Newtown Community Primary School
'Newtown Primary School is a Community Primary School and we take the "Community" aspect of our title very seriously. Our children, their families and extended families are at the heart of everything we do.'

Maple Class (Year 2)

Miss Huggett can be reached at:

Maple Class Blog

Hi Maple Class

We are very lucky to now have a blog up and running where we can communicate easily. Usernames and passwords will be sent out soon.

To find this blog and access it you need to go to the school website.

  1. Click on children
  2. Click on home learning
  3. Scroll down and click on class blog
  4. Log in using your details
  5. Click on the title of the blog 
  6. Scroll down and add your comment


Each week I will put up a different discussion point for you to contribute to. All  posts will have to be approved by me before they are published so it is totally safe and secure for you to use. 

Home Learning - 21st July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Tuesday 21st July 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Read Supercats and answer questions

Read through the story from page 16 -. 29 The story is attached below.

You will be working on this story for the next 3 days. Answer the questions below the best you can:

  • What was special about Wild Bill’s teeth?
  • What was Tagg’s mum and dad’s secret-agent code name?
  • What was Wild Bill’s code name?
  • What do you think Tagg wants his superpower to be? (p25)
  • Why is Glamour upset?


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word


Plan a short story about an animal with superpowers

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (ordinary, awesome, whiskers) Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up half-way and monkey letters hang below the line.


Think back to your character design from yesterday. Plan a short story to explain what your character gets up to.

Remember to plan for:

Opening: How does your story begin?

Build up: What happens next in the story?

Climax: What is the exciting part?

Resolution: How is the problem solved?

Ending: Is it a happy ending?


  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops.




Bitesize your words

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


Invisible, fly, camouflaged, powerful, mighty



Rainbow write your spelling word using a different colour pencil.

Write each word by splitting it into chunks like this:


  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Hours and days

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 11, lesson 2 –  hours and days


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.
  • Count the objects in each row then multiply by how many rows there are


Basic maths facts

Daily ten questions

  • Open the basic maths link below
  • Select level 2
  • Choose an area you would like to get better at
  • Answer the 10 quick questions


  • Try level 3 if it is too easy

Topic work

Write a letter to my new teacher

What other things do you want to tell your new teacher?

What are your favourite subjects?

What subjects do not like as much?

Who are your friends?

What makes you happy?

What was your best memory from year 2?


Plan a letter to your new teacher by answering these questions and then write it up in best.

Always remember to plan your writing before writing it out in best. Use bullet points to help you.

Home Learning - 20th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Monday 20th July




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Read Supercats and answer questions

Read through the story from page 1-16. The story is attached below.

You will be working on this story for the next 3 days. Answer the questions below the best you can:

  • How many siblings does Tagg have?
  • Where were the kittens born?
  • What do you think ‘kitten rearing’ means?
  • How is Tagg described?
  • How was Tagg treated differently and why?
  • What are Melody’s and Chester’s superpowers?

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word




Create a character that has superpowers

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (litter, superpower, perilous) Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up halfway and monkey letters hang below the line.


Think back to Tagg and the other super cats. Think of your own animal that will be a character in a story.

Draw a picture of your animal.

Be clear to show what your animal is wearing and what superpowers it has.

Write these around your design.




  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.


  • Check your capital letters and full stops.




Write new spellings


Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


Invisible, fly, camouflaged, powerful, mighty


Rainbow write your spelling word using a different colour pencil.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Can you think of the present tense version of each of your spellings?


Telling the time to 5 minutes

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 12, Lesson 1- Telling the time to 5 minutes


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.




Basic maths facts

Daily ten questions

  • Open the basic maths link below
  • Select level 2
  • Choose an area you would like to get better at
  • Answer the 10 quick questions


  • Try level 3 if it is too easy

Topic work

All about me portrait

As you are moving up into year 3. Think about what you would want to tell your teacher about you.

Draw a self-portrait and write adjectives around it that describe you best.



Think back to when you have created portraits before and how to structure the face and position the features.

Home Learning - 17th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Friday 17th July 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Answer questions about a story.

Re-read Read the Hamilton Group Reader Why Not Me? by Ruth Merttens and Jackie Abey.


Are there any words that you don’t know?

How do you think Woodpecker feels when all the other animals brag about their stories?

Do you think this is the best way to behave?


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word



Write your story about Woodpecker

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook

(grumbled, squeaked, boomed) Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up halfway and monkey letters hang below the line.


Read the information on Possessive Apostrophes.

  • Complete the exercises.
  • Check with the Answers.


Write out the story you have planned on pieces of lined paper or in a special mini book.

  • Write your story in full, correctly punctuated sentences.
  • Use your best handwriting.
  • Add drawings to your story around the borders of your lined paper or on empty pages of your mini book.
  • Read your story to your family.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Friday English below. Then follow step 3 to complete your writing task for today.



Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  

  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops.



Test yourself on your spellings

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


television, treasure, usual, division, vision, pleasure, measure, occasion, usually, leisure



Get a family member to test you on your spellings this week J (You can email me your scores to let me know how you got on).

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Telling the time  

Using the PDF attachment below labelled- Friday Maths


Choose which sheet you think you will be best at. If you are not confident, then start with the first sheet. If you feel more confident then just complete the second sheet.


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Remember to look at the scale on the side of the jug first. What is it going up in?


Basic maths facts

Write your own column additions

Write out 3 of your own column additions. You might choose to do this with 3-digit numbers if you are feeling confident.

  • Ask an adult or sibling to check your answers for you.

Topic work

Learn about reptiles

Watch the reptile video below.

How many reptiles can you name?

Which is the largest reptile?

What features does a chameleon have?

What does constrictor mean?


Choose a reptile of your choice to create a piece of art-work for. You could draw, paint, collage or even sculpt. The choice is yours.


Key words:

Scales, skin, carnivores, hunting, eggs, sea turtles, nests, hatchlings, saltwater crocodile, tail, legs, jaws, sharp teeth, chameleon, camouflage, insects, amphibians, constrictor, poisonous, cold-blooded

Home Learning - 16th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Thursday 16th July 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Answer questions about a story.

Read the Hamilton Group Reader Why Not Me? by Ruth Merttens and Jackie Abey. This is attached as PDF below.


Look at the Questions about Why Not Me?

  • Read each question.
  • Think carefully about your answers.
  • Write your answers neatly in the spaces provided.
  • Check your work.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word



Plan a story about a Woodpecker.

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (woodpecker, feathers, whiskers) Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up halfway and monkey letters hang below the line.


Planning Woodpecker’s story

You are going to plan and write a story about Woodpecker.

Read the Instructions for Planning Woodpecker’s Story.

  • Record all your ideas on the Woodpecker Story Planner or in your book.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  

  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops when completing the sentences.



Find definitions for your spelling words

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-  


television, treasure, usual, division, vision, pleasure, measure, occasion, usually, leisure



Use a dictionary (either online or a paper copy) to find the definition (meaning) of 5 of these words and write them down in your orange workbook.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Quarter past and quarter to

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 11, lesson 4 – quarter past and quarter to


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.


Basic maths facts

Column addition

Choose 5 different questions to complete from sheet 2 (carrying involved)

Remember to lay these out correctly in your book with the ones and tens in the correct places.

Remember to leave a line above the answer line so that you can carry any ones over into the tens column.

  • Answers are at the back of the pack if you need them to check.
  • Don’t forget to add any carries on when adding the tens column!

Topic work

Learn about fish

Watch the video below about fish.

Where do fish live?

What do they have running through their bodies?

How do they breathe?

Do sharks lay eggs?

How do fish hide from predators?

What do we call a group of fish together?

What do fish eat?

What eats fish?


Create a poster or fact file to teach others about fish. You can use link 2 to help you.

Key words:

Water, swim, turn, fins, gills, eggs, spine, hatch, fingerlings, prey, protection, teeth, predators, coral reef, clown fish, snapper fish, schools, sea horses, mammals, salmon, cod, tuna, seabream, aquarium


  • If you prefer, you can choose a fish of your choice to write about rather than lots of them.

Home Learning - 15th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Wednesday 15th July 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Compare two versions of Cinderella

Open the reading link below

Enjoy listening to the reading of Cinderella written by Roald Dahl (ends at about 5.14 mins).

  • Say one way that Roald Dahl’s version is the same as the traditional story you have heard.
  • Say one way in which it is different.


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word


Write an opinion using conjunctions because, as, since. 

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (palace, cellar, jewels) Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up half-way and monkey letters hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Wednesday English below. Complete step 2 and 3 in the activities.

Look at Revolting... Rhymes!

  • Suggest similar and opposite words for revolting.
  •  Identify the rhymes in the excerpt from Cinderella.
  • Suggest other words that rhyme with the pairs you have found.

Explaining your opinion

Which do you prefer – the traditional Cinderella or Roald Dahl’s version?


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  

  •  Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops.



Write sentences that include your spelling words

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


television, treasure, usual, division, vision, pleasure, measure, occasion, usually, leisure



Write your words into sentences (try and include adjectives).

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it




O clock and half past

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 11, lesson 3 – o clock and half past


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also attached.  


Basic maths facts

Column addition

Choose 5 questions to complete from sheet 2 (carrying involved)

Remember to lay these out correctly in your book with the ones and tens in the correct places.

Remember to leave a line above the answer line so that you can carry any ones over into the tens column.

  • Answers are at the back of the pack if you need them to check.
  • Don’t forget to add any carries on when adding the tens column!

Topic work

Learn about birds

Watch the bird video below.

What features do all birds have?

What is special about the hummingbird?

What is special about the ostrich?

What do birds eat?

How are penguins different from other birds?


Use the bird gallery in link 2 to choose a bird and research a bit more. Write a few facts about your bird and draw a picture.


Key words:

Eggs, chicks, beaks, wings, legs, feathers, hummingbird, ostrich, worms, seeds, fruit, eagle, prey, predator, nest, penguins

Home Learning - 14th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Tuesday 7th July 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Summarise the ending of a story.

Open the reading link from yesterday.

Listen (from 5.58 mins) to Wilf Merttens tell the remainder of the story of Cinderella.


How does the story end?

Write 3 sentences to explain.

  • Think carefully about the questions. What are you being asked to do?
  • Remember to check at the end using the answers sheet.


Write a conversation

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (Cinderella, Prince, glass) Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up half-way and monkey letters hang below the line.


Look at Writing a Conversation.

  • Read the speech bubble conversation between Cinderella and her friend, Goldilocks.
  • Look carefully at how the speech bubbles are turned into punctuated sentences.

Write a conversation – follow step 3.


  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books. 


Bitesize your words

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


television, treasure, usual, division, vision, pleasure, measure, occasion, usually, leisure


Rainbow write your spelling word using a different colour pencil.

Write each word by splitting it into chunks like this:


  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Measure temperature

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 11, lesson 2 –  temperature


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.
  • Count the objects in each row then multiply by how many rows there are


Basic maths facts

Column addition

Choose 5 different questions to complete from sheet 1 (no carrying involved)

Remember to lay these out correctly in your book with the ones and tens in the correct places.

  • Answers are at the back of the pack if you need them to check.

Topic work

Know what an amphibian is

Watch the video below about amphibians.

What are amphibians?

How do amphibians begin their lives?

How many types of frog are there?

Describe their skin.

How do frogs and toads protect themselves from predators?


Create a fact sheet/ fact file to explain what amphibians are. Use link 2 to help you with this.




  • Make notes as you watch to note down the key amphibians it talks about.

Eggs, gills, tails, lungs, legs, metamorphosis. 

Home Learning - 13th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Monday 13th July




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Describe a character from a story

Open your Monday English pack and click on the link for reading (or click below).

Listen to the first part of Cinderella, told by Wilf Merttens.

Stop at the point where Cinderella arrives at the ball at 5.58 mins.

Describing characters

Read the profile of The Fairy Godmother.

o Which parts of the description do you really like? Say why you like these parts of the profile the best.

o Draw either Cinderella, one of the Ugly Sisters or the Prince on a copy of the Character Profile Page.

o Write as many sentences as you can describing how you think your character looks and what they are like as a person.


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word




Write a diary entry

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (fountain, cheerful, shimmering) Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up halfway and monkey letters hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Monday English. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.  


You are going to write two entries in Cinderella’s diary.

o Read the Diary Writing Instructions.

o Use the Diary pages to write out Cinderella’s entries.



  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.


  • Check your capital letters and full stops.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  


Write new spellings


Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


television, treasure, usual, division, vision, pleasure, measure, occasion, usually, leisure


Rainbow write your spelling word using a different colour pencil.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Can you think of the present tense version of each of your spellings?


Measuring in litres

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 11, Lesson 1-  litres


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.




Basic maths facts

Column addition

Choose 5 questions to complete from sheet 1 (no carrying involved)

Remember to lay these out correctly in your book with the ones and tens in the correct places.

  • Answers are at the back of the pack if you need them to check.

Topic work

Write about my favourite animal

Watch the video link below.

How do they move?

How do they look?

How many legs does it have?

Where does it live?

Does it fly?

What does it eat?


Draw a picture of your favourite animal with labels to show its’ features.


Explain why this is your favourite animal.

You could also include facts about your animal linked to the questions above.

  • Make notes as you watch about how the animals look and move.
  • Make a note of the types of animals that you see – how many can you name?

Home Learning - 10th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Friday 10th July 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


infer meaning from a poem.

Read The Rag Doll to the Heedless Child by David Harsent.

  • Read the glossed words.
  • How is the doll feeling in the poem?
  • How can we tell that?

Think about what the child in the poem could have done to upset the doll.

- Read the suggestions on What could the child have done?

- Add any further ideas of your own.


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word



Write a letter

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook

(rigid, shudder, linen) Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up halfway and monkey letters hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Friday English below. Then follow step 3 to complete your writing task for today.


Writing a letter

You are going to write a letter from the rag doll to the child.

Use the letter blank to write your letter.

  • Give the child a name.
  • Get the doll to say how she is feeling.
  • Get the doll to say why she is so sad.
  • Get the doll to say why she still really loves the child though!
  • Add a drawing at the bottom of the page.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  

  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops.



Test yourself on your spellings

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


Word, work, worm, world, worth, worst, war, warm, towards, ward.


Get a family member to test you on your spellings this week J (You can email me your scores to let me know how you got on).

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Measuring volume

Using the PDF attachment below labelled- Friday Maths


Choose which sheet you think you will be best at. If you are not confident, then start with the first sheet. If you feel more confident then just complete the second sheet.


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Remember to look at the scale on the side of the jug first. What is it going up in?


Basic maths facts

Times table speed test

Go to the fifth column. Set a timer or ask an adult to do this for you.

How many questions can you answer in one minute?

Remember to only try to answer the fifth column of ten in this time.

  • Mark your answers at the end. If there are any that are incorrect, can you find your mistake?
  • Did you beat yesterday’s score?

Topic work

Design a bee friendly garden

Open the attached document about Earth day and saving the bees.

Follow the steps on here.

  1. Find out why bees are under threat
  2. Design a bee friendly garden. Remember that bees love brightly coloured flowers.
  • Open the RHS link to help you. Scroll down and read the section titled ‘how to attract bees to your garden’.

Home Learning - 9th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Thursday 9th July 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Infer meaning from a story.

Reopen the reading link below.

  • Listen to the remainder of Dogger.
  • What do you think of the little girl who buys Dogger?
  • What do you think of Bella at the end of the story? Why?


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word



Plan and write a story about a lost toy.

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (lost, searched, found). Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up halfway and monkey letters hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Thursday English below. Then follow step 2 and 3 to complete your writing task for today.

Plan to write a story

Follow the instructions on Planning and writing a new story about a lost toy.

  • Use the Planner to capture ideas for your own story about a child and a lost toy.

Write a story

Write your new story out.

  • Use your best handwriting
  • Use lots of good describing words in your writing.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  

  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops when completing the sentences.
  • You can present your story however you wish. You do not have to make the booklet as suggested in your English pack.


Find definitions for your spelling words

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-  


Word, work, worm, world, worth, worst, war, warm, towards, ward.


Use a dictionary (either online or a paper copy) to find the definition (meaning) of 5 of these words and write them down in your orange workbook.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Use millilitres  

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 10  lesson 4 – millilitres


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.


Basic maths facts

Times table speed test

Go to the fourth column. Set a timer or ask an adult to do this for you.

How many questions can you answer in one minute?

Remember to only try to answer the fourth column of ten in this time.

  • Mark your answers at the end. If there are any that are incorrect, can you find your mistake?
  • Did you beat yesterday’s score?

Topic work

Learn about the life cycle of a bee.

Open the Power Point presentation and read through the information about bees.


Look at the final slide where the four stages are illustrated with key words. Create your own poster with images to show the four life stages of a bee.


  • Key words: egg, larvae, pupa, adult bee.

PE With Joe


Reading link:




Basic maths facts:

See uploaded attachment


Topic work:

See uploaded Power point today

Home Learning - 8th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Wednesday 8th July 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Infer meaning from a story

Open the reading link below

  • Listen to the first half of Dogger by Shirley Hughes, up to when Dogger goes missing (about 3 mins 30 secs in).
  • How is Dave feeling at this point in the story?


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word


Create a lost toy poster for Dogger

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (favourite, cuddly, dropped) Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up half-way and monkey letters hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Wednesday English below. Complete step 2 in the activities.

Read the Lost poster for a missing rag doll called Jemima.

You are going to create a ‘Lost’ poster for Dogger.

  • On the poster template, draw Dogger. Explain what happened to him.
  • Describe Dogger using good adjectives and adverbs.
  • Say how you, Dave, are feeling about not having him.

Offer a reward for his safe return.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  

  •  Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops.
  • If you would like to complete step 3 as well then please do!



Write sentences that include your spelling words

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


Word, work, worm, world, worth, worst, war, warm, towards, ward.




Write your words into sentences (try and include adjectives).

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it




Compare volume

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 10, lesson 3 – compare volume


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also attached.  


Basic maths facts

Times table speed test

Go to the third column. Set a timer or ask an adult to do this for you.

How many questions can you answer in one minute?

Remember to only try to answer the third column of ten in this time.

  • Mark your answers at the end. If there are any that are incorrect, can you find your mistake?
  • Did you beat yesterday’s score?

Topic work

Learn about pollination

Watch the video link below about pollination.

Write down key words as you watch.

Which two ways does the video describe how pollination happens?

(wind and insects)


Have a go at one of the activities uploaded in the pollination pack.

You can just copy out the writing if you do not have a printer or you might choose to do a picture with arrows to show the pollination process.

  • Key words: stamen, pollen, bees, seed, pollination, insects,

Home Learning - 7th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Tuesday 7th July 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Understand the feelings of a character in a story.

Open the reading link and listen again to the story of Maisie and the Dragon.

  • Say how you think Maisie feels during the day that her dragon is lost. Why do think she feels like that?
  • Does the dragon feel the same way as Maisie? Why/not?

Write down your answers to these questions if you can.


  • Think carefully about the questions. What are you being asked to do?
  • Remember to check at the end using the answers sheet.


Write sentences to explain how to care for a pet dragon.

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (delicious, comfortable, funny) Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up half-way and monkey letters hang below the line.


Look at your writing tasks in your English pack today.  

Identifying adverbs and adjectives in descriptions

Read Nouns, adjectives and adverbs.

  • Identify the nouns, adjectives and adverbs in the text about how Maisie cares for her dragon.

Writing descriptively

You are going to say what you would do if you had to care for a pet dragon.

  • Write sentences in each of the boxes on Dragon Care.
  • Use adjectives and adverbs for description in your sentences.
  • Use conjunctions to link together your ideas.


  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books. 


Bitesize your words

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


Word, work, worm, world, worth, worst, war, warm, towards, ward.


Rainbow write your spelling word using a different colour pencil.

Write each word by splitting it into chunks like this:


  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Measure mass in kilograms

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 10, lesson 2 –  Measure mass in kilograms


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.
  • Count the objects in each row then multiply by how many rows there are


Basic maths facts

Times table speed test

Go to the second column. Set a timer or ask an adult to do this for you.

How many questions can you answer in one minute?

Remember to only try to answer the second column of ten in this time.

  • Mark your answers at the end. If there are any that are incorrect, can you find your mistake?
  • Did you beat yesterday’s score?

Topic work

Explain photosynthesis

Watch the video again from yesterday’s lesson. Focus on the part that talks about the plant making its’ own food. This is called photosynthesis.

Have a go at answering the questions in link 2.


Have a go at creating your own diagram to show photosynthesis. See the science attachment for an example of how to do this.


  • Key words: carbon dioxide, water, light
  • See the science attachment for an example of how to do this.

Home Learning - 6th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Monday 6th July




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Infer meaning from a story

Open your Monday English pack and click on the link for reading (or click below)

Listen to the story, Maisie and the Dragon, written by Philippa Danvers.

Look out for the dragon in the pictures as you watch.

  • Say what your favourite part of the story was.
  • Why did you like that bit especially?



Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word




Use speech marks and write dialogue

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (curious, cheeping, canopy) Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up halfway and monkey letters hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Monday English. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


  • Follow the instructions to learn about and use prepositions.
  • Check with the Answers at the end of this document.


  • Draw one of the pictures and add in speech balloons for the characters.
  • Now write the speech in sentences using speech marks to ‘hug’ the speech and a reporting clause to tell us who said it. 


  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.


  • Check your capital letters and full stops.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  


Write new spellings


Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


Word, work, worm, world, worth, worst, war, warm, towards, ward.


Rainbow write your spelling word using a different colour pencil.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Can you think of the present tense version of each of your spellings?


Measure mass in grams

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 10, Lesson 1-  Measure mass in grams


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.




Basic maths facts

Times table speed test

Begin with the first column. Set a timer or ask an adult to do this for you.

How many questions can you answer in one minute?

Remember to only try to answer the first column of ten in this time.

  • Mark your answers at the end. If there are any that are incorrect, can you find your mistake?

Topic work


Know why plants are important

Watch the video link below about plants.

Make sure you understand the key words in the next column.

Think about the question: Why are plants important to humans and animals?

(food and air).


Draw a picture of a plant of your choice and label the parts. Then write an explanation stating why plants are important for humans and animals.

  • Make notes as you watch of key words:
  • Roots, water, stem, food (nutrients), leaves, energy, sunlight, photosynthesis, flower, seeds, life cycle, insects, pollination, humans, animals, clean air, oxygen

Home Learning - 3rd July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Friday 3rd July 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

  • To keep physically active.


Write an opinion about a short video clip

Open the reading link below and watch the video-clip from the film Mary Poppins, in which two children, Jane and Michael, sing about what their perfect nanny/babysitter/child minder would be like.

  • Do you think the children’s ideas for their perfect child minder are good ones?


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word



Write an email to describe the perfect babysitter

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook

(babysitter, kind, caring) Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up halfway and monkey letters hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Friday English below. Then follow step 2 and 3 to complete your writing task for today.

Plan the things that you would like/wouldn’t like your babysitter t be like in two lists before starting to write.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  

  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops.
  • Remember that this is just for fun and that we are not really going to send this email.


Test yourself on your spellings

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


Want, watch, wander, quantity, squash, quality, squabble, squad, quad, quarrel


Get a family member to test you on your spellings this week J (You can email me your scores to let me know how you got on).

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Compare mass

Using the PDF attachment below labelled- Friday Maths


Choose a level that suits you best. If you are feeling confident then go straight onto questions 3, 6 and 9.

The top rows of each page are the easier questions.


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Write out the question as numbers.
  • Highlight key words in the questions
  • Identify what operation is required.


Basic maths facts

Apply maths knowledge

Open basic maths activity sheet for today and have a go at as many questions as you can.

Think about: What operation is it asking me to use?

What working out should I do?


  • Answers are attached in separate document
  • You do not need to print the sheet off – simply write and answer the question on paper that you have at home.

Topic work

Investigate toys today

Imagine that you are going to create a time capsule for the children for the future.


Your time capsule should explain (with pictures) some of the most popular toys today.

Think of 5 toys that children play with today and write an explanation for them like below:


Toy unicorns: Lots of children love unicorns and have cuddly versions and even lunchboxes with them on! They come in all sorts of glittery designs.


Play Station: This is an electronic piece of equipment that children like to play on. They can play racing games and even building games on here. Amazingly, they can even talk to their friends!


Squishies: These are very popular and are normally different varieties of animals of food items. They are made from a very soft type of plastic that changes shape when it is squeezed.

  • Don’t forget to add pictures to your explanations
  • You can write about any toy you wish; it doesn’t have to be a toy that you have at home.

Home Learning - 2nd July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Thursday 2nd July 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Answer questions about a story

Read the abridged version of My Uncle is a Hunkle. In your English pack today.

o Use the Suggested Reading Strategies to help you read any new and

difficult words you encounter.

Go to step 2 and Read each of Minal Cricket’s Questions.

o Think about an answer to each question.

o Tell someone in your family what you think.

o You’ve ‘Bean’ Challenged! Write your responses down in the spaces


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word



Write a reply to a postcard

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (Robert, Albert, Belinda). Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up halfway and monkey letters hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Thursday English below. Then follow step 3 to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  

  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops when completing the sentences.


Find definitions for your spelling words

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-  


Want, watch, wander, quantity, squash, quality, squabble, squad, quad, quarrel



Use a dictionary (either online or a paper copy) to find the definition (meaning) of 5 of these words and write them down in your orange workbook.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Compare mass

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 9  lesson 4 – compare mass


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.


Basic maths facts

Apply maths knowledge

Open basic maths activity sheet for today and have a go at as many questions as you can.

Think about: What operation is it asking me to use?

What working out should I do?


  • Answers are attached in separate document
  • You do not need to print the sheet off – simply write and answer the question on paper that you have at home.

Topic work

Investigate Victorian Toys

Watch the video in the topic link.

Open the Power point presentation about Victorian toys and make a note of the different names.


What did rick Victorian children play with?

What did poor Victorian children play with?


Create a table and draw in three examples for each. You might like to Google this to find out more information.


  • There is another useful website in the topic links.

Home Learning - 1st July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Wednesday 1st July 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Write a summary of a story.

Go to the reading link below and listen to the story from the previous day for the last time.

Write a short review (no more than 3 sentences) to explain what this story is about. Use these sentence starters to help you.


My favourite part is…

The characters are…

I didn’t like the part when…


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word


Use commas to list in a sentence

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (cowboy, sheriff, boots) Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up half-way and monkey letters hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Wednesday English below. Then follow step 2 and 3 to complete your writing task for today.


Remember that if you are listing 3 things, you use ‘and’ between the final two things in the list and not a comma.



Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  

  •  Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops.



Write sentences that include your spelling words

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


Want, watch, wander, quantity, squash, quality, squabble, squad, quad, quarrel



Write your words into sentences (try and include adjectives).

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it




Four operations with lengths

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 9, lesson 3 – using four operations


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also attached.  


Basic maths facts

Apply maths knowledge

Open basic maths activity sheet for today and have a go at as many questions as you can.

Think about: What operation is it asking me to use?

What working out should I do?


  • Answers are attached in separate document
  • You do not need to print the sheet off – simply write and answer the question on paper that you have at home.

Topic work

Investigate how teddies and dolls were made in the past

Recap: Open link 1 in topic work and have a go at sorting new and old toys.


Watch link 2 about teddy bears from the past.

Make notes as you watch the video

How were teddies made?

  • Made from real goat hair
  • Hump on back
  • Looked like real bears
  • Stuffed with wood shavings
  • Glass eyes


How were dolls made?

  • Made from china (porcelain), wood, wax or cloth
  • Looked older
  • Dressed in exquisite costumes!
  • Some had human hair


Create a drawing to show how teddies or dolls were made in the past and label the materials. Sheet uploaded to help you with this.

Add a sentence explaining which you prefer:


I prefer the old-fashioned teddy bear because…



  • You may like some of the old-fashioned features and some of the new so you could say this in your sentence.

Home Learning - 30th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Tuesday 30th June 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Identify nouns, adverbs, adjectives in a text

Open the reading link and relisten to the story from yesterday – ‘My Uncle is a Hunkle’

Then read the short description – ‘Clarice’s Mum’.


Find all the nouns, adjectives and adverbs. You do not need to highlight these – you could simply write them on a piece of paper.


  • Think carefully about the questions. What are you being asked to do?
  • Remember to check at the end using the answers sheet.


Write a character profile

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (blonde, extremely, holiday) Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up half-way and monkey letter hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Tuesday English below. Then follow step 3.


  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops.
  • Use the profile of Clarice’s mum to help you think of nouns, adverbs and adjectives.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books. 


Bitesize your words

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


Want, watch, wander, quantity, squash, quality, squabble, squad, quad, quarrel



Rainbow write your spelling word using a different colour pencil.

Write each word by splitting it into chunks like this:


  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Compare lengths

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 9, lesson 2 – Compare lengths


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.
  • Count the objects in each row then multiply by how many rows there are


Basic maths facts

Apply maths knowledge

Open basic maths activity sheet for today and have a go at as many questions as you can.

Think about: What operation is it asking me to use?

What working out should I do?


  • Answers are attached in separate document
  • You do not need to print the sheet off – simply write and answer the question on paper that you have at home.

Topic work

Toys through time

Watch the video below about toys in the past.

Make notes as you watch the video of toys that they talk about:

  • Doll
  • Wooden/tin or lead Soldiers
  • Clockwork steam trains
  • Spinning tops
  • Bicycles
  • Model aeroplanes
  • Yoyo
  • Barbie
  • Cowboy and Indians
  • Metal toy cars and trucks
  • Electric trains
  • Action man
  • Cabbage Patch dolls (I had these!)
  • Electronic toys: video games
  • Rubix cube


Choose one of the above toys that were shown in the video and compare it with a version today. See sheet uploaded that you can record this on if you have a printer.

  • Remember to label your toys to explain what material it was made out of in the past and compare it to the material it is made out of today.
  • Are there similarities and differences between the toys? 

Home Learning - 29th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Monday 29th June 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Answer questions about a story

Open your Monday English pack and click on the link for reading (or click below)


Listen to the reading of My Uncle is a Hunkle, written by Lauren Child.

What a disaster!

Think about all the things that went wrong when Uncle Ted came over to babysit.

o Record as many of these as you can

o Read the Checklist to see how many of the accidents and upsets you remembered.

o Did you get the accidents in the right story order?


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word


Pause the video if you need to or re watch.




Write about a disaster

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (although, however, since) Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up halfway and monkey letters hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Monday English. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Select one event from the list of disasters that you thought was funny.

Don’t forget to add conjunction in to your sentences.



  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.


  • Check your capital letters and full stops.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  


Write new spellings


Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


Want, watch, wander, quantity, squash, quality, squabble, squad, quad, quarrel


Rainbow write your spelling word using a different colour pencil.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Can you think of the present tense version of each of your spellings?


Measure length

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 9, Lesson 1- measure length


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.




Basic maths facts

Apply maths knowledge

Open basic maths activity sheet for today and have a go at as many questions as you can.

Think about: What operation is it asking me to use?

What working out should I do?


  • Answers are attached in separate document
  • You do not need to print the sheet off – simply write and answer the question on paper that you have at home.

Topic work

Explore toys in displays

Watch the topic link video below about toys that are displayed in different places.


What toys do you recognise in the video?

Are there any that you do not recognise?

Does any adult in your home know what these toys are?

Imagine that you are going to set up a toy display. If you have somewhere to do this – you could give it a go for real!


Think about your favourite types of toys. What would your display look like? Draw a picture to show your toys on a shelf display/ or in a cupboard display or take a photo of your toy display at home.


  • In your picture, you could add toys of many varieties. You do not need to have them to do this. You might display toy vehicles; a variety of teddy bears; a board game display

Reading link:


PE With Joe




Basic Maths

See uploaded attachment


Topic link:


Home Learning - 26th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Friday 26th June 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Infer meaning from a poem.

Read the poem The Magic Pebble by Roger McGough.

o Have you ever brought back something special from an outing or holiday, like the person here brings back the pebble from Wales?

o What was the object? Do you still have it?

Why is it special to you?

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word



Write a description of my magical object

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook

(pebble, magical, powers). Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up halfway and monkey letters hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Friday English below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  

  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops.
  • Your magical item could be anything:

Stone, leaf, stick, gem, jewel, a ring, bracelet, a shell – whatever you have at home.



Test yourself on your spellings

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


November, December, after, past, hour, half, minute, quarter, month, second



Get a family member to test you on your spellings this week J (You can email me your scores to let me know how you got on).

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Reasoning and problem solving – 2D shapes

Using the PDF attachment below labelled- Friday Maths


Choose a level that suits you best. If you are feeling confident then go straight onto questions 3, 6 and 9.

The top rows of each page are the easier questions.


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Write out the question as numbers.
  • Highlight key words in the questions
  • Identify what operation is required.


Basic maths facts

Consolidate multiplication facts

Click on the basic maths link below.

Click on multiplication.

Choose either 2,5 or 10 times tables.

Choose your difficulty rating.

Click on year 2.

Read the question that pops up on the screen and shoot (by licking on spaceship) the correct answer when it appears.

  • To move the space ship across the page, you need to place the mouse on it and drag it across the screen.

Topic work

Music – listen to pirate shanti songs

Click on the topic link below and listen to the pirate songs.

As you are listening make notes of what instruments you think you can hear:

Use the link for instruments below to listen to what they sound like.


Which is your favourite pirate music?


Did any of them sound familiar?

Choose your favourite piece and write a fw sentences about why you liked it.

Use words and sentences like:

It made me think of…

It sounded dramatic when…

Use words such as volume, pitch and tempo (see definitions below).


Volume; how loud it sounds

Pitch: high and low notes

Tempo: how fast or slow the music sounds


Challenge: you could create a piece of art work as you listen to show how it makes you feel or think.


Home Learning - 25th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Thursday 25th June 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Find rhyming words in a poem

Read and enjoy the poem in your English pack ‘Tell it the to the Dog’ by Joshua Siegal.

o Highlight the pairs of rhyming words in the poem.

o Why do you think it makes the child feel better to tell the dog about their problems?

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word



Write a poem to a pet.

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (everybody, lonely, frown). Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up halfway and monkey letters hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Thursday English below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  

  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops when completing the sentences.
  • Remember to plan your four ‘moans’ before trying to write the poem.


Find definitions for your spelling words

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-  


November, December, after, past, hour, half, minute, quarter, month, second



Use a dictionary (either online or a paper copy) to find the definition (meaning) of 5 of these words and write them down in your orange workbook.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Make patterns with 2D shapes  

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 8  lesson 4 – Make patterns with 2D shapes


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.


Basic maths facts

Telling the time in words

Click on the basic maths link below.

Click on the times that you would like to practise (like yesterday, they get more difficult the further down the list).

Match the time to the correct words below.

  • Ensure that you try the half hour and quarter past times also.
  • Where does the minute hand need to go for quarter past? Half past? Quarter to?

Topic work

Find out about famous pirates


Open the topic link below.

Scroll through each famous pirate and read the information. If you click on the speaker it will read it to you.

Decide which is your favourite pirate and a piece of work that gives information about him/her and shows what he/she looks like.

  • You can present your work however you wish.
  • It could be a poster with bubbles of information or you could present it as a list.
  • Add a sentence: This pirate is my favourite because…

Home Learning - 24th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Wednesday 24th  June 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Make comparisons between stories.  

Go to the reading link below and listen to the reading of Willy the Dreamer.

o Compare this to the other two Anthony Browne books you have seen.

o Which is your favourite of the three? Why is that?

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word


Write a book review

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (banana, dreams, wrestler) Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up half way and monkey letter hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Wednesday English below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today. Remember to look at the example book review before writing your own.



Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  

  •  Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops.



Write sentences that include your spelling words

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


November, December, after, past, hour, half, minute, quarter, month, second




Write your words into sentences (try and include adjectives).

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it




Sort 2D and 3D shapes

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 8, lesson 3 - Sort 2D and 3D shapes


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also attached.  


Basic maths facts

Match digital time to clock face

Choose which times you want to practise (they start at the top with easier options then increase in difficulty as the least goes down)

Click on the next option of 12 hour clock and untimed.

Practise game.

  • To challenge yourself you could click on the timed option.

Topic work

Design your own pirate character

Click on the link below and open the Espresso page.

Think back to the story yesterday and the pirates you saw.

Use the activity to create your own virtual pirate! You will see the different options to click on:

Heads, clothes, legs, arms etc

  • Perhaps if your parent has a phone camera they could take a photo of your design and email it to Maple class.

Home Learning - 23rd June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Tuesday 23rd June 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks sessions are now happening only on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. On other days, why not choose from his previous workouts and spend 15 minutes doing the exercises you enjoy the most or create your own work out.

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


How to infer and retrieve information.

Click on the reading link below and listen to the reading of Willy the Champ by Anthony Browne.

What things are the same in this story compared to yesterday’s?

What things are different?

Write your answers as a table like this:








  • Think carefully about the questions. What are you being asked to do?


Descriptive writing using adjectives and adverbs.

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (tried, everyone, laughed) Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up half-way and monkey letters hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Tuesday English below. Then follow step 2 and 3.



  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops.
  • Watch the story at least twice and makes notes as you listen.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books. 


Bitesize your words

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


November, December, after, past, hour, half, minute, quarter, month, second


Rainbow write your spelling word using a different colour pencil.

Write each word by splitting it into chunks like this:

No – vem – ber


  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Count faces, edges and vertices  

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 8, lesson 2 - Count faces, edges and vertices 


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.
  • Count the objects in each row then multiply by how many rows there are


Basic maths facts

Match the digital time to the clock face

Click on basic maths link below

Choose an option based on your confidence with reading the time.

Click on the clock that shows the time displayed.

If the mouse eats the cheese then you are correct!

  • If you are getting them all correct then have a go at a harder level.

Topic work

Draw my favourite part of a pirate story

Watch the video in the topic link below of the story ‘Are you the pirate captain?’


Who are the characters?

If you click on the transcript in top right corner then you can see the words as it reads through the story.


Draw a picture of your favourite part of the story. Things you might want to think about:

Pirates, treasure, ships, shark, Jack and the parrot,  treasure map.

  • Have a pen and paper nearby to make notes as you watch

Home Learning - 22nd June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Monday 22nd June 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Parents feel free to join in J

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Give an opinion on a story

Open your Monday English pack


Go to the reading link below and listen to the reading of Willy the Wimp by Anthony Browne.

Do you feel sorry for Willy in the story? Why?

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word





Use bullet points in a list

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (brave, timid, bullying). Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up halfway and monkey letters hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Monday English. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


When have you had to be brave in your life?

How did you feel?



  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.


  • Check your capital letters and full stops.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  


Write new spellings


Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


November, December, after, past, hour, half, minute, quarter, month, second


Rainbow write your spelling word using a different colour pencil.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Can you think of the present tense version of each of your spellings?


Count sides and vertices

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 8, Lesson 1-


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.




Basic maths facts

Matching digital time to analogue clock face

Click on the basic maths link below

Read the digital times on the bottom row

Match the digital time to the clock face displaying that time

  • You will need to drag and drop the digital time into box underneath the matching clock face

Topic work

Use my imagination to write about pirates and show what I know

Click on the topic link below (remember you will need to log into your Espresso account).


Watch the short video (it has no words!)

Make a list of the things you see as you watch.

Create a short story that could go along side this clip about this mini pirate adventure.

Ahoy there me hearties! Use your imagination! Use the questions in the next column to help you.

  • Where is this ship sailing?
  • Who are the pirates on board?
  • What are they looking out for?
  • What treasures are they seeking?

Home Learning - 19th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Friday 20th June 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Parents feel free to join in J

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Infer meaning from a story

Read and enjoy the poem My Step-Dad is an Alien.

o Did you already think the Step-dad was an alien before you read the last bit about the tail?

o Which part of the poem gave it away to you?

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word



Write an alien poem

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (courage, nonsense, alien). Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up half way and monkey letter hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Friday English below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  

  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops.



Test yourself on your spellings

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


Gave, threw, bought, had, wrote, lent, taught, left, drew, found


Get a family member to test you on your spellings this week J (You can email me your scores to let me know how you got on).

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Halves and quarters  

Using the PDF attachment below labelled- Friday Maths



If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Write out the question as numbers.
  • Highlight key words in the questions
  • Identify what operation is required.
  • Look at key words like half, quarter, 2/4
  • You will need a pencil/colouring pencil  

Basic maths facts

Read a scale (weight)

Choose one option from the basic maths link (as they go down they get harder).

Drag and drop the parcel onto the scale and read the weight.


  • Encourage children to look at the increments in between numbers and work out what each little line is worth.

Topic work


Learn about Hinduism 


Click on the video link below and watch the introduction to Hinduism.


There is a tab on the top right on the page that says ‘transcript’ – if you click on this you will see the writing for what is being said as you watch.


Which festivals do Hindus celebrate?

What is the festival of Holi?

Write an explanation or create a poster to explain what Holi is.


You can produce your work however you wish. Poster, artwork or writing.

Home Learning - 18th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Thursday 18th June 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Parents feel free to join in J

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Locate past and progressive tense in a text.

Prior to activity read the information about the past and progressive tense,


Read Morning in the Forest.

o Use one colour to highlight the verbs in the simple past tense.

o Use a different colour to highlight the verbs in the progressive past tense.

o Check with the Answers page.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word



Past and progressive verbs

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (tweaked, yawned, thought). Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up half way and monkey letter hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Thursday English below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  

  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops when completing the sentences.


Find definitions for your spelling words

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-  


Gave, threw, bought, had, wrote, lent, taught, left, drew, found


Use a dictionary (either online or a paper copy) to find the definition (meaning) of 5 of these words and write them down in your orange workbook.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Finding a quarter

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 7 lesson 4 – finding a quarter


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.
  • Remember to look for patterns in the numbers.


Basic maths facts

Telling the time

Click on the basic maths link below.

Practise reading the time on the hour, half hour, quarter past, to five minutes and to the minute,

  • Send me an email if you would like further practise with time

Topic work


Learn about the animals in India

Click on the country India

Click on ‘What is India like?’ fact file.

Click on the animals section.

Read the information and make notes.

Create a table with the four headings:

  1. Himalayas
  2. Indian Sunderbans
  3. Rann of Kutch
  4. The Nilgiri

Draw or write the animals that can be found in each region of India



  • Extension: use the internet to research the area further or the animal.
  • What new information can you find out?

Home Learning - 17th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Wednesday 17th  June 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Parents feel free to join in J

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Find alternatives for the verb ‘said’

Re-read animal recipes

  • Look at all the words used instead of said when the animals speak: growled, muttered, barked, etc.
  • Which is your favourite?
  • Can you suggest other said words to go with those from the story?

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word


Write a recipe  

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (growled, muttered, barked) Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up half way and monkey letter hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Wednesday English below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Look at the features of recipes carefully and write one of your own.

Please note: You may not be able to cook your dish if your parents do not have the ingredients.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  

  •  Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops.
  • Remember to include an ingredients box and bossy verbs at the beginning of your instructions. (imperative verbs)



Write sentences that include your spelling words

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


Gave, threw, bought, had, wrote, lent, taught, left, drew, found


Write your words into sentences (try and include adjectives).

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it




Finding a half

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 7, lesson 3- finding a half


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also attached.  


Basic maths facts

Measuring in cm

Start by trying level 1 and then move onto level 2. Measure to the nearest centimetre.

What is smaller than a centimetre?

  • How many centimetres are there in one metre?
  • What other units of measurement can you remember?

Topic work


Compare the life of an Indian villager to that of an Indian living in the city.

Click on the country India

Click on ‘What is India like?’ fact file.

Click on the ‘people’ section at the top.

Read the information.

Make notes on paper as you read about:

  1. What is life like for an Indian person who lives in a village? (rural)
  2. What is life like for an Indian person who lives in the city? (urban)


Split an A4 piece of paper in half and write Indian villager at top of one box and Indian city life at the top of the other.

Use pictures and sentences to show what life is like for each.

  •  Where would you prefer to live? In the village or in the city? Why?

Home Learning - 16th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Tuesday 16th June 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Parents feel free to join in J

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


How to infer and retrieve information from a poem.

Read the poem Out of a Cloud by Richard Edwards. Answer the following questions and write a response.

  1. How many verses does the poem have?
  2. Which is your favourite? Can you say why?
  3. Do you believe that the UFO was real? Why? Use information from the text.
  • Think carefully about the questions. What are you being asked to do?


Use conjunctions in my sentences 

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (vanished, swooped, hummed) Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up half-way and monkey letter hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Tuesday English below. Then follow step 2 and 3.


You can write down the rhyming words in your notebook.



  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops.
  • Use a conjunction in each sentence.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books. 


Write down the present tense version of your spelling word  

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


Gave, threw, bought, had, wrote, lent, taught, left, drew, found


Rainbow write your spelling word using a different colour pencil.



  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Non-unit fractions  

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 7, lesson 2- non-unit fractions


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.
  • Count the objects in each row then multiply by how many rows there are


Basic maths facts

Make symmetrical pictures

Click on the basic maths link below.

Have a go at the pictures, shapes and patterns activities.

Drag and drop the correct image that will make the image symmetrical.

  • Remember to look at the colour and pattern as well as the shape. There may be some in there that will trick you!

Topic work

Geography: Learn about the weather and climate in India

Click on the country India

Click on ‘What is India like?’ fact file.

Click on the weather and climate box at the top.

Read the information about the weather and climate.


Create a sunset in India picture.


  • You can use whatever resources you would like to create this.
  • You could cut up bits of magazines and make a collage or you might just use paint or felt tips. The choice is yours.

Home Learning - 15th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Monday 15th June 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Parents feel free to join in J

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Infer meaning from a text

Read and enjoy the story, Animal Recipes.

Answer these questions by writing a response:


Which of the recipes would you most like to eat?

Why is that your favourite?

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word





Write a recipe

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries). Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up half way and monkey letter hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Monday English. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Practise the verb activity first then look at the animal suggestions. remember, it can be funny! It does not have to be exactly what that animal would normally eat.


  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.


  • Check your capital letters and full stops.


  • Use the planner to think through your ides carefully


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  


Practise the irregular past tense



Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


Gave, threw, bought, had, wrote, lent, taught, left, drew, found


Rainbow write your spelling word using a different colour pencil.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Can you think of the present tense version of each of your spellings?


Unit fractions

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 7, Lesson 1- unit fractions


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.




Basic maths facts

Place value and number 

Click on the basic maths link below

Click on the last box ‘in between 1 -100’

(if you find this difficult then you can choose another option).

Listen to the number read out by the computer (you will need your speakers on)

Find a possible number and click on it – repeat.

  • Have speakers turned on
  • If you have a hundred square at home – it might be useful to have this out in front of you.

Topic work

Geography: Learn about India

Click on the country India

Click on ‘What is India like?’ fact file.

Click on the landmarks box at the top of the page.

Read the information about the 5 landmarks in India.

Choose one (or two if you like) to create a picture of with some information.



  • You could present this as a poster, a piece of art with bubbles of information or on a computer. The choice is yours!

Home Learning - 12th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Friday 12th June 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Parents feel free to join in J

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Compare and contrast stories

Story time

Read and enjoy Diary of a Kangaroo.

o Who causes more trouble – the wombat in Diary of a Wombat or the kangaroo here!?

Write a few sentences explaining which story you preferred and why.


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word



Write your animal diary/story

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (changed, swam, dried). Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up half way and monkey letter hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Friday English below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  

  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops.



Test yourself on your spellings

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


Laughing, following, hugging, jogging, brushing, wanting, picking, talking, bellowing, shouting


Get a family member to test you on your spellings this week J (You can email me your scores to let me know how you got on).

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Odd and even numbers

Using the PDF attachment below labelled- Friday Maths


  • Choose 6 questions (minimum – you can do more if you would like)
  • The questions get harder as they go up. If you are confident, you do not have to start at question 1, you can skip straight to question 4.


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Write out the question as numbers.
  • Highlight key words in the questions
  • Identify what operation is required.
  • Look at key words like fewer, between, balance, more than, less than, even and odd.

Basic maths facts

Odd and even numbers

Open link below

  • If the moon says ‘odd’, then you must slide the chimney across to catch the odd numbers only.
  • If the moon says ‘even’, then you must slide the chimney across to catch the even numbers only.

Use the mouse to slide the chimney across the screen.

  • What does an even number end in?
  • What does an odd number end in?

Topic work


Learn about how bread and cheese is made.

Click on the topic link below after logging into your espresso page.

Watch the video how is bread made

Watch the video how cheese is made


As you watch the videos answer these questions:


What ingredients are needed for bread?

What needs to be ripe before it is used?

What is formed when all the ingredients are mixed together?

What does the baker create in the video from the dough?

What does the yeast do?


What is cheese made from?

Why is the milk heated?

What is added to the milk?

What are the lumps called?

What is the liquid called?

How is the cheese made into a solid block?


Activity: Using arrows, create a sequence of pictures (flowchart) and words to show the stages of either making bread or cheese.



  • Pause the video as many times as you like.
  • You can present your work however you wish.




Home Learning - 11th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Thursday 11th June 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Parents feel free to join in J

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Compare and contrast two story versions

Story time

Go to link below and listen to a different reading of Diary of a Wombat.

o Which reading of the story did you like most?

o Give reasons as to why you prefer your choice.


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word



Plan an animal story

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (ran, trained, shone). Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up half way and monkey letter hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Thursday English below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.

Look at the useful poem terms/features to help you.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  

  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops.



Find definitions for your spelling words

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-  


Ran, forgot, jumped, shouted, wanted, hid, drove, gave, fastened, listened


Use a dictionary (either online or a paper copy) to find the definition (meaning) of 5 of these words and write them down in your orange workbook.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Odd and even numbers

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 6 lesson 4 - odd and even numbers


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.
  • Remember to look for patterns in the numbers.


Basic maths facts

Practise time and number statements

Choose the time activity and the number statements activity.

Can you remember how to do this?

Have a go at both. If you get it wrong, try again.

Time is very tricky and this may need practise.

Where does the minute hand go if it is quarter past?

Half past?

On the hour?


  • Send me an email if you would like further practise with time

Topic work


Think about changes and how they can be positive

Log in to your Espresso learning page and click on the link below.


Watch the short videos:

I’m new here

I’ve settled in

I’m moving on


Can you relate to any of these changes?

What changes have you experienced in your life?

Have you moved home? School?

Can you remember what it feels like to move into a new class?


Write a short paragraph explaining a change that you have experienced and how you felt. When the change happened, was it worth the worry?

Who helped you with your worries?

  • You can add a picture to your writing if you would like
  • Think about adding a sentence to advise others about what to do if they are worried about a change.

Home Learning - 10th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Wednesday 10th  June 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Parents feel free to join in J

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Infer meaning from a story.

Story time

Go back to watch the video (see link below) diary of a Wombat.


Make notes about the story as you watch.


Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word


Recap tenses in your writing

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (found, fought, figured) Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up half way and monkey letter hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Wednesday English below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.



Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  

  •  Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops.



Write sentences that include your spelling words

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


Ran, forgot, jumped, shouted, wanted, hid, drove, gave, fastened, listened


Write your words into sentences (try and include adjectives).

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it




Make equal groups

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 6, lesson 3-  make equal groups


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also attached.  


Basic maths facts

Sequencing numbers

Click on the basic maths link below

Click on sequencing

Numbers 0-100 even numbers

Practise ordering even numbers forwards and backwards

  • Challenge yourself to bet your score. How many can you get right in 2 minutes?

Topic work



Write a fact file/ create a poster about Brazil

Log in to Espresso home learning:

Username: student31363

Password: Newtown


Click on the link below which will take you to the geography map page.

Click on visit Brazil

Watch the two videos

Click on the link info – What is Brazil llike?

Make notes using bullet points as you read/watch the info.


Create a fact file or a poster to show some key things that you have learnt about Brazil. Think about the following questions:

Where in the world is it?

Which countries are close to it?

What is the weather like?

What is the wildlife like?


  • Make notes as you watch the video
  • Use the key questions to structure your poster/ fact file

Home Learning - 9th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Tuesday 9th June 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Parents feel free to join in J

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


How to infer and retrieve information.

It’s story time

o Listen to/watch the reading of Diary of a Wombat by Jackie French and Bruce Whatley (see link at bottom)

Look again at Text Types. What sort of writing is Diary of a Wombat?

o Agree that Diary of a Wombat is fiction, a story and a diary.

  • Think carefully about the questions. What are you being asked to do?


Write sentences about how the Wombat is feeling.

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (hunted, hopped, flashed) Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up half-way and monkey letter hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Tuesday English below. Then follow step 2 and 3.



  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books. 


Bitesize your past tense words  

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


Ran, forgot, jumped, shouted, wanted, hid, drove, gave, fastened, listened


Rainbow write your spelling word using a different colour pencil.

Write each word by splitting the root word from the suffix like this:

Jump     ed

Note: Some of the words are too short and you won’t need to do this.


  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Make equal groups

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 6, lesson 2- Making equal groups


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.
  • Count the objects in each row then multiply by how many rows there are


Basic maths facts

Divide by 2

Click on the basic maths link below

Click on ÷ 2 yellow box

Answer the questions by counting up in 2s.

How many 2s are there in 8?

2, 4, 6, 8 – so there are 4 groups of 2 in 8.

Repeat for other questions.


  • It is useful to have pencil and paper to hand to help you
  • If you want to challenge yourself try the ÷10 and ÷ 5 or even ÷3

Topic work

Science: light


How can we see objects?


Click on the topic lesson link below

Recap last Tuesday’s lesson.

Have a go at the introductory quiz to see what you already know (it doesn’t matter if you get these wrong.)

Write down key words and draw pictures to help you as you go through the lesson.

  • Have a piece of paper, pencil and pen ready before you start.
  • Remember you can pause the video or rewind as much as you need.

Home Learning - 8th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Monday 8th June 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Parents feel free to join in J

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Understand a text about Wombats

Open your Monday English pack

Reading time

Look at the pictures on Wombats and carefully read the text about these intriguing Australasian animals.

o What was the most interesting thing you learned about wombats?

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word





Understand different types of writing

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (jumped, shouted, whistled). Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up half way and monkey letter hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Monday English. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.



  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.


  • Check your capital letters and full stops.


  • Use the planner to think through your ides carefully


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  


Practise the past tense



Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


Ran, forgot, jumped, shouted, wanted, hid, drove, gave, fastened, listened



Rainbow write your spelling word using a different colour pencil.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


Can you think of the present tense version of each of your spellings?


The 10 times table  

Follow the maths link below to the White Rose website. Each day your child will complete lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.


Today you will need to click on Summer term, Week 6, Lesson 1- The 10 times table


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Parents: If your child would like to mark their work then the answers are also included here.




Basic maths facts

Use coins to pay for an amount

Click on the link below.

Click on mixed coins

Click on exact money up to 20p

Then have a go at give change up to 20p.

Practise choosing which coins totals that amount.

  • You can have a go at the larger amounts if you find this easy.

Topic work

Learn about textures around your home

Click on the topic link below

Watch the video and recap the art lesson last Monday.

Think about adjectives to describe the textures all around you:

Squishy, hard, rough, smooth, bumpy, feathery, firm or slippery.

Complete the texture rubbings activity and send me a picture of your learning.




  • You will need a piece of paper, pencil and a black pen
  • You will need to fold your paper into 8 parts. Ask an adult to help you will this. Fold it in half, then quarters then half again.

Home Learning - 5th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Friday 5th June 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Parents feel free to join in J

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Infer meaning from a poem

Read the poem from your pack called The Alien

  • Why do you think the alien laughs and laughs when he sees the person in the poem?
  • Could it be because the person looks really funny to the alien?
  • Are there any words that you do not know?

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk
  • Read the word



Know what a simile is and use them in your writing

Handwriting- Practise these words in your best handwriting in your orange workbook (alien, spacecraft, laugh). Make sure that your giraffe letters reach the top of the line, tortoise letters come up half way and monkey letter hang below the line.


Click on the file attached, labelled- Friday reading and writing below. Then follow each step to complete your writing task for today.


Parents: If you are unable to print the sheets then your child can write/draw their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the date above today’s work in their books.  

  • Re-read your work to check that they make sense.
  • Check your capital letters and full stops.
  • You can create your own monster/alien if you prefer rather than using the ones in the pack.



Test yourself on your spellings

Practise these spellings in your orange workbook-


Laughing, following, hugging, jogging, brushing, wanting, picking, talking, bellowing, shouting


Get a family member to test you on your spellings this week J (You can email me your scores to let me know how you got on).

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it



Multiplication and division word problems

Using the PDF attachment below labelled- Friday Maths


  • Read the question at least 3 times
  • Is it asking me to multiply (the answer will be bigger) or divide (the answer will be smaller)?
  • Can you write a word problem of your own that uses division or multiplication?


If you are unable to print the sheet then your child can write their answers in their orange homework books. Please encourage your child to write the short date above today’s work in their books.

  • Write out the question as numbers.
  • Highlight key words in the questions
  • Identify whether or not it is multiplication or division first.

Basic maths facts

To learn your 4 times tables.

Practise your 4 times tables using hit the button online (link below).

How many can you get right in 1 minute?

  • Don’t forget to add 4 each time.
  • Perhaps write your times tables down on a piece of paper to help you to begin with J

Topic work

Learn about Pop Art

Click on the Tate Modern website below.

  • Do you know where the Tate Modern is?
  • Read through ‘Make pop art like Andy Warhol’
  • Those of you who created a trainer will already know about this artist.
  • Choose from these two activities:
  1. Design your own soup can in the style of Warhol or another food item (could be a packet of crisps or a Pringles tube)
  2. Create a portrait of yourself in pop art style. Use black outlines and primary colours to create this.


  • Pop artists used black, bold outlines and primary colours a lot in their work.
  • They used dots and repeated patterns also.

Home Learning - 4th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Maple Class


Thursday 4th June 2020




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:

Keeping physically active

To keep physically active.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Parents feel free to join in J

(The link can be found below)

  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.


Find prepositional phrases in a poem.

Prior to this, recap prepositional phrases and noun phrase by opening the Power point ‘noun phrases 2’


Poem reading

Read and enjoy the monster poem, The Glamdrack from your writing and reading pack today.

  • Highlight the prepositional phrases in the poem. There are 9 to find.
  • Check on the Answers copy of the poem. How many did you get?
  • Highlight any remaining prepositions that you didn’t find first time.

Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:

  • Special friends
  • Fred talk