Welcome to Chestnut Class.
We are a year 3 class, Mrs Kempton is our teacher and Mrs Clarke is our TA.
In Chestnut class we are proud to try our best in everything we do, we love to celebrate great learning and we enjoy new challenges.
We are all working hard to develop our team work skills to allow us to communicate well with others, share our thinking and develop our learning skills.
We love reading! We have shared some really super class books, including; Camille and the sunflowers, Stig of the dump, Atticus Claw and Cool! Our class bookshelf is full of new and exciting texts for us to enjoy. Children are encouraged and rewarded for reading at home, with everyone aiming to reach the reading ‘100 club’ with stickers, certificates and prizes on the way.
Take a look at some of our learning so far this year....
Chestnut class enjoyed their training session with the visiting Bath Rugby coach. The children were very active for the whole session, enjoying games involving team work, running, throwing, catching and timing. After they all enjoyed a drink of water to re-hydrate and time to relax with soothing music and a calm sports inspired mindfulness colouring afterwards too.
Chestnut class have been very busy with their learning through this term with our topic, "It's our world, let's look after it!" We have found out about the materials we can, and should, recycle to reduce the waste building up in our world. We each presented our own research about the recycling processes for materials such as glass, paper and aluminium. Our class reading book, 'One plastic bag' reminded us of the importance of reusing things instead of just throwing things away. This linked to our D&T project which gave us an opportunity to reuse some recycled rubbish to make our own recycled animal model - they looked amazing! We used so many skills, including; thinking, planning, discussing, listening, sharing, cutting, sticking, constructing, team work and evaluation! We were also lucky that some of our grown ups came in to help too! Take a look at some of our creations....
It has been a busy start to the Spring term in Chestnut class with our new topic focus, "Every picture tells a story". We have enjoyed the story of 'Camille and the sunflowers', which then inspired our own narrative writing with Camille in the setting of the old sunflower field. The story has lead us to find out more about the famous artist Vincent van Gogh. We now know he was named after his grandfather and he was a teacher and an art dealer before deciding he would be an artist! We have looked carefully at his 'Sunflowers' painting and Mrs Kempton then challenged us to 'team up' with van Gogh to finish the master piece! Take a look at us at work with our our careful sketching and colour matching...
The whole year group enjoyed an exciting visit to this historic site on Tuesday. Although it was chilly, they produced some fantastic observational sketches and were amazed at the ‘real skeletons’ and primitive tools on display. They enjoyed trying out the Stone Age beds in the Roundhouses and tried their best to move a Bluestone but realised they would need another 95 people! We will be putting up class displays of the trip next week – do pop in and have a look after school.
Mrs Allen, Miss Amey
In Chestnut Class we have been thinking about our topic ‘Who am I,’ ‘Where do we live’ and ‘What do we believe?’ We have produced some fantastic Self-Portraits and sketches of the school, learning how to word-process our names, changing the size and font of the letters.
We have now moved on to writing leaflets, persuading people to visit our school or a country within the United Kingdom. We have enjoyed doing our research for the leaflets on ipads and in the ICT suite.
In Class Assemblies we have enjoyed finding out about the role of the Royal Family and have enjoyed some Role-play! We have also learned about the Invictus Games and discussed how we can stay positive in difficult times. In art we have practiced our drawing and observation skills.
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