The Sword in the Stone.’

Does this remind you of any other stories that you have seen or read? How do you think Arthur felt when he realised what he had done?

Read the written version of the story and answer some questions.

• Read the Sword in the Stone Questions. Think carefully about each of these questions. Write your answers in clear sentences



  • File is attached below as ‘Monday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.
  • Can you find at least 2 new words and search for the meaning?




Create a character map


(use adjectives to describe)

• Draw pictures of each of the five characters from this story. You could use Character Pictures to give you ideas.

• Write notes about what you know about each of the characters around your pictures. Use lines and arrows to show how the characters are connected to each other (e.g. Kay is Ector’s son)


  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • Remember to use capital letters, full stops and commas in your answers.



Spell key words from Y3 National Curriculum.

Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


February, forwards, forward, fruit, grammar, group, guard, guide, heard, heart

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Can you think of a sentence where you would use these words?

Where have you heard this word before?


Draw and measure accurately

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 10 – Lesson 1.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

3 x table

Consolidate your knowledge of the 3 x table by having a go at the questions on the basic maths upload below.

How can the 3 x table help you with the 6x table?

Keeping Physically Active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work


Know why plants are important

Watch the video link below about plants.

Make sure you understand the key words in the next column.

Think about the question: Why are plants important to humans and animals?

(food and air).


Draw a picture of a plant of your choice and label the parts. Then write an explanation stating why plants are important for humans and animals.

  • Make notes as you watch of key words:
  • Roots, water, stem, food (nutrients), leaves, energy, sunlight, photosynthesis, flower, seeds, life cycle, insects, pollination, humans, animals, clean air, oxygen

Reading link:


White Rose – Year 3 – Summer Term – Week 10 – Lesson 1:

Basic Maths

See uploaded attachment

PE With Joe   


Home Learning - 3rd July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Answer questions about a poem

Read the poem: Claws from your English pack today. Read it twice: once in your head and once out loud.

• Read the Poetry Questions. Think about your answers and then write some of them as sentences.


  • File is attached below as ‘Friday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.





Plan and write a poem

Use the Revision Card to remind yourself about metaphors and similes.

• Complete Metaphors and Similes Practice.


• Think about a pet that you know or have seen or imagine one from the pictures.

• Write ideas in Poem Ideas.

• Try organising your ideas so that they look and sound like a poem. What patterns can you use? Write your poem out carefully.


  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • Use the poems from this week to help you when planning your own.
  • Think about verses
  • Think about description for your animal


Spelling test


Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


earth, eight, eighth, enough, exercise, experience, experiment, extreme, famous, favourite


Ask an adult or a sibling to test you on your words today.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Friday maths challenge

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 9 – Lesson 5.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The answers are next to the link on the website

Basic maths facts

Times table practise

Click on the times tables that you are working on in the link below. You should be confident with your 2s, 5s, 10s, 3s and 4s. Check these by playing hit the Button.

Move onto 6 or 7 times table when you are ready.

Top tip: I find it helpful to have a pencil and paper nearby so I can work out trickier questions and make a note of the ones I need more practise with.

Keeping Physically Active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Understand about Iron Age village life

Click on the website link below and explore the different features of Iron Age villages.


Click on each title and it will give you more information.


Design your own roundhouse with a thatched roof as seen in the image on the website. If you would like, you could leave the front of the house open and show the stove and other Iron Age home comforts inside. Remember, they even used to keep their animals inside at night!

  • You can go back to other videos from this week to support you with this task if you need to.

Home Learning - 2nd July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Infer meaning from a picture

Look at the picture: My Pet in your English pack. What do you think has happened just before this picture was taken? What might happen next? What names would you give these dogs? Who might own them?

• Can you think of three reasons why people like to keep pets?

• Make notes about your answers or tell someone about them.


  • File is attached below as ‘Thursday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.





Write about a poem

Read the poem: My Dog. Read it twice, once in your head once out loud.

• Read and think about the Poetry Questions. Write some of your answers as clear sentences.


• Read the poems in Animal Poetry Collection.

• Read at least three of the poems. Challenge yourself to read them all.

• Complete Poetry Notes and write about your favourite poem.


  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • Why did you like this poem?
  • What did you enjoy?
  • What types of words and sentences were used?


Sentences using your spelling words


Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


earth, eight, eighth, enough, exercise, experience, experiment, extreme, famous, favourite

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it

Remember to use capital letters and full stops and any other punctuation you can show off!



Parallel and perpendicular

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 9 – Lesson 4.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

Apply maths knowledge

Open basic maths activity sheet for today and have a go at as many questions as you can.

Think about: What operation is it asking me to use?

What working out should I do?


  • Answers are attached in separate document
  • You do not need to print the sheet off – simply write and answer the question on paper that you have at home.

Keeping Physically Active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Learn about the Iron Age

Watch the video in the link below.

Why was iron better?

What was used during wars?

Where did people live during this time?

How were clothes made?

How did coins appear?


Design an Iron Age shield. Click on the 2nd link and look at the patterns used. There are lots of examples on the internet of these. Design your own shield.


  • If you have cardboard at home, then you could have a go at creating your shield.

Home Learning - 1st July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Read and understand definitions

Read Dictionary Entry in your English pack for today.

• Use different colours to show the different parts as indicated.

• Look at the Revision Card. Why does the word ‘Fast’ have two versions?

Can you remember what we call a word that has two different meanings but is spelt the same?

  • File is attached below as ‘Wednesday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.





Find definitions of words

Find out about some words

• Read the words on Word Grid.

• Use a dictionary or the dictionary website to work out what they can mean. See writing link below.


• The words in blue might belong to more than one word-class.

• Choose three words and make dictionary entries for them, using the Template. Then follow step 3.


  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • Remember that some adverbs end in ‘ly’ and these words describe how a verb happens.



Family trees


Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


earth, eight, eighth, enough, exercise, experience, experiment, extreme, famous, favourite


Use the word experiment and write it in a bubble. Using branches, how many other words can you think of that begin with ‘ex’ or that end in the suffix ‘ment’ in?

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it




Horizontal and vertical

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 9 – Lesson 3.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

Apply maths knowledge

Open basic maths activity sheet for today and have a go at as many questions as you can.

Think about: What operation is it asking me to use?

What working out should I do?


  • Answers are attached in separate document

You do not need to print the sheet off – simply write and answer the question on paper that you have at home.

Keeping Physically Active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Learn about the Bronze Age

Was the video in the topic link below.

What was made from bronze?

How did people’s appearance change?


Click on link 2 and type your answers to the questions.

  • As an extra activity you could draw some of the bronze jewellery.

Home Learning - 30th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Use noticing skills to describe a character

Look closely at an illustration in your English pack

• Look at New Characters. These are six possible new characters that could join Mario in a game.

• Label each character, writing about 3-5 things that you notice about them.


  • File is attached below as ‘Tuesday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.
  • Can you find at least 2 new words and search for the meaning?




Write a story using adverbs and adjectives

• Use the Revision Card to remind yourself about word classes.

• Complete Character Sentences. Invent a name for each of the six new characters, fill in the grid for them and then write a sentence about them.

  • Make up a story that include your new characters. Include adverbs and adjectives.
  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • Add illustrations to your story when you have finished.
  • Remember to check your punctuation and spelling carefully.



Bitesize your spelling words



Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


earth, eight, eighth, enough, exercise, experience, experiment, extreme, famous, favourite

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Split the word into memorable chunks:

Ex – per – I – ment



Compare angles

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 9 – Lesson 2.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

Apply maths knowledge

Open basic maths activity sheet for today and have a go at as many questions as you can.

Think about: What operation is it asking me to use?

What working out should I do?


  • Answers are attached in separate document

You do not need to print the sheet off – simply write and answer the question on paper that you have at home.

Keeping Physically Active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Learn about the New Stone Age

Click on the link below and watch the video.

What was introduced during the New Stone Age?

What other word was used for this period of time?

How did living conditions change for families during this period?

How were houses built?

Where did domesticated dogs come from?

Why were vessels (pots) needed?

How did the landscape change at this time?


Create a poster to show the following during this time:

  • Homes
  • Pots/vessels: what were they made from?
  • Animals
  • Villages
  • Stonehenge
  • Make notes as you watch the video about the people during this time
  • Click on the transcript to see the words that are used during the video


Home Learning - 29th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Read a profile and answer questions about it.

Read Mario Profile. What questions does this profile answer? What other questions could be answered? Do you know any other information about this video-game character?

• Look at Colourful Writing. Can you work out what each of these colours means? Write a key to the colours on the table provided.


  • File is attached below as ‘Monday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.
  • Can you find at least 2 new words and search for the meaning?




Identify word classes

Remind yourself about word classes

• Use the PowerPoint teaching word classes that has been uploaded.

Read the profiles and have a go at identifying the different word classes.

Then have a go at writing some sentences about a video game/board game that you know. Highlight the different word classes.


  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • Remember to use capital letters, full stops and commas in your answers.
  • You do not have to write about a video game. You could write about a board game if you wish.



Spell key words from Y3 National Curriculum.

Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


earth, eight, eighth, enough, exercise, experience, experiment, extreme, famous, favourite

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Can you think of a sentence where you would use these words?

Where have you heard this word before?


Right angles in shapes

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 9 – Lesson 1.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

Apply maths knowledge

Open basic maths activity sheet for today and have a go at as many questions as you can.

Think about: What operation is it asking me to use?

What working out should I do?


  • Answers are attached in separate document

You do not need to print the sheet off – simply write and answer the question on paper that you have at home.

Keeping Physically Active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Learn about the Middle Stone Age

Watch the video link in topic below.

Who were the Normadic hunter gatherers? What do we know about them? What did they eat?

What did they make from stone?



Write an explanation to answer the questions about the hunter gatherers. Add pictures to support this.



  • Make notes as you watch the video about the animals during this time
  • Click on the transcript to see the words that are used during the video

Home Learning - 26th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Describe a character from a text.

Read Neville and Snape. How would you describe the character of Neville from this extract?

• Watch the first minute and a half of some of the film scenes of Neville. See reading link below.  What else can you say about his character now?


  • File is attached below as ‘Friday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.





Write a school report.

Read Hogwarts’ School Report.

• Highlight the five phrases that tell you most about Neville. Do you think this is a fair report? What are your reasons for saying that?

Write a school report

• Use the Planner and Report Template to write a school report.


  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.

• It could be for one of the Harry Potter characters or it could be for you, one of your friends or someone in your family. Try to show their character in what you write in the report.


Spelling test


Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


circle, complete, consider, continue, decide, describe, different, difficult, disappear, early


Ask an adult or a sibling to test you on your words today.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Friday maths challenge

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 8 – Lesson 5.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The answers are next to the link on the website

Basic maths facts

Times table practise

Click on the times tables that you are working on. You should be confident with your 2s, 5s, 10s, 3s and 4s. Check these by playing hit the Button.

Move onto 6 times table when you are ready.

Top tip: I find it helpful to have a pencil and paper nearby so I can work out trickier questions and make a note of the ones I need more practise with.

Keeping Physically Active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Know how people use the coast and how people can affect it.

Watch the video in link 1 – topic work.

Make notes as you watch about why people choose to visit the coast.

Watch link 2.

How can people affect coastal environments?

Click on ‘next part’ and watch the next section.


Create a poster explaining why people choose to visit the beach. Include reasons like:

Spend time with family

Swim in the sea

Build sandcastles

To have a rest


If you have visited the seaside before, you might use this as an example. When I visited the seaside I …



Remember there are other things that can also affect the coast and wildlife such as leaving litter behind.

Home Learning - 25th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Infer meaning from a text.


Write answers carefully.

Read an extract from Harry Potter

• Read Quidditch. What did Harry learn about Quidditch? Which of these imagined facts is the best would you say?

• Watch the film version of Harry learning the rules of Quidditch. See reading link below. What do you learn from the film that you don’t learn from the book?


  • File is attached below as ‘Thursday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.





Use adverbs in a sentence.

Remind yourself about adverbs using the Power point attached.


Watch the film scene of Harry’s first Quidditch match. See reading link 2.

• Write some sentences that use adverbs to describe the match. Use Adverbs List to help you.

  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • Remember to use the adverbs revision cards when writing your own sentences.


Sentences using your spelling words


Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


circle, complete, consider, continue, decide, describe, different, difficult, disappear, early

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it

Remember to use capital letters and full stops and any other punctuation you can show off!



Problem solving adding and subtracting fractions

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 8 – Lesson 4.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

Sorting 2D shapes

Open link in basic maths.

Remind yourself about what a right angle is prior to activity.

Name all the shapes that you see.

Sort them based on how many right angles they have (if any!).

  • Remind yourself about the properties of each shape that you see. How many sides? Vertices? (corners)

Keeping Physically Active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Know how waves affect the coast.

Watch link 1 video about waves and how they affect the coastline.


Which 3 physical features that are formed by erosion?

What causes more coastal erosion?


Watch link 2 and try to answer the questions.


Create a piece of art work to show waves crashing into cliffs.

Key words: Erosion, deposition, sand, shingles, spit, drift, waves, angle, pebbles.

Home Learning - 24th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Compare two versions of a story.

Read Broomstick Lesson. How do you think Harry was feeling? How is Madam Hooch described? How would you feel to be taught by her?

• Watch the film version of this scene. See reading link below.  Do you notice anything that is different to the book? What is the same?

  • File is attached below as ‘Wednesday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.





Use conjunctions in sentences

Write about taking part in a Broomstick Lesson. Describe what you do and how you feel, what happens to you and what happens to other people.

• Use Conjunctions List and include some sentences with conjunctions joining clauses together.

  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.


Family trees


Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


circle, complete, consider, continue, decide, describe, different, difficult, disappear, early


Use the word circle and write it in a bubble. Using branches, how many other words can you think of that begin with ‘cir’ or that have ‘cle’ in?

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it




Subtract fractions

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 8 – Lesson 3.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

Acute and obtuse angles

Open link 1 in basic maths and watch the video about acute and obtuse angles.

Open link 2 and have a go at sorting the angles into the correct section.

Top tip: Sort the right angles first if you are more confident with these.

Keeping Physically Active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

How is coastal erosion managed?

Watch the video in link 1.

What is coastal erosion?

How many techniques are there to manage coastal erosion?

(Top tip – there are four). Write these down.


Click on the second link and answer the questions.


Write an explanation to explain how coastal erosion affects the land and how it happens.

Why are coastal defence mechanisms important?


In link 3 you can will find examples of coastal sea walls and sea wooden groynes. 

Erosion: When something erodes it breaks down and reduces in size. Teeth can erode when too much sugar is eaten.

Home Learning - 23rd June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Read an extract from Harry Potter

  • Read We Got Potter. Now watch the Sorting Hat scene again (link below)
  • Which is better at helping you know how Harry is feeling? Why? Why might someone say the opposite?


  • Listen to the text at least 3 times
  • Pause the video as many times as you need to




Use clauses in sentences.

Use Clauses and Conjunctions

• Use the Revision Card to remind yourself about clauses and conjunctions.

• Complete Harry Potter Clauses. Challenge yourself to come up with two or even three versions of each sentence. You can use List of Conjunctions to help you.

  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • Add illustrations to your sentences when you have finished.
  • Remember to check your punctuation and spelling carefully.



Bitesize your spelling words



Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


circle, complete, consider, continue, decide, describe, different, difficult, disappear, early

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Split the word into memorable chunks:

Diff – I – cult



Add fractions

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 8 – Lesson 2.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

Right angles and turns

Open link 1 in the basic maths section below. Watch the video.

Open link 2 and complete the house activity.

Drag and drop the angles and words to label them.

It may be helpful to draw an example of a right angle, acute and obtuse angle prior to doing the activity.

Keeping Physically Active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Explore man-made features of coastlines

Watch the video in the topic link.

Make notes as you listen using bullet points. Remember to click on next clip after watching the first one.

What man made features are there at coasts?

(hotels, cottages, guest houses, caravans, beach huts, harbours, industrial ports, mariners, piers, fairgrounds, restaurants.)

Have a go at answering the questions in link 2.


Draw a picture to show a beach and the man-made things you would find there such as a hotel, a pier, a fairground, ice-cream hut etc.

Key words: accommodation, entertainment, piers, defence features


Label your man-made features using arrows.

Home Learning - 22nd June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Answer questions about a text.

Read an extract from Harry Potter

• Read The Sorting Hat. Have you read or seen this part of the story before? How do you think you would feel if you were there in the Great Hall?

• Watch the film version of this scene in reading link. Which part of the scene do you think that the film does best?


  • File is attached below as ‘Monday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.
  • Can you find at least 2 new words and search for the meaning?




Use conjunctions in sentences

Remind yourself about clauses and conjunctions by looking at the Power point file.


Write some sentences

• Watch the film clip of the Sorting Hat again.

• Now write some sentences about the scene. Use conjunctions in your sentences, using the List of Conjunctions.

  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • Remember to use capital letters, full stops and commas in your answers.



Spell key words from Y3 National Curriculum.

Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


circle, complete, consider, continue, decide, describe, different, difficult, disappear, early

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Can you think of a sentence where you would use these words?

Where have you heard this word before?


Order fractions

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 8 – Lesson 1.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

Parallel lines

Click on link 1 in basic maths and watch the video about parallel lines.

Complete parallel lines activity in link 2.

What lines can you see in your home that are parallel?

Can you place both your arms in a parallel postion?

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Explore natural features of a coastline

Open the topic link video and watch it.

Write notes using bullet points of key things they tell you about.


Make sure you click on part 2 once watching the first part of the video.

Click on the 2nd topic link and have a go at answering the questions.


Write about a time when you visited a coast. Where did you go? Was it sandy or rocky? What natural features did you see? You can add pictures to this as well if you wish.

  • You need to take notes as you are watching. Make notes of key words such as:

Steep, narrow, British isles, coastline, ocean, cliffs, beaches, sand dunes, salt marshes, mud flats, estuaries, headlands, bays, Cornwall, Atlantic ocean

Home Learning - 19th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Find opinion within a text.

Read two opinions about the Harry Potter Studio Tour

• Read Opinion 1 and then read Opinion 2.

• Underline the words and phrases that show the person’s opinion most clearly.

Have a go at step two if you wish.

  • File is attached below as ‘Friday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.





Write a review

Imagine that you have had a brilliant or an awful day out at an attraction:

Longleat, soft play, Bowood, Southwick Country Park etc. You do not have to have been there – this could be imaginary.


Plan a review stating what 5 key things you will remember. This could be a mix of good and bad points.

  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • You could write about:

The cleanliness; the quality of food; the quality of shops; too many people being there; the activities or even the staff.



Spelling test


Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


breath, breathe, build, busy, business, calendar, caught, centre, century, certain.


Ask an adult or a sibling to test you on your words today.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Friday maths challenge

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 7 – Lesson 5.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The answers are next to the link on the website

Basic maths facts

Times table practise

Click on the times tables that you are working on. You should be confident with your 2s, 5s, 10s, 3s and 4s. Check these by playing hit the Button.

Move onto 6 times table when you are ready.

Top tip: I find it helpful to have a pencil and paper nearby so I can work out trickier questions and make a note of the ones I need more practise with.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Music – listen to pirate shanti songs

Click on the topic link below and listen to the pirate songs.

As you are listening make notes of what instruments you think you can hear:

Use the link for instruments below to listen to what they sound like.


Which is your favourite pirate music?


Did any of them sound familiar?

Choose your favourite piece and write a fw sentences about why you liked it.

Use words and sentences like:

It made me think of…

It sounded dramatic when…

Use words such as volume, pitch and tempo (see definitions below).


Volume; how loud it sounds

Pitch: high and low notes

Tempo: how fast or slow the music sounds


Challenge: you could create a piece of artwork as you listen to show how it makes you feel or think.


Home Learning - 18th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Infer meaning from a text

Read Warner Bros. Studio Tour Part 1. Which part of the tour do you think the writer enjoyed the most? Why?

• Challenge yourself to read Warner Bros. Studio Tour Part 2. What does the writer say happens when you’re in Diagon Alley?

• Who do you think these reports are written for?

  • File is attached below as ‘Thursday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.





Make notes about an advertisement

Make notes about the report.

Who is it for? What does it tell you? Where is it?


Watch the Youtube link below to see the advert for the tour.


Use the website to find out more information about the tour.


Make notes about the advert and what you find out. Does this advert make you want to visit? Why?



  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • Use bullet points to make notes
  • What things do the children say they can do on the tour?
  • What did they see?



Sentences using your spelling words


Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


breath, breathe, build, busy, business, calendar, caught, centre, century, certain.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it

Remember to use capital letters and full stops and any other punctuation you can show off!



Compare fractions

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 7 – Lesson 4.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

Time word problems

Click on basic maths link below.

  • Click on add any time up to 60 minutes.
  • Read the question and count back how ever many minutes it asks you to.
  • Click on the correct answer.

Top tips:

  • Subtract the tens first then the ones.
  • Read the question at least 3 times.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Design your own pirate ship


Label parts of a ship

See uploaded attachment ‘ship power point’.

Read through the information making note of the key ship parts.


Design your own pirate ship (including a flag of your choice) and label key parts. There is a blank ship attachment to help you if you need it.

  • Be creative
  • What will make your ship unique?
  • What design will you have on the flag?

Home Learning - 17th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Describe a character from the story

Read King Midas and the Golden Touch.

• How would you describe the character of King Midas?

  • What would you have asked for as a reward for helping the satyr?
  • File is attached below as ‘Wednesday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.





Write a story summary


Use direct speech

You can choose either step 2 or 3 for your writing activity (you can do both if you would like!).

  1. Write a summary or the story adding pictures
  2. Or write a conversation between the characters using direct speech.
  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • Don’t forget to punctuate speech correctly and begin a new speaker on a new line.
  • Split the story into opening, build up, climax and end when writing a summary.


Family trees


Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


breath, breathe, build, busy, business, calendar, caught, centre, century, certain.


Use the word century and write it in a bubble. Using branches, how many other words can you think of that begin or end with ‘cent’ or that have ‘ury’ in?

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it




Equivalent fractions  

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 7 – Lesson 3.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

Subtract multiples of 5 from a given time

Click on basic maths link below.

  • Click on add multiples of five minutes. 
  • Read the question and count back how ever many minutes it asks you to.

Remember that each section if worth five minutes. Work out how many fives are in your number (Eg: 50 minutes  = 10 lots of 5)

Then take away that many sections of five minutes.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Design your own pirate

Look through the images in the topic link below. You will see different pictures of different types of pirates.

Which pirate lived the longest?

Choose one of these pirates to draw in your own style. If you would prefer, you can design your own pirate.


  • Look carefully at the clothing they wear.
  • Look carefully at the things they carry.


Home Learning - 16th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Read a text and identify words that are missing.


What makes sense?

Read King Midas and Donkey Ears – Cloze (missing words).

• What do you think are the missing words? Make a note and then look at the answers on the next page.

Are any of your words better than the original version?

  • File is attached below as ‘Tuesday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.
  • Can you find at least 2 new words and search for the meaning?




Use direct speech

Revise direct speech by looking at the dialogue power point attached.

Write using direct speech:

• Read the speech bubbles on King Midas and his barber.

• Write these speech bubbles as properly punctuated direct speech. Use the Revision Card to remind you how.

  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • Don’t forget to open your speech marks – then add a CAPITAL LETTER at start of sentence – use a full stop or ! ? at end of sentence – then close your speech marks.


Bitesize your spelling words



Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


breath, breathe, build, busy, business, calendar, caught, centre, century, certain.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Split the word into memorable chunks:

Acc – I – dent

App -ear


Equivalent fractions

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 7 – Lesson 2.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

Subtract quarter of an hour from a time 

Click on basic maths link below.

  • Click on add multiples of quarter of an hour.
  • Read the question and count back 15 minutes from the time on the clock face.

Remember that each section if worth five minutes and quarter of an hour is 15 minutes therefore you are taking away three sections.

You can write your answer in words or digital format.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Write an explanation about how to be a successful pirate.

Open the topic link below.

Read the information about:

  1. What is a pirate?
  2. The Golden Age of piracy.
  3. Different kinds of pirates.
  4. Life as a pirate.

Focus on the last section ‘how to be a pirate.’

Write down and draw images to support how to be a pirate using these headings:

  1. Skills required to be a pirate
  2. Rules to follow
  3. Pirate cuisine (food)
  4. Dress like a pirate


You can present this as a piece of writing or you can be creative and create a poster style explanation. You could split your page into four by folding into quarters and then write each heading in each section.

Don’t forget to add pictures.

Home Learning - 15th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Order events from a story

Read King Midas and the Donkey Ears.

Have you ever heard the story before?

Does it remind you of anything or anyone?

Follow step 2 on the activity sheet.

  • File is attached below as ‘Monday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.
  • Can you find at least 2 new words and search for the meaning?




Use full sentences to answer questions

Read the King Midas and the Donkey’s Ears Questions.

•Think about your answers and then write them as clear sentences correctly punctuated.

  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • Remember to use capital letters, full stops and commas in your answers.



Spell key words from Y3 National Curriculum.

Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


breath, breathe, build, busy, business, calendar, caught, centre, century, certain.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Can you think of a sentence where you would use these words?

Where have you heard this word before?


Equivalent fractions

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 7 – Lesson 1.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

Time word problems

  • Click on basic maths link below
  • Click on add on 10 minutes (the second option)
  • Keep the setting on timed and analogue to digital.
  • Answer questions

If you find this tricky take off the timer and change to untimed to allow you more time to work out the answer. 


If you find this easy try the other options of adding amounts of time.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Use my imagination to write about pirates and show what I know

Click on the topic link below (remember you will need to log into your Espresso account).


Watch the short video (it has no words!)

Make a list of the things you see as you watch.

Create a short story that could go along side this clip about this mini pirate adventure.

Ahoy there me hearties! Use your imagination! Use the questions in the next column to help you.

  • Where is this ship sailing?
  • Who are the pirates on board?
  • What are they looking out for?
  • What treasures are they seeking?

Home Learning - 12th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Infer meaning from a poem

Read the poem: I have had an awful day

• What things cheer you up when you are having a difficult day?

Make a list of them and keep them somewhere safe to


  • File is attached below as ‘Friday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.





Write your own poem

Recap the perfect from and sort the sentences. Which are perfect from and which are past tense? You don’t need to print these off you could just choose 5 examples for each list.


Plan and write your own ‘dreadful day’ poem. This could be a funny version! Try and answer the two questions:

What things go wrong? (verse 1)

Which things happened to cheer you up? (verse two)



  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • Things that could go wrong:

Maybe your naughty pet chews up your homework!

Maybe you accidently knock the fruit bowl off the side.

Remember that this can be made up and as funny as you want it to be.



Spelling test


Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


Accident, accidently, actual, actually, address, answer, appear, arrive, believe, bicycle.


Ask an adult or a sibling to test you on your words today.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Friday maths challenge

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 6 – Lesson 5.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The answers are next to the link on the website

Basic maths facts

Weight and measurement

Add the weights together on each card to find the total.

Like a game of pairs, you have to find two cards that have the same total.


  • Can you remember the different units of measurement when weighing?


Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work


Learn about Hinduism  


Click on the video link below and watch the introduction to Hinduism.


There is a tab on the top right on the page that says ‘transcript’ – if you click on this you will see the writing for what is being said as you watch.


Which festivals do Hindus celebrate?

What is the festival of Holi?

Write an explanation or create a poster to explain what Holi is.


  • You can produce your work however you wish. Poster, artwork or writing.

Home Learning - 11th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Read a poem with expression and action

Read a shape poem.

• Read the poem: Rolling Down A Hill.

Can you use your voice or actions to find a good way to read it out loud?

  • File is attached below as ‘Thursday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.





Write a shape action poem

  • Recap the progressive tense by opening the Power point upload.
  • Have a go at the progressive tense activity.
  • Plan and write an action poem – there are some ideas in the booklet to help you with this.



  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • You could shape your poem like the noun that you are writing about. For example – if writing about a mountain, you could shape your poem like a mountain.


Sentences using your spelling words


Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


Accident, accidently, actual, actually, address, answer, appear, arrive, believe, bicycle.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it

Remember to use capital letters and full stops and any other punctuation you can show off!



Fractions of a set of objects (lesson 2 following on from yesterday.)

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 6 – Lesson 4.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

Place value

Open link below

Look at the four digits that the game has given you

Order the digits to create the largest number possible

Challenge: using the following digits create the smallest and largest number you possibly can

1     8     1    7     7     8 

  • Remember to think about the ones, tens, hundreds and thousands column and which is worth more.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work


Learn about the animals in India

Click on the country India

Click on ‘What is India like?’ fact file.

Click on the animals section.

Read the information and make notes.

Create a table with the four headings:

  1. Himalayas
  2. Indian Sunderbans
  3. Rann of Kutch
  4. The Nilgiri

Draw or write the animals that can be found in each region of India



  • Extension: use the internet to research the area further or the animal.
  • What new information can you find out?

Home Learning - 10th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Infer meaning from a poem

Read a Portrait Poem

• Read the poem, “Simon, my best friend…”

• What does Simon have in common with you? What is different about you and him?

Write your answer on paper using this sentence stem:

Simon and I are similar because…

Simon and I are different because…

  • File is attached below as ‘Wednesday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.





Use the present tense to write a poem about a friend.


Remind yourself about the present and past tense

  • Use the PowerPoint presentation to remind yourself about the Present and Past Tense and then complete the present and past tense activity.
  • Use the Portrait Poem template to write about one of your friends (or family member).
  • Write sentences about them in the present tense.
  • Add a portrait of them in the middle of the template.
  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • You can choose to write about a family member rather than a friend if you would like.
  • You could write about favourite animals, hobbies, dislikes and their pets and family. You can make it up if you want to – it doesn’t have to be true.


Family trees


Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


Accident, accidently, actual, actually, address, answer, appear, arrive, believe, bicycle.


Use the word Bicycle and write it in a bubble. Using branches, how many other words can you think of that begin with ‘bi’ or that have ‘cycle’ in.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it




Fractions of a set of objects

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 6 – Lesson 3.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

Read information from a bar chart

Read the question carefully

  • Look at the scale on the y axis (what number does it go up in?)
  • Count the totals for each bar.

You need to click on the answer box for the cursor to appear

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work


Compare the life of an Indian villager to that of an Indian living in the city.

Click on the country India

Click on ‘What is India like?’ fact file.

Click on the ‘people’ section at the top.

Read the information.

Make notes on paper as you read about:

  1. What is life like for an Indian person who lives in a village? (rural)
  2. What is life like for an Indian person who lives in the city? (urban)


Split an A4 piece of paper in half and write Indian villager at top of one box and Indian city life at the top of the other.

Use pictures and sentences to show what life is like for each.

  •  Where would you prefer to live? In the village or in the city? Why?

Home Learning - 9th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Find features of a non-chronological report

Read Fifa 19 Review. Do you think the writer liked the game?

  • Why?
  • Use the Revision Card to remind yourself about the Features of
  • a Non-Chronological report.
  • Highlight and write to mark some of these features on the Fifa 19 Review.
  • File is attached below as ‘Tuesday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.
  • Can you find at least 2 new words and search for the meaning?




Write a report about a game

Make notes about a game

• Choose one of the CBeebies games (see link below). They are designed for younger children. Try playing it, ready to write a report.

• Make notes about it on Game Notes.

• Write a report about the game that you chose. Try to include

some of the features of a Non-Chronological Report

  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.
  • Use the Fifa report to help you – you can magpie words and sentence stems to use in your own writing.


Bitesize your spelling words



Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


Accident, accidently, actual, actually, address, answer, appear, arrive, believe, bicycle.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Split the word into memorable chunks:

Acc – I – dent

App -ear


Fractions on a number line

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 6 – Lesson 2.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

Fill in missing numbers in calculations

Click on the link below – basic maths

Have a go at the two questions where the numbers are missing.

Be careful on question two as there is carrying involved.


Drag and drop the correct number into the correct box

  • Watch out for carries! If there is no number that can be added to make it up to the number on the answer line then maybe it is a two digit addition (carry).

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Geography: Learn about the weather and climate in India

Click on the country India

Click on ‘What is India like?’ fact file.

Click on the weather and climate box at the top.

Read the information about the weather and climate.


Create a sunset in India picture.


  • You can use whatever resources you would like to create this.
  • You could cut up bits of magazines and make a collage or you might just use paint or felt tips. The choice is yours.

Home Learning - 8th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Infer meaning from a report

Read Lego Star Wars Game Description.

Read it twice: the first time in your head and the second time out loud.

  • Who do you think this report is written for?
  • What features does it have?


  • File is attached below as ‘Monday – English’
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.
  • Can you find at least 2 new words and search for the meaning?




Understand the features of report writing

Use the revision cards to recap the features of report writing.

Can you find these features in the Star Wars text?

Read some more reports

• Read the report for Just Dance and Super Mario Kart.


• Look at Technical Language to Spot. Can you write an explanation of at least three of these pieces of vocabulary?

  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.



Spell key words from Y3 National Curriculum.

Practise these spellings in your orange homework book:


Accident, accidently, actual, actually, address, answer, appear, arrive, believe, bicycle.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Can you think of a sentence where you would use these words?

Where have you heard this word before?


Tenths as decimals

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 6 – Lesson 1.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

Division facts mixed

Click on division facts

Click on the division facts that you are confident with first (these will be the times tables that you know.)

Challenge yourself to try the mixed division facts next.

  • Remember that your times tables will help you. If the question said 12 ÷3 = (how many 3s go into 12?)


Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Geography: Learn about India

Click on the country India in the topic link below.

Click on ‘What is India like?’ fact file.

Click on the landmarks box at the top of the page.

Read the information about the 5 landmarks in India.

Choose one (or two if you like) to create a picture of with some information.



  • You could present this as a poster, a piece of art with bubbles of information or on a computer. The choice is yours!

Home Learning - 5th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


Thought of the week:  You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. – Dr Seuss


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To read using expression

Imagine you are a reporter. Re-read ‘Purple is Best’ out loud using expression. Watch YouTube video (link below) to learn how to read expressively.  

  • Text is attached as a PDF file below the table. Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.
  • Maybe you could record yourself reading.




To use prepositions and sequence instructions

Complete all activities from section 1 in ‘Friday – Reading and Writing’ PDF file.

  • Record any work on paper or in orange book if you are unable to print the worksheets.


To bitesize your words into memorable chunks:

beach, summer, warm, weather, humid, sea, sand, airplane, holiday, camping, swimming, playing, family, friends, relaxing

Pick a word from your spelling list. Split the word into smaller chunks and consider the syllables of the word:




Colour in each section of the word in different colours.

  • Think of our Tuesday morning task in school.
  • Record bitesized words in your orange book or on a piece of paper.
  • Complete as many words as possible.
  • Test yourself on your spelling words. How many are you confident with?


Digital and Analogue Clocks

Complete Maths worksheet ‘Digital and Analogue Clocks’ attached below as Friday Maths Worksheet.

  • Match the different ways of representing the same time.
  • Answers are included in the same file.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Henry II and Thomas Becket Lesson 3

Use the Oak National Academy link below to access the lesson.

  • Go through each step to complete: quiz, video, activity and quiz.

Home Learning - 4th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


Thought of the week:  You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. – Dr Seuss


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To comprehend and engage with a non-fiction text.

Read the non-fiction text ‘Purple is Best’ which highlights how people have used dyes to colour their clothes for centuries. What fact was most interesting to you?

  • Files are attached below as ‘Thursday – Reading and Writing’ and ‘GR_Purple is Best’.
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.




To recap on prepositions and identify them in the text. 

Complete all activities in section 2 (Prepositions) of Thursday – Reading and Writing PDF file.

  • Record any work on paper or in orange book if you are unable to print the worksheets.


To create sentences using your spelling words:

beach, summer, warm, weather, humid, sea, sand, airplane, holiday, camping, swimming, playing, family, friends, relaxing

Pick at least five words from your spelling list this week to use in sentences.


For example:


Today, I am going to the beach because the weather is scorching.

  • No more than two words from the list per sentence (see my example).
  • Use adjectives to make your sentences exciting.
  • Record sentences in your orange book or on a piece of paper.


Counting in tenths

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 5 – Lesson 4.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Henry II and Thomas Becket Lesson 2

Use the Oak National Academy link below to access the lesson.

  • Go through each step to complete: quiz, video, activity and quiz.

Home Learning - 3rd June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


Thought of the week:  You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. – Dr Seuss


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To finish reading Fantastic Mr Fox and give a critical opinion about the story.

Read/watch or listen to the whole book. If not possible, read the summary of events in the story. Write a short paragraph explaining your thoughts on the story.

  • File is attached below as ‘Wednesday – Reading and Writing’.
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.
  • Would you recommend this story to a friend?




To write your own story along the same lines as Fantastic Mr Fox.

See section 2 of the PDF file named ‘Composition’. Read instructions and complete activities.

  • Record any work on paper or in orange book if you are unable to print the worksheets.


To create word families with your spelling words:

beach, summer, warm, weather, humid, sea, sand, airplane, holiday, camping, swimming, playing, family, friends, relaxing

Pick a spelling word e.g. camping. Think of as many words that could also have the suffix ‘ing’ like jumping, eating, crying. You could even pick a word like beach and find words that end with ‘ch’ like each, teach, peach.

  • Think about our Wednesday morning activity
  • Think of words that are similar in the way they are spelled to your spelling words this week
  • Pick at least five spelling words to make word families.



Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 5 – Lesson 3.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Henry II and Thomas Becket Lesson 1

Use the Oak National Academy link below to access the lesson.

  • Go through each step to complete: quiz, video, activity and quiz.


White Rose – Year 3 – Summer Term – Week 5 – Lesson 3:

Basic Maths

Hit the Button:

Multiplication Table:

PE With Joe   

Home Learning - 2nd June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


Thought of the week:  You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. – Dr Seuss


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To read the extracts provided and find out contextual information about Roald Dahl (see Fun-Time Extras task).

Read the Fantastic Mr Fox summary and chapter 16. Create a fact sheet about Roald Dahl by using the internet to research information about him.

  • File is attached below as ‘Tuesday – Reading and Writing’.
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.




To recognise verbs in the present perfect form.

Complete all ‘Verbs – Present Perfect Form’ activities listed in section 2 of the Tuesday PDF file.

  • Record any work on paper or in orange book if you are unable to print the worksheets.


How to rainbow write over your spelling words: beach, summer, warm, weather, humid, sea, sand, airplane, holiday, camping, swimming, playing, family, friends, relaxing

Copy this week’s spelling words onto a new page in your orange book. Use 5 different colours to trace over each letter of the words to make them look like a rainbow.


  • Think about our daily morning activity.
  • Use best handwriting.
  • Don’t colour over words without tracing over each letter.


Making the whole

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 5 – Lesson 2.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

What is the Holy Trinity?

Use the Oak National Academy link below to access the lesson.

  • Go through each step to complete: quiz, video, activity and quiz.

Home Learning - 1st June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


Thought of the week:  You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. – Dr Seuss


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to identify adjectives (descriptive words) in a text.


Read the extracts from Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl. Underline adjectives used to describe the characters. Use a different colour for each character.

  • File is attached below as ‘Monday – Reading and Writing’.
  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.




  1. To match the descriptions to the characters.
  2. To recognise alliteration in a text.



  1. Draw each character and label each one with the words and phrases used to describe them.
  2. Spot alliteration in the text. Write a list. Give yourself an alliterative name e.g. Amazing Anya or Brave Bella.
  • You could use the set of character images provided if you can print the PDF document attached below table (same file as Reading).
  • Record any work on paper or in orange book.


How to spell words linked to summer

Practise these spellings in your orange homework book: beach, summer, warm, weather, humid, sea, sand, airplane, holiday, camping, swimming, playing, family, friends, relaxing

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Unit and non-unit fractions

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 5 – Lesson 1.

Watch video. Complete worksheet attached below. Check answers.

  • The relevant documents are attached below this table as PDF files.
  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print the sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.

Topic work

Who was Jesus?

Use the Oak National Academy link below to access the lesson.

  • Go through each step to complete: quiz, video, activity and quiz.

Home Learning - 22nd May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


What do you call a fly without wings?

A walk!


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information


Read the ‘The Queen’s Birthdays’ text in pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each comprehension question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.
  • Relevant dates are located at the top of each comprehension text.



To identify rhyming words in a poem, read with expression, write your own poem and perform it.

  1. Read ‘Bedtime’ poem and underline rhyming words.
  2. Write own poem using the writing frame ‘Five Minutes’.
  3. Perform Poetry activity
  • Follow each instruction on ‘What to do today’ page.
  • Fun-Time Extras activities are optional.


To bitesize your words into memorable chunks:  coast, ocean, mountain, hill, environment, equator, volcano, earthquake, forest, latitude, longitude, desert, Arctic, Antarctica, tsunami

Pick a word from your spelling list. Split the word into smaller chunks and consider the syllables of the word: en-vi-ron-ment

Colour in each section of the word in different colours.

  • Think of our Tuesday morning task in school.
  • Complete as many words as possible.
  • Test yourself on your spelling words. How many are you confident with?



Multiplication and Division Word Problems x3 x4 x8

Complete Maths worksheet ‘Year 3 Multiplication and Division Word Problems x3 x4 x8’ in Friday section of second pack.

  • Ask yourself if the number will get bigger or smaller?
  • Are you multiplying or dividing? Making more or sharing?

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To design a new telephone inspired by Antonio Meucci.

Look at Friday’s challenge on back sheet of second booklet for instructions.

  • Take a picture and upload it to the blog or email it to me.

Home Learning - 21st May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


Why can’t you give Elsa a balloon?

Because she will let it go!


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information


Read the ‘Layers of the Ocean’ text in pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each comprehension question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.
  • Relevant dates are located at the top of each comprehension text.



To engage and relate to poetry, use apostrophes for possession confidently and perform a poem using expression.

  1. Read ‘The Torch’ poem.
  2. Apostrophes for possession activities.
  3. Performing Poetry task (Fork Week).
  • Follow each instruction on ‘What to do today’ page.
  • Fun-Time Extras activities are optional.


To create sentences using your spelling words:

coast, ocean, mountain, hill, environment, equator, volcano, earthquake, forest, latitude, longitude, desert, Arctic, Antarctica, tsunami

Pick at least five words from your spelling list this week to use in sentences.


For example: A tsunami is a large ocean wave usually caused by an underwater earthquake.


  • No more than three words from the list per sentence (see my example).
  • Use adjectives to make your sentences exciting.
  • Record sentences in your orange book or on a piece of paper.



Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 4 – Lesson 4.

Watch video, do activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To build a freestanding tower inspired by Tommaso di Andrea Pisano, using a range of materials.

Look at Thursday’s challenge on back sheet of second booklet for instructions.

  • Take a picture and upload it to the blog or email it to me.


White Rose – Year 3 – Summer Term – Week 4 – Lesson 4:

Basic Maths

Hit the Button:

Multiplication Table:

PE With Joe   

Home Learning 20th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


What do you call an alligator in a vest?

An investigator!


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information


Read the ‘Passover’

text in pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each comprehension question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.
  • Relevant dates are located at the top of each comprehension text.



To recognise dialogue in a text, rewrite your speech bubbles as direct speech and write own diary entry.

  1. Recognising dialogue.
  2. Rewrite speech bubbles as direct speech.
  3. Write a diary entry.
  • Follow each instruction on ‘What to do today’ page.
  • Fun-Time Extras activities are optional.


To create word families with your spelling words:

coast, ocean, mountain, hill, environment, equator, volcano, earthquake, forest, latitude, longitude, desert, Arctic, Antarctica, tsunami

Pick a spelling word e.g. equator. Think of as many words that start with ‘eq’ like equate, equal, equality or end with ‘ator’ like alligator, creator, accelerator. Pick out sounds from each word to link to other words, you can choose!

  • Think about our Wednesday morning activity
  • Think of words that are similar in the way they are spelled to your spelling words this week
  • Pick at least five spelling words to make word families.


Divide 2-digits by 1-digit

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 4 – Lesson 3.

Watch video, do activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To create a fruit painting or model inspired by Henri Matisse.

Look at Wednesday’s challenge on back sheet of second booklet for instructions.

  • Take a picture and upload it to the blog or email it to me.


White Rose – Year 3 – Summer Term – Week 4 – Lesson 3:


Basic Maths

Hit the Button:

Multiplication Table:


PE With Joe   

Home Learning - 19th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


What do you call the horse that lives next door?

Your neighbour!


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information


Read the ‘Palaeontology’

text in pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each comprehension question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.
  • Relevant dates are located at the top of each comprehension text.



To read with expression, use speech bubble to demonstrate a conversation and find definitions to words.

  1. Read ‘Diary of a Lively Labrador’ text.
  2. Speech bubbles activity.
  3. Word definitions task.
  • Follow each instruction on ‘What to do today’ page.
  • Fun-Time Extras activities are optional.


How to rainbow write over your spelling words: coast, ocean, mountain, hill, environment, equator, volcano, earthquake, forest, latitude, longitude, desert, Arctic, Antarctica, tsunami

Copy this week’s spelling words onto a new page in your orange book. Use 5 different colours to trace over each letter of the words to make them look like a rainbow.

  • Think about our daily morning activity.
  • Use best handwriting.
  • Don’t colour over words without tracing over each letter.


Multiply 2-digits by 1-digit

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 4 – Lesson 2.

Watch video, do activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To design your own trainers inspired by Pop art.


Look at Tuesday’s challenge on back sheet of second booklet for instructions.

  • Take a picture and upload it to the blog or email it to me.


White Rose – Year 3 – Summer Term – Week 4 – Lesson 2:


Basic Maths

Hit the Button:

Multiplication Table:


PE With Joe   

Home Learning - 18th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


What can you catch but not throw?

A cold!


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information


Read the ‘Ramadan’

text in pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each comprehension question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.
  • Relevant dates are located at the top of each comprehension text.



To analyse and compare diary extracts and use adverbs confidently

  1. Read diary extracts.
  2. Answer questions and compare all extracts.
  3. Adverbs activities.
  • Follow each instruction on ‘What to do today’ page.
  • Fun-Time Extras activities are optional.


How to spell words linked to geography

Practise these spellings in your orange homework book: coast, ocean, mountain, hill, environment, equator, volcano, earthquake, forest, latitude, longitude, desert, Arctic, Antarctica, tsunami

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Multiplying and dividing by 4 and 8

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 4 – Lesson 1.

Watch video, do activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To create a piece of artwork inspired by Friedensreich Hundertwasser.

Look at Monday’s challenge on back sheet of second booklet for instructions.

  • Take a picture and upload it to the blog or email it to me.


White Rose – Year 3 – Summer Term – Week 4 – Lesson 1:

Basic Maths

Hit the Button:

Multiplication Table:

PE With Joe   

Home Learning - 15th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


How do all the oceans say hello to each other?

They wave!


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information


Read the ‘Boudicca’ text in pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each comprehension question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.
  • Relevant dates are located at the top of each comprehension text.



To relate to a text, revise past and present verbs and write your own poem using a verb mat.

  1. Read ‘The Noise’ text.
  2. Revise past and present verbs.
  3. Poetry writing.
  • Follow each instruction on ‘What to do today’ page.
  • Fun-Time Extras activities are optional.


To bitesize your words into memorable chunks:

predict, experiment, evaluate, light, planet, skeleton, pollinate, vertebrate, invertebrate, energy, electricity, force, herbivore, carnivore, material

Pick a word from your spelling list. Split the word into smaller chunks and consider the syllables of the word: ex-per-im-ent

Colour in each section of the word in different colours.

  • Think of our Tuesday morning task in school.
  • Complete as many words as possible.
  • Test yourself on your spelling words. How many are you confident with?



Adding two 3-digit numbers with carrying

Complete Maths worksheet ‘Adding two 3-digit numbers with carrying’ in Friday section of first pack. Add top and bottom numbers together.

  • Start with the ones column (right), then tens (middle), then hundreds (left).
  • If a number goes over 9, carry into next column.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To photograph, draw or paint a close-up picture of a flower inspired by Georgia O’Keeffe.

Look at Friday’s challenge on back sheet of booklet for instructions.

  • Take a picture and upload it to the blog or email it to me.

Home Learning - 14th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?

Nacho cheese!


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information


Read the ‘Earth Day’

text in pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each comprehension question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.
  • Relevant dates are located at the top of each comprehension text.



To engage with a range of different songs, to understand onomatopoeia and the write your own poetry.

  1. Listen to ‘Emotional Songs’ clips and write how they make you feel.
  2. Onomatopoeia task.
  3. Poetry writing. 
  • Follow each instruction on ‘What to do today’ page.
  • Fun-Time Extras activities are optional.


To create sentences using your spelling words:

predict, experiment, evaluate, light, planet, skeleton, pollinate, vertebrate, invertebrate, energy, electricity, force, herbivore, carnivore, material

Pick at least five words from your spelling list this week to use in sentences.

For example: In class, I learned that a vertebrate is an animal that has a backbone inside its body, but an invertebrate is an animal that does not.

  • No more than two words from the list per sentence (see my example).
  • Use adjectives to make your sentences exciting.
  • Record sentences in your orange book or on a piece of paper.


The 3 times-table


Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 3 – Lesson 4.

Watch video, do activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To build or draw a train inspired by Isambard Brunel.

Look at Thursday’s challenge on back sheet of booklet for instructions.

  • Take a picture and upload it to the blog or email it to me.


White Rose – Year 3 – Summer Term – Week 3 – Lesson 4:

Basic Maths

Hit the Button:

Multiplication Table:

PE With Joe   

Home Learning - 13th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


Why is history like a fruit cake?

It’s full of dates!


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information


Read the ‘All About Spring’ text in pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each comprehension question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.
  • Relevant dates are located at the top of each comprehension text.



To comprehend a text


To research ‘tricky’ vocabulary words in a dictionary


To write a myth in the first person

  1. Read/watch ‘Perseus and the Gorgon’s Head’.
  2. Example opening sentences tasks.
  3. Write your own version of the myth in first person.
  • Follow each instruction on ‘What to do today’ page.
  • Fun-Time Extras activities are optional.


To create word families with your spelling words:

predict, experiment, evaluate, light, planet, skeleton, pollinate, vertebrate, invertebrate, energy, electricity, force, herbivore, carnivore, material

Pick a spelling word e.g. experiment. Think of as many words that could also have the prefix ‘ex’ like excited, exercise, exit. Pick at least five spelling words to make word families.

  • Think about our Wednesday morning activity.
  • Think of words that are similar in the way they are spelled to your spelling words this week.


Subtract Money

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 3 – Lesson 3.

Watch video, do activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To create a boat that will float inspired by Isambard Brunel.

Look at Wednesday’s challenge on back sheet of booklet for instructions.

  • Take a picture and upload it to the blog or email it to me.


White Rose – Year 3 – Summer Term – Week 3 – Lesson 3:


Basic Maths

Hit the Button:

Multiplication Table:


PE With Joe   

Home Learning - 12th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


What was wrong with the wooden car?

It wooden go!


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information


Read the ‘Easter’ text in first new pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each comprehension question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.
  • Relevant dates are located at the top of each comprehension text.



To use conjunctions correctly and create a descriptive writing piece. 

  1. Read ‘Perseus’ text.
  2. Conjunctions activity.
  3. Describe your magic object.
  • Follow each instruction on ‘What to do today’ page.
  • Fun-Time Extras activities are optional.


How to rainbow write over your spelling words: predict, experiment, evaluate, light, planet, skeleton, pollinate, vertebrate, invertebrate, energy, electricity, force, herbivore, carnivore, material

Copy this week’s spelling words onto a new page in your orange book. Use 5 different colours to trace over each letter of the words to make them look like a rainbow.

  • Think about our daily morning activity.
  • Use best handwriting.
  • Don’t colour over words without tracing over each letter.


Add money

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 3 – Lesson 2.

Watch video, do activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To create a newspaper bridge inspired by Isambard Brunel

Look at Tuesday’s challenge on back sheet of booklet for instructions. Create bridge using paper only.

  • Take a picture and upload it to the blog or email it to me.
  • Make bridge stronger by folding and twisting!


White Rose – Year 3 – Summer Term – Week 3 – Lesson 2:

Basic Maths

Hit the Button:

Multiplication Table:

PE With Joe   

Home Learning - 11th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


Why did the tap dancer give up?

He kept falling in the sink!


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information


Read the ‘VE Day’ text in first new pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each comprehension question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to find ‘tricky’ words.
  • Relevant dates are located at the top of each comprehension text.



To locate powerful verbs, describe characters and punctuate speech in a Greek myth

  1. Read ‘Icarus’ and answer questions.
  2. Complete ‘Punctuating speech’ activities.
  • Follow each instruction on ‘What to do today’ page.
  • Fun-Time Extras activities are optional.


How to spell words linked to science

Practise these spellings in your orange homework book: predict, experiment, evaluate, light, planet, skeleton, pollinate, vertebrate, invertebrate, energy, electricity, force, herbivore, carnivore, material

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Convert pounds and pence

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 3 – Lesson 1.

Watch video, do activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To create artwork inspired by Andy Goldsworthy

Look at ideas on back sheet of booklet for inspiration.

  • Take a picture and upload it to the blog or email it to me.


White Rose – Year 3 – Summer Term – Week 3 – Lesson 1:


Basic Maths

Hit the Button:

Multiplication Table:


PE With Joe   

Home Learning - 8th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


What insect is good at counting?

An account-ant!


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To give an opinion based on what you have read (link to website below).

Read ‘Instruments of the orchestra’ interactive Big Book on Espresso. Write a sentence to explain what instrument you liked best and why.

  • Ask an adult to help you log onto Espresso.
  • Click left arrow to change page.
  • Record sentence in your orange book/on paper.



To write a short book review

Use the ‘Write a book review’ resource to help you write a short book review about a book of your choice. Write on sheet or write each section on paper.

  • Answer each question on the resource sheet regarding characters, plot, thoughts and recommendations.


To bitesize your words into memorable chunks:

noun, verb, adverb, adjective, simile, paragraph, punctuation, grammar, spelling, apostrophe, comma,

connective, vocabulary, dictionary, conjunction

Pick a word from your spelling list. Split the word into smaller chunks and consider the syllables of the word: ad-jec-tive


Colour in each section of the word in different colours.

  • Think of our Tuesday morning task in school.
  • Record bitesized words on paper/in orange book.
  • Test yourself on your spelling words. How many are you confident with?


Problem solving

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 2 – Lesson 4.

Watch video, do activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To learn about VE Day and create a mini project in remembrance and celebration of the end of WW2.

Watch the video (link below) on Espresso to learn about VE Day. Create a mini project to share on the class blog.

  • Ideas for projects: fact files, posters, art, models.
  • Keep an eye on the blog for other activities/quizzes/games

Home Learning - 7th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


What makes music on your head?

A hairband!


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information (link to website below).

Read ‘The Water Cycle’ interactive Big Book on Espresso. Take quiz once you have finished.            

  • Ask an adult to help you log onto Espresso.
  • Click left arrow to change page.



To give a detailed opinion about which is better, winter or summer.

Write about the reasons why you think winter or summer is better. In my opinion, I think that

___________ is better because….

  • See my blog post for this task and comment your thoughts below. 
  • Include strong adjectives.


To create sentences using your spelling words:

noun, verb, adverb, adjective, simile, paragraph, punctuation, grammar, spelling, apostrophe, comma,

connective, vocabulary, dictionary, conjunction

Pick at least five words from your spelling list this week to use in sentences.


For example:


Yesterday, I used a dictionary to help me check my spelling.

  • No more than two words from the list per sentence (see my example).
  • Use adjectives to make your sentences exciting.
  • Record sentences in your orange book or on a piece of paper.


Problem solving

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 2 – Lesson 3.

Watch video, do activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To follow instructions on how to draw a Disney character.

Use the YouTube link below to draw Bruni the Salamander from Frozen 2.

  • Email me your drawings or post them to the blog. I will also post mine!

Home Learning - 6th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


What colour do cats likes?



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information (link to website below).

Read ‘Castles’ interactive Big Book on Discovery Espresso. Take quiz once you have finished.

  • Ask an adult to help you log onto Espresso.
  • Click left arrow to change page.



To free write a story about someone who lives in a castle

Use the information you already know about castles to write a story about someone living in a castle. This person could be royal or a person who works at the castle.

  • Include a title, paragraphs (beginning, middle and end), at least two characters, adjectives, fronted adverbials and speech.
  • Email me your story.


To create word families with your spelling words:

noun, verb, adverb, adjective, simile, paragraph, punctuation, grammar, spelling, apostrophe, comma,

connective, vocabulary, dictionary, conjunction

Pick a spelling word e.g. adverb. Think of as many words that could also have the prefix ‘ad’ like advert and adduction. You could pick a word like conjunction and find words that start with ‘con’ like concert and continue.

  • Think about our Wednesday morning activity
  • Think of words that are similar in spelling to your words this week
  • Pick at least five spelling words to make word families.


Subtract fractions

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 2 – Lesson 2.

Watch video, do activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To research information about a famous castle in the United Kingdom and create a mini project

Use the internet to research information about a famous castle in the UK. Present this information however you choose to e.g. a fact file, video, model, PowerPoint.

  • Share your work about castles via email or post a picture of your mini project to the class blog.
  • Remember to include an image of your chosen castle.

Home Learning - 5th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


What do elephants wear to go swimming?



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information.

Read ‘The Aliens Have Landed’ on page 26 of your TTS Activity booklet. Do you believe aliens exist? What would happen if they landed on Earth?

  • Read text at least twice to have a good understanding.
  • Use the internet to research ‘tricky’ words.



To write a short story about aliens.

Use your reading activity to help you write your own short story about aliens. Write your story on page 27 of your TTS Activity booklet.

  • Use title, ‘The Aliens Have Landed’.
  • Think of something the aliens are obsessed by e.g. hats, chocolate or cheese.


How to rainbow write over your spelling words: noun, verb, adverb, adjective, simile, paragraph, punctuation, grammar, spelling, apostrophe, comma,

connective, vocabulary, dictionary, conjunction

Copy this week’s spelling words onto a new page in your orange book. Use 5 different colours to trace over each letter of the words to make them look like a rainbow.

  • Think about our daily morning activity.
  • Use best handwriting.
  • Don’t colour over words without tracing over each letter.


Add fractions

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 2 – Lesson 1.

Watch video, do activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To follow instructions on how to draw Pizza Steve

Use the YouTube link below to draw your Pizza Steve. Follow each instruction carefully.

  • Email me your drawing or post them to the blog. I will also post mine!


White Rose – Year 3 – Summer Term – Week 2 – Lesson 1:

Basic Maths

Hit the Button:

Multiplication Table:

PE With Joe   



Home Learning - 4th May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


What musical instrument is found in the bathroom?

A tuba toothpaste.


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information.

Read the ‘William Shakespeare’ text on page 24 of your TTS Activity booklet. Use the text to answer the 6 questions on page 24.

  • Read text at least twice to have a good understanding.
  • Use the internet to research ‘tricky’ words.



To research information about William Shakespeare

Complete page 25 of your TTS Activity booklet. Find out more information and make a fact sheet or a presentation about William Shakespeare to share with your class.

  • What else do you know about Shakespeare? Maybe something that wasn’t in the reading. What plays did he write?
  • Use the internet to help you research facts.


How to spell literacy words

Practise these spellings: noun, verb, adverb, adjective, simile, paragraph, punctuation, grammar, spelling, apostrophe, comma, connective, vocabulary, dictionary, conjunction

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Record in orange book or on paper.


Order fractions

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 1 – Lesson 4.

Watch video, do activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

The Battle of Hastings (Part 1)

Use the Oak National Academy link below to access the lesson.

  • Go through each step to complete the lesson:
    introductory quiz, video, main activity, final quiz.

Home Learning - 1st May 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


What do you call a funny mountain?



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information.

Read ‘The Revival of Crumbledown School’ poem on page 18/19 in your TTS Activity booklet. Answer the seven questions on page 20.

  • Read text at least twice to have a good understanding.
  • Use the internet to research any ‘tricky’ words.



To write your own poem

Use page 21 of your TTS Activity booklet to write your own poem about Newtown school. 

  • Types of poems that you could write - acrostic, rhyme, shape, haiku, narrative, kenning.


To bitesize your words into memorable chunks:

addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fraction, number, digit, column, hundreds, tens, ones, measure, metre, centimetre, shape.

Pick a word from your spelling list. Split the word into smaller chunks and consider the syllables of the word:




Colour in each section of the word in different colours.

  • Think of our Tuesday morning task in school.
  • Record bitesized words in your orange book or on a piece of paper.
  • Complete as many words as possible.
  • Test yourself on your spelling words. How many are you confident with?


Compare fractions

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 1 – Lesson 3.

Watch video, do activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

About pulse (by clapping to music)

Use the Oak National Academy link below to access the lesson.

  • Go through each step to complete: video and project ideas.

Home Learning - 30th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


What stays in the corner yet can travel all over the world?

A stamp.


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information.

Read the information text about Roald Dahl’s life on Discovery Espresso and complete the quiz (both links below table).

  • Read text at least twice to have a good understanding.
  • Ask an adult to help you log onto Espresso.


It’s Traditional Tales Week!

To write a report as a journalist visiting the village of Hitou to tell the world what is happening.

Watch ‘The Tyrant and the Child’ video on Espresso. Write a report on paper/in orange book to tell the world what is happening using ‘story dispatches’ resources.

Think about the characters and events you might see.

What is happening in the village? What is life like for the people there?

Why do you think the King is behaving in this way?


To create sentences using your spelling words:

addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fraction, number, digit, column, hundreds, tens, ones, measure, metre, centimetre, shape.

Pick at least five words from your spelling list this week to use in sentences.


For example:


I am going to measure the length of this two-dimensional shape.

  • No more than two words from the list per sentence (see my example).
  • Use adjectives to make your sentences exciting.
  • Record sentences in your orange book or on a piece of paper.


Equivalent fractions (3)

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 1 – Lesson 2.

Watch video, do activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

About the Norman Conquest of England (part 2)

Use the Oak National Academy link below to access the lesson.

  • Go through each step to complete: quiz, video, activity and quiz.

Home Learning - 29th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


What do you call a fake noodle?

An impasta.


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information.

Read The Burning of the Rice Fields’ text on page 12 of your TTS Activity booklet. Complete the five questions on page 13.

  • Read text at least twice to have a good understanding.
  • Use the internet to research ‘tricky’ words.


It’s Traditional Tales Week!

How to write a letter as the boy in the story (links are below the table).

Watch ‘The Magic Paintbrush’ video on Espresso. Use the ‘write a letter’ resource to help you write your own letter either in orange book or paper.

Answer these questions in your letter: Who are you writing to? Why have you run away? Who is looking for you? What do you think will happen if they find you?


To create word families with your spelling words:

addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fraction, number, digit, column, hundreds, tens, ones, measure, metre, centimetre, shape.

Pick a spelling word e.g. subtraction. Think of as many words that could also have the prefix ‘sub’ like subway, submissive, submarine, subheading. You could even pick a word like shape and find words that start with ‘sh’ like show, sheep, share.

  • Think about our Wednesday morning activity
  • Think of words that are similar in the way they are spelled to your spelling words this week
  • Pick at least five spelling words to make word families.


Equivalent fractions (2)

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Summer Term - Week 1 – Lesson 1.

Watch video, do activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

What conditions could we change to investigate the growth of a plant?

Use the Oak National Academy link below to access the lesson.

  • Go through each step to complete: quiz and video.

Home Learning - 28th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


Why did the banana go to the doctor?

Because it wasn’t peeling well.


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information.

Read ‘Learn to Fingerspell’ text on page 10 of your TTS Activity booklet. Complete the 5 questions given. 

  • Read text at least twice to have a good understanding.
  • Remember to sign language the alphabet.


It’s Traditional Tales Week!

How to compare two characters (the beggar and the rich merchant) by identifying their personality traits and providing evidence.

Watch ‘The Crown and Sceptre’ video on Espresso. Use the Character Map resource to compare the two characters.  Identify their personality traits and give evidence from the story.

  • Links to the video and the worksheet are below the table under ‘Writing’.
  • Ask an adult to help you log on to Espresso.
  • Read worksheet instructions carefully.


How to rainbow write over your spelling words: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fraction, number, digit, column, hundreds, tens, ones, measure, metre, centimetre, shape.

Copy this week’s spelling words onto a new page in your orange book. Use 5 different colours to trace over each letter of the words to make them look like a rainbow.

  • Think about our daily morning activity.
  • Use best handwriting.
  • Don’t colour over words without tracing over each letter.


Equivalent fractions (1)

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Week 2, Lesson 5. Watch video, complete activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

About the Norman Conquest of England (part 1)

Use the Oak National Academy link below to access the lesson.

  • Go through each step to complete: video, main activity and quiz.

Home Learning - 27th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


Why do bees have sticky hair?

Because they use a honeycomb.


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information.

Read ‘The Chocolate Factory’ text on page 8 of your TTS Activity booklet. Answer the 6 questions given. Record on page 9.

  • Read text at least twice to have a good understanding.
  • Remember to draw your ideal chocolate.


It’s Traditional Tales Week!

How to evoke feelings, answer questions about a text and set the scene.

Watch ‘The Three Sisters Who Fell into the Mountain’ video on Espresso. Use the ‘Setting the Scene’ resource to engage with the text, answer questions and finish setting the scene.

  • Links to the video and the worksheet are below the table under ‘Writing’.
  • Ask an adult to help you log on to Espresso.
  • Read worksheet instructions carefully.


How to spell mathematical words

Practise these spellings in your orange homework book: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fraction, number, digit, column, hundreds, tens, ones, measure, metre, centimetre, shape.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Fractions of a set of objects (3)

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Week 2, Lesson 4. Watch video, complete activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To observe historical artefacts and answer questions about the past 

Complete ‘Artefacts’ History Activity 3 in your TTS Activity booklet (pages 76 – 77).

  • Look at the pictures closely to guess what they could have been.
  • Google the pictures to see if you were correct.

Home Learning - 24th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Day: 24.04.20

Good morning Chestnut Class!


Why didn’t the skeleton go to the dance?

He had no body to dance with.


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information.

  1. Read ‘Pippi Longstocking’ by Astrid Lindgren on Discovery Espresso (link below table).
  2. Take quiz and answer further questions.
  • Your username and password for espresso is in your orange book.
  • Read twice.
  • Ask an adult to help you log onto espresso.



To write freely about four endangered animals.

Use the Discovery Espresso link below to complete the endangered animals writing activity.

  • Remember to watch the videos and websites in the collection to help you write.


To bitesize your words into memorable chunks:


favourite, animal, interesting, exciting, because, creature, wild, endangered, desert, ocean, rainforest, vicious, species, rare, beautiful

Pick a word from your spelling list. Split the word into smaller chunks and consider the syllables of the word:




Colour in each section of the word in different colours.

  • Think of our Tuesday morning task in school.
  • Record bitesized words in your orange book or on a piece of paper.
  • Complete as many words as possible.
  • Test yourself on your spelling words. How many are you confident with?


Fractions of a set of objects (2)

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Week 2, Lesson 3. Watch video, complete activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

How to develop your singing skills (melody and pitch)

Use the BBC Bitesize link below to read and watch about melody and pitch. Complete some of the suggested activities.

  • Remember to warm up your voice through breathing and voice exercises, like we do with Kate on Mondays!

Home Learning - 23rd April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class


Good morning Chestnut Class!


How do we know that the ocean is friendly?

It waves!


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information.

  1. Read ‘The Lost Happy Endings’ by Carol Ann Duffy on Discovery Espresso (link below table).
  2. Take quiz and answer further questions.
  • Your username and password for espresso is in your orange book.
  • Read twice.
  • Ask an adult to help you log onto espresso.



How to use alliteration in your writing

Go to Discovery Espresso (link below), click on the ‘Using alliteration’ resource. Read examples, complete sentences and make up your own.

  • Alliteration is a writing technique where the same sound is repeated at the beginning of two or more words e.g. Silly Sausages Sizzling.


To create sentences using your spelling words:

favourite, animal, interesting, exciting, because, creature, wild, endangered, desert, ocean, rainforest, vicious, species, rare, beautiful

Pick at least five words from your spelling list this week to use in sentences.


For example:


My favourite colour is blue because it reminds me of the ocean.

  • No more than two words from the list per sentence (see my example).
  • Use adjectives to make your sentences exciting.
  • Record sentences in your orange book or on a piece of paper.


Fractions of a set of objects (1)

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Week 2, Lesson 2. Watch video, complete activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

How to count from 0 -31 in French

Use the link to watch the three videos. Practise saying the numbers aloud in French.

  • You could write down the numbers in French and use this like a French dictionary. 

Home Learning - 22nd April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class


Good morning Chestnut Class!


What kind of tree fits in your hand?

A palm tree!


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information.

  1. Read ‘Ivan the Terrible’ by Anne Fine on Discovery Espresso (link below table).
  2. Take quiz and answer further questions.
  • Your username and password for espresso is in your orange book.
  • Read twice.
  • Ask an adult to help you log onto espresso.



To create a descriptive flyer about an animal of your choice.

Respond to my ‘Escaped!’ post on the Class Blog. Create a descriptive flyer about an escaped animal of your choice.

  • You can either email me your writing or post your writing on the blog.
  • Use adjectives.


To create word families with your spelling words:

favourite, animal, interesting, exciting, because, creature, wild, endangered, desert, ocean, rainforest, vicious, species, rare, beautiful

Pick a spelling word e.g. exciting. Think of as many words that could also have the prefix ‘ex’ like excellent, exit, exactly. You could even pick a word like because and find words that start with ‘be’ like bee, beef, before, besides, believe.

  • Think about our Wednesday morning activity
  • Think of words that are similar in the way they are spelled to your spelling words this week
  • Pick at least five spelling words to make word families.


Fractions on a number line

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Week 2, Lesson 1. Watch video, complete activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

About Light and Dark (Science Year 3 objective).

Use BBC Bitesize (link below) to watch videos and read about Light and Dark. Complete all three activities provided.

  • Without light, we cannot see.
  • Light travels in straight lines.
  • Light is the fastest thing in the universe.

Home Learning - 21st April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


Why did the cookie go to the hospital?

Because he felt crummy.


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information.

  1. Read The Hundred-Mile-An-Hour Dog’ by Jeremy Strong on Discovery Espresso (link below table).
  2. Take quiz and answer further questions.
  • Your username and password for espresso is in your orange book.
  • Read twice.
  • Ask an adult to help you log onto espresso.



How to use similes in your writing

Use the ‘Exaggerating Similes’ resource on Discovery espresso (link below) to create your own simile sentences.

  • A simile is a phrase that compares one thing to something else using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’
  • Write in orange book


How to rainbow write over your spelling words: favourite, animal, interesting, exciting, because, creature, wild, endangered, desert, ocean, rainforest, vicious, species, rare, beautiful

Copy this week’s spelling words onto a new page in your orange book. Use 5 different colours to trace over each letter of the words to make them look like a rainbow.

  • Think about our Tuesday morning activity.
  • Use best handwriting.
  • Don’t colour over words without tracing over each letter.


Tenths as decimals

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Week 1, Lesson 5. Watch video, complete activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To write a newspaper article reporting an amazing day at The Olympics.

Complete pages 58 – 59 in your TTS Activity booklet. Research information and write article neatly.

  • Use features of a newspaper article e.g. title, headline, introduction, speech.

Home Learning - 20th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class




Good morning Chestnut Class!


Why was 6 afraid of 7?

Because 7, 8, 9


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information.

  1. Read The Demon Headmaster’ by Gillian Cross on Discovery Espresso (link below table).
  2. Take quiz and answer further questions.
  • Your username and password for espresso is in your orange book.
  • Read twice.
  • Ask an adult to help you log onto espresso.



To research information about your favourite animal

Log on to our Class Blog. Write a response to my post about ‘Our Favourite Animals’. Research five interesting bullet pointed facts about your chosen animal. See my example.

  • Share your facts with me via email or with your Newtown friends on the Class Blog post.
  • Your bullet points do not need to be detailed.



How to spell words linked to our writing topic.

Practise these spellings in your orange homework book: favourite, animal, interesting, exciting, because, creature, wild, endangered, desert, ocean, rainforest, vicious, species, rare, beautiful

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Count in tenths

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Week 1, Lesson 4. Watch video, complete activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To practise mindfulness in a calm environment 

Read and complete pages 94 - 97 in your TTS Activity booklet. Ask a grown up to help you.

  • Identify your worries and write them inside the bucket. Practise some of the activities provided.


The Demon Headmaster by Gillian Cross:     



White Rose – Year 3 – Week 1 – Lesson 4:


Basic Maths

Hit the Button

Multiplication Table


PE With Joe:


Home Learning Day 18 - 17th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Day: 18



Good morning Chestnut Class!


What did one plate say to the other plate?

Dinner is on me!


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information.

  1. Read ‘The Butterfly Lion’ by Michael Morpurgo on Discovery Espresso (link below table).
  2. Take quiz and answer further questions.
  • Your username and password for espresso is in your orange book.
  • Read twice.
  • Ask an adult to help you log onto espresso.

Writing -

It’s Pirate Week!

How to write a short diary entry.

Research the life of a pirate. Imagine that you are a pirate writing about your day, what might have happened during your day? Did you find buried treasure? Did someone walk the plank?

  • Use Writing link 1 to find facts about pirates.
  • Use Writing link 2 to find the diary entry resource to write on or you can write your diary in your orange book/on scrap paper.


To use your weekly spelling words in full sentences.

Ship, pirate, map, compass, ocean, sea, treasure, cannon, rope, island, sail, skull, bone, deck, mast

Write full sentences using at least 5 of your spelling words this week. For example: The pirate used his battered, old compass to direct him to the island where the glistening treasure was buried.

  • Use adjectives to make your sentences more engaging.
  • Use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
  • Write in your best handwriting.
  • Write in orange book



Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Week 1, Lesson 3. Watch video, complete activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

How to answer a range of place value questions.

Complete pages 38 – 39 in your TTS Activity booklet. Use your place value knowledge to complete.

  • Descending means going down (largest to smallest).
  • Show your workings out.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To identify different materials, tally this information and present your findings on a graph.

Complete Materials Design and Technology Activity 1 pages 82 – 83 in your TTS Activity booklet.

  • Tally in boxes to show how much of each material you found.
  • Label your Y axis.
  • Add a title.

Home Learning Day 17 - 16th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Day: 17



Good morning Chestnut Class!


What is a witch’s favourite subject in school?



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information.

  1. Read ‘The BFG’ by Roald Dahl on Discovery Espresso (link below table).
  2. Take quiz and answer further questions.
  • Your username and password for espresso is in your orange book.
  • Read twice.
  • Ask an adult to help you log onto espresso.

Writing -

It’s Pirate Week!

How to use information from a fact file to create a pirate WANTED poster.

Click on writing link 1, read about famous pirates. Pick one to write about. Use writing link 2 to find Wanted Poster. Complete each section of poster.

  • If you can’t print poster worksheet, copy each section onto scrap paper or in your orange book.
  • Draw a picture.


How to rainbow write over your spelling words.

Ship, pirate, map, compass, ocean, sea, treasure, cannon, rope, island, sail, skull, bone, deck, mast

Copy this week’s spelling words onto a new page in your orange book. Use 5 different colours to trace over each letter of the words to make them look like a rainbow.

  • Think about our Tuesday morning activity.
  • Use best handwriting.
  • Don’t colour over words without tracing over each letter.


How to make a whole.

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Week 1, Lesson 2. Watch video, complete activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use the Hit the Button and Multiplication Tables websites to practise times tables (both links below table under Basic Maths).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

How to order events in a timeline.

Look at History Activity 1 in your TTS Activity booklet (page 72-73). Write down key events that have happened in your family history then order them.

  • Remember to include dates.
  • Order events in chronological order.
  • Look at example timeline for help.

Home Learning Day 16 - 15th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Day: 16



Good morning Chestnut Class!


What do you call a dinosaur that is sleeping?

A dino-snore!


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information.

  1. Read ‘A Dog Called GRK’ by Joshua Doder on Discovery Espresso (link below).
  2. Take quiz and answer further questions.
  • Your username and password for espresso is in your orange book
  • Read twice
  • Ask an adult to help you log onto espresso

Writing -

It’s Pirate Week!

To write sentences using a stimulus (video link below).

Watch pirate adventure video on Discovery Espresso. Write 5 sentences in orange book describing what you saw e.g. The hot wax drips down the side of the candle.

  • Use adjectives to make your writing engaging
  • Use a key words from this week’s spelling list.


How to spell words linked to our writing topic.

Practise these spellings in your orange homework book: Ship, pirate, map, compass, ocean, sea, treasure, cannon, rope, island, sail, skull, bone, deck, mast.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


How to work out unit and non-unit fractions

Use White Rose Maths link below to access the lesson. Click on Week 1, Lesson 1. Watch video, complete activity and check answers.

  • Record answers in orange book or on paper if you are unable to print sheet.

Basic maths facts

How fill in the missing numbers using a hundred square

Complete Maths Activity 1 in your TTS Activity Book (pages 28-30). Use 100 square to work out missing numbers in each box. Practise 3x, 4x, 6x and 8x tables.

  • Use the activities box to help make your learning more interesting. Pick two of these activities to challenge yourself.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

­About Continents, Countries and Oceans

Complete Geography Activity 2 (page 68 and 69) in your TTS Activity Book.

  • Use information sheet to answer questions.
  • Check answers online

Home Learning Day 15 - 14th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Day: 15




You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to comprehend a text and answer a range of questions relating to it.

Read ‘The Football Association Challenge’ text in Day 15 pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to help you understand ‘tricky’ words.

Writing (All three worksheets located in Day 15 pack).

  1. How to practise your handwriting.
  2. How to use commonly confused words
  3. To create a piece of writing to match the photo and title.
  1. Copy example words on the lines provided.
  2. Complete the sentences using correct words, ‘Your and You’re’.
  3. If you could go anywhere, where would you go and why? Write a paragraph to explain this.
  1. Use neat, cursive handwriting.
  2. Your is possessive, something belonging to you. You’re is ‘you are’.
  3. Will it be somewhere you’ve been before or maybe somewhere with an attraction you want to see e.g. The Eiffel Tower in Paris?


How to create your own sentences using this week’s spelling words.


See ‘Spelling Task’ in Day 15 pack. Choose 5 words from your spelling list to create your own interesting sentences.


  • Record the sentences in your orange book.
  • Use some adjectives to make your sentences more engaging.


How to revise a range of maths questions (angles based).

Look at Revision sheet in Day 15 pack. Follow instructions on sheet to answer questions.

  • Right angles are 90º
  • Parallel lines are like train tracks, they never touch

Basic maths facts

How to count in eights.

Use ‘Counting in 8s Spring Maze’ sheet to help to rabbit find a path through the maze.

  • You need to reach the carrots by counting on in eights from zero.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

How to label the different parts of an earthquake.

Look at ‘Earthquake Cross-Section’ sheet in Day 15 pack. Cut out words and glue them onto the correct part of the earthquake.

  • Use the internet to check your answers.
  • If you don’t have glue, simply write the words in each blank box.

Home Learning Day 14 - 9th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Day: 14




You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to comprehend a text and answer a range of questions relating to it.

Read the ‘Tour de France’ text in Day 14 pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to help you understand ‘tricky’ words.

Writing (All three worksheets located in Day 14 pack).

  1. How to practise your handwriting.
  2. How to use commonly confused words
  3. To create a piece of writing to match the photo and title.
  1. Copy example words on the lines provided.
  2. Complete the sentences using correct words, ‘Where, Wear, Were and We’re’.
  3. What would you do if you favourite toy came to life? Write a paragraph to explain this.
  1. Use neat, cursive handwriting.
  2. Google the meaning of each homophone if you need to.
  3. Would you be happy or scared? Would you tell anyone or keep it to yourself? Would you get rid of the toy or keep it as a friend?


To complete the sentence by putting the correct missing word in the gap.

Look at ‘Spelling Task’ in Day 14 pack. Use the word bank to complete each sentence.            

  • The sentences and words are mixed up so think carefully about each one.


How to calculate the perimeter of each flowerbed.

See ‘Flowerbed Perimeter’ sheet in Day 14 pack. Work out the perimeter of each shape. Then, draw your own flowerbed with a perimeter of 16m.

  • Remember, each square represents 1m.

Basic maths facts

How to work out multiplication facts from known tables (See lorry sheet in Day 14 pack).

Complete the times tables questions. Use answers to complete associated facts in sequences.

  • If I know that 3 x 4 is 12. Then I know that 3 x 40 = 120 and 4 x 30 = 120.
  • Use a multiplication square or a calculator to check your answers.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To sketch a map showing the route of a journey you often make (use ‘What Can I See?’ sheet in pack).

Think about a journey you often make e.g. home to school. Sketch a map to show someone your journey.

  • Label your map to show what you see on your journey e.g. a supermarket, a park or a cinema.

Home Learning Day 13 - 8th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Day: 13




You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to comprehend a text and answer a range of questions relating to it.

Read ‘The Wimbledon Championships’ text in Day 13 pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to help you understand ‘tricky’ words.

Writing (All three worksheets located in Day 13 pack).

  1. How to practise your handwriting.
  2. How to use ‘a’ and ‘an’ correctly in a sentence.
  3. To create a piece of writing to match the photo and title.
  1. Copy example words on the lines provided.
  2. Help Alfie Ant by circling the correct word in each sentence. Then, write your own sentences with ‘a’ and ‘an’.
  3. If you could meet anyone, who would it be and why? Write a paragraph to explain your answer.
  1. Use neat, cursive handwriting.
  2. Remember that ‘an’ comes before vowel words. ‘A’ comes before consonants.
  3. Could it be somebody famous who has written your favourite book or someone with a talent that you like? Maybe it’s someone like Rosa Parks.


How to identify your spelling words in a word search.

Look at ‘Spelling Task’ word search sheet in Day 13 pack. Find spelling words listed on the sheet in the box. They will be jumbled in between random letters.

  • Pick one word at a time to focus on.
  • Words could be arranged in any direction (horizontal, vertical, diagonal etc).


How to read the time on an analogue and digital clock.

See ‘Easter Holiday Time’ sheet in Day 13 pack. Answer each question by reading the clocks.

  • Ask an adult to help you if you are getting a bit stuck!

Basic maths facts

How to interpret and present data

See ‘Statistics’ sheet in Day 13 pack. Look at bar chart carefully. Answer questions A, B, and C.

  • Make sure you look at both ‘Colour’ and ‘Number of children’ to find your answers.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

How to name and locate the main seas and rivers of the UK using a map.

Research the seas that surround the UK. Fill in the boxes on sheet in Day 13 pack. Look at numbers on given map to find rivers.

  • Write the names of the rivers in your orange book as a list (1-10).
  • Can you research a different sea or river?

Home Learning Day 12 - 7th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Day: 12




You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to comprehend a text and answer a range of questions relating to it.

Read the ‘Sun Safety’ text in Day 12 pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to help you understand ‘tricky’ words.

Writing (All three worksheets located in Day 12 pack).

  1. How to practise your handwriting.
  2. How to use prepositions to show location
  3. To create a piece of writing to match the photo and title.
  1. Copy example words on the lines provided.
  2. Write a sentence with a preposition to match question. Circle the preposition you chose.
  3. Imagine that this dog is green, what made him turn green? Write a paragraph to explain.
  1. Use neat, cursive handwriting.
  2. Prepositions show the location of something (next to, under, above, on, between etc).
  3. Be imaginative! Did he just roll around in the grass or is he secretly is an alien?


How to rainbow write over each of your spelling words to remember how each word is spelled.

Use five coloured pencils to trace over each of your spelling words.

  • Think about our Tuesday morning task.
  • Avoid colouring the box without tracing over each letter.


To match the words of each 3D shape to the shape itself.

See ‘Egg Boxes’ sheet in Day 12 pack. Use a ruler to draw a line from each word on the left to its correct 3D shape on the right.

  • Don’t forget to do the challenge, describe the properties of one 3D shape to a partner so they can guess which shape you chose!

Basic maths facts

How to count in multiples of 4 and 50.

See ‘Counting in Multiples Dot to Dots’ sheet. Join dots to complete pictures then you can colour them.

  • A star dot shows the end of a line, so remember to start a new line from next dot.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To research information about a country in the UK

Pick either Wales, England, Scotland or Northern Ireland. See topic sheet in Day 12 pack which explains the task in detail.

  • Present this information however you want to! Look at some of the ideas on the sheet to help you.


   PE With Joe:

Home Learning Day 11 - 6th April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Day: 11




You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to comprehend a text and answer a range of questions relating to it.

Read the ‘Garden Birds’ text in Day 11 pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to help you understand ‘tricky’ words.

Writing (All three worksheets located in Day 11 pack).

  1. How to practise your handwriting.
  2. How to use inverted commas to show direct speech.
  3. To create a piece of writing to match the photo and title.
  1. Copy example words on the lines provided.
  2. Mark the children’s work. Did they put speech marks in the correct place?
  3. Think of one meal you would eat for the rest of your life and why. Write a paragraph to explain this.
  1. Use neat, cursive handwriting.
  2. Rewrite corrected sentence on the line below each sentence.
  3. Will you choose a meal that reminds you of something, a favourite meal or a meal that includes all of the food groups?


To spell high frequency words: after, around, coming, each, every, first, found, giant, narrator, night, over, please, school, suddenly, thought

See ‘Day Eleven Spelling Activity sheet’.  Copy the words into your orange book and practise them.



  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


How to revise a range of maths questions (fractions and measurement based).

Look at each section of the sheet in Day 11 pack, the instructions explain what you have to do.

  • Do your workings out on some scrap paper or in your orange book.

Basic maths facts

How to multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers using a grid method.

Look at each multiplication grid on the sheet in Day 11 pack. Multiply (x/times) the number on the side by both top numbers in the grid separately. Add totals together.

  • If you are finding it tricky to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number e.g. 10 x 9. Do 1 x 9 = 9.  Add the 0 to make it 10 times bigger. This is 90.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

That the UK has 4 countries and 4 bodies of water.

Label the different countries and bodies of water on a map of the UK.

  • Use word bank, google your answers and colour in the map.


      PE With Joe:

Home Learning Day 10 - 3rd April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Day: 10




You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to comprehend a text and answer a range of questions relating to it.

Read the ‘Hindu Gods’ text in Day 10 pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to help you understand ‘tricky’ words.

Writing (All three worksheets located in Day 10 pack).

  1. How to practise your handwriting.
  2. How to use inverted commas to show direct speech.
  3. To finish the sentences to match the photo.
  1. Copy example words on the lines provided.
  2. Look at each sentence, place the speech marks in the correct place.
  3. Look at the photo, write what you can see and hear.
  1. Use neat, cursive handwriting.
  2. Remember, speech marks go around the part that is being said.
  3. Pretend you are at the place in the picture and think about your senses. Use adjectives to engage the reader.


How to create your own sentences using this week’s spelling words.


See ‘Spelling Task’ in Day 10 pack. Choose 5 words from your spelling list to create your own interesting sentences.

  • Record the sentences in your orange book.
  • Use some adjectives to make your sentences more engaging.


How to revise a range of maths questions (fractions based).

Look at each section of the sheet in Day 10 pack, the instructions explain what you have to do.

  • Use the grouping (drawing circles) method to work out fractions of amounts.

Basic maths facts

That numbers relate through multiplication and division facts.

Complete the ‘Multiplication Triangles’ sheet to make each triangle true.

  • Use the multiplication square in your clear plastic wallet to help you work out the facts.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

That having a balanced diet with the correct portions of each food group keeps you healthy.

On the ‘Finding the Food Group’ worksheet, fill in each section of the Eatwell plate with the correct food group name, using the list to help you.

  • Research on the internet if you are finding it tricky.
  • You can draw and colour some little pictures of foods in their correct groups.


  PE With Joe:  

Home Learning Day 9 - 2nd April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Day: 9




You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to comprehend a text and answer a range of questions relating to it.

Read the ‘The Gunpowder Plot’ text in Day 9 pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to help you understand ‘tricky’ words.

Writing (All three worksheets located in Day 9 pack).

  1. How to practise your handwriting.
  2. How to identify adverbs
  3. To finish the sentences to match the photo.
  1. Copy example words on the lines provided.
  2. Choose a suitable adverb for each sentence. Then, circle the adverb in each sentence.
  3. Look at the photo, write what you can see and hear.
  1. Use neat, cursive handwriting.
  2. Use the word bank and examples to help you.
  3. Pretend you are at the place in the picture and think about your senses. Use adjectives to engage the reader.


To complete the sentence by putting the correct missing word in the gap.

Look at ‘Spelling Task’ in Day 9 pack. Use the word bank to complete each sentence.

  • The sentences and words are mixed up so think carefully about each one.


How to identify fractions by shading the correct amount of parts (see sheet in Day 9 pack).

Colour and label the fractions correctly.

  • Use the example to help you.
  • The numerator (top number) is the shaded part. The denominator (bottom number) is the total number of parts.

Basic maths facts

How to double a number three times (see ‘Table at the Double’ sheet in Day 9 pack).

Double the first number you see. Continue to double the number you make. Complete the table.

  • See example – Double 2 is 4. Double 4 is 8. Double 8 is 16.
  • To double, add the number together twice.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

How to practise your gymnastics shapes.

Look at the ‘Shape Activities’ sheet in Day 9 pack. Pick some activities to complete.

  • Use the basic gymnastics shapes sheet in your plastic wallet to help you.


   PE with Joe:

Home Learning Day 8 - 1st April 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Day: 8




You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to comprehend a text and answer a range of questions relating to it.

Read the ‘The London Marathon’ text in Day 8 pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to help you understand ‘tricky’ words.

Writing (All three worksheets located in Day 8 pack).

  1. How to practise your handwriting.
  2. How to use different conjunctions
  3. To finish the sentences to match the photo.
  1. Copy example words on the lines provided.
  2. Choose a suitable conjunction to fill in the gaps of each sentence
  3. Look at the photo, write what you can see and hear.
  1. Use neat, cursive handwriting.
  2. Try saying the sentences with each conjunction, what sounds right?
  3. Pretend you are at the place in the picture and think about your senses. Use adjectives to engage the reader.


How to identify your spelling words in a word search.

Look at ‘Spelling Task’ word search sheet in Day 8 pack. Try to find the spelling words listed on the sheet in the box. They will be jumbled in between random letters.


  • Pick one word at a time to focus on, make sure you know how it is spelled
  • Words could be arranged in any direction (horizontal, vertical, diagonal etc).


How to revise a range of maths questions (multiplication, division, fraction).

Look at each section of the sheet in Day 8 pack, the instructions in bold explain what you have to do.

  • Read each questi0on carefully and use scrap paper to do your workings out

Basic maths facts

How to practise your eight times table (word search in day 8 pack)

Answer the calculations and find answers in the word search.


  • Find each number in words within the word search.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

How to use your observational drawing skills to create a self-portrait.

Use the mirror sheet in Day 8 pack to sketch an image of you. Add colour to your picture.

  • Use a mirror or photograph of yourself to help you draw you.
  • Use a sharp pencil to sketch lightly.


   PE With Joe:

Home Learning Day 7 - 31st March 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Day: 7




You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to comprehend a text and answer a range of questions relating to it.

Read the ‘Roald Dahl’ text in Day 7 pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to help you understand ‘tricky’ words.

Writing (All three worksheets located in Day 7 pack).

  1. How to practise your handwriting.
  2. To add fronted adverbials to the beginning of sentences.
  3. To finish the sentences to match the photo.
  1. Copy example words on the lines provided.
  2. Match the fronted adverbials to the sentences then create 3 of your own.
  3. Look at the photo, write what you can see and hear.
  1. Use neat, cursive handwriting.
  2. Fronted adverbials describe location.
  3. Pretend you are at the place in the picture and think about your senses. Use adjectives to engage the reader.


How to rainbow write over each of your spelling words to remember how each word is spelled.

Use five coloured pencils to trace over each of your spelling words.

  • Think about our Tuesday morning task
  • Avoid colouring the box without tracing over each letter.


How to revise a range of maths questions (adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing).

Look at each section of the sheet in Day 7 pack, the instructions in bold explain what you have to do.

  • You are mainly working with 3-digit numbers so remember your hundreds, tens and ones columns.

Basic maths facts

How to practise your three times table (word search in day 7 pack)

Answer the calculations and find answers in the word search.

  • Find each number in words within the word search.


Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

How to cut and create your own skeleton

Use the ‘Skeleton Cut Out and Label’ sheet to cut out each of the bones and stick them down on a piece of paper. Then, use the key words box to write what each bone is next to it.

  • If you don’t have glue, draw the skeleton on scrap paper/in orange book and label it.
  • Use a ruler to draw straight lines to each body part and write straight.


   PE With Joe:

Home Learning Day 6 - 30th March 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Day: 6




You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to comprehend a text and answer a range of questions relating to it.

Read the ‘Carnival’ text in Day 6 pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to help you understand ‘tricky’ words.

Writing (All three worksheets located in Day 6 pack).

  1. How to practise your handwriting.
  2. How to correct sentences.
  3. To create a piece of writing to match the photo and title.
  1. Copy example words on the lines provided.
  2. Look at each sentence, what is wrong with them?
  3. See ‘Where is this train going?’ sheet. Think about where you want your train to go and write a lengthy paragraph about this.
  1. Use neat, cursive handwriting.
  2. Write corrected sentence underneath. Remember capital letters, full stops and question marks.
  3. Be descriptive. Will your train go to a happy place, an exciting place or even a scary place?


To spell high frequency words: again, another, because, clothes, different, everyone, friends, know, laughed, magic, mouse, other, really, through, which

See Day Six Spelling Activity sheet – Copy the words into your orange book and practise them.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


How to revise a range of number and place value maths questions.

Look at each section of the sheet in Day 6 pack, the instructions in bold explain what you have to do.

  • You are mainly working with 3-digit numbers so remember your hundreds, tens and ones columns.

Basic maths facts

How to practise your four times table (word search in day 6 pack)

Answer the calculations and find answers in the word search.

  • Find each number in words within the word search.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work (final sheet in Day 6 pack)

How to represent the stages of the life cycle of flowering plants.

Use information to create something that represents each stage in the life cycle of a flowering plant.

  • Include each stage.
  • Be inventive. Ideas can be found on the sheet.


  PE With Joe:

Home Learning Day 5 - 27th March 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Day: 5




You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to comprehend a text and answer a range of questions relating to it.

Read the ‘All about… Honeybees’ text in Day 5 pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice
  • Use an online dictionary to help you understand ‘tricky’ words.


How to use your writing tasks from this week to write a lengthy story about the circus.

Use your plans and descriptive paragraphs from the week to write your circus story. See ‘The Circus’ headed lined paper in Day 5 pack to write on.

  • Draft your story on scrap paper/in orange books to make it your best piece of work!
  • Use your best handwriting.


How to create your own sentences using this week’s spelling words.

See ‘Day Five Spelling Task’ in Day 5 pack. Choose 5 words from your spelling list to create your own interesting sentences.

  • Record the sentences in your orange book
  • Use some adjectives to make your sentences more engaging


How to estimate on a 0 – 1000 Number Line (See worksheet in Day 5 pack).

Place the 3-digit number on the number line where you think it might belong.

  • Remember that 500 goes exactly in the middle between 0 and 1000.

Basic maths facts

How to multiply numbers up to 12.

Use the ‘Multiplication Wheels’ sheet in Day 5 pack. Multiply (x/times) each number on the wheel by the number in the middle of the wheel.

  • Use the colourful multiplication square in your packs if you get a bit stuck!
  • Check your answer by using arrays/grouping circles.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

About endangered animals.

Watch the topic link below and make bullet pointed notes in your orange book. Draw a picture of the animals you discovered.

  • Make bullet pointed notes in your orange homework book.
  • Label and colour your pictures.


Link for topic: Endangered animals

PE With Joe:

Home Learning Day 4 - 26th March 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Day: 4




You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to comprehend a text and answer a range of questions relating to it.

Read ‘Tigers’ text in Day 4 pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice
  • Use an online dictionary to help you understand ‘tricky’ words


How to order your circus story using a storyboard (located in Day 4 pack).

Use the 6-box storyboard to order the events of your story. Draw a picture and write a brief sentence to show what is happening.

  • Colour in your pictures
  • Only short sentences - you will use them to write the full story tomorrow.


To complete the sentence by putting the correct missing word in the gap.

Look at ‘Thursday Spelling Task’ in Day 4 pack. Use the word bank to complete each sentence.

  • The words and word banks are mixed up so think carefully about each one.


How to find fractions of amounts (sheet can be found in Day 4 pack).

13 of 9. Draw 3 circles because the denominator tells us to. Share 9 between the 3 circles. Look at how many objects are in 1 circle (because that’s what the numerator is telling us to look at). 3 is your answer.

  • Use our favourite grouping method (drawing circles) to help you!
  • Numerator = top number in fraction
  • Denominator = bottom number in fraction

Basic maths facts

How to write 3-digit numbers in words (see sheet in Day 4 pack).

Look at the example. You have to write each number in words.

  • Partition the number into hundreds, tens and ones.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

About the story of Easter

Use the link below to read the Easter story. Complete the 8-box comic strip in Day 4 pack to show each part of the story in order.

  • Draw a picture and a brief sentence to match it.
  • Order the events in chronological order (in the order they happened).


Link for topic:

PE With Joe:

Home Learning Day 3 - 25th March 2020

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Day: 3




You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to comprehend (understand) a text and answer questions relating to the text. These could be literal, inferential or vocabulary based.

Read the text, ‘Fossils’ at least twice to get a good understanding of what is being said. Look at each question, skim and scan the text for an answer that would be most suitable to the question. Identify features such as subheadings to help you locate information.

• Use a dictionary online to help you find definitions to words that you find tricky. This will help you to gain a better understanding of the text.

• Read the text more than once!



How to plan a story about the circus using a story mountain

Look at the story mountain, complete each box from left to right. Good stories always have a build-up, a dilemma and a resolution e.g. my build up could be that there are no visitors at the circus, my dilemma could be that the circus is losing money so it might have to close, and my resolution could be that a new, exciting act joins the circus and business is restored. 

  • You have already chosen a character and described your setting so this part should be straightforward!
  • Is there a moral (lesson) to your story? E.g. always looking on the bright side of life, never judging a book by its cover.
  • This plan will help you to write a lengthy narrative at the end of the week.  


How to identify your spelling words in a word search

Look at ‘Day Three Spelling Task’ word search sheet. Try to find the spelling words listed on the sheet in the box. They will be jumbled in between random letters.

  • Pick one word at a time to focus on, make sure you know how it is spelled
  • Words could be arranged in any direction (horizontal, vertical, diagonal etc).


How to subtract tens and ones from 3-digit numbers, crossing 100 using a column subtraction method

Begin with the ones column, you have to subtract the bottom number from the top. This isn’t always possible if the top number is smaller e.g. 3 – 4. You have to exchange a ten from the top number in the tens column and add it to the three so that it becomes 13 – 4. Don’t forget to change the 5 into a 4 because you have now taken one. Then, you can subtract by counting back, put 13 in your head and take away 4. Repeat for all columns.

  • Always start subtracting from the ones column (far right column) and move to each of the left columns.
  • Don’t forget that if you take a ten from the tens column you must make sure that the number is one less (5 becomes a 4). You only do this if the top number is smaller and you can’t subtract the bottom number from it.
  • Use your fingers to subtract!

Basic maths facts

How to subtract using a number line

Put your finger on the first number e.g. 20. Take away 3 numbers until you get to 17, this is the answer.

  • You could check your answer by adding the answer to the number you took away. Did you get the first number in the number sentence? 17 + 3 = 20. This is called the inverse.

Topic work

That plants are important to the world

Watch the video using the link below and create a poster to spread awareness of the importance of plants

There is a blank bordered poster sheet in the Day 3 pack for you to use. Make it as eye-catching and colourful as you can.


Link for topic:

Home Learning Day 2 - 24th March 2020

Daily Planner For:


Chestnut Class


Day: 2




You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to comprehend (understand) a text and answer questions relating to the text. These could be literal, inferential or vocabulary based.

Read the text, ‘From Spawn to Frog’ by Kate Ruttle at least twice to get a good understanding of what is being said. Look at each question, skim and scan the text for an answer that would be most suitable to the question. Identify features such as subheadings to help you locate information.

• Use a dictionary online to help you find definitions to words that you find tricky. This will help you to gain a better understanding of the text.

• Read the text more than once!


How to write a character description for your circus story

Look at ‘Day Two Writing Task’ sheet. Think of a character you would like in your circus story e.g. a showman, an acrobat, a clown, a juggler, a tightrope walker. Draw and colour a picture of your character in the box. Write a descriptive paragraph underneath to describe what your character looks like, what they are wearing, how they act/move/speak etc.

• Use the key words on the sheet to help you make your writing more interesting

• Give your character a name!

• Use strong adjectives

•Don’t forget capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.


How to rainbow write over each of your spelling words to practise spelling each one

Use five coloured pencils to trace over each of your spelling words. By the fifth colour, your words will look like a rainbow. Use pictures to help you. This will help you to remember how your words are spelled.

• Think about our Tuesday morning task

• Don’t just colour over the words in each box without tracing over each letter


How to add two 2-digit numbers together using a column addition method

First, add the numbers in the ones column (the right column/second column). Then, add the numbers in the tens column (the left column/first column). This will give you the answer.

• Start with the ones column in case you need to carry a ten across to the tens column to add with the tens.

Basic maths facts

How to find number bonds to 20 – These are two numbers, that when added together, make 20.

Look at the number given, put it in your head and count up to 20. How many numbers did you add to the first number? For example, put 15 in your head, count up on your fingers to 20, there are 5 on your fingers. 15 + 5 = 20.

• Alternatively, start with 20 in your head, subtract the number you can see and whatever is left is the answer.

• Be accurate

Topic work

That Rosa Parks is an inspirational figure of Black History

Watch the video ‘The Story of Rosa Parks’, using the link below. Complete ‘Inspirational people’ worksheet about Rosa Parks.

• Recall information from Term 1 about Rosa, write about her life and why she inspires you in full sentences.

Link for topic:

Home Learning Day 1 - 23rd March 2020

Daily Planner For:


Chestnut Class


Day: 1




You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to comprehend (understand) a text and answer questions relating to the text. These could be literal, inferential or vocabulary based.


Read the text, ‘From Spawn to Frog’ by Kate Ruttle at least twice to get a good understanding of what is being said. Look at each question, skim and scan the text for an answer that would be most suitable to the question.

  • Use a dictionary online to help you find definitions to words that you find tricky. This will help you to gain a better understanding of the text.
  • Read the text more than once!



How to write a descriptive paragraph about the setting of a circus.

Use example and key words on ‘Day One Writing Task’ sheet for ideas. Look at the picture, what can you see?

  • Use adjectives to describe what you see e.g. red, white, stripy, large, incredible, amazing, colourful.
  • Don’t forget capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.



Spell words linked to our endangered species topic – animal, predator, tiger, Asia, bees, species, atlas, river, mountain, ocean, endangered, geography, continent, compass, extinct


See Day One Spelling Activity sheet – Copy the following words linked to our topic into your orange book and practise them.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


How to partition 3 and 4-digit numbers.

Look at the number and partition (split) it into thousands, hundreds, tens and ones (place value columns). For example: 483 partitioned is 400 + 80 + 3 = 483.

  • The thousands have four digits
  • The hundreds have three digits
  • The tens have two digits
  • The ones have one digit

Basic maths facts

That certain 1-digit numbers added together make 10 (number bonds to ten).

Put the number you see in your head, count up to ten on your fingers and see how many fingers you are holding up, this is the answer.

  • Use your fingers to help you count!
  • Maybe you could use a ruler, start on 7 then count on until 10, this equals 3.

7 + 3 = 10.

Topic work

How to research at least three earthquakes that have happened in the world

Click on espresso link below to watch short videos on different earthquakes that have happened, choose at least three earthquakes that you can make notes on.


  • Record information about earthquakes using bullet points in your orange homework book.
  • Remember, these should not be full sentences!


Link for topic:

Welcome to Chestnut Class!


My name is Miss Pearce and I am teaching year 3 this year. I will be supported by our lovely teaching assistant, Mrs Clark.


We are really looking forward to this academic year due to the many exciting topics we will be engaging with. In Chestnut class, we aim to work hard and try our best with our learning and behaviour every day. We will be facing many challenges over the course of the year, whilst working in a calm and caring learning environment.  Our great teamwork and communication skills will help us to become successful in achieving our desired goals.


Reading is very important to us at Newtown school because it not only helps us to understand new vocabulary and improve our writing abilities, but it can also be extremely enjoyable! We encourage children to read at home in order to reach the 100 club. This is when the children receive certificates and rewards after they reach specific milestones on their journey to reading as many times as possible during the school year. These can only be obtained when a parent or guardian has both signed and dated in the back of their child’s learning destination journal.


The children will have weekly PE lessons with Mr Briant. We kindly ask that all PE kits remain in school all week, so that the children are ready to participate in these lessons at any given time. Children should wear a white t-shirt, black shorts and appropriate footwear such as trainers.


There will be many fun and memorable times throughout the year so please keep an eye on our class page to see photos of what we get up to! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me.


Miss Pearce

Chestnut Class Presents…Totally Terrific Toys!

We are excited to share our Design and Technology learning with you. Throughout term three, our focus has been on designing, making and evaluating our fantastic moving cam toys. These hand-powered mechanisms allow the object to move up and down. We chose the flower design for our toys because we have previously been learning about plants. As a class, we have learned so many new skills, from measuring and sawing wood to strengthening our frame structures using card. It was important to know how to use the equipment safely as this helped us to be mindful of the dangers that can occur when handling tools. These skills will be imperative in the future. We are extremely proud of our achievements and we hope you like our work!

We love fruit!

To conclude our topic on plants, we thought about what foods we know grow on plants. We wrote recipes for a fruit salad and carried them out. We made sure that each person in every group had a fruit of their choice in the bowl. We especially enjoyed eating them!



We have been learning all about the different parts of a plant and explaining their important functions. Chestnut Class has particularly enjoyed creating our topic book covers because we used oil pastels and our observational skills to draw a real bunch of flowers.  This term is going to be an exciting one as we are going to investigate water transportation in plants and how we can use foods that are grown to create basic meals. What a great start to term three!


What a spectacular start to the term! We have been learning about earthquakes and the damages they can cause. One even struck our classroom, so we had to help Miss Pearce clean up the mess! In literacy, we will be writing safety instructions on what to do in the event of an earthquake. Chestnut class have particularly enjoyed sharing the wonderful earthquake projects that were created over the holidays and discussing what they have learned about the topic so far. We are really looking forward to learning about Diwali because we will be making Diya lamps out of clay. Also, we are going on a class trip to Stowford Manor Farm.

We had a great day with Mr Marshall and Mrs Disney learning about fire and shelter building.

A big thank you to everyone involved for allowing us to have such great learning opportunities!

From Chestnut Class 😃