In the Year 1 class we are continuing to learn through practical, hands-on lessons to encourage the children to explore concepts and to become investigators, to develop their language skills. This will be mixed with more structured lessons where the children will apply the skills they have learned.
When the children begin school in September we allow them the chance to settle back into school and to explore the new environment. The first term will focus on a History theme looking at a Victorian nurse called Mary Seacole and a Science theme looking at how we can use different materials to make and build focussing on the story “The Three Little Pigs”.
There are many ways to support your children’s learning, at Newtown we notice the importance of reading. As a celebration of the children’s reading at home we have the 100 Club, where the children will receive certificates and prizes for the times they have read at home. Who will get to the milestone first?
P.E. lessons will be on a Tuesday and a Friday, please ensure their P.E. kit is in school every day.
Please come back and visit this page throughout the year to see what your child has been up to.
Miss Pountney
This term in Sycamore class we have been learning all about Kandinsky. We have been learning all about him and his artwork, colour mixing, recreating his artwork and even coming up with our own artwork inspired by him! For our final piece we focussed on Kandinsky’s concentric circles painting and used that to inspire our work. We made clay plates and cut out lots of smaller circles to put on top. We had to put in lots of work to roll out the clay! Once the clay had dried we were able to use what we had learnt about colour mixing to paint our clay plates, and they turned out brilliantly!
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