Newtown Community Primary School
'Newtown Primary School is a Community Primary School and we take the "Community" aspect of our title very seriously. Our children, their families and extended families are at the heart of everything we do.'

Beech Class (Year 4/5)

Mr Utton can be reached at:

Beech Class Blog

Hi Beech Class

We are very lucky to now have a blog up and running where we can communicate easily. Usernames and passwords will be sent out soon.

To find this blog and access it you need to go to the school website.

  1. Click on children
  2. Click on home learning
  3. Scroll down and click on class blog
  4. Log in using your details
  5. Click on the title of the blog 
  6. Scroll down and add your comment


Each week I will put up a different discussion point for you to contribute to. All  posts will have to be approved by me before they are published so it is totally safe and secure for you to use. 

Planet Guide

Thank you to everyone who sent me a planet guide. Open the file below to have a look at the exciting planets your friends have discovered in The Newtown Guide to the Universe!

Home Learning - 21st July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Tuesday 21st July

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To answer questions about a text.



Use the files from yesterday. Read chapter 2 of the story.



  1. Use the file ‘Year 45 Reading Questions Monday 20.07.20’ and answer the questions about chapter 2 on pages 5 and 6.
  2. Use the file ‘Year 45 Reading Discussion Monday 20.07.20’. Use the prompt for chapter 2 to start a discussion with your family.


Note: you will need these files for tomorrow as well.

  • Use a dictionary or Collins Online Dictionary (link 1) to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Keep looking back in the text for the answer to each question.


The rest of the eBook is included (in 2 parts) so that you can read the rest of the story over the summer if you want to. The other files contain questions and discussion prompts for the remaining chapters that you can use with whoever you read to.


To write about your memories of the year.

It’s the last day of the year!


Use the file ‘Year 45 Writing Tuesday 21.07.20’ below to record your best memories from this year.


Consider sharing your memories on the blog so that all your friends can join you in remembering all the best parts of the school year!

You might want to include:

  • Trips
  • Visitors
  • Topics
  • Personal successes and achievements


You could also add what you are most looking forward to or hoping for next year!


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Average, awkward, bargain, bruise, category


Complete the bitesize activity – splitting up the words into sections (don’t worry about colouring – just put a dash between parts,       

e.g. ap – pre - ci - ate) (Tuesday’s usual task).

  • Listen for sounds and syllables to help split them up in the best way possible.
  • Are there any common spelling patterns between these words?
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.

Maths – CU & AH groups

To complete symmetric figures.

Use link 2 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 12, lesson 2: Complete a symmetric figure. Watch the video, then use what you have learned to complete the worksheet in the file ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Tuesday 21.07.20’ below.

  • Count the squares to help you put shapes and lines in the right place.
  • Remember that one side is the mirror (opposite) of the other; it is not just the same thing moved over.

Maths - NB group

To use imperial units.

Use link 3 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 12, lesson 2: Imperial units. Watch the video, then use what you have learned to complete the worksheet in the file ‘Year 45 NB Maths Tuesday 21.07.20’ below.

  • Read the questions and units carefully to make sure you are converting between the right units.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check (links 4 and 5) to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About Roman soldiers.

Use the file ‘Year 45 Topic Tuesday 21.07.20’ to learn about Roman soldiers and their armour.


Use the description to label the Roman soldier and colour in the armour the correct colours, then design your own Roman shield.


The file ‘Year 45 Topic Extension Tuesday 21.07.20’ is a project that you could do over the summer if you want to, involving making your own Roman armour.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the text carefully to make sure you colour the right parts in the right colours.
  • Use a Google image search to give you ideas for what things might feature on a Roman shield.
  • If you would like to do the Roman armour project but do not have enough materials to make full-size armour for yourself, perhaps you could make some armour for a teddy or other toy!

Keeping Physically Active


Youth Sport Trust have put together some activities you can do at home on your own or with other members of your household. Follow link 6 below to see them and pick whichever you want to do.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Home Learning - 20th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Monday 20th July

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To answer questions about a text.



Use the file ‘Year 45 Roman Rescue eBook Monday 20.07.20’ below. Read chapter 1 of the story.



  1. Use the file ‘Year 45 Reading Questions Monday 20.07.20’ and answer the questions about chapter 1 on pages 3 and 4.
  2. Use the file ‘Year 45 Reading Discussion Monday 20.07.20’. Use the prompt for chapter 1 to start a discussion with your family.


Note: you will need these files for tomorrow as well.

  • Use a dictionary or Collins Online Dictionary (link 1) to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Keep looking back in the text for the answer to each question.


To write a setting description.

In ‘Roman Rescue’, the Hackers have just moved into a new house with a mysterious attic. Imagine you’ve just moved into a new house and are trying to get into the attic. You manage to get the door open and you find…


Describe what you find in the attic. Is it disappointing? Exciting? Scary? Think about using different senses and talk about how the things you find make you feel.


I’d love to read what you’ve written! Please send it to the class e-mail or share it on the blog.

Include as many of these features as you can:

  • Fronted adverbials (followed by a comma)
  • Conjunctions
  • Expanded noun phrases
  • Possessive apostrophes
  • Pronouns to avoid repetition
  • Paragraphs

Additional for year 5:

  • Parenthesis (brackets, dashes, commas)
  • Relative clauses
  • Linking ideas between paragraphs
  • Modal verbs
  • Adverbs of possibility


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Average, awkward, bargain, bruise, category


Look up the meanings of these words using a dictionary or Collins Dictionary Online (link 1).


Write out the definitions (Monday’s usual task).

  • Try to rephrase the definition to make sense of it for yourself.
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.

Maths – CU & AH groups

To identify lines of symmetry.

Use link 2 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 12, lesson 1:  Lines of symmetry. Watch the video, then use what you have learned to complete the worksheet in the file ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Monday 20.07 20’ below.

  • A line of symmetry is a line which you could fold a shape along and have both sides match up exactly.
  • One side of a line of symmetry is a mirror image of the other.
  • Lines of symmetry may go in any direction – they do not have to be vertical.

Maths - NB group

To use metric units.

Use link 3 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 12, lesson 1: Metric units. Watch the video, then use what you have learned to complete the worksheet in the file ‘Year 45 NB Maths Monday 20.07 20’ below.


  • There are 10 mm in 1 cm
  • There are 100 cm in 1 m

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check (links 4 and 5) to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About Roman gods and goddesses.

Use the file ‘Year 45 Topic Monday 20.07.20’ to read a little bit about the Roman god Mars and to make your own fact sheet about other Roman deities.


Links 6 and 7 are good places to start with your research.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Do any of the names sound familiar? What do they remind you of?
  • Do we still use these names for anything today?

Keeping Physically Active


Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.  You can access his sessions using link 8 below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Home Learning - 17th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Friday 17th July

Good morning! 😊

Please remember to send in your planet guides from last Tuesday (7th) so I can put them all together! Thank you to everyone who has sent one already.


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To identify the key events in an extract.


To consider which character is responsible for an event.

Follow link 2 below to go to BBC Bitesize to view a page about mountains.


Read the article, watch the videos, then have a go at activities 1 and 2.

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.
  • You can use Collins Dictionary Online to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Read the questions carefully and include as much detail in your answers as you can.


To write a diary entry from a character’s point of view.

Once you have finished the reading activities, complete activity 3 at the bottom of the webpage: write a diary entry from Puck’s point of view.


I’d love to read what you’ve written! You could share it on the blog or send it to me on the class email.

Include as many of these features as you can:

  • Fronted adverbials (followed by a comma)
  • Conjunctions
  • Expanded noun phrases
  • Possessive apostrophes
  • Pronouns to avoid repetition
  • Paragraphs (within sections)
  • Correctly punctuated speech

Additional for year 5:

  • Parenthesis (brackets, dashes, commas)
  • Relative clauses
  • Linking ideas between paragraphs
  • Modal verbs
  • Adverbs of possibility


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Ancient, apparent, appreciate, attached, available


Write a paragraph including all of your spellings.

  • Think about the definitions to make sure you are using the word correctly.
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.
  • Can you include different SPaG features?

Maths – CU & AH groups

To solve problems.

Use link 3 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 11, Friday maths challenge.  Have a go at questions 1-5. If you want an extra challenge, try the rest of the questions too!


  • Read each question carefully – what is it asking you to do?
  • Think carefully about what information you have been given and how you might use it to work out the answer.
  • Use jottings to help you organise your thoughts.

Maths - NB group

To solve problems.

Use link 4 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 11, Friday maths challenge.  Have a go at questions 1-5. If you want an extra challenge, try the rest of the questions too!


  • Read each question carefully – what is it asking you to do?
  • Think carefully about what information you have been given and how you might use it to work out the answer.
  • Use jottings to help you organise your thoughts.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check (links 5 and 6) to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About computer games.

Follow link 7 below to go to BBC Bitesize to view a page about computer games.


Read the article, watch the videos, then have a go at the activities.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.

Keeping Physically Active


Youth Sport Trust have put together some activities you can do at home on your own or with other members of your household. Follow link 8 below to see them and pick whichever you want to do.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

1. Collins Dictionary Online:


2. BBC Bitesize Book Club: A Midsummer Night's Dream Retold by Marcia Williams:


3. Maths – CU & AH groups:


4. Maths – NB group:


5. Hit the Button:


6. Multiplication Tables Check:


7. BBC Bitesize: What Makes a Good Computer Game?   


8. Youth Sport Trust Home Learning:

Home Learning - 16th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Thursday 16th July

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To design a book cover.



Choose a book or story that you have enjoyed and that you know quite well (it might be one you read recently, or a favourite one you have read many times).


Design a new front cover for the book. Make sure you include the book’s title and author.


I’d love to see your finished book cover! You could send it to the class e-mail, or share it on the blog for your friends to see.

  • Think about the most important places, characters, objects and events in the story. These are things you might want to include on the cover.
  • Think about the type of story it is. The front cover of a scary mystery story might include lots of dark colours and shadows, whereas the front cover of a happy animal story might have lots of bright colours and sunlight.
  • Use descriptions from the story to help you draw the characters and settings.


To write a scary story.

Use link 2 below to go to a page about wolves.  Read the information paragraph at the top of the page and then watch the clip underneath.


Complete the ‘Literacy Idea’ on the right hand side.


If you wish, you can have a go at the ‘Wider Curriculum Idea’ as well!


I’d love to read your scary story! You could send it to the class e-mail or share it on the blog.

Include as many of these features as you can:

  • Fronted adverbials (followed by a comma)
  • Conjunctions
  • Expanded noun phrases
  • Possessive apostrophes
  • Pronouns to avoid repetition
  • Paragraphs
  • Correctly punctuated speech

Additional for year 5:

  • Parenthesis (brackets, dashes, commas)
  • Relative clauses
  • Linking ideas between paragraphs
  • Modal verbs
  • Adverbs of possibility


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Ancient, apparent, appreciate, attached, available


Write a sentence with each of your spelling words (Thursday’s usual task).

  • Think about the definitions to make sure you are using the word correctly.
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.
  • Can you include different SPaG features?

Maths – CU & AH groups

About quadrilaterals.

Use link 3 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 11, lesson 4: Line graphs. Watch the video, then use what you have learned to complete the activity in ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Thursday 16.07.20’.

  • A polygon is a closed shape with straight edges and angles. There are no curves in a polygon.
  • Lines with a dash through them are all the same length.
  • Pairs of lines with an arrow on them are parallel.

Maths - NB group

About translation.

Use link 4 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 11, lesson 4:  Calculating angles around a point. Watch the video, then use what you have learned to complete the activity in ‘Year 45 NB Maths Thursday 16.07.20’.

  • Carefully count the squares to make sure your translations are accurate.
  • It might help you to mark the translation of each corner on the shape and then join them together to make sure your translation is correct.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check (links 5 and 6) to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About mountains.

Follow link 6 below to go to BBC Bitesize to view a page about mountains.


Read the article, watch the videos, then have a go at the activities.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.

Keeping Physically Active


Youth Sport Trust have put together some activities you can do at home on your own or with other members of your household. Follow link 8 below to see them and pick whichever you want to do.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Home Learning - 15th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Wednesday 15th July

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To learn part of a poem off by heart.



Follow link 2 below to go to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about learning a poem off by heart.


Read the article, watch Spike Milligan perform his nonsense poem ‘Ning Nang Nong’, and have a go at the activities.


Perhaps afterwards, you could have a go at writing your own nonsense poem!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.
  • Think about how you can make the poem sound exciting and funny.


To punctuate direct speech.

Use the file ‘Year 45 Writing Wednesday 15.07.20’ below.


Complete the three questions about correctly punctuating speech.


  • Start speech with a capital letter.
  • Speech marks go around the spoken words.
  • The reporting clause tells who spoke and how.
  • The reporting clause is separated from the speech by a comma (unless the speech comes first and ends in an exclamation or question mark).
  • The punctuation at the end of the speech goes inside the speech marks.


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Ancient, apparent, appreciate, attached, available


Complete the word tree activity – words with similar spelling patterns as your spelling word (Wednesday’s usual task).

  • Listen for sounds and syllables to help split them up in the best way possible.
  • Are there any common spelling patterns between these words?
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.

Maths – CU & AH groups

About triangles.

Use link 3 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 11, lesson 3: Triangles. Watch the video, then use what you have learned to complete the activity in ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Wednesday 15.07.20’.

  • A polygon is a closed shape with straight edges and angles. There are no curves in a polygon.
  • The types of triangles are iscoceles, scalene and equilateral.
  • Some iscoceles and scalene triangles have a right angle and are called right-angle triangles.

Maths - NB group

About reflections

Use link 4 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 11, lesson 3:  Reflections. Watch the video, then use what you have learned to complete the activity in ‘Year 45 NB Maths Wednesday 15.07.20’.

  • If you have a mirror at home, you might be able to use it to help you.
  • Carefully count the squares to make sure your reflections are accurate.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check (links 5 and 6) to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About duration and tempo in music.

Follow link 7 below to go to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about duration, tempo and Beethoven!


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


Can you come up with your own rhythm or song to share with your family?


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.

Keeping Physically Active


Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions using link 7 below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

1. Collins Dictionary Online:


2. BBC Bitesize: Learning a poem off by heart:


3. Maths – CU & AH groups:


4. Maths – NB group:


5. Hit the Button:


6. Multiplication Tables Check:


7. Duration, Tempo and Beethoven:


8. PE With Joe:


Home Learning - 14th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Tuesday 14th July

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To identify the purpose of a writer’s choices in a text.


Use the file ‘Year 45 Reading Tuesday 14.07.20’ below.


Read the text ‘Plastic Pollution: A Plea’ carefully and answer the questions.


Check your answers. Could you improve any? If you’ve made a mistake, can you see what went wrong?

  • Read the text twice to make sure you understand.
  • You can use Collins Dictionary Online (link 1) to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Include as much detail as you can in your answers.


To describe sights and sounds.

Use the file ‘Year 45 Writing Tuesday 14.07.20’ below.


Look at the image. Imagine you are there. Write at least three sentences describing what you can see and three sentences describing what you can hear.


For a challenge, add a few sentences describing things you can smell and feel as well.


I’d love to read what you’ve written! Please send it to the class e-mail or share it on the blog.

Include as many of these features as you can:

  • Fronted adverbials (followed by a comma)
  • Conjunctions
  • Expanded noun phrases
  • Possessive apostrophes
  • Pronouns to avoid repetition
  • Paragraphs

Additional for year 5:

  • Parenthesis (brackets, dashes, commas)
  • Relative clauses
  • Linking ideas between paragraphs
  • Modal verbs
  • Adverbs of possibility


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Ancient, apparent, appreciate, attached, available


Complete the bitesize activity – splitting up the words into sections (don’t worry about colouring – just put a dash between parts,       

e.g. ap – pre - ci - ate) (Tuesday’s usual task).

  • Listen for sounds and syllables to help split them up in the best way possible.
  • Are there any common spelling patterns between these words?
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.

Maths – CU & AH groups

To compare and order angles.

Use link 2 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 11, lesson 2: Compare and order angles. Watch the video, then use what you have learned to complete the worksheet in the file ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Tuesday 14.07.20’ below.

  • An acute angle is smaller than a right angle and is less than 90 degress.
  • An obtuse angle is bigger than a right angle and is between 90 and 180 degrees.
  • A right angle is 90 degrees.
  • ‘In ascending order’ means from smallest to biggest.

Maths - NB group

To reason about 3D shapes.

Use link 3 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 11, lesson 2: Reasoning about 3D shapes. Watch the video, then use what you have learned to complete the worksheet in the file ‘Year 45 NB Maths Tuesday 14.07.20’ below.

  • A net is what a 3D shape would look like if it was ‘unfolded’.
  • The number of parts that make up a net will be the same as the number of faces the 3D shapes has.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check (links 4 and 5) to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About adaptation.

Follow link 6 below to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about adaptation.


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.

Keeping Physically Active


Youth Sport Trust have put together some activities you can do at home on your own or with other members of your household. Follow link 7 below to see them and pick whichever you want to do.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Home Learning - 13th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Monday 13th July

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To answer questions about a text.



Use the file ‘Year 45 Reading Monday 13.07.20’ below.


Read the text ‘Incredible Invertebrates!’ carefully then answer the questions.

  • Use a dictionary or Collins Online Dictionary (link 1) to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Keep looking back in the text for the answer to each question.


To write an advertsement.

Use link 2 below to view a page about black  bears. Read the information paragraph at the top of the page and then watch the clip underneath.


Complete the ‘Literacy Idea’ on the right hand side.


If you wish, you can have a go at the ‘Wider Curriculum Idea’ as well!

Include as many of these features as you can:

  • Fronted adverbials (followed by a comma)
  • Conjunctions
  • Expanded noun phrases
  • Possessive apostrophes
  • Pronouns to avoid repetition
  • Paragraphs

Additional for year 5:

  • Parenthesis (brackets, dashes, commas)
  • Relative clauses
  • Linking ideas between paragraphs
  • Modal verbs
  • Adverbs of possibility


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Ancient, apparent, appreciate, attached, available


Look up the meanings of these words using a dictionary or Collins Dictionary Online (link 1).


Write out the definitions (Monday’s usual task).

  • Try to rephrase the definition to make sense of it for yourself.
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.

Maths – CU & AH groups

To identify angles.

Use link 3 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 11, lesson 1: Identify angles. Watch the video, then use what you have learned to complete the worksheet in the file ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Monday 13.07 20’ below.

  • An acute angle is smaller than a right angle and is less than 90 degress.
  • An obtuse angle is bigger than a right angle and is between 90 and 180 degrees.
  • A right angle is 90 degrees.

Maths - NB group

To identify regular and irregular polygons.

Use link 4 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 11, lesson 1: Measure with a protractor. Watch the video, then use what you have learned to complete the worksheet in the file ‘Year 45 NB Maths Monday 13.07 20’ below.


If you do not have a ruler, you can use a piece of paper and mark on the lengths of the sides for question 1. You only need to compare the side lengths, not to know the exact length in cm/mm.

  • Pay attention to side lengths and angles when looking at shapes.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check (links 5 and 6) to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About vertebrates and invertebrates.

Follow link 7 below to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about vertebrates and invertebrates.


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.

Keeping Physically Active


Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.  You can access his sessions using link 8 below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Home Learning - 10th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Friday 10th July

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To find your perfect space job!

Use the file ‘Year 45 Reading Friday 10.07.20’.


Answer the questions and make a note of whether you answer A, B, C, D or E for each one.


Count up how many of each answer you gave. Whichever one you gave most will tell you your perfect space job!

  • You can use Collins Dictionary Online to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Read the questions carefully.
  • Share your perfect space job on the blog post!


To write a report.

Use the notes you made about night and day yesterday to write an informative report about night and day.


Use the different questions to help you split the report into sections. You can use the questions as the subheadings or come up with your own subheading for each section.


You might want to add pictures to your report.


I’d love to read what you’ve written! You could share it on the blog or send it to me on the class email.

Include as many of these features as you can:

  • Title
  • Subheadings
  • Fronted adverbials (followed by a comma)
  • Conjunctions
  • Expanded noun phrases
  • Possessive apostrophes
  • Pronouns to avoid repetition
  • Paragraphs (within sections)

Additional for year 5:

  • Parenthesis (brackets, dashes, commas)
  • Relative clauses
  • Linking ideas between paragraphs
  • Modal verbs
  • Adverbs of possibility


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Accompany, according, achieve, aggressive, amateur


Write a paragraph including all of your spellings.

  • Think about the definitions to make sure you are using the word correctly.
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.
  • Can you include different SPaG features?

Maths – CU & AH groups

To solve problems.

Use link 2 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 10, Friday maths challenge.  Have a go at questions 1-5. If you want an extra challenge, try the rest of the questions too!


  • Read each question carefully – what is it asking you to do?
  • Think carefully about what information you have been given and how you might use it to work out the answer.
  • Use jottings to help you organise your thoughts.

Maths - NB group

To solve problems.

Use link 3 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 10, Friday maths challenge.  Have a go at questions 1-5. If you want an extra challenge, try the rest of the questions too!


  • Read each question carefully – what is it asking you to do?
  • Think carefully about what information you have been given and how you might use it to work out the answer.
  • Use jottings to help you organise your thoughts.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check (links 4 and 5) to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About how rockets work.

Follow link 6 below to go to BBC Bitesize to find out how reactions can be used to power rockets.


Read the article and watch the videos. Then, design your own rocket to take astronauts to space. Label each part and what it’s for.


You could draw your rocket, or make a model.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.
  • When designing your rocket, think about what you’ve learned about forces. How will the rocket’s shape help it to go quickly? What other things could you look at for inspiration?

Keeping Physically Active


Youth Sport Trust have put together some activities you can do at home on your own or with other members of your household. Follow link 8 below to see them and pick whichever you want to do.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

1. Collins Dictionary Online:


2. Maths – CU & AH groups:


3. Maths – NB group:


4. Hit the Button:


5. Multiplication Tables Check:


6. How do reactions power rockets?  


7. Youth Sport Trust Home Learning:

Home Learning - 9th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Thursday 9th July

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To answer questions about a text.



Use the file ‘Year 45 Reading Tuesday 07.07.20’ below.


Read the text ‘Apollo 13’ carefully and answer the questions.


Check your answers. Could you improve any? If you’ve made a mistake, can you see what went wrong?

  • Read the text twice to make sure you understand.
  • You can use Collins Dictionary Online (link 1) to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Include as much detail as you can in your answers.


To research night and day.

Use the internet and/or books to research the answers to these questions. Make notes of what you find out.


  1. Why do we have night and day?
  2. Where in the world experiences a 6-month day and a 6-month night? Why is this?
  3. Why do humans need sleep?
  4. Why are some animals nocturnal?


Keep your notes somewhere safe – you will need them tomorrow!

  • If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.
  • You might find today’s topic lesson helpful!


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Accompany, according, achieve, aggressive, amateur


Write a sentence with each of your spelling words (Thursday’s usual task).

  • Think about the definitions to make sure you are using the word correctly.
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.
  • Can you include different SPaG features?

Maths – CU & AH groups

To use line graphs.

Use link 2 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 10, lesson 4: Line graphs. Watch the video, then use what you have learned to complete the activity in ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Thursday 09.07.20’.

  • Look carefully at the scales – don’t assume that each line always represents 1!
  • Use a ruler if you have one to help you draw the lines accurately.
  • You might find it helpful to label each point with the amount it represents.

Maths - NB group

To calculate angles around a point.

Use link 3 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 10, lesson 4:  Calculating angles around a point. Watch the video, then use what you have learned to complete the activity in ‘Year 45 NB Maths Thursday 09.07.20’.

  • You do not need a protractor for today’s worksheet.
  • Angles around a point/in a circle always add together to make 360Ëš.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check (links 4 and 5) to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About night and day.

Follow link 6 below to go to BBC Bitesize to view a list of short videos about the Earth. Watch the first 4 videos on this list:


  1. Day and night
  2. Day and night in the world’s most northerly city
  3. Earth’s orbit of the sun
  4. How do we get day and night?


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • These videos will help you to answer some of the questions from today’s writing task.

Keeping Physically Active


Youth Sport Trust have put together some activities you can do at home on your own or with other members of your household. Follow link 7 below to see them and pick whichever you want to do.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.







Home Learning - 8th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Wednesday 8th July

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To create a poster in response to a text.



Use the file ‘Year 45 Reading 09.06.20’ below.


Read the extract from ‘The Awesome Book of Space’.


Which fact surprised you the most? Which fact do you think is most interesting?


Choose one fact and make a display poster about it.

  • You can use Collins Dictionary Online to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Remember to use large, clear text and bright, exciting pictures.
  • Can you add more information in your own words?


To design a planet.

Today you are going to design your own planet and write a short fact file about it for a page in a ‘Guidebook to the Universe’!


Make sure you include these details about your planet:

  • What is it called?
  • What does it look like?
  • Who/what lives there?
  • What do they look like?
  • How do they travel?


You might also want to include a picture of your planet and its inhabitants (the creatures that live there)!


I’d like to put all your fact files together to make a Newtown Guidebook to the Universe! Please send a photograph of your page or a typed document to the class e-mail.

  • ‘Year 45 Writing Wednesday 08.07.20’ includes some examples of made-up planets from a book called Harriet vs the Galaxy to give you some ideas. Try to include more detail in your descriptions.


Include as many of these features as you can:

  • Fronted adverbials (followed by a comma)
  • Conjunctions
  • Expanded noun phrases
  • Possessive apostrophes
  • Pronouns to avoid repetition
  • Paragraphs

Additional for year 5:

  • Parenthesis (brackets, dashes, commas)
  • Relative clauses
  • Linking ideas between paragraphs
  • Modal verbs
  • Adverbs of possibility


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Accompany, according, achieve, aggressive, amateur


Complete the word tree activity – words with similar spelling patterns as your spelling word (Wednesday’s usual task).

  • Listen for sounds and syllables to help split them up in the best way possible.
  • Are there any common spelling patterns between these words?
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.

Maths – CU & AH groups

To use line graphs.

Use link 2 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 10, lesson 3: Introducing line graphs. Watch the video, then use what you have learned to complete the activity in ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Wednesday 08.07.20’.

  • Look carefully at the scales – don’t assume that each line always represents 1!
  • Use a ruler if you have one to help you draw the lines accurately.
  • You might find it helpful to label each point with the amount it represents.

Maths - NB group

To calculate angles on a straight line.

Use link 3 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 10, lesson 3:  Calculating angles on a straight line. Watch the video, then use what you have learned to complete the activity in ‘Year 45 NB Maths Wednesday 08.07.20’.

  • You do not need a protractor for today’s worksheet.
  • Angles on a straight line always add together to make 180Ëš.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check (links 4 and 5) to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About weather and climate.

Follow link 6 below to go to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about weather and climate.


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.

Keeping Physically Active


Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions using link 7 below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

1. Collins Dictionary Online:


2. Maths – CU & AH groups:


3. Maths – NB group:


4. Hit the Button:


5. Multiplication Tables Check:


6. Weather and Climate:


7. PE With Joe:

Home Learning - 7th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Tuesday 7th July

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To answer questions about a text.



Use the file ‘Year 45 Reading Tuesday 07.07.20’ below.


Read the text ‘Mars: The Red Planet’ carefully and answer the questions.


Check your answers. Could you improve any? If you’ve made a mistake, can you see what went wrong?

  • Read the text twice to make sure you understand.
  • You can use Collins Dictionary Online (link 1) to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Include as much detail as you can in your answers.


To write a persuasive presentation.

Use the file ‘Year 45 Writing Tuesday 07.07.20’ below.


Look through the list of items and think about which ones are things we ‘want’ and which ones are things we ‘need’.


Choose one of the things you think is something we ‘need’ and write a presentation to persuade someone else that it is important and that it is something that should be taken on a mission to space.

  • You can discuss your thinking with your family or your friends if you are in contact with them.
  • Use the ‘Notes’ column to record the reasons for your choice.
  • I’d love to read what you’ve written! Please send it to the class e-mail or share it on the blog.


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Accompany, according, achieve, aggressive, amateur


Complete the bitesize activity – splitting up the words into sections (don’t worry about colouring – just put a dash between parts,       

e.g. ap – pre - ci - ate) (Tuesday’s usual task).

  • Listen for sounds and syllables to help split them up in the best way possible.
  • Are there any common spelling patterns between these words?
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.

Maths – CU & AH groups

To make comparisons using charts.

Use link 2 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 10, lesson 2: Comparison sum and difference. Watch the video, then use what you have learned to complete the worksheet in the file ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Tuesday 07.07 20’ below.

  • Look carefully at the scales/keys – don’t assume that each icon/line always represents 1!

Maths - NB group

To accurately draw angles.

Use link 3 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 10, lesson 2: Interpret charts. Watch the video, then use what you have learned to complete the worksheet in the file ‘Year 45 NB Maths Tuesday 07.07 20’ below.


If you do not have a protractor (and you were unable to print one yesterday), use link 4 below to go to an interactive protractor activity on Khan Academy.

  • Use the green dots to move the lines and the green arrows to rotate the protractor.
  • Make sure your protractor is correctly lined up – the vertex of the angle should be at the centre of the protractor’s flat edge and one line of the angle should line up with one of the 0s.
  • Make sure you are reading the correct scale – if you are lined up with the outside 0, use the outside scale; if you are lined up with the inside 0, use the inside scale.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check (links 5 and 6) to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About the history of our understanding of the solar system.

Use the file ‘Year 45 Topic Tuesday 07.07.20’ to learn about different historical ideas about the solar system.


Use link 7 to watch a video with some more information.


Create a poster about one of the key people mentioned:

  • Aristarchus of Samos
  • Nicolaus Copernicus
  • Galileo Galilei
  • Johannes Kepler


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.
  • Research and include key facts including: birth and death dates, where they lived, what they believed about the solar system, anything else they were known for.
  • Include colourful images. You might want to include a portrait of the person and/or a diagram of what they believed the solar system looked like.

Keeping Physically Active


Youth Sport Trust have put together some activities you can do at home on your own or with other members of your household. Follow link 8 below to see them and pick whichever you want to do.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Home Learning - 6th July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Monday 6th July

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To answer questions about the text.



Use the file ‘Year 45 Reading Monday 06.07.20’ below.


Read the text ‘First Man on the Moon’ carefully then answer the questions.

  • Use a dictionary or Collins Online Dictionary (link 1) to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Keep looking back in the text for the answer to each question.


To solve a mystery using SPaG skills.

Use the file ‘Year 45 Writing Monday 06.07.20’ below.


Each page you complete will give you a clue to finding the thief. Use each clue to cross off everyone you are sure is not the thief.


At the end you should be left with one person – the space food thief!

  • ‘an’ is used before nouns that start with a vowel – the vowels are a, e, i, o and u.
  • The solution will be shared on the blog on Friday.


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Accompany, according, achieve, aggressive, amateur


Look up the meanings of these words using a dictionary or Collins Dictionary Online (link 1).


Write out the definitions (Monday’s usual task).

  • Try to rephrase the definition to make sense of it for yourself.
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.

Maths – CU & AH groups

To interpret charts.

Use link 2 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 10, lesson 1: Interpret charts. Watch the video, then use what you have learned to complete the worksheet in the file ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Monday 06.07 20’ below.

  • Look carefully at the scales/keys – don’t assume that each icon/line always represents 1!

Maths - NB group

To measure with a protractor.

Use link 3 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 10, lesson 1: Measure with a protractor. Watch the video, then use what you have learned to complete the worksheet in the file ‘Year 45 NB Maths Monday 06.07 20’ below.


If you do not have a protractor, you can:

  1. Use the file ‘Year 45 NB Maths Protractor Monday 06.07.20’ below to make your own paper protractor.
  2. If you cannot print, complete questions 1-4 and 6a.
  3. You can also use link 4 to an interactive online angle-measuring activity.
  • Make sure your protractor is correctly lined up – the vertex of the angle should be at the centre of the protractor’s flat edge and one line of the angle should line up with one of the 0s.
  • Make sure you are reading the correct scale – if you are lined up with the outside 0, use the outside scale; if you are lined up with the inside 0, use the inside scale.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check (links 5 and 6) to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About the Solar System.

Follow link 7 below to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about the Solar System.


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.

Keeping Physically Active


Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.  You can access his sessions using link 8 below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Friday 3rd July

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To find evidence in a text.


To recognise humour.


To write interview questions for a character from a text.


Follow link 2 below to BBC Bitesize to view the reading lesson about ‘Slime’ by David Walliams.


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


  • Listen carefully to the videos, thinking about the questions.
  • Read the extracts twice to make sure you understand.
  • You can use Collins Dictionary Online (link 1) to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Read the questions carefully and include as much detail in your answers as you can.


To respond to a prompt.

Use the file you downloaded on Monday.


Choose one of the activities to complete.


Note: You will need this again later in the week.


I’d love to read what you’ve written! You could share it on the blog or send it to me on the class email.

Include as many of these features as you can:

  • Fronted adverbials (followed by a comma)
  • Conjunctions
  • Correctly punctuated speech (“Spoken words,” who how. / Who how, “Spoken words.”)
  • Expanded noun phrases
  • Possessive apostrophes
  • Pronouns to avoid repetition
  • Paragraphs

Additional for year 5:

  • Parenthesis (brackets, dashes, commas)
  • Relative clauses
  • Linking ideas between paragraphs
  • Modal verbs
  • Adverbs of possibility


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Various, weight, woman, women, accommodate


Write a paragraph including all of your spellings.

  • Think about the definitions to make sure you are using the word correctly.
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.
  • Can you include different SPaG features?

Maths – CU & AH groups

To solve problems.

Use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 9, Friday maths challenge.  Have a go at questions 1-5. If you want an extra challenge, try the rest of the questions too!


  • Read each question carefully – what is it asking you to do?
  • Think carefully about what information you have been given and how you might use it to work out the answer.
  • Use jottings to help you organise your thoughts.

Maths - NB group

To solve problems.

Use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 9, Friday maths challenge.  Have a go at questions 1-5. If you want an extra challenge, try the rest of the questions too!


  • Read each question carefully – what is it asking you to do?
  • Think carefully about what information you have been given and how you might use it to work out the answer.
  • Use jottings to help you organise your thoughts.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check (links 5 and 6) to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About algorithms and debugging.

Follow link 7 below to go to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about algorithms and debugging.


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.

Keeping Physically Active


Youth Sport Trust have put together some activities you can do at home on your own or with other members of your household. Follow link 8 below to see them and pick whichever you want to do.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

1. Collins Dictionary Online:


2. BBC Bitesize Book Club: Slime by David Walliams:


3. Maths – CU & AH groups:


4. Maths – NB group:


5. Hit the Button:


6. Multiplication Tables Check:


7. Algorithms and debugging:


8. Youth Sport Trust Home Learning:

Home Learning - 2nd July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Thursday 2nd July

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To respond to a text.



Use the file ‘Year 45 Literacy Thursday 25.06.20’ below. Read the short extracts from The Truth Pixie and The Truth Pixie Goes to School by Matt Haig.


Have a look at the discussion questions. You can write your answers to these questions down, discuss them with someone else or just think about them.


Re-read the rhyme about ‘A True Friend’. Draw a lovely illustration (picture) to accompany the words. Dedicate your illustration to a true friend. You can use the page included in the file for this or do it on a plain piece of paper.

  • Read the text carefully to make sure you understand.
  • You can use Collins Dictionary Online to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Read the questions carefully so you know how to answer them.


To write a recipe.

Use the file ‘Year 45 Literacy Thursday 25.06.20’ below. Read the short extracts from The Truth Pixie and The Truth Pixie Goes to School by Matt Haig.


Make a list of words describing things you look for in a good friend.


Write a recipe for friendship. The last page in the file gives you some prompts to start you off. Use the words you put in your list as the ingredients.


I’d love to read what you’ve written! You could share it on the blog or send it to me on the class email.

  • Remember to include a method – how are the ingredients prepared and combined?


Include as many of these features as you can:

  • Fronted adverbials (followed by a comma)
  • Conjunctions
  • Expanded noun phrases
  • Possessive apostrophes
  • Pronouns to avoid repetition

Additional for year 5:

  • Parenthesis (brackets, dashes, commas)
  • Relative clauses


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Various, weight, woman, women, accommodate


Write a sentence with each of your spelling words (Thursday’s usual task).

  • Think about the definitions to make sure you are using the word correctly.
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.
  • Can you include different SPaG features?

Maths – CU & AH groups

To solve problems with money.

Use link 2 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 9, lesson 4: Estimating money. Watch the video, then use what you have learned to complete the activity in ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Thursday 02.07.20’.

  • Read each question carefully – what is it asking you to do?
  • Think carefully about what information you have been given and how you might use it to work out the answer.
  • Use jottings to help you organise your thoughts.

Maths - NB group

To divide decimals by 10, 100 or 1000.

Use link 3 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 9, lesson 4:  Divide decimals by 10 100 and 1000. Watch the video, then use what you have learned to complete the activity in ‘Year 45 NB Maths Thursday 02.07.20’.

  • Draw a place value chart to help you answer the questions if you are stuck.
  • 1 hundredth = 1/100 = 0.01
  • There are ten hundredths in in 1 tenth (1/10 = 0.1)
  • There are 100 hundredths in 1 whole
  • When dividing, the numbers move to the right (à) in the place value grid.
  • Move 1 column when dividing by 10, 2 columns when dividing by 100 and 3 columns when dividing by 1000.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check (links 4 and 5) to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About sustainability and plastics.

Follow link 6 below to go to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about sustainability and plastics.


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.

Keeping Physically Active


Youth Sport Trust have put together some activities you can do at home on your own or with other members of your household. Follow link 7 below to see them and pick whichever you want to do.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Home Learning - 1st July 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Wednesday 1st July

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To answer questions about a text.



Use the file ‘Year 45 Reading 09.06.20’ below.


Read the text ‘Footballer Campaigns for Kids’ Meals’ carefully and answer the questions.


Check your answers. Could you improve any? If you’ve made a mistake, can you see what went wrong?

  • Read the text twice to make sure you understand.
  • You can use Collins Dictionary Online (link 1) to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Include as much detail as you can in your answers.


To respond to a prompt.

Use the file you downloaded on Monday.


Choose one of the activities to complete.


Note: You will need this again later in the week.


I’d love to read what you’ve written! You could share it on the blog or send it to me on the class email.

Include as many of these features as you can:

  • Fronted adverbials (followed by a comma)
  • Conjunctions
  • Correctly punctuated speech (“Spoken words,” who how. / Who how, “Spoken words.”)
  • Expanded noun phrases
  • Possessive apostrophes
  • Pronouns to avoid repetition
  • Paragraphs

Additional for year 5:

  • Parenthesis (brackets, dashes, commas)
  • Relative clauses
  • Linking ideas between paragraphs
  • Modal verbs
  • Adverbs of possibility


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Various, weight, woman, women, accommodate


Complete the word tree activity – words with similar spelling patterns as your spelling word (Wednesday’s usual task).

  • Listen for sounds and syllables to help split them up in the best way possible.
  • Are there any common spelling patterns between these words?
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.

Maths – CU & AH groups

To estimate with money.

Use link 2 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 9, lesson 3: Estimating money. Watch the video, then use what you have learned to complete the activity in ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Wednesday 01.07.20’.

  • There are 100 pennies in a pound, so 1p = £0.01
  • When were are using money, we always show both the tenths and hundredths, even if the hundredths digit is 0 – e.g. £2.50
  • Remember the golden rule: 1-4 rounds down, 5-9 rounds up.
  • If you are rounding to the nearest pound, the tenths (10ps) digit will tell you whether to round up or down.
  • If you are rounding to the nearest 10p, the hundredths (1ps) digit will tell you whether to round up or down.

Maths - NB group

To multiply decimals by 10, 100 or 1000.

Use link 3 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 9, lesson 3:  Multiply decimals by 10 100 and 1000. Watch the video, then use what you have learned to complete the activity in ‘Year 45 NB Maths Wednesday 01.07.20’.

  • Draw a place value chart to help you answer the questions if you are stuck.
  • 1 hundredth = 1/100 = 0.01
  • There are ten hundredths in in 1 tenth (1/10 = 0.1)
  • There are 100 hundredths in 1 whole
  • When multiplying, the numbers move to the left (ß) in the place value grid.
  • Move 1 column when multiplying by 10, 2 columns when multiplying by 100 and 3 columns when multiplying by 1000.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check (links 4 and 5) to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About renewable and non-renewable energy.

Follow link 6 below to go to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about renewable and non-renewable energy.


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.

Keeping Physically Active


Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.  You can access his sessions using link 7 below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

1. Collins Dictionary Online:


2. Maths – CU & AH groups:


3. Maths – NB group:


4. Hit the Button:


5. Multiplication Tables Check:


6.Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy:


7. PE With Joe:

Home Learning - 30th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Tuesday 30th June

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To answer questions about a text.



Use the file ‘Year 45 Reading 09.06.20’ below.


Read the text ‘The Windrush’ carefully and answer the questions.


Check your answers. Could you improve any? If you’ve made a mistake, can you see what went wrong?

  • Read the text twice to make sure you understand.
  • You can use Collins Dictionary Online to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Include as much detail as you can in your answers.


To use adverbs and adverbial phrases.

Follow link 2 below to go to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about using adverbs and adverbial phrases.


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Various, weight, woman, women, accommodate


Complete the bitesize activity – splitting up the words into sections (don’t worry about colouring – just put a dash between parts,       

e.g. ap – pre - ci - ate) (Tuesday’s usual task).

  • Listen for sounds and syllables to help split them up in the best way possible.
  • Are there any common spelling patterns between these words?
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.

Maths – CU & AH groups

To revise ordering money.

Have a go at the sheet (file ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Tuesday 30.06.20’) to see how much you remember from last term. Check your answers.


If you find it tricky, use link 3 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths. Go to ‘Summer Term – Week 9, Lesson 2 – Compare decimals’ and watch the video.

  • There are 100 pennies in a pound, so 1p = £0.01
  • When were are using money, we always show both the tenths and hundredths, even if the hundredths digit is 0 – e.g. £2.50

Maths - NB group

To revise subtracting decimals with a different number of decimal places

Have a go at the sheet (file ‘Year 45 NB Maths Tuesday 30.06.20’) to see how much you remember from last term. Check your answers.


If you find it tricky, use link 4 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths. Go to ‘Summer Term – Week 9, Lesson 2 –  Percentages as fractions and decimals’ and watch the video.

  • Look for patterns and links between decimal number bonds to 1 and your known number bonds to 10 and 100.
  • Make sure your place value columns are lined up – an easy way to do this is to line up the decimal points
  • Remember empty columns have a value of 0 – it might help you to write these in so that the numbers have the same number of decimal places

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check (links 5 and 6) to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About light and dark.

Follow link 7 below to go to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about light and dark.


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.

Keeping Physically Active


It’s the final week of the Wiltshire Virtual School Games. Use link 8 below to see this week’s challenges.


You can have a go at the challenges even if you don’t want to submit an entry.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

1. Collins Dictionary Online:


2. Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases: 


3. Maths – CU & AH groups:


4. Maths – NB group:


5. Hit the Button:


6. Multiplication Tables Check:


7. Introduction to light and dark:


8. Wiltshire Virtual School Games:  


Home Learning - 29th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Monday 29th June

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To solve a mystery using clues in a text.



Use the file ‘Year 45 Reading Monday 29.06.20’ below.


Read the text carefully and think about each person’s statement. Use the second page to record your thoughts on these and work out who stole the missing medals!


The correct answer will be shared on the blog on Friday to give everybody a chance to have a go.

  • Use a dictionary or Collins Online Dictionary (link 1) to look up any words you don’t know.
  • It might help you to underline or highlight all the facts you are given.
  • Think about the information that is given outside of the characters’ statements as well.


To respond to a prompt.

Use the file ‘Year 45 Writing Monday 29.06.20’ below.


Choose one of the activities to complete.


Note: You will need this again later in the week.


I’d love to read what you’ve written! You could share it on the blog or send it to me on the class email.

Include as many of these features as you can:

  • Fronted adverbials (followed by a comma)
  • Conjunctions
  • Correctly punctuated speech (“Spoken words,” who how. / Who how, “Spoken words.”)
  • Expanded noun phrases
  • Possessive apostrophes
  • Pronouns to avoid repetition
  • Paragraphs

Additional for year 5:

  • Parenthesis (brackets, dashes, commas)
  • Relative clauses
  • Linking ideas between paragraphs
  • Modal verbs
  • Adverbs of possibility


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Various, weight, woman, women, accommodate


Look up the meanings of these words using a dictionary or Collins Dictionary Online (link 1).


Write out the definitions (Monday’s usual task).

  • Try to rephrase the definition to make sense of it for yourself.
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.

Maths – CU & AH groups

To revise pounds and pence.

Have a go at the sheet (file ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Monday 29.06.20’) to see how much you remember from last term.


Check your answers – if you have made mistakes, can you see where you went wrong?


If you find it tricky, use link 2 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths. Go to ‘Summer Term – Week 9, Lesson 1 – Pounds and pence’ and watch the video.

  • There are 100 pennies in a pound, so 1p = £0.01
  • When were are using money, we always show both the tenths and hundredths, even if the hundredths digit is 0 – e.g. £2.50

Maths - NB group

To revise subtracting decimals with the same number of decimal places.

Have a go at the sheet (file ‘Year NB Maths Monday 29.06.20’) to see how much you remember from last term.


Check your answers – if you have made mistakes, can you see where you went wrong?


If you find it tricky, use link 3 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths. Go to ‘Summer Term – Week 9, Lesson 1 – Subtracting decimals with the same number of decimal places’ and watch the video.

  • Look for patterns and links between decimal number bonds to 1 and your known number bonds to 10 and 100.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check (links 4 and 5) to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About Henry VIII.

Follow link 6 below to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about the Ancient Egyptians.


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


Think about what you learned about Tutankhamun the week before last. You might wish to revisit the page if you can’t remember. Make a list of all the ways you can think of that Tutankhamun and Henry VIII were different and a list of all the ways they were the same.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.

Keeping Physically Active


Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions using link 7 below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

1. Collins Dictionary Online:


2. Maths – CU & AH groups:


3. Maths – NB group:


4. Hit the Button:


5. Multiplication Tables Check:


6. Who was King Henry VIII?  


7. PE With Joe:

Home Learning - 26th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Friday 26th June

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To answer questions about a text.



Use link 2 below to listen to the poem ‘Mummy!’.


Use the file ‘Year 45 Reading Questions Friday 26.06.20’. Answer the questions that are asked during the video. Pause the video when you do this. You can write your answers down on the sheet or on a piece of paper, tell your answer to someone else, or just think about the answer in your head.


Then answer the ‘After the Video’ and ‘Deeper Reading’ questions from the sheet.


The file ‘Year 45 Reading Text Friday 26.06.20’ includes the full poem, which you might find easier for answering the later questions than rewatching the video.

  • Follow the text in the video as you listen.
  • If you don’t understand part of the poem, pause it and read it again yourself, or go back in the video to listen to that part again.


To write a rhyming poem.

Use the file ‘Year 45 Writing Friday 26.06.20’ to list as many words as you can think of that rhyme with words taken from ‘The Story of Osiris’. You can ask other people in your house to help you make the lists as long as possible.


Use these words to write a poem about ‘The Story of Osiris’


I’d love to read what you’ve written! You could share it on the blog or send it to me on the class email.

  • You don’t need to use all the words but try to write at least 12 lines.
  • Flick through the book again to remind yourself of the main points of the story, or look at your book review.


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Therefore, though, although, thought, through


Write a paragraph including all of your spellings.

  • Think about the definitions to make sure you are using the word correctly.
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.
  • Can you include different SPaG features?

Maths – CU & AH groups

To solve problems.

Use link 3 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 5, Friday maths challenge.  Have a go at questions 1-5. If you want an extra challenge, try the rest of the questions too!


  • Read each question carefully – what is it asking you to do?
  • Think carefully about what information you have been given and how you might use it to work out the answer.
  • Use jottings to help you organise your thoughts.

Maths - NB group

To solve problems.

Use link 4 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 5, Friday maths challenge.  Have a go at questions 1-5. If you want an extra challenge, try the rest of the questions too!


  • Read each question carefully – what is it asking you to do?
  • Think carefully about what information you have been given and how you might use it to work out the answer.
  • Use jottings to help you organise your thoughts.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check (links 5 and 6) to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

The life of a Pharoah.

Use link 7 below to read about a day in the life of a Pharoah. Think about the different skills the Pharoah would need to do all these tasks.


Use the file ‘Year 45 Topic Friday 26.06.20’ to put together a timetable for a week at ‘Pharoah school’, including lessons to learn all the skills you thought of, and maybe some others as well! Then, design a uniform for your Pharoah school.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • What other skills do you think a Pharoah would have needed or wanted to learn? Think about the things you learn at school as well as the skills specific to being a Pharoah.

Keeping Physically Active


This week is National School Sport Week.


The annual National School Sport Week campaign takes place in the last week of June every year to celebrate the important role of Physical Education and school sport in enhancing young people's wellbeing.


This year, the Youth Sport Trust has teamed up with Sky Sports to run a national campaign which will aim to unite the country - families, schools, sport and businesses - in a celebration of the power of sport to bring people together, even during isolation.


Follow link 8 below to find out more.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

1. Collins Dictionary Online:


2. Mummy! Poem:


3. Maths – CU & AH groups:


4. Maths – NB group:


5. Hit the Button:


6. Multiplication Tables Check:


7. A Day in the Life of a Pharoah:


8. National School Sport Week:

Home Learning - 25th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Thursday 25th June

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To read and follow instructions.



Use the file ‘Year 45 Reading Thursday 25.06.20’ below.


Read through the instructions.

Highlight or note down any words you don’t know. Look them up in a dictionary.


Highlight or note down the verbs. What do you notice about them?


See if you have the matierals needed at home (you can use normal paper instead of paper bags). If you have a parent/carer’s permission, have a go at making your own papyrus!


If you don’t have all the materials you need, you could draw pictures to illustrate each step instead.

  • Read the text carefully to make sure you understand.
  • You can use Collins Dictionary Online (link 1) to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Make sure you follow the instructions in order and don’t miss any details!


To describe a place and a character’s feelings.

What if you woke up one day to find you were in Ancient Egypt?


What would you be able to see, hear, feel or smell? How would you feel? Who might you meet? What could happen?


Write a short story in which you (or your character) unexpectedly wake up in Ancient Egypt. Try to write at least half a page.


I’d love to read what you’ve written! You could share it on the blog or send it to me on the class email.

Include as many of these features as you can:

  • Fronted adverbials (followed by a comma)
  • Conjunctions
  • Expanded noun phrases
  • Possessive apostrophes
  • Pronouns to avoid repetition
  • Paragraphs
  • Correctly punctuated speech (“Spoken words,” who how. / Who how, “Spoken words.”)

Additional for year 5:

  • Parenthesis (brackets, dashes, commas)
  • Relative clauses
  • Linking ideas between paragraphs
  • Adverbs of possibility
  • Modal verbs


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Therefore, though, although, thought, through


Write a sentence with each of your spelling words (Thursday’s usual task).

  • Think about the definitions to make sure you are using the word correctly.
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.
  • Can you include different SPaG features?

Maths – CU & AH groups

To revise rounding decimals.

Have a go at the sheet (file ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Monday 25.06.20’) to see how much you remember from last term. Check your answers.


If you find it tricky, use link 2 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths. Go to ‘Summer Term – Week 8, Lesson 4 – Round decimals’ and watch the video.

  • If you are rounding to the nearest whole number, the tenths digit will tell you whether to round up or down
  • If you are rounding to the nearest tenth, the hundredths digit will tell you whether to round up or down
  • Remember the golden rule: 1-4 rounds down, 5-9 rounds up.

Maths - NB group

To revise adding decimals with different numbers of decimal places.

Have a go at the sheet (file ‘Year 45 NB Maths Monday 25.06.20’) to see how much you remember from last term. Check your answers.


If you find it tricky, use link 3 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths. Go to ‘Summer Term – Week 8, Lesson 4 –  Adding decimals with a different number of decimal places’ and watch the video.

  • Look for patterns and links between decimal number bonds to 1 and your known number bonds to 10 and 100.
  • Make sure your place value columns are lined up – an easy way to do this is to line up the decimal points

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check (links 4 and 5) to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About the River Nile.

Use the file ‘Year 45 Topic Thursday 25.06.20’. Fill in the table to explain why the different functions (uses) of the Nile are/were important and how it was used by the Ancient Egyptians and modern Egyptians.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • You might need to do some research. There are two websites linked below to get you started (links 6 and 7)

Keeping Physically Active


The Wiltshire Virtual School Games are weekly PE challenges. Use link 8 below to see this week’s challenges.


You can have a go at the challenges even if you don’t want to submit an entry.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

1. Collins Dictionary Online:


2. Maths – CU & AH groups:


3. Maths – NB group:


4. Hit the Button:


5. Multiplication Tables Check:


6.Ancient Egypt: Geography and the Nile River:


7. How does the River Nile help people survive in Egypt?


8. Wiltshire Virtual School Games:

Home Learning - 24th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Wednesday 24th June

Good morning! 😊

If you posted a blurb on the blog last week for people to guess, please remember to log in and comment on your post with the correct answer. Some people may have been intrigued and want to read the book you described!


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To answer questions about a text.



Use link 2 below to listen to the third chapter of ‘The Story of Osiris’.


Use the file ‘Year 45 Reading Wednesday 24.06.20’. Answer the questions that are asked during the video. Pause the video when you do this. You can write your answers down on the sheet or on a piece of paper, tell your answer to someone else, or just think about the answer in your head.


Then answer the ‘After the Video’ and ‘Deeper Reading’ questions from the sheet.

  • Follow the text in the video as you listen.
  • If you don’t understand part of the story, pause it and read it again yourself, or go back in the video to listen to that part again.


To write a book review.

Write a book review of ‘The Story of Osiris’. Use these prompts/sentence starters to help you:

  • Book title
  • Is this book fiction or non-fiction?
  • What is this book about?
  • Give the book a star rating out of 5
  • I gave this book ___ stars because …
  • Draw your favourite part of the book.
  • I like this part because …
  • The main characters in this book were …
  • My favourite character was ______ because …
  • A word or phrase I liked in the book that I’ll try to use in my writing was …
  • Try to include as much information as you can to help people reading your review decide if they would like to read the book.
  • Can you use any SPaG features in your review? Perhaps include a relative clause when you talk about a character or use expanded noun phrases in your descriptions.

Challenge: If this book were to have a sequel (a book that follows on from this one and continues the story), what do you think it would be called?


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Therefore, though, although, thought, through


Complete the word tree activity – words with similar spelling patterns as your spelling word (Wednesday’s usual task).

  • Listen for sounds and syllables to help split them up in the best way possible.
  • Are there any common spelling patterns between these words?
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.

Maths – CU & AH groups

To revise ordering decimals.

Have a go at the sheet (file ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Monday 24.06.20’) to see how much you remember from last term. Check your answers.


If you find it tricky, use link 3 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths. Go to ‘Summer Term – Week 8, Lesson 3 – Order decimals’ and watch the video.

  • Remember place value and that a tenth is worth more than a hundredth, so 0.5 (five tenths, or 50 hundredths) is more than 0.46 (46 hundredths, or 4 tenths and 6 hundredths).

Maths - NB group

To revise adding decimals.

Have a go at the sheet (file ‘Year 45 NB Maths Monday 24.06.20’) to see how much you remember from last term. Check your answers.


If you find it tricky, use link 4 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths. Go to ‘Summer Term – Week 8, Lesson 3 –  Adding decimals with the same number of decimal places’ and watch the video.

  • Look for patterns and links between decimal number bonds to 1 and your known number bonds to 10 and 100.
  • Remember the place value and to carry over once you reach 10 in any column.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check (links 5 and 6) to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About sarcophagi

A sarcophagus (plural sarcophagi) was like a coffin. The Ancient Egyptians used them to bury the mummified dead bodies of important people. They were very richly decorated.


Use the file ‘Year 45 Topic Wednesday 24.06.20’. You can either print it out or copy the outline of the sarcophagus onto a plain piece of paper. Then, decorate the sarcophagus.


Follow link 7 below to learn more about Ancient Egyptian mummies and sarcophagi.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Include lots of gold and other bright colours to show how rich the owner of the sarcophagus was.
  • You might like to include images of other things that were important to the Egyptians such as the sun, the River Nile, cats or scarab beetles.

Keeping Physically Active


Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions using link 8 below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

1.Collins Dictionary Online:


2. The Story of Osiris, Chapter 3:


3. Maths – CU & AH groups:


4. Maths – NB group:


5. Hit the Button:


6. Multiplication Tables Check:


7. Ancient Egyptian mummies facts:


8. PE With Joe:

Home Learning - 23rd June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Tuesday 23rd June

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To answer questions about a text.



Use link 2 below to listen to the second chapter of ‘The Story of Osiris’.


Use the file ‘Year 45 Reading Tuesday 23.06.20’. Answer the questions that are asked during the video. Pause the video when you do this. You can write your answers down on the sheet or on a piece of paper, tell your answer to someone else, or just think about the answer in your head.


Then answer the ‘After the Video’ and ‘Deeper Reading’ questions from the sheet.

  • Follow the text in the video as you listen.
  • If you don’t understand part of the story, pause it and read it again yourself, or go back in the video to listen to that part again.


To write an acrostic poem.

Choose one of these key words to write your poem about: Pyramid, Egypt, Osiris (or another character from ‘The Story of Osiris’).


Write the key word down the left-hand side of your page. Write words or phrases beginning with each letter of your main word to create an acrostic poem.


I’d love to see what you come up with! You can send your finished poem to the class e-mail or share it on the blog.

  • Use your knowledge of synonyms from yesterday to help you think of words.
  • Make sure your poem describes your key wordm e.g. if your key word is ‘Pyramid’, your poem should describe or give information about the Pyramids.
  • Try to include alliteration, similes, metaphors and/or rhyme.


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Therefore, though, although, thought, through


Complete the bitesize activity – splitting up the words into sections (don’t worry about colouring – just put a dash between parts,       

e.g. ap – pre - ci - ate) (Tuesday’s usual task).

  • Listen for sounds and syllables to help split them up in the best way possible.
  • Are there any common spelling patterns between these words?
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.

Maths – CU & AH groups

To revise comparing decimals.

Have a go at the sheet (file ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Monday 23.06.20’) to see how much you remember from last term. Check your answers.


If you find it tricky, use link 3 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths. Go to ‘Summer Term – Week 8, Lesson 2 – Compare decimals’ and watch the video.

  • Remember place value and that a tenth is worth more than a hundredth, so 0.5 (five tenths, or 50 hundredths) is more than 0.46 (46 hundredths, or 4 tenths and 6 hundredths).

Maths - NB group

To revise writing percentages as fractions and decimals.

Have a go at the sheet (file ‘Year 45 NB Maths Monday 23.06.20’) to see how much you remember from last term. Check your answers.


If you find it tricky, use link 4 below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths. Go to ‘Summer Term – Week 8, Lesson 2 –  Percentages as fractions and decimals’ and watch the video.

  • 1% = 1 out of 100 = 1/100 = 0.01
  • 50% = 50/100 = 5/10 = 0.5 = 1/2

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check (links 5 and 6) to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About modern Egypt.

Use the internet or books to do some research about the country of Egypt. Use the prompts and questions in the file ‘Year 45 Topic Tuesday 23.06.20’ to help guide your research.


Put together a fact file all about Egypt.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Can you make your fact file exciting by adding pictures and drawings?
  • Are there any other fun or interesting facts about Egypt you could include?

Keeping Physically Active


This week is National School Sport Week.


The annual National School Sport Week campaign takes place in the last week of June every year to celebrate the important role of Physical Education and school sport in enhancing young people's wellbeing.


This year, the Youth Sport Trust has teamed up with Sky Sports to run a national campaign which will aim to unite the country - families, schools, sport and businesses - in a celebration of the power of sport to bring people together, even during isolation.


Follow link 7 below to find out more.


  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

1.  Collins Dictionary Online:


2.  The Story of Osiris, Chapter 2: 


3.  Maths – CU & AH groups:


4.  Maths – NB group:


5.  Hit the Button:


6.  Multiplication Tables Check:


7.  National School Sport Week:

Home Learning - 22nd June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Monday 22nd June

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To answer questions about a text.



Use the link below to listen to the first chapter of ‘The Story of Osiris’.


Use the file ‘Year 45 Reading Questions Monday 22.06.20’. Answer the questions that are asked during the video. Pause the video when you do this. You can write your answers down on the sheet or on a piece of paper, tell your answer to someone else, or just think about the answer in your head.


Then answer the ‘After the Video’ and ‘Deeper Reading’ questions from the sheet.


The file ‘Year 45 Reading Text Monday 22.06.20’ includes the full book, which you might find easier for answering the later questions than rewatching the video. Note: you will need this file for Tuesday and Wednesday too.

  • Follow the text in the video as you listen.
  • If you don’t understand part of the story, pause it and read it again yourself, or go back in the video to listen to that part again.


To find and use synonyms.

After you have comleted the reading activity, open the file ‘Year 45 Writing Monday 22.06.20’ and complete the tasks.

  • If you cannot print the sheet, you can write your answers on a plain piece of paper.
  • Use Collins Dictionary Online (link below) to help you if you are not sure on the meaning of any words. The thesaurus might also help.


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Therefore, though, although, thought, through


Look up the meanings of these words using a dictionary or Collins Dictionary Online.


Write out the definitions (Monday’s usual task).

  • Try to rephrase the definition to make sense of it for yourself.
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.

Maths – CU & AH groups

To revise place value in decimals.

Have a go at the sheet (file ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Monday 22.06.20’) to see how much you remember from last term.


Check your answers – if you have made mistakes, can you see where you went wrong?


If you find it tricky, use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths. Go to ‘Summer Term – Week 8, Lesson 1 – Writing decimals’ and watch the video.

  • 1 tenth = 0.1 = 1/10
  • 1 hundredth = 0.01 = 1/100

Maths - NB group

To revise percentages.

Have a go at the sheet (file ‘Year NB Maths Monday 22.06.20’) to see how much you remember from last term.


Check your answers – if you have made mistakes, can you see where you went wrong?


If you find it tricky, use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths. Go to ‘Summer Term – Week 8, Lesson 1 –Decimals as fractions’ and watch the video.

  • 1% = 1 out of 100 = 1/100 = 0.01
  • 50% = 50/100 = 5/10 = 0.5 = 1/2

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

To read and write Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Use the file ‘Year 45 Topic Monday 22.06.20’ below.


Use the chart at the top of the page to help you work out the names of the Egyptian gods that are written in hieroglyphs.


Challenge: Write a message in hieroglyphs for someone else in your household to solve – or share it on the blog for your friends to work out!


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Look carefully at the hieroglyphs – some of them are quite similar!

Keeping Physically Active


Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Home Learning - 19th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Friday 19th June

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To recognise humour.


To summarise a piece of text.


Follow the link below to BBC Bitesize to view the reading lesson about ‘Charlie Changes into a Chicken’ by Sam Copeland.


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


  • Listen carefully to the videos, thinking about the questions.
  • Read the extracts twice to make sure you understand.
  • You can use Collins Dictionary Online to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Read the questions carefully and include as much detail in your answers as you can.


To create found poetry.

Have a look at all the snippets of text you found yesterday (if you haven’t found any yet, you can go and have a look for some now!). See if you can organise some of your pieces together by theme.


Your challenge is to arrange some of these snippets of text into a poem. Have a look at the file ‘Year 45 Writing Friday 19.06.20’ to see some examples and get some inspiration.


I’d love to read what you’ve written! You could share it on the blog or send it to me on the class email.

  • You don’t have to use all the pieces of text that you found, but try to use at least 6.
  • The theme of your poem doesn’t have to match the original subject of the phrases you found.


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Straight, strange, strength, suppose, surprise


Write a paragraph including all of your spellings.

  • Think about the definitions to make sure you are using the word correctly.
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.
  • Can you include different SPaG features?

Maths – CU & AH groups

To understand how data is used in football.

Use the link below to see the challenge on BBC Bitesize.


Read the article, watch the videos and complete the activities at the bottom of the page.


  • Watch the videos more than once if you need to.
  • Pay attention to the scales on the axes.

Maths - NB group

To solve calculate time with football.

Use the link below to see the challenge on BBC Bitesize.


Read the article, watch the videos and complete the activities at the bottom of the page.


  • Watch the videos more than once if you need to.
  • Pay attention to the units.
  • Remember: 60 seconds = 1 minute; 60 minutes = 1 hour.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

How the internet and search engines work.

You all use the internet at home, but do you know how it actually works?


Follow the link below to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about how the internet and search engines work.


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.

Keeping Physically Active


Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Collins Dictionary Online:


Bitesize Daily Book Club: Charlie Changes into a Chicken

Maths – CU & AH groups:


Maths – NB group:


Hit the Button:


Multiplication Tables Check:


BBC Bitesize: How do the internet and search engines work?


PE With Joe


Home Learning - 18th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Thursday 18th June

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To complete activities inspired by a text.



Read the story extract in the file ‘Year 45 Reading Text Thursday 18.06.20’ below.


Complete one or more of the activities in the file ‘Year 45 Reading Activities 18.06.20’ below.

  • Read the text carefully to make sure you understand.
  • You can use Collins Dictionary Online to look up any words you don’t know.


To collect phrases and sentences.

Your task for today is to collect words, phrases and sentences from the world around you throughout the day.


In your house, this might be headlines from newspapers, quotes from magazines, phrases from adverts that come in the post, messages or texts that you receive ….


Out and about, you might find lines from adverts, writing on signs, displays on buses ….


Cut them out, photograph them or write them down. Try to create a big, long list of phrases, words and sentences. The more you find, the more you’ll have to use for tomorrow’s challenge!


  • Try to collect a mixture of pieces of text that use ‘everyday’ words and ‘wow!’ words.
  • At the end of the day, see if you can organise some of your pieces together by theme.


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Straight, strange, strength, suppose, surprise


Write a sentence with each of your spelling words (Thursday’s usual task).

  • Think about the definitions to make sure you are using the word correctly.
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.
  • Can you include different SPaG features?

Maths – CU & AH groups

To revise dividing by 100.

Have a go at the sheet (file ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Monday 18.06.20’) to see how much you remember from last term. Check your answers.


If you find it tricky, use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths. Go to ‘Summer Term – Week 7, Lesson 4 – Divide 1 or 2-digits by 100’ and watch the video.

  • Remember to move digits one column to your right when dividing by 10.
  • Move digits two columns to the right when dividing by 100.
  • Draw a place value grid to help you if you are stuck.

Maths - NB group

To revise ordering and comparing decimals.

Have a go at the sheet (file ‘Year 45 NB Maths Monday 18.06.20’) to see how much you remember from last term. Check your answers.


If you find it tricky, use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths. Go to ‘Summer Term – Week 7, Lesson 4 – Order and compare decimals’ and watch the video.

  • Remember place value and that a tenth is worth more than a hundredth, so 0.5 (five tenths, or 50 hundredths) is more than 0.46 (46 hundredths, or 4 tenths and 6 hundredths).

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About Tutankhamun.

Follow the link below to take the quiz about the Ancient Egyptians to see how much you can remember.


Then go to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about Tutankhamun.


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


What is the most interesting thing you learned about Tutankhamun? What surprised you? Keep an eye on the blog for a discussion.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.

Keeping Physically Active


Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Home Learning - 17th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Wednesday 17th June

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To answer questions about a text.



Log onto espresso to view the text ‘Ivan the Terrible’ by Anne Fine (link below).


When you have read it, click on Take the Quiz to answer the questions.


  • Read the text twice to make sure you understand.
  • You can use Collins Dictionary Online to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Challenge yourself to answer the further questions (you don’t need to print them).


To respond to a prompt.

If you could go anywhere in the world – or universe! – where would you go? Write about this place.


The place can be real or imagined, but make sure you include as much detail as possible. Use powerful verbs and adjectives and think about all your senses.


I’d love to read what you’ve written! You could share it on the blog or send it to me on the class email.

Include as many of these features as you can:

  • Fronted adverbials (followed by a comma)
  • Conjunctions
  • Expanded noun phrases
  • Possessive apostrophes
  • Pronouns to avoid repetition
  • Paragraphs

Additional for year 5:

  • Parenthesis (brackets, dashes, commas)
  • Relative clauses
  • Linking ideas between paragraphs


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Straight, strange, strength, suppose, surprise


Complete the word tree activity – words with similar spelling patterns as your spelling word (Wednesday’s usual task).

  • Listen for sounds and syllables to help split them up in the best way possible.
  • Are there any common spelling patterns between these words?
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.

Maths – CU & AH groups

To revise hundredths as decimals.

Have a go at the sheet (file ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Monday 17.06.20’) to see how much you remember from last term. Check your answers.


If you find it tricky, use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths. Go to ‘Summer Term – Week 7, Lesson 3 – Hundredths as decimals’ and watch the video.

  • 1 hundredth = 1/100 = 0.01
  • There are ten hundredths in in 1 tenth (1/10 = 0.1)
  • There are 100 hundredths in 1 whole

Maths - NB group

To revise rounding decimals.

Have a go at the sheet (file ‘Year 45 NB Maths Monday 17.06.20’) to see how much you remember from last term. Check your answers.


If you find it tricky, use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths. Go to ‘Summer Term – Week 7, Lesson 3 – Rounding decimals’ and watch the video.

  • If you are rounding to the nearest whole number, the tenths digit will tell you whether to round up or down
  • If you are rounding to the nearest tenth, the hundredths digit will tell you whether to round up or down
  • Remember the golden rule: 1-4 rounds down, 5-9 rounds up.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About contours, keys and symbols.

Follow the link below to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about contours, keys and symbols.


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


You could try adding contour lines to the map you drew yesterday! See if you can remember where the tops and bottoms of hills are, or make notes next time your go for a walk.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.

Keeping Physically Active


Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Home Learning - 16th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Tuesday 16th June

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To identify features in a blurb.



Find a fiction (story) book in your home and look at the back cover (if you don’t have a book you can use, try looking one up on Amazon or Google Images).


The text on the back of the book that tells you about the story is called the blurb. The back of the book might also show quotes from book reviews.


Read the text and look at the vocabulary that is used. Make lists of the adjectives, verbs and adverbs. What do you notice about them?

How does the blurb make you want to read the book? What about the quotes? 


Can you spot any SPaG features?

  • Read the text twice to make sure you understand.
  • You can use Collins Dictionary Online to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Think about whether the words are mostly positive or negative. How do they make you feel? Do they use ‘everyday’ words or ‘wow!’ words?


To write the blurb for a story.

Think of a story you have read and enjoyed. It could be a story you have read at home, or one you have read as part of your home learning (e.g. one of the Ananse stories), or it could be a story you know very well (such as a well-known fairytale, or the plot of a film).


Thinking about the things you noticed when you were looking at a blurb for the reading task, have a go at writing a blurb for this story.


Share your blurb on the blog and see if your friends can tell which story it is for!

  • Try to include all the features you noticed in the other blurb – and maybe some others as well!
  • Collins Dictionary Online also has a thesaurus to help you up-level your vocabulary choices.
  • Remember you can ‘magpie’ vocab from the example you looked at as well!


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Straight, strange, strength, suppose, surprise


Complete the bitesize activity – splitting up the words into sections (don’t worry about colouring – just put a dash between parts,       

e.g. ap – pre - ci - ate) (Tuesday’s usual task).

  • Listen for sounds and syllables to help split them up in the best way possible.
  • Are there any common spelling patterns between these words?
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.

Maths – CU & AH groups

To revise dividing 1-digit numbers by 10.

Have a go at the sheet (file ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Monday 16.06.20’) to see how much you remember from last term. Check your answers.


If you find it tricky, use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths. Go to ‘Summer Term – Week 7, Lesson 2 – Divide 1-digit by 10’ and watch the video.

  • When you divide a number, each digit moves one place value column to the right (à)

Maths - NB group

To revise thousandths.

Have a go at the sheet (file ‘Year 45 NB Maths Monday 16.06.20’) to see how much you remember from last term. Check your answers.


If you find it tricky, use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths. Go to ‘Summer Term – Week 7, Lesson 2 – Understand thousandths’ and watch the video.

  • 1 tenth = 0.1 = 1/10
  • 1 hundredth = 0.01 = 1/100
  • 1 thousandth = 0.001 = 1/1000

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

How to use a map.

Follow the link below to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about maps.


Read the article and watch the videos, then have a go at the activities.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.
  • If you can’t print the activity sheet, you can draw your map on any piece of paper.

Keeping Physically Active


Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Home Learning - 15th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Monday 8th June

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To infer information from a text.



Use the link below to visit the BBC Bitesize page about using inference.


Read the article, watch the videos and complete activities 1 and 2.

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.
  • You can use Collins Dictionary Online to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Include as much detail as you can in your answers.


To finish a story.

After you have comleted the reading tasks, complete activity 3: writing the ending to the story of Tiddalik the Frog.


I’d love to read what you’ve written! You could share it on the blog or send it to me on the class email.

Include as many of these features as you can:

  • Fronted adverbials (followed by a comma)
  • Conjunctions
  • Correctly punctuated speech (“Spoken words,” who how. / Who how, “Spoken words.”)
  • Expanded noun phrases
  • Possessive apostrophes
  • Pronouns to avoid repetition
  • Paragraphs

Additional for year 5:

  • Parenthesis (brackets, dashes, commas)
  • Relative clauses
  • Linking ideas between paragraphs
  • Modal verbs
  • Adverbs of possibility


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Straight, strange, strength, suppose, surprise


Look up the meanings of these words using a dictionary or Collins Dictionary Online.


Write out the definitions (Monday’s usual task).

  • Try to rephrase the definition to make sense of it for yourself.
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.

Maths – CU & AH groups

To revise tenths as decimals.

Have a go at the sheet (file ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Monday 15.06.20’) to see how much you remember from last term. Check your answers.


If you find it tricky, use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths. Go to ‘Summer Term – Week 7, Lesson 1 – Tenths as decimals’ and watch the video.

  • 1 tenth = 0.1 = 1/10
  • 1 hundredth = 0.01 = 1/100

Maths - NB group

To revise decimals as fractions.

Have a go at the sheet (file ‘Year NB Maths Monday 15.06.20’) to see how much you remember from last term. Check your answers.


If you find it tricky, use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths. Go to ‘Summer Term – Week 7, Lesson 1 – Decimals as fractions’ and watch the video.

  • 1 tenth = 0.1 = 1/10
  • 1 hundredth = 0.01 = 1/100

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About the Ancient Egyptians.

Follow the link below to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about the Ancient Egyptians.


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


Make a list of similarities and differences between Ancient Egypt and Iron Age Britain. How many things can you think of?


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.

Keeping Physically Active


Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Collins Dictionary Online:


BBC Bitesize: Using inference to be a reading detective


Maths – CU & AH groups:


Maths – NB group:


Hit the Button:


Multiplication Tables Check:


BBC Bitesize: Who were the Ancient Egyptians?


PE With Joe

Home Learning - 12th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Friday 12th June

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To understand the impact of language.


To recognise humour.


To represent a character’s voice through text.


Follow the link below to BBC Bitesize to view the reading lesson about ‘You’re a Bad Man, Mr. Gum’ by Andy Stanton.


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


  • Listen carefully to the videos, thinking about the questions.
  • Read the extracts twice to make sure you understand.
  • You can use Collins Dictionary Online to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Read the questions carefully and include as much detail in your answers as you can.


To respond to a prompt.

Choose one of the activities from Monday’s list to complete.


NB: You will need this again later in the week.


I’d love to read what you’ve written! You could share it on the blog or send it to me on the class email.

Include as many of these features as you can:

  • Fronted adverbials (followed by a comma)
  • Conjunctions
  • Correctly punctuated speech (“Spoken words,” who how. / Who how, “Spoken words.”)
  • Expanded noun phrases
  • Possessive apostrophes
  • Pronouns to avoid repetition
  • Paragraphs

Additional for year 5:

  • Parenthesis (brackets, dashes, commas)
  • Relative clauses
  • Linking ideas between paragraphs
  • Modal verbs
  • Adverbs of possibility


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Reign, remember, sentence, separate, special


Write a paragraph including all of your spellings.

  • Think about the definitions to make sure you are using the word correctly.
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.
  • Can you include different SPaG features?

Maths – CU & AH groups

To solve problems.

Use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 6, Friday maths challenge.  Have a go at questions 1-5. If you want an extra challenge, try the rest of the questions too!


  • Read each question carefully – what is it asking you to do?
  • Think carefully about what information you have been given and how you might use it to work out the answer.
  • Use jottings to help you organise your thoughts.

Maths - NB group

To solve problems.

Use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 6, Friday maths challenge.  Have a go at questions 1-5. If you want an extra challenge, try the rest of the questions too!


  • Read each question carefully – what is it asking you to do?
  • Think carefully about what information you have been given and how you might use it to work out the answer.
  • Use jottings to help you organise your thoughts.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

How computers work.

Follow the link below to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about how computers work.


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.

Keeping Physically Active


Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Collins Dictionary Online:


Bitesize Daily Book Club: You're a Bad Man, Mr Gum by Andy Stanton


Maths – CU & AH groups:


Maths – NB group:


Hit the Button:


Multiplication Tables Check:


BBC Bitesize: How do we get computers to do what we want?


PE With Joe

Home Learning - 11th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Thursday 11th June

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To create something inspired by a text.



Use the file ‘Year 45 Reading Thursday 11.06.20’ below.


Read the text and choose one of these activities:

  • Draw Fletch based on the description in the book (p.12).
  • Draw or describe an impossible place that you think the train could take you to.
  • Read the text twice to make sure you understand.
  • You can use Collins Dictionary Online to look up any words you don’t know.
  • I’d love to see what you’ve made! You could send it to the class e-mail or share it on the blog.


To proofread text.

Follow the link below to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about proofreading skills.


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


  • Proofreading isn’t just about finding mistakes but also improving your work.
  • Think about features and vocabulary you could add or improve.


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Reign, remember, sentence, separate, special


Write a sentence with each of your spelling words (Thursday’s usual task).

  • Think about the definitions to make sure you are using the word correctly.
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.
  • Can you include different SPaG features?

Maths – CU & AH groups

To calculate quantities.

Use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 6, Lesson 4 – Calculate quantities. Watch the video then have a go at the activity (file ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Thursday 11.06.20’).

  • Use your multiplication and division facts.
  • Remember that multiplication and division are inverse operations – i.e. 4 x 3 = 12, 12 ÷ 3 = 4, 12 ÷ 4 = 3.

Maths - NB group

About fractions as operators.

Use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 6, Lesson 4 – Fractions as operators.  Watch the video then have a go at the activity (file ‘Year 45 NB Maths Wednesday 11.06.20’).

  • Use your multiplication and division facts.
  • Multiplying a quanitity by a fraction is the same as finding that fraction of that quantity.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About natural resources.

Follow the link below to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about natural resources.


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.

Keeping Physically Active


Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Home Learning - 10th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Wednesday 10th June

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To answer questions about a text.



Use the file ‘Year 45 Reading 08.06.20’ below.


Read the text carefully and answer the questions.


Check your answers. Could you improve any? If you’ve made a mistake, can you see what went wrong?

  • Read the text twice to make sure you understand.
  • You can use Collins Dictionary Online to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Include as much detail as you can in your answers.


To respond to a prompt.

Choose one of the activities from Monday’s list to complete.


NB: You will need this again later in the week.


I’d love to read what you’ve written! You could share it on the blog or send it to me on the class email.

Include as many of these features as you can:

  • Fronted adverbials (followed by a comma)
  • Conjunctions
  • Correctly punctuated speech (“Spoken words,” who how. / Who how, “Spoken words.”)
  • Expanded noun phrases
  • Possessive apostrophes
  • Pronouns to avoid repetition
  • Paragraphs

Additional for year 5:

  • Parenthesis (brackets, dashes, commas)
  • Relative clauses
  • Linking ideas between paragraphs
  • Modal verbs
  • Adverbs of possibility


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Reign, remember, sentence, separate, special


Complete the bitesize activity – splitting up the words into sections (don’t worry about colouring – just put a dash between parts,       

e.g. ap – pre - ci - ate) (Tuesday’s usual task).

  • Listen for sounds and syllables to help split them up in the best way possible.
  • Are there any common spelling patterns between these words?
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.

Maths – CU & AH groups

To find fractions of an quantity.

Use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 6, Lesson 3 – Fractions of a quantity.  Watch the video then have a go at the activity (file ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Wednesday 10.06.20’).


  • Use your known division and multiplication facts.
  • Remember to find the unit fraction first by dividing by the denominator before multiplying by the numerator.

Maths - NB group

To find fractions of an amount.

Use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 6, Lesson 3 – Fractions of an amount.  Watch the video then have a go at the activity (file ‘Year 45 NB Maths Wednesday 10.06.20’).


  • Use your known division and multiplication facts.
  • Remember to find the unit fraction first by dividing by the denominator before multiplying by the numerator.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About trade and economic activity.

Follow the link below to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about trade and economic activity.


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.

Keeping Physically Active


Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Collins Dictionary Online:


Maths – CU & AH groups:


Maths – NB group:


Hit the Button:


Multiplication Tables Check:


BBC Bitesize: Trade and Economic Activity


PE With Joe


Home Learning - 9th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Tuesday 9th June

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To answer questions about a text.



Use the file ‘Year 45 Reading 09.06.20’ below.


Read the text ‘The Bronze Age: Stonehenge’ carefully and answer the questions.


Check your answers. Could you improve any? If you’ve made a mistake, can you see what went wrong?

  • Read the text twice to make sure you understand.
  • You can use Collins Dictionary Online to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Include as much detail as you can in your answers.


To understand the difference between fact and opinion.

Follow the link below to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about life in fact and opinion.


Read the article, watch the videos, answer the questions and have a go at the activities.


  • Do you notice some words which usually suggest an opinion or some that usually suggest a fact?


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Reign, remember, sentence, separate, special


Complete the bitesize activity – splitting up the words into sections (don’t worry about colouring – just put a dash between parts,       

e.g. ap – pre - ci - ate) (Tuesday’s usual task).

  • Listen for sounds and syllables to help split them up in the best way possible.
  • Are there any common spelling patterns between these words?
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.

Maths – CU & AH groups

To subtract fractions.

Use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 6, Lesson 2 –Subtract fractions.  Watch the video then have a go at the activity (file ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Tuesday 09.06.20’).

  • Look for patterns.
  • Use your known addition facts.
  • Remember not to add the denominators.

Maths - NB group

To multiply mixed numbers by whole numbers.

Use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 6, Lesson 2 –  Multiply mixed numbers by integers.  Watch the video then have a go at the activity (file ‘Year 45 NB Maths Tuesday 09.06.20’).


  • Look for patterns.
  • Use your known multiplication facts.
  • Remember not to multiply the denominators.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

What it was like to live in the Iron Age.

Have a go at the Stone and Bronze Ages quiz linked below to see how much you can remember from last week.


Follow the link below to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about life in the Iron Age.


Read the article and watch the videos.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.

Keeping Physically Active


Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Collins Dictionary Online:


BBC Bitesize: Fact and Opinion:


Maths – CU & AH groups:


Maths – NB group:


Hit the Button:


Multiplication Tables Check:


Stone and Bronze Ages Quiz


BBC Bitesize: What was it like to live in the Iron Age?


PE With Joe


Home Learning - 8th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Monday 8th June

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To answer questions about a text.



Use the file ‘Year 45 Reading 08.06.20’ below.


Read the text carefully and answer the questions.


Check your answers. Could you improve any? If you’ve made a mistake, can you see what went wrong?

  • Read the text twice to make sure you understand.
  • You can use Collins Dictionary Online to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Include as much detail as you can in your answers.


To respond to a prompt.

Use the file ‘Year 45 Writing Monday 08.06.20’ below.


Choose one of the activities to complete.


NB: You will need this again later in the week.


I’d love to read what you’ve written! You could share it on the blog or send it to me on the class email.

Include as many of these features as you can:

  • Fronted adverbials (followed by a comma)
  • Conjunctions
  • Correctly punctuated speech (“Spoken words,” who how. / Who how, “Spoken words.”)
  • Expanded noun phrases
  • Possessive apostrophes
  • Pronouns to avoid repetition
  • Paragraphs

Additional for year 5:

  • Parenthesis (brackets, dashes, commas)
  • Relative clauses
  • Linking ideas between paragraphs
  • Modal verbs

Adverbs of possibility


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Reign, remember, sentence, separate, special


Look up the meanings of these words using a dictionary or Collins Dictionary Online.


Write out the definitions (Monday’s usual task).

  • Try to rephrase the definition to make sense of it for yourself.
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.

Maths – CU & AH groups

To add 2 or more fractions.

Use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 6, Lesson 1 – Add 2 or more fractions.  Watch the video then have a go at the worksheet (file ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Monday 08.06.20’).


  • Look for patterns.
  • Use your known addition facts.
  • Remember not to add the denominators.

Maths - NB group

To multiply fractions by a whole number.

Use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 6, Lesson 1 – Multiply unit and non-unit fractions by integers.  Watch the video then have a go at the worksheet (file ‘Year 45 NB Maths Monday 08.06.20’).


  • Look for patterns.
  • Use your known multiplication facts.
  • Remember not to multiply the denominators.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About settlements.

Follow the link below to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about settlements.


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


Would you prefer to live in London or Tokyo? Why? Look for the post on the blog and join the discussion.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.

Keeping Physically Active


Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Home Learning - 5th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Friday 5th June

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To learn a poem by heart.


To compare and contrast two poems.



Use the files ‘Year 45 Reading Friday 05.06.20’ below.


Read the poem and the tips for learning a poem by heart. Try to learn ‘Keep a poem in your pocket’.


Use the sentence starters to compare ‘Keep a poem in your pocket’ to your favourite poem from yesterday.

  • Read the text twice to make sure you understand.
  • You can use Collins Dictionary Online to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Read the questions carefully and include as much detail in your answer as you can.


To use formal and informal language.

Use the link below to go to the BBC Bitesize page about formal and informal language.


Watch the video, read the information and complete the practice activities.

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Purpose, quarter, question, recent, regular


Write a paragraph including all of your spellings.

  • Think about the definitions to make sure you are using the word correctly.
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.
  • Can you include different SPaG features?

Maths – CU & AH groups

To solve problems.

Use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 5, Friday maths challenge.  Have a go at questions 1-5. If you want an extra challenge, try the rest of the questions too!


  • Read each question carefully – what is it asking you to do?
  • Think carefully about what information you have been given and how you might use it to work out the answer.
  • Use jottings to help you organise your thoughts.

Maths - NB group

To solve problems.

Use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 5, Friday maths challenge.  Have a go at questions 1-5. If you want an extra challenge, try the rest of the questions too!


  • Read each question carefully – what is it asking you to do?
  • Think carefully about what information you have been given and how you might use it to work out the answer.
  • Use jottings to help you organise your thoughts.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About a local prehistoric site.

Stonehenge is not very far from Trowbridge, and there are lots of other prehistoric sites in Wiltshire!


Research a local prehistoric site and make a poster or a fact file to share what you’ve learned.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

Here are some ideas of local sites you could research:

  • Avebury Stone Circle
  • West Kennet Long Barrow
  • Bratton Camp/Castle
  • Silbury Hill



  • I’d love to see your poster/fact file! You could share it on the blog or send it to the class email.

Keeping Physically Active


Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Collins Dictionary Online:


BBC Bitesize: Formal and Informal Language:


Maths – CU & AH groups:


Maths – NB group:


Hit the Button:


Multiplication Tables Check:


PE With Joe


Home Learning - 4th June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Thursday 4th June

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To answer questions about a poem.



Use the files ‘Year 45 Literacy Thursday 04.06.20’ below.


Read the poems and choose your favourite.


Answer the questions about your favourite poem.

  • Read the text twice to make sure you understand.
  • You can use Collins Dictionary Online to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Read the questions carefully and include as much detail in your answer as you can.


To write a poem.

Use the file ‘Year 45 Literacy Thursday 04.06.20’ below.


Use the planning sheet to plan your own poem about the months of the year.


Write your poem. Can you write it in your neatest handwriting and decorate or illustrate it?

  • What features could you include? Think about rhyme, alliteration, similes and metaphors.
  • I’d love to read your poem! You could share it on the blog or send it to the class email.


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Purpose, quarter, question, recent, regular


Write a sentence with each of your spelling words (Thursday’s usual task).

  • Think about the definitions to make sure you are using the word correctly.
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.
  • Can you include different SPaG features?

Maths – CU & AH groups

About fractions greater than 1.

Use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 5, Lesson 4 – Fractions greater than 1. Watch the video then have a go at the activity (file ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Thursday 04.06.20’).

  • Use your multiplication and division facts.

Maths - NB group

To subtract mixed numbers.

Use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 5, Lesson 4 – Add mixed numbers.  Watch the video then have a go at the activity (file ‘Year 45 NB Maths Wednesday 04.06.20’).


  • Use your known subtraction facts.
  • Subtracting fractions is easier if you find equivalent fractions with the same denominator.
  • Do not subtract the denominators.
  • Remember to make improper fractions into mixed numbers.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

About Stonehenge.

Follow the link below to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about Stonehenge.


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.

Keeping Physically Active


Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully; this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Home Learning - 3rd June 2020

Daily Planner For:

Year 4/5

Day: Wednesday 3rd June

Good morning! 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To answer questions about a text.



Use the files ‘Year 45 Reading Wednesday 03.06.20’ below.


Read the story ‘Anansi and the Pot of Beans’ (Anansi is another way of spelling Ananse). Think about how it compares to the other stories you have read.


Answer the questions about the text.

  • Read the text twice to make sure you understand.
  • You can use Collins Dictionary Online to look up any words you don’t know.
  • Read the questions carefully and include as much detail in your answer as you can.
  • Check your answers – how did you do? How could your answers have been better?


To write a folk tale.

Use the file ‘Year 45 Writing Wednesday 03.06.20’ below.


Make notes about what you can see in the image.

Plan and write what you think happens in the story called ‘Ananse and the Birds’.


I’d love to read your story! You could share it on the blog or send it to the class e-mail.



Include as many of these features as you can:

  • Fronted adverbials (followed by a comma)
  • Conjunctions
  • Correctly punctuated speech (“Spoken words,” who how. / Who how, “Spoken words.”)
  • Expanded noun phrases
  • Possessive apostrophes
  • Pronouns to avoid repetition
  • Paragraphs

Additional for year 5:

  • Parenthesis (brackets, dashes, commas)
  • Relative clauses
  • Linking ideas between paragraphs
  • Modal verbs
  • Adverbs of possibility


To spell words from an age-appropriate text.

Purpose, quarter, question, recent, regular


Complete the bitesize activity – splitting up the words into sections (don’t worry about colouring – just put a dash between parts,       

e.g. ap – pre - ci - ate) (Tuesday’s usual task).

  • Listen for sounds and syllables to help split them up in the best way possible.
  • Are there any common spelling patterns between these words?
  • Make sure you spell the word correctly.

Maths – CU & AH groups

About equivalent fractions.

Use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 5, Lesson 3 – Equivalent fractions (2).  Watch the video then have a go at the activity (file ‘Year 45 CU AH Maths Wednesday 03.06.20’).

  • Equivalent fractions are fractions with different numbers that are worth the same amount.
  • You can find an equivalent fraction by multiplying the both the numerator and the denominator by the same amount.

Maths - NB group

To add mixed numbers.

Use the link below to see the lesson on White Rose Maths.


Go to Summer Term – Week 5, Lesson 3 – Add mixed numbers.  Watch the video then have a go at the activity (file ‘Year 45 NB Maths Wednesday 03.06.20’).


  • Use your known addition facts.
  • Adding fractions is easier if you find equivalent fractions with the same denominator.
  • Do not add the denominators.
  • Remember to make improper fractions into mixed numbers.

Basic maths facts

Times tables.

Use Hit the Button and the Multiplication Tables Check to practise times tables.


  • Remember that 5 x 6 is the same as 6 x 5 – multiplication facts can be reversed.
  • Practise your related division facts as well.

Topic work

What it was like to live in the Bronze Age.

Follow the link below to BBC Bitesize to view the lesson about life in the Stone Age.


Read the article, watch the videos, and have a go at the activities.


How was the Bronze Age different from the Stone Age?


You can also continue with Espresso ‘Make Your World Bigger’ if you have been enjoying that!

  • Read the article carefully. If you’re not sure what something means, you can look it up or ask a grown up or older sibling.

Keeping Physically Active


Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home.  You can access his sessions at the link below this table.

  • Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time.  </