Welcome to Willow class,
We are the EYFS unit at Newtown school and we love having fun while we play, explore and learn.
In Willow class the children are lucky enough to have 2 bright, cheerful classrooms to learn in and a fantastic outside area too.
The teachers in the unit are Mrs Coate and Miss Brown. The children will also be supported by Mrs Wiater.
Look out on our page for some of the exciting things we have been doing in class.
Willow Class have been busy getting everything ready for their teddy's bear picnic. They have decorated cakes, made sandwiches and a fruit salad. Thank you to all the parents and their teddies who have joined us for our picnic and hope you had a lovely time.
In Willow Class, we had great fun on World Book Day. The children looked great in their costumes. As a class, we looked at the Elmer books as they are some of Miss Brown's favourites. We discussed how Elmer's friends all loved him because he was different and he made them laugh. As you can see from the picture, we decorated some Elmers of our own using different mediums. We loved all of the bright colours we could use!
Willow Class were so lucky when the Gruffalo stopped by for a visit. The children were very excited and asked the Gruffalo lot's of interesting questions. Why were you scared of the mouse? What is your favourite food? How did you get here? The children then had a photo taken with the Gruffalo and even Miss Brown and Mrs Wiater got to have a photo. The children then had a go at making Gruffalo crumble.
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