Newtown Community Primary School
'Newtown Primary School is a Community Primary School and we take the "Community" aspect of our title very seriously. Our children, their families and extended families are at the heart of everything we do.'

Willow Class (Reception)

Welcome to Willow Class

My name is Mrs Potter and I am the teacher of the reception class with our lovely teaching assistant Mrs Wiater.

The reception class or EYFS as it can be known, encourages the children to become explorers and investigators; and to develop their creative minds through child-initiated learning and adult led activities.

When the children begin school in September we focus on giving them the chance to settle in and make new friends, and then we gradually introduce short inputs such as Phonics and Maths.  At the end of this term we will be looking at the people who help us in our community and learn about their different roles. 

There are many ways to support your children’s learning, at Newtown we recognise the importance of reading.  As a celebration of the children’s reading at home we have the 100 Club, where the children will receive certificates and prizes for the times they have read at home.  Who will get to the milestone first?

When the children are in full-time they will have P.E. lessons weekly. Please ensure their P.E. kit is in school every day.

We are very excited to meet all of you and get started on another exciting school year.  Please come back and visit this page throughout the year to see what your child has been up to.

Mrs Potter