Newtown Community Primary School
'Newtown Primary School is a Community Primary School and we take the "Community" aspect of our title very seriously. Our children, their families and extended families are at the heart of everything we do.'

Willow Class (Reception)

Welcome to Willow Class

My name is Mrs Potter and I am the teacher of the reception class with our lovely teaching assistant Mrs Wiater.

The reception class or EYFS as it can be known, encourages the children to become explorers and investigators; and to develop their creative minds through child-initiated learning and adult led activities.

When the children begin school in September we focus on giving them the chance to settle in and make new friends, and then we gradually introduce short inputs such as Phonics and Maths.  At the end of this term we will be looking at the people who help us in our community and learn about their different roles. 

There are many ways to support your children’s learning, at Newtown we recognise the importance of reading.  As a celebration of the children’s reading at home we have the 100 Club, where the children will receive certificates and prizes for the times they have read at home.  Who will get to the milestone first?

When the children are in full-time they will have P.E. lessons weekly. Please ensure their P.E. kit is in school every day.

We are very excited to meet all of you and get started on another exciting school year.  Please come back and visit this page throughout the year to see what your child has been up to.

Mrs Potter 


Egg Theatre trip

Wow! What an amazing day Willow class have had. Yesterday we were lucky enough to go on a school trip to the Egg theatre in Bath to watch a performance of The Midnight Mole. We caught the train from Trowbridge to Bath, where the children were able to spot lots of different landmarks including rivers, canals, hills and weirs. Once we arrived in Bath we played a game of eye spy with different historical buildings across the city. The children loved looking at the details on the buildings and the carvings in the stone. At the Egg theatre we watched a heartwarming tale of a woodland creatures going through the forest and visiting the home of a mole. The children’s behaviour was exemplary, and they had an amazing time. Take a look at our wonderful pictures 😊

Celebration Dinner

This term in Willow class we had an AMAZING time preparing and cooking a three-course meal. Across the week the children in Willow class learnt about a balanced meal, planned their own dinner, wrote shopping lists and went to Aldi to purchase the food we needed. On Friday we then cooked the courses of our meal in groups. Whilst we were waiting for the food to cook we laid the tables with our cutlery and the name cards/ party hats we had made in the week. Take a look at our wonderful photos! 😊

Term 1 in Willow Class

Wow! What an amazing first term the children in Willow class have had. We have been busy learning about the different people within our community who help us as well as getting to know each other and our school. We were lucky enough to have a visit from some local police officers who came to talk to us about their job and how they can support our community. Over the course of the term the children have been building relationships and getting to know each other. We have seen some fantastic teamwork when building models, creating small world areas and telling stories. We have also been learning set 1 sounds, practicing writing these in lots of different ways and trying to match the initial sound to a picture. Some of us have even been having a go at writing simple words to match a picture using our new sounds! We have had an amazing term and look forward to seeing what comes in term 2!

Police Officer visit

This week the police came to visit Willow Class to help us with our topic of ‘People that help us’. Having the police come and spend time with the children was an important and enjoyable part of this learning. The children all got to sit in the police car and understand more about the job that police officers do - you can just imagine the excitement! Willow Class have also set up their new role play area, where we have some very hard-working doctors and nurses ready to treat any patient who comes their way. Whilst both activities were clearly fun for the children, they have supported the children to become knowledgeable about the adults they can trust in the community, and developed possible future ambitions. Take a look at our lovely learning 😊