Newtown Community Primary School
'Newtown Primary School is a Community Primary School and we take the "Community" aspect of our title very seriously. Our children, their families and extended families are at the heart of everything we do.'

Sycamore Class (Year 1)

Welcome to Sycamore Class

Hello! My name is Miss Pountney, and I am over the moon to be teaching Sycamore class again this year alongside our fantastic Teaching Assistants – Mrs King and Mrs Nuku!


This year we have got some big, fun plans for Sycamore class, and I can’t wait to experience all of this with a lovely new class! We will start the year off with our Farm to Food topic, where we learn about moving vehicles, ask questions, test different materials, and not only design, but build our very own moving vehicles! In term 2 we will be learning about the incredible things that Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale did to improve wellbeing and care in hospitals, I have got some very exciting plans for this topic! Of course, on the run up to Christmas we will be rehearsing for our Nativity, and in term 3 after Christmas we will start our Seaside's topic where we will learn all about the geography of the seaside. In Term 4 our topic is called Castles and Dragons, during this term we will be learning about the geography of the world and what it was like living in a castle. The artist Wassily Kandinsky is our focus in term 5 and we will be learning all about him, his artwork, and even making our own Kandinsky inspired clay plates. In term 6 we will be learning all about the Victorians and we will have our very own Victorian day in school.


Throughout the year we will also be brilliant scientists, asking questions and creating investigations on a variety of topics including Everyday materials, floating and sinking, seasonal changes, plants, and animals. All our writing will be linked to our topic work so you can look forward to writing about an unsuitable pet in term 6 and creating seaside postcards in term 3! When it comes to our maths learning we will continue to learn in a hands-on practical way as well as introducing a more formal learning approach.


I can’t wait for another incredible year in Sycamore class!