Welcome to Sycamore Class!
Here in year 1 our class teacher is Miss Abbott and we are lucky enough to have two amazing teaching assistants; Mrs Clark and Mr Briant. Over the next few terms we have a range of exciting topics and activities which we will be covering. We will start by looking at the work of Wassily Kadinsky and having a go at creating our own artwork. We are also looking forward to learning about our robots and recycling topic next term.
PE lessons will take place so we kindly ask that all children have their PE kits in school every day to ensure they can take part. Homework will continue and it is really helpful if you can make sure this is completed weekly.
We appreciate the enjoyment and importance of reading. Therefore, here at Newtown we have the 100 club where children can win prizes for the amount of time they have read at home. Some children in Sycamore class have managed to get to 100 but who will be next?
Make sure that you come back to this page so that you can see what exciting things our class have been getting up to at school.
Miss Abbott
This term, in Sycamore Class, we have been learning about how we stay healthy through exercise and eating. As part of this topic the children have been making healthy lollipops using yogurt, honey and a range of fruit. Then, we all enjoyed eating them outside in the lovely weather!
In Science, the children have been learning all about different plants from wild plants to different types of trees. The children went outside on a plant hunt and in Art they have had a go at doing some observational drawing of different flowers. They did a fantastic job of making sure that they drew what they saw in front of them.
This term, in Sycamore Class, we are looking at Robots and Recycling. In English, we have been looking at what a robot is and the different jobs they can do. In addition, we have been using lots of different materials and objects which are normally seen in a recycling bin but instead we created our own disposable art robots. I think you’ll agree they did a fantastic job of creating some amazing robots out of recycling!
Last week we also celebrated World Book Day and Sycamore Class made such a big effort to come in dressed up as a range of characters. Can you spot the any of your favourite book characters in our class? As part of this day, we went to the library to hear all about the adventures of Alice in Wonderland and some of Sycamore Class even went on a book scavenger hunt to try to find certain characters in the library books. You can also see some of the lovely book covers which the children drew.
This week in Sycamore Class the children have been busy creating a sweet and savoury pastry. This involved decision making for our ingredients, a (very wet!) shopping trip and of course lots of cooking!
In Science, we have been learning all about different animals. The children were lucky enough to have a visitor this week who brought a range of animals with him. They all got the chance to hold or touch a cockroach, stick insect, millipede and snake. They were all so brave and loved hearing all the interesting facts that Chris (our visitor) told us.
This term Sycamore class have been learning all about the wonderful work of Wassily Kadinsky. The children have learnt that he was the first artist to stop painting pictures of things and instead paint just using colours and shapes. The children have been busy learning about primary and secondary colours and this is shown in our paintwork on the clay plates below. The children all worked really hard rolling and cutting out the clay. I have been particularly impressed with how well the children did the ‘score and slip’ technique. Well done!
This term Sycamore class have been focusing on ourselves and their art work has been amazing. Earlier in the term we made some GIANT faces on the field, the children spent time learning how to draw the features of their face and then had a go at sketching their whole face, which they were most successful at!
Sycamore class have been learning a new skill this term. We now know how to make a simple book on the I-Pad using a programme called 'Book creator'. The children learnt how to change the colour of the page, add text and edit it and of course add their own pictures by taking some selfies!
This week Sycamore class have been using atlases to help them to label a map of the United Kingdom. The children have been able to locate and name the four countries of the UK and used the atlas to help them find out about the seas that surround our island.
Year one had super fun creating our own crazy harvest vegetables using googly eyes, pasta, pipe cleaners and other crafty bits and bobs. The children were so imaginative and loved making them, we even think they look a bit like superheroes!
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