Hello and welcome to Chestnut Class! I am Miss James, and I will be your new teacher this year. We will also have the wonderful Mrs Clark who is our teaching assistant and will be there to support our learning. We are both really looking forward to welcoming you into our new classroom where we will do some fantastic learning together. We have a very busy term ahead of us and we hope that you are as excited as we are to get started!
There are some things that we need to remember this year:
In Chestnut class some of the children took part in a home learning project where they were asked to research and create a Stone Age settlement. We were blown away with the effort that the children had put into these amazing settlements.
In history this term the children in Chestnut class have been learning all about the Stone Age. One of our fantastic facts was all about pictographs. During the Stone Ages they used to draw on the walls of the caves, these pictures told us stories about their lives. The children had a go at creating some of their own pictographs, we think they look amazing!
In Chestnut class this term we celebrated and remembered all of those who were lost in the war. We looked at all of the different poppies and we created some of our own beautiful poppy artwork.
This term the children have been working hard in DT. We have been learning about mechanisms and how they work. The children researched mechanisms and learnt all about them in preparation for using them in their final creations. The children designed, made, and evaluated their own robot which used a pulley and pivot mechanism. We were very impressed with their final pieces!
In science this term we have been learning about plants. We set up an investigation to find out what would happen to the plants if they did not receive everything that they needed. Here are some of the children writing up their results.
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