Welcome to Sycamore Class!
Mrs Ponsford and Mrs Cameron are our Teachers.
Mrs Clark is our Teaching Assistant.
In Sycamore class we are always kind, polite, friendly, willing to try new things and prepared to listen and learn.
Some of the fun things we do in Sycamore Class are:
Swimming in our school pool
Reading and listening to stories
Singing songs
Painting and drawing
Making models with clay and construction kits
Learning with the ipads
Counting and playing number games
Exciting and imaginative topics with fun role play areas.
Trips to the library, park and a castle.
We are all really excited about the year ahead and hope it will be full of fun and learning. We will be working alongside Pine class to discover the following new and exciting topics:
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Sycamore Class have started 2017 with an exciting new topic on dinosaurs. This week we are listening to a poem called Dinosaur Roar! In yesterday's Literacy lesson we learnt about antonyms- opposites. Today we have written lists of synonyms- words that have a similar meaning. We are going to use these in our own Dinosaur Roar poems later in the week and will add them to our Dinosaur display.
"Sycamore and Pine Class have worked hard to each make a beautiful hedgehog out of clay and sticks. The pupils then enjoyed making the hedgehogs habitat out of a plant pot and leaves to keep the hedgehog warm. Well done Sycamore and Pine Class."
"Sycamore and Pine Class enjoyed a special visit from George the tortoise on Friday 14th October. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed learning about how to look after a tortoise, its habitat and why it has a shell. It was excellent to learn all about caring for an animal from a first hand experience and relating it to the many books the pupils have been reading about animals this term. Thank you to Mrs Clarke for bringing in her (very fast moving!) tortoise".
Sycamore class have made a super start to their Roald Dahl topic. We have started off with The Enormous Crocodile story. We have learnt all about Humpy Rumpy, Trunky, Muggle Wump and the Roly Poly bird. We have found out about the crocodile’s secret plans and clever tricks (which involve tricking, catching and eating small children!) Most importantly we thoroughly enjoyed the ending where the nasty crocodile was swung around and around, flew up to the sun and was sizzled up like a sausage. All the children in Sycamore class painted their favourite character from the story. We are very much looking forward this week to finding about real crocodiles.
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