My name is Miss Huggett and I am teaching Sycamore class this year with the support of our lovely teaching assistants Miss McVeigh and Mrs Wiater.
In Sycamore class we work hard to ensure that we are always trying our best and work hard to face any challenges we are presented with. In Sycamore class we enjoy learning and we know how to work hard whilst still having fun!
Please help us in supporting your child at home with their reading daily. We will be continuing with our 100 club here at Newtown Primary School and it would be amazing to see many Year 1’s challenging themselves to reach this impressive milestone!
Key things to remember:
Many exciting things ahead in Year 1! Please keep an eye on here to see the wonderful things we will be doing throughout the year.
Miss Huggett
This week in Sycamore class we were lucky enough to have a seaside day linking to our topic. We have had a brilliant time doing all sorts of different activities including: making and performing a puppet show, taking a dip in the paddling pools, building sandcastles and taking funny photographs of each other. At the end of the day we were even lucky enough to have a visit from the ice cream man! Have a look at our super photographs!
Daily Planner For: Sycamore Class |
Day: Friday 5th March 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson.
Stop if you think you might have injured yourself. |
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is ure (sure it’s pure).
Please see the front page of the Day 10 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2 and 3. On the game choose phase 3 and choose the sound ure.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write a simple sentence.
You are learning to use a capital letter and full stop.
You are learning to use time conjunction and bossy verbs when writing instructions.
In your Day 5 booklet:
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to count in 5s. |
In your Day 10 booklet: Follow the link 5 to the video of me explaining what to do and modelling the task. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.Today you will be counting in 5s. Watch the video and complete the sheet in your day 10 booklet. |
Use your number line or 100 square to help you with counting in 5s by adding 5 each time. |
Topic work |
I am happy when… |
Today I would like you to think about what makes you feel happy. Draw a picture of something that makes you happy in each cloud.
I would love to see photographs of your happy clouds so please email me photographs at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for writing-
Link 5 for maths-
Daily Planner For: Sycamore Class |
Day: Thursday 4th March 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the youtube video below to follow Jaime completing a cosmic kids yoga video (link 1).
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is ire (fire, fire).
Please see the front page of the Day 9 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2 and 3. Link 3 will take you to an activity where you will need to listen to the tricky word and then spell it correctly using the letters that are displayed.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to use capital letters in a sentence.
You are learning to use time conjunctions.
You are learning to use imperative verbs. |
In your Day 9 booklet:
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to count in 2s. |
In your Day 9 booklet: Follow the link 5 to the video of me explaining what to do and modelling the task. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.Today you will be counting in 2s. Watch the video and complete the sheet in your day 9 booklet.
Use your 100 square to help you if you need support with counting in 2s. Remember to add 2 each time. |
Topic work |
Salt dough hand print keepsake |
Today I would like you to follow the instruction in your day 9 booklet to create your own salt dough hand print keepsake.
I would love to see pictures of you handprint keepsakes so please email pictures of these to me at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for writing-
Link 5 for maths-
Sycamore Class |
Day: Wednesday 3rd March 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson.
Stop if you think you might have injured yourself. |
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is are (care and share)
Please see the front page of the Day 8 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to identify imperative verbs.
You are learning to write a sentence using imperative verbs.
In your Day 8 booklet: 1. Begin by completing your Wednesday spellings.
2. Next, practice your handwriting using the letter formation sheet for the letter r.
3. Watch the video of me explaining todays task using link 5 below.
4. Following on from instruction writing yesterday, we are going to be looking at imperative verbs (bossy verbs). These verbs are just telling you what to do! Complete the activity sheet in your day 8 booklet. |
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to order numbers within 50. |
In your Day 8 booklet: Follow the link 5 to the video of me explaining what to do and modelling the task. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.Today you will be ordering numbers within 50. Watch the video and complete the sheet in your day 8 booklet.
Don’t forget to use your 100 square to help you with sequencing your numbers. |
Topic work |
Milk carton fairy houses. |
Today you are going to make your own fairy house using a milk carton. Follow the instructions in your day 8 booklet. If you do not have a milk carton at home that is empty try using a box instead.
Please email me a picture of your fairy house at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for phonics-
Link 5 for writing-
Link 6 for maths-
Sycamore Class |
Day: Tuesday 2nd March 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the youtube video below to follow Jaime completing a cosmic kids yoga video (link 1).
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is oi (spoil the boy).
Please see the front page of the Day 7 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write a full sentence that makes sense.
You are learning to use time conjunctions.
You are learning to use a capital letter and a full stop for a full sentence. |
In your Day 7 booklet:
1. Begin by completing your Tuesdays spellings.
2. Next, practice your handwriting using the letter formation sheet for the letter ff.
3. Watch the video of me explaining todays task using link 5 below.
4. Following on from your work on instructions yesterday you are going to be having a go at writing your own instructions as to how to make a jam sandwich. Please use the time conjunctions at the bottom of the page to help you. |
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to compare numbers within 50. |
In your Day 7 booklet: Follow the link 6 to the video of me explaining what to do and modelling the task. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.Today you will be comparing numbers within 50. |
Don’t forget to draw the < , > or = signs if it helps you solve the problem. |
Topic work |
Toilet roll frog |
Today I would like you to have a go at making a toilet roll frog following the instructions in your day 7 booklet. If you do not have any toilet rolls at some you could use any tube.
I would love to see pictures of your frogs so please email them to me at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for phonics-
Link 5 for writing-
Link 6 for maths-
Sycamore Class |
Day: Monday 1st March 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson.
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is ea (cup of tea).
Please see the front page of the Day 6 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to use time conjunctions when writing a sentence. |
In your Day 6 booklet:
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Maths |
You are learning to compare objects within 50.
Follow the link 6 to the video of me explaining what to do and modelling the task. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.
Don’t forget that the crocodile always eats the biggest number! |
Topic work |
Science- Creating a cress head. |
Today you are going to be following the instructions in your day 6 booklet to create your own cress head using the seeds included in your home learning pack. This is something we will be writing about later in the week so please make sure that you complete this task 😊
I would love to see pictures of your cress heads so please email them to me at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for phonics-
Link 5 for writing-
Link 6 for Maths-
Daily Planner For: Sycamore Class |
Day: Friday 26th February 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson.
Stop if you think you might have injured yourself. |
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is oa (goat in a boat).
Please see the front page of the Day 5 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write a simple sentence.
You are learning to use a capital letter and full stop.
You are learning to use your phonics sounds to spell words.
In your Day 5 booklet:
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to find one more and one less. |
In your Day 5 booklet: Follow the link 6 to the video of me explaining what to do and modelling the task. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.Today you will be finding one more and one less. Watch the video and complete the sheet in your day 5 booklet. |
Use your number line or 100 square to help you with finding one more or one less. |
Topic work |
Science- You are learning about solids and liquids. |
Today I would like you to have a go at making cornflour slime following the instructions in your booklet. You are learning about liquids and solids.
I would love to see photographs of your slime experiments so please email me photographs at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for phonics-
Link 5 for writing-
Link 6 for maths-
Daily Planner For: Sycamore Class |
Day: Thursday 25th February 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the youtube video below to follow Jaime completing a cosmic kids yoga video (link 1).
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is aw (yawn at dawn).
Please see the front page of the Day 4 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4. Choose phase 5 and choose the sound aw.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to use capital letters in a sentence.
You are learning to use full stops.
You are learning to write similes.
In your Day 4 booklet:
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to represent numbers to 50. |
In your Day 4 booklet: Follow the link 6 to the video of me explaining what to do and modelling the task. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.Today you will be representing numbers up to 50. Watch the video and complete the sheet in your day 4 booklet.
Take care when counting each item. Make sure that you cross them out as you count to ensure that you do not count them twice. |
Topic work |
Split pin animals. |
Today I would like you to have a go at making split pin animals using the small booklet within your pack. Please cut out the different animals and either put them together using a split pin or tape.
I would love to see pictures of your split pin animals so please email pictures of these to me at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for phonics-
Link 5 for writing-
Link 6 for maths-
Sycamore Class |
Day: Wednesday 24th February 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson.
Stop if you think you might have injured yourself. |
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is u_e (huge brute)
Please see the front page of the Day 3 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2 and 3. Parents: There is a brief advert at the start but then your child will be able to access the game. For this game, your child will need to order the words into alphabetical order. This is a skill which a lot of children find tricky so encourage them to use the alphabet strip at the bottom of the page. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write a simple sentence.
You are learning to use a capital letter and full stop.
You are learning to use adjectives to describe. |
In your Day 3 booklet: 1. Begin by completing your Wednesday spellings.
2. Next, practice your handwriting using the letter formation sheet for the letter d.
3. Watch the video of me explaining todays task using link 4 below.
4. Following on from reading the story ‘Formidable Sid’ you are going to design and describe your own fantasy pet. This can be anything you would like at all. Down the side of your page you have a list of adjectives that could give you some ideas for your imaginary pet. |
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to identify tens and ones. |
In your Day 3 booklet: Follow the link 5 to the video of me explaining what to do and modelling the task. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.Today you will be identifying tens and ones. Watch the video and complete the sheet in your day 3 booklet.
Don’t forget to count carefully! If you need to cross out each item as you count to ensure that you don’t miscount then please do. |
Topic work |
Paper plate pets. |
Today you are going to make your own paper plate pets. Follow the instructions in your day 3 booklet.
Please email me a picture of your paper plate pet at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for writing-
Link 5 for maths-
Sycamore Class |
Day: Tuesday 23rd February 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the youtube video below to follow Jaime completing a cosmic kids yoga video (link 1).
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is i_e (nice smile).
Please see the front page of the Day 2 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write a full sentence that makes sense. |
In your Day 2 booklet:
1. Begin by completing your Tuesdays spellings.
2. Next, practice your handwriting using the letter formation sheet for the letter m.
3. Watch the video of me explaining todays task using link 4 below.
4. Following on from reading the story ‘Formidable Sid’ yesterday, you are doing to create pet fact file. If you do not have a pet of your own at home please choose one from the story ‘Formidable Sid’. |
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to count forwards and backwards within 50.
In your Day 2 booklet: Follow the link 5 to the video of me explaining what to do and modelling the task. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.Today you will be counting forwards and backwards within 50. |
Don’t forget to spot the pattern in each part of your maths activity today 😊 |
Topic work |
You are learning about the different reactions of acid and alkaline. |
Today I would like you to have a go at making a foaming monster following the instructions in your day 2 booklet. You will need vinegar and bicarbonate soda.
I would love to see pictures of your foaming monster experiments so please email them to me at: |
Don’t forget to put your monster in a big bowl or outside before you add the bicarbonate of soda as it will make a mess! |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for phonics-
Link 4 for writing-
Link 5 for maths-
Daily Planner For: Sycamore Class |
Day: Monday 22nd February 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson.
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is a_e (make a cake).
Please see the front page of the Day 1 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to sequence the events of a story. |
In your Day 1 booklet:
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Maths |
You are learning to count objects and numbers to 50.
Follow the link 6 to the video of me explaining what to do and modelling the task. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.
Don’t forget to cross out the items you have already counted so that you do not accidently count them twice!
Topic work |
Create your own pet rock- linked to our story of ‘Formidable Sid’. |
Today you are going to make your own pet rock. If you do not have a rock at home or in your garden then please go on a walk to find a rock 😊 Follow the instructions in your day 1 booklet.
I would love to see pictures of your pet rocks so please email them to me at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for phonics-
Link 5 for writing-
Link 6 for Maths-
Daily Planner For: Sycamore Class |
Day: Friday 12th February 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson.
Stop if you think you might have injured yourself. |
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is ure (sure it’s pure).
Please see the front page of the Day 25 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2 and 3.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write a simple sentence.
You are learning to use a capital letter and full stop.
You are learning to use your phonics sounds to spell words.
In your Day 25 booklet:
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to compare number sentences. |
In your Day 25 booklet: Follow the link 4 to the video of me explaining what to do and modelling the task. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.Today you will be comparing number sentences. Watch the video and complete the sheet in your day 25 booklet. |
Use your own tens frames and counters for support if you need help! |
Topic work |
Create a presentation |
Today I would like you to create a presentation to show what you have learnt about Antarctica this week. You can do this however you would like e.g. a poster, PowerPoint, video or paintings.
I would love to see photographs of your presentations, so please send them to me at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for maths-
Link 5 for writing-
Daily Planner For: Sycamore Class |
Day: Thursday 11th February 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the youtube video below to follow Jaime completing a cosmic kids yoga video (link 1).
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is ow (brown cow).
Please see the front page of the Day 24 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2 and 3. Once on the game select review all phase 5. If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to use capital letters in a sentence.
You are learning to use full stops.
You are learning use adjectives.
In your Day 24 booklet:
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to compare number sentences. |
In your Day 24 booklet: Follow the link 4 to the video of me explaining what to do and modelling the task. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.Today you will be comparing number sentences. Watch the video and complete the sheet in your day 24 booklet.
Use your own tens frames and counters for support if you need help! |
Topic work |
Fingerprint penguins. |
Today I would like you to paint your own finger paint penguins pictures following the instructions in the back of your day 24 booklet.
I would love to see pictures of your paintings so please email pictures of these to me at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for maths-
Link 5 for writing-
Sycamore Class |
Day: Wednesday 10th February 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson.
Stop if you think you might have injured yourself. |
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is ew (chew the stew).
Please see the front page of the Day 23 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2 and 3. On the game select phase 5 and then ew. If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write a simple sentence.
You are learning to use a capital letter and full stop.
You are learning to use your phonics sounds to spell words.
In your Day 23 booklet: 1. Begin by completing your Wednesday spellings.
2. Next, practice your handwriting using the letter formation sheet for the letter t.
3. Watch the video of me explaining todays task using link 5 below.
4. Following on from reading the story ‘The runaway iceberg’ you are going to write what could happen next after the story ended. What do you think Gaspar and Rossi did next? Write a new story about their next adventure. |
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to use addition and subtraction fact families to 10.
In your Day 23 booklet: Follow the link 4 to the video of me explaining what to do and modelling the task. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.Today you will be continuing use addition and subtraction fact families to 10. Watch the video and complete the sheet in your day 23 booklet.
Don’t forget to use your own tens frame and counters to add together to support yourself if you get stuck! |
Topic work |
You are learning about Antarctic explorers. |
Today you are going to be learning about Antarctic explorers. Have a look at the explorers PowerPoint attached. In your booklet complete the Antarctic explorers activity. Challenge: Draw your own Antarctic explorer. What would they need to wear?
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for maths-
Link 5 for writing-
Sycamore Class |
Day: Tuesday 9th February 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the youtube video below to follow Jaime completing a cosmic kids yoga video (link 1).
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is er (better letter).
Please see the front page of the Day 22 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2 and 3.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write a full sentence that makes sense. |
In your Day 22 booklet:
1. Begin by completing your Tuesdays spellings.
2. Next, practice your handwriting using the letter formation sheet for the letter a.
3. Watch the video of me explaining todays task using link 5 below.
4. Following on from reading the story ‘The runaway iceberg’ you are going to write a job advert for a new explorer. Use the words at the bottom of the page to help you fill in the missing gaps. |
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to use related facts.
In your Day 22 booklet: Follow the link 4 to the video of me explaining what to do and modelling the task. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.Today you will be finding addition and subtraction related facts. Watch the video and complete the sheet in your day 22 booklet. |
Don’t forget to use your own tens frame and counters to add together to support yourself if you get stuck! |
Topic work |
You are learning about the different animals of Antarctica. |
Today I would like you to use the research sheet in the back of your day 22 booklet and research key information about penguins, orcas and seals. You should try and answer the questions: Where can you find them? What do they eat? What features do they have? (skin, claws, fur etc)
I would love to see pictures of your animal research sheets, so please email them to me at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for maths-
Link 5 for writing-
Daily Planner For: Sycamore Class |
Day: Monday 8th February 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson.
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is u_e (huge brute).
Please see the front page of the Day 21 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2 and 3.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to sequence the events of a story. |
In your Day 21 booklet:
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Maths |
You are learning to subtract crossing 10.
Follow the link 4 to the video of me explaining what to do and modelling the task. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.
Don’t forget to use your number lines to help you count back if you need additional support.
Don’t forget to draw your jumps on the number line so you don’t forget where you are! |
Topic work |
Research the geography of Antarctica.
Learn key facts about Antarctica. |
Today you are going to begin researching and learning about a different part of the world. You are going to be researching Antarctica. Use the page in your day 21 booklet to research and make notes about what you have learnt.
I would love to see pictures of your research sheets so please email them to me at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for maths-
Link 5 for writing-
Sycamore Class |
Day: Friday 5th February 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson.
Stop if you think you might have injured yourself. |
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is ire (fire, fire).
Please see the front page of the Day 20 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2 and 3.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write a simple sentence.
You are learning to use a capital letter and full stop.
You are learning to use your phonics sounds to spell words.
In your Day 20 booklet:
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to subtract crossing 10. |
In your Day 20 booklet: Follow the link 4 to the video of me explaining todays maths task. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.
Don’t forget to use your own number line to jump backwards.
Don’t forget to draw the jumps so that you don’t forget where you are 😊 |
Topic work |
Castle colouring |
Colour in the castle by the coast in the back of your topic work booklet. |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for maths-
Link 5 maths game-
Link 6 for writing-
Daily Planner For: Sycamore Class |
Day: Thursday 4th February 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the youtube video below to follow Jaime completing a cosmic kids yoga video (link 1).
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is ur (nurse with a purse).
Please see the front page of the Day 19 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to use capital letters and full stops to write a simple sentence.
You are learning to sequence a story.
In your Day 19 booklet:
Think carefully about what is going to happen in your story.
What happens in the middle of your story?
What happens at the end of your story? |
Maths |
You are learning to subtract by counting back (crossing 10s). |
In your Day 19 booklet: Follow the link 5 to the video of me explaining todays home learning. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.
Don’t forget to use your own number line to jump backwards.
Don’t forget to draw the jumps so that you don’t forget where you are 😊 |
Topic work |
Make an animal. |
Using your booklet labelled ‘Topic work booklet’ choose an animal, cut out the pieces and stick them together with Sellotape, glue or a split pin. I would love to see pictures of your animals so please email pictures of these to me at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for phonics-
Link 5 for maths-
Link 6 maths game-
Link 7 for writing-
Sycamore Class |
Day: Wednesday 3rd February 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson.
Stop if you think you might have injured yourself. |
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is are (care and share).
Please see the front page of the Day 18 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write a simple sentence.
You are learning to use a capital letter and full stop.
You are learning to use adjectives to describe.
In your Day 18 booklet: 1. Begin by completing your Wednesday 3. Watch the video of me explaining 4. Carrying on with your prince/ |
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to subtract by counting back (not crossing 10s).
In your Day 18 booklet: Follow the link 5 to the video of my explaining todays task. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.
Don’t forget to use your own number line to jump backwards.
Don’t forget to draw the jumps so that you don’t forget where you are 😊 |
Topic work |
Visiting the Zoo game. |
In your booklet labelled Topic work booklet there is a at the zoo game for you to play with your family. Cut out the dice and the counters and follow the instructions to play!
Have fun 😊 |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for phonics-
Link 5 for maths-
Link 6 for maths game-
Link 7 for writing-
Sycamore Class |
Day: Tuesday 2nd February 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the youtube video below to follow Jaime completing a cosmic kids yoga video (link 1).
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is ai (snail in the rain).
Please see the front page of the Day 17 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to use adjectives to describe. |
In your Day 17 booklet:
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to subtract (not crossing 10). |
In your Day 17 booklet: Follow the link 5 to the video of me explaining todays task. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.
Don’t forget to use your own tens frame and counters to add together to support yourself if you get stuck! |
Topic work |
Design your own zoo. |
Today I would like you to watch a virtual tour of Longleat using link 7. Then have a go at designing your own zoo using the sheet in day 17 of your booklet.
I would love to see pictures of your amazing Zoos so please email pictures of these to me at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for phonics-
Link 5 for maths-
Link 6 maths game-
Link 7 Longleat virtual tour-
Link 8 for writing-
Daily Planner For: Sycamore Class |
Day: Monday 1st February 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson.
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is oa (goat in a boat).
Please see the front page of the Day 16 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to use adjectives to describe. |
In your Day 16 booklet:
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to add by making 10.
Follow the link 5 to a video of me explaining todays task. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video of me explaining todays task and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.
If needed, don’t forget to use your own tens frame and counters to support you with solving the problems on the worksheet. |
Topic work |
Make a ladybird. |
Please follow the instructions in your day 16 booklet to make your own toilet roll tube ladybird.
I would love to see pictures of your ladybirds so please email pictures of these to me at: |
If you do not have a spare toilet roll you could use any cardboard cylinder. |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for phonics-
Link 5 for maths-
Link 6 Maths game-
Link 7 for writing-
Daily Planner For: Sycamore Class |
Day: Friday 29th January 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson.
Stop if you think you might have injured yourself. |
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is aw (yawn at dawn).
Please see the front page of the Day 15 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write a simple sentence.
You are learning to use a capital letter and full stop.
You are learning to use your phonics sounds to spell words.
In your Day 15 booklet:
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to find and make number bonds. |
In your Day 15 booklet: Today you are going to continue with finding and making number bonds. Please watch the video of me explaining todays task using link 5 below.
Use your own tens frames and counters for support if you need help working out your number bonds to 20. |
Topic work |
Castle colouring |
Colour in the castle by the coast in the back of your day 15 booklet. |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for phonics-
Link 5 for maths-
Link 6 for writing (new video) -
Link 7 for writing (story to listen to)-
Daily Planner For: Sycamore Class |
Day: Thursday 28th January 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the youtube video below to follow Jaime completing a cosmic kids yoga video (link 1).
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is i-e (nice smile).
Please see the front page of the Day 14 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning use adjectives.
You are learning about the different types of punctuation (?, ., !).
In your Day 14 booklet:
Remember, if you get stuck on a word when reading the challenge cards or the book use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Maths |
You are learning to find and make number bonds. |
In your Day 14 booklet: Follow the link 5 to the White Rose video linked to todays task. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video of me explaining todays task and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.Today you will be finding and making number bonds. Watch the video and complete the sheet in your day 14 booklet.
Use your own tens frames and counters for support if you need help! |
Topic work |
Create your own castle. |
Today I would like you to draw or paint your own castle. It can be as imaginative as you would like. Think about what you would like in your castle e.g. a trampoline room!
I would love to see pictures of your castles so please email pictures of these to me at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for phonics-
Link 5 for maths-
Link 6 for writing-
Sycamore Class |
Day: Wednesday 27th January 2020 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson.
Stop if you think you might have injured yourself. |
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is a_e (make a cake).
Please see the front page of the Day 13 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write a simple sentence.
You are learning to use a capital letter and full stop.
You are learning to use your phonics sounds to spell words.
In your Day 13 booklet:
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to add ones using number bonds.
In your Day 13 booklet: Follow the link 5 to the White Rose video linked to todays task. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video of me explaining todays task and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.Today you will be continuing to add ones using number bonds. Watch the video and complete the sheet in your day 13 booklet.
Don’t forget to use your own tens frame and counters to add together to support yourself if you get stuck! |
Topic work |
Design a outfit for a prince or princess. |
In your day 13 booklet you have got the templates for a prince and a princesses outfits. I would like you to have a go at designing the outfit for either a prince or a princess so that they can go to a ball! You do not have to do both.
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for phonics-
Link 5 for maths-
Link 6 for writing-
Sycamore Class |
Day: Tuesday 26th January 2020 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the youtube video below to follow Jaime completing a cosmic kids yoga video (link 1).
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is oi (spoil the boy).
Please see the front page of the Day 12 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to use adjectives to describe. |
In your Day 12 booklet:
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to add ones using number bonds.
In your Day 12 booklet: Follow the link 5 to the White Rose video linked to todays task. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video of me explaining the task and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.Today you will add ones using number bonds. Watch the video and complete the sheet in your day 12 booklet. |
Don’t forget to use your own tens frame and counters to add together to support yourself if you get stuck! |
Topic work |
Build your own castle. |
Today I would like you to have a go at building your own castle. You could do this out of anything in your house. You might use: recycling, Lego, magnetics, construction kits or anything else you can think of.
I would love to see pictures of your amazing castles so please email pictures of these to me at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for phonics-
Link 5 for maths-
Link 6 for writing-
Sycamore Class |
Day: Monday 25th January 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson.
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is ea (cup of tea).
Please see the front page of the Day 11 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to sequence the events of a story. |
In your Day 11 booklet:
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Maths |
You are learning to add by counting on.
Follow the link 5 to the video of me explaining what to do and modelling the task. Each day your child will complete a lesson by watching a video and then having a go at the sheet which links with the clip.
Don’t forget to use your number lines to help you count on.
Don’t forget to draw your jumps on the number line so you don’t forget where you are! |
Topic work |
Make a crown. |
Today I would love for you to make your own crowns to wear at home. These can be made from anything you like and can be whatever shape you like.
I would love to see pictures of you in your crowns so please email pictures of these to me at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for phonics-
Link 5 for maths-
Link 6 for writing-
Daily Planner For: Sycamore Class |
Day: Friday 22nd January 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson.
Stop if you think you might have injured yourself. |
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is ay (may I play?).
Please see the front page of the Day 10 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write a simple sentence.
You are learning to use a capital letter and full stop.
You are learning to use your phonics sounds to spell words.
In your Day 10 booklet:
Challenge: Try to include conjunctions (and, because) to extend your answers. Challenge: Can you correctly use an exclamation mark? For example, My cat is the best superhero ever! He can carry out secret missions because his cape makes him invisible. |
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to count objects accurately.
You are learning to form numbers correctly. |
In your Day 10 booklet:
Challenge: Have a go at writing your numbers to 100 correctly. You could do this in your homework book. |
Remember that once you have counted a creature you could mark it so that you don’t accidently count it again. |
Topic work |
Build a dinosaur activity. |
Cut out the different shapes to create your own dinosaur. |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for phonics-
Link 5 for writing-
Link 6 for maths-
Daily Planner For: Sycamore Class |
Day: Thursday 21st January 2020 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the youtube video below to follow Jaime completing a cosmic kids yoga video (link 1).
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is air (that’s no fair).
Please see the front page of the Day 9 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write a simple sentence.
You are learning to use a capital letter and full stop.
You are learning to use your phonics sounds to spell words.
In your Day 9 booklet:
-Fill in the missing capital letter. -Use the words and pictures provided to help you write your own super sentences.
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to subtract numbers up to 10. |
In your Day 9 booklet: Watch the video of me modelling todays task using link 6 below. Have a go at under the sea subtraction up to 10.
Use the number line to count backwards to solve the problem.
Challenge: Have a go at writing your own subtraction number sentences using numbers up to 30.
Use your number line to 30 to support with writing your own subtraction number sentences. |
Topic work |
Build a dinosaur activity.
Singing |
Cut out the different shapes to create your own dinosaur.
Kate, our lovely singing teacher has recorded a lesson for you to do at home. Please follow link 7 below to watch and join in with her lesson 😊 |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for phonics-
Link 5 for writing-
Link 6 for maths-
Link 7 for singing-
Sycamore Class |
Day: Wednesday 20th January 2020 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson.
Stop if you think you might have injured yourself. |
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is EE (what can you see?).
Please see the front page of the Day 8 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write a simple sentence.
You are learning to use a capital letter and full stop.
You are learning to use your phonics sounds to spell words.
In your Day 8 booklet:
Challenge: Try to include conjunctions (and, because) to extend your answers. Challenge: Can you correctly use an exclamation mark? For example, My cat is the best superhero ever! He can carry out secret missions because his cape makes him invisible. |
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to recall your number bonds to 10. |
Watch the video of me explaining your maths task using link 6 below. In your Day 8 booklet: Have a go at solving the missing number bonds to 10. Make sure you look closely at the numicon pieces. What needs to be added to make that number up to 10?
Challenge: draw the part whole model for your number bonds to 10 and to 20.
Remember to do careful counting. It is always good to double check each answer to ensure you have not miscounted the objects. |
Topic work |
Who am I? Dinosaur quiz |
Have a look at the dinosaur clues in your day 8 booklet. Each clue is describing a different type of dinosaur. Based on the clues can you work out which dinosaur they are describing? See if you can match them to the dinosaurs on the back! |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for phonics-
Link 5 for writing-
Link 6 for maths -
Sycamore Class |
Day: Tuesday 19th January 2020 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the youtube video below to follow Jaime completing a cosmic kids yoga video (link 1).
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is OO (poo at the zoo).
Please see the front page of the Day 7 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning about rhyming words. |
In your Day 7 booklet:
Read the word on the left hand side of the page- circle the word along the line that rhymes.
Extension: If you have any rhyming books at home please read this with your adult and spot the rhyming words. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part.
Maths |
You are learning to order objects by length.
In your Day 7 booklet: Complete the measuring caterpillar lengths activity. Count how many body parts the caterpillars have to see which are the biggest and which are the smallest.
Challenge: Can you find different objects around your house and order them from smallest to largest or from largest to smallest? |
Don’t forget to number the caterpillars so that you don’t forget which one you are talking about! |
Topic work |
Dinosaur skeleton cut and stick |
Cut out all of the parts of the dinosaur skeleton and stick them all together in the right place. |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for phonics-
Daily Planner For: Sycamore Class |
Day: Monday 18th January 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson.
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is IR (whirl and twirl).
Please see the front page of the Day 6 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write a simple sentence.
You are learning to use a capital letter and full stop.
You are learning to use your phonics sounds to spell words.
In your Day 6 booklet:
-Fill in the missing capital letter. -Use the words and pictures provided to help you write your own super sentences.
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to add and subtract numbers to 10.
You are learning to form numbers correctly.
Remember you can use your number line to count backward to subtract.
Remember to do careful counting. It is always good to double check each answer to ensure you have not miscounted the objects. |
Topic work |
Design your own dinosaur egg. |
In your day 6 booklet have a go at designing your own dinosaur egg. Think about what the dinosaur inside might look like. Could you also draw a picture of your dinosaur.
I would love to see pictures of your dinosaurs so please email pictures of these to me at: |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson -
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for phonics-
Daily Planner For: Sycamore Class |
Day: Friday 15th January 2020 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson.
Stop if you think you might have injured yourself. |
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is igh (fly high).
Please see the front page of the Day 5 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write a simple sentence.
You are learning to use a capital letter and full stop.
You are learning to use your phonics sounds to spell words.
In your Day 5 booklet:
Challenge: Try to include conjunctions (and, because) to extend your answers. Challenge: Can you correctly use an exclamation mark? For example, My cat is the best superhero ever! He can carry out secret missions because his cape makes him invisible. |
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to count in 10s up to 100. |
In your Day 5 booklet: Have a go at adding more minibeasts.
Challenge: Have a go at writing your own one more problems. You could use things around your house and use bigger numbers.
Play the maths game using link 5 (select + and then up to 20- one more).
Remember that if you are finding things tricky then you can use your counters to make the numbers and then add one more. |
Topic work |
Make a Mr Potato head. |
Have a go making your own Mr or Mrs Potato head. Cut of the different body parts and stick them onto the potato. Colour them in to make it bright and colourful.
Challenge: Have a go at making a real Mr or Mrs Potato head by using a real potato. |
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for phonics-
Link 5 for Maths:
Sycamore Class |
Day: Thursday 14th January 2020 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
In class the children love watching and following the go noodle active videos.
Watch and follow the go noodle links below: Link 1- cat party Link 2- Pop see ko
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is OO (look at the book).
Please see the front page of the Day 4 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 3, 4 and 5.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write a simple sentence.
You are learning to use a capital letter and full stop.
You are learning to use your phonics sounds to spell words.
In your Day 4 booklet:
Challenge: Try to include conjunctions (and, because) to extend your answers. Challenge: Can you correctly use an exclamation mark? For example, My cat is the best superhero ever! He can carry out secret missions because his cape makes him invisible. |
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to count in 10s up to 100. |
In your Day 4 booklet: Have a go at summer missing numbers counting in 10s.
Challenge: Have a go counting in 2s and 5s and creating your own pictures to match your counting.
Play the maths game using link 6 (click addition and subtraction). |
Remember that when counting in 10s the number is always going to end in a 0. |
Topic work |
Make your own pirate. |
Have a go making your own pirate using a cardboard tube. You can follow the instruction to create your very own pirates.
If you do not have different coloured paper then you could use paint or colouring pencils to create your pirate. |
Links to support the booklet work: Link 1 for keep active- Link 2 for keep active- Link 3 for phonics - Link 4 for phonics- |
Link 5 for phonics-
Link 6 for maths-
Sycamore Class |
Day: Wednesday 13th January 2020 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson.
Stop if you think you might have injured yourself. |
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is OW (blow the snow).
Please see the front page of the Day 3 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write a simple sentence.
You are learning to use a capital letter and full stop.
You are learning to use your phonics sounds to spell words.
In your Day 3 booklet: 1. Begin by completing curly caterpillar letters and words handwriting sheet.
2. Next, you are going to write a sentence about each of the at the seaside pictures. Use the boxes at the top to help you. Make sure you use the checklist provided to check your work at the end. Challenge: Try to include conjunctions (and, because) to extend your answers. Challenge: Can you correctly use an exclamation mark? For example, My cat is the best superhero ever! He can carry out secret missions because his cape makes him invisible. |
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to count in 10s up to 100. |
In your Day 3 booklet: Have a go at the one more one less number writing sheet. Fill in the missing numbers on the trucks.
Have a go at playing the game using link 5.
Remember to use your number line to help you with filling in the missing numbers. |
Topic work |
Create your own pirate flags. |
Have a go at designing your own pirate flags. Make sure you use different colours to make your flag bright and colourful so that other pirates can see it from across the sea!
Links to support the booklet work:
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for phonics-
Link 5 for maths-
Sycamore Class |
Day: Tuesday 12th January 2020 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the youtube video below to follow Jaime completing a cosmic kids yoga video (link 1).
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is OR (shut the door).
Please see the front page of the Day 2 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write a simple sentence.
You are learning to use a capital letter and full stop.
You are learning to use your phonics sounds to spell words.
In your Day 2 booklet:
Challenge: Try to include conjunctions (and, because) to extend your answers. Challenge: Can you correctly use an exclamation mark? For example, My cat is the best superhero ever! He can carry out secret missions because his cape makes him invisible. |
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to use key vocabulary about measurement and capacity.
You are learning to order different measurements. |
In your Day 2 booklet: Complete your how much does it hold worksheet. Think about the questions below.
Challenge: Can you find different containers around your house that can hold water? Put water in each container. Order the containers from the most full to the least full. |
Remember that you could fill your containers with different materials e.g. sand, mud, water, slime etc.
Topic work |
Make a treasure map. |
Use the treasure map in your booklet to create your own treasure map. If you have your own paper at home have a go at making a treasure map of your house and hiding some treasure for people to find. |
Link 1 for keep active-
Link 2 for phonics -
Link 3 for phonics-
Link 4 for phonics-
Sycamore Class |
Day: Monday 11th January 2020 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) is running a daily physical activity session to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Follow link 1 below to take part in Joe Wick’s live PE lesson.
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
Your sound of the day is OY (Toy to enjoy).
Please see the front page of the Day 1 booklet to find the instructions for your phonics/reading session. You will also need your sounds book (set 2/3) or your speed sound mat if you do not have the sounds book. The links needed to watch the videos and play the game can be found below under links 2, 3 and 4.
If your child is confident with their phonics sounds then they can have a go at the comprehension challenge attached. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to write a simple sentence.
You are learning to use a capital letter and full stop.
You are learning to use your phonics sounds to spell words.
In your Day 1 booklet:
Challenge: Try to include conjunctions (and, because) to extend your answers. Challenge: Can you correctly use an exclamation mark? For example, My cat is the best superhero ever! He can carry out secret missions because his cape makes him invisible. |
Remember to double check that you have spelt the words correctly.
Remember to ‘pinch your sounds’ when writing a longer word. Re-read your sentences to check that they make sense. Check your capital letters and full stops.
Maths |
You are learning to add and subtract numbers to 20.
You are learning to form numbers correctly.
Remember you can use your fingers or counters to support you with your counting forwards and backwards.
Remember to do careful counting. It is always good to double check each answer to ensure you have not miscounted the objects. |
Topic work |
How to make a pirate hat. |
Follow the instructions in your day 1 booklet to have a go at making a paper pirate hat.
If you don’t have a newspaper you can use a piece of paper. I would love to see these super hats so please email pictures of these to me at: |
Ask your grown up to help you with the folding if you are finding it tricky but make sure you have a go on your own first! |
L |
Links to support the booklet work: Link 1 for Joe Wick’s PE lesson - Link 2 for phonics - Link 3 for phonics- |
Link 4 for phonics-
Link 5 for maths-
Daily Planner For: Sycamore Class |
Day: Friday 8th January 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the youtube video below to follow Jaime completing a cosmic kids yoga video (link 4).
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
For the next couple of days you are going to be recapping your phonics sounds by playing some phonics games.
Please play the game picnic on Pluto using link 1 below. Click start- phase 3- igh. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to add the prefix un to change the meaning of a word. |
Your log in for discovery espresso is: Username: student31363 Password: Newtown |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
Maths |
You are learning to order and sequence numbers to 20.
Over the next few days we are going to be recapping some of our learning from previous terms. Today, you are going to be recapping 2D shapes by making shape patterns.
Please click link 3 below to play shape patterns.
Once on the game click play game- level 1 and then work your way up through the levels.
Challenge: Have a go at making your own shape patterns at home! You could use anything in your house to create these. I would love to see any pictures so please send them to me at: |
Remember you can see shapes everywhere around you if you just look closely!
Topic work |
You are learning to recap your knowledge of the 4 seasons in the UK.
Using your knowledge from yesterday create a poster to tell the reader all about the seasons. You could split your page into 4 sections so that you have space to talk about all 4 (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter).
If your child would like a word mat to support them with creating their poster then click on the topic document below.
Remember that posters do not need to include lots and lots of writing. Pictures, keywords or simple sentences can help to explain what you know.
Make sure that your poster is bright and colourful to encourage people to read it. |
Links to support:
Link 1 for phonics -
Link 2 writing video-
Link 3 for maths-
Link 4 for keeping physically active-
Daily Planner For: Sycamore Class |
Day: Thursday 7th January 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
Click on the youtube video below to follow Jaime completing a cosmic kids yoga video (link 5).
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
For the next couple of days you are going to be recapping your phonics sounds by playing some phonics games.
Please play the game dragons den using link 1 below. Click start- phase 3- ee. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to add the suffixes ing, ed and er to the end of words. |
Your log in for discovery espresso is: Username: student31363 Password: Newtown |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
Maths |
You are learning to order and sequence numbers to 20.
Over the next few days we are going to be recapping some of our learning from previous terms. Today, you are going to be ordering and sequencing numbers to 20.
Please click link 3 below to play caterpillar ordering.
Once on the game click ordering- to 20. Challenge: If you are amazing at numbers to 20 why not challenge yourself and have a go at number to 100. |
Remember you can use your number lines to help you check the order of your numbers.
Topic work |
You are recapping your knowledge of the 4 seasons in the UK. |
Watch a range of videos (see link 4 below) about the different seasons and then complete the activities which can be found on the tab on the left-hand side of the page. |
Links to support:
Link 1 for phonics -
Link 2 writing video-
Link 3 for maths-
Link 4 for Topic -
Link 5 for keeping physically active-
Daily Planner For: Sycamore Class |
Day: Wednesday 6th January 2021 |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Keeping Physically Active |
You are learning to keep physically active. |
In class the children love watching and following the go noodle active videos.
Watch and follow the go noodle links below: Link 5- milkshake Link 6- banana banana meatball
Exercise helps our bodies and our minds stay healthy. Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
Reading/Phonics |
You are learning how to read and write using your phonic sounds.
For the next couple of days you are going to be recapping your phonics sounds by playing some phonics games.
Please play the game buried treasure using link 1 below. Click start- phase 5- ay. |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
If the word is too long and you’re finding it tricky then cover part of the word and sound that part out before moving your hand to read the last part. |
Writing |
You are learning to make words plural by adding es or s. |
Your log in for discovery espresso is: Username: student31363 Password: Newtown |
Remember, if you get stuck on a word use the rule:
Maths |
You are learning your number bonds to 10 and number bonds to 20.
Over the next few days we are going to be recapping some of our learning from previous terms. Today, you are going to be recapping your number bonds to 10 and number bonds to 20.
Please click link 3 below to play hit the button.
Once on the game click number bonds- make 10 or make 20. |
Remember you can use your fingers or counters to support you with your counting forwards and backwards.
Remember to do careful counting. It is always good to double check each answer. |
Topic work |
You are learning to follow simple instructions to draw a dolphin.
Click on link 4 below to draw a simple dolphin. Remember you can share your amazing drawings with me via the email: I would love to see them. 😊 |
There are lots of different drawing videos on this channel if you would like to have a go at drawing more! |
Links to support the booklet work: Link 1 for phonics - Link 2 writing video- Link 3 for maths- Link 4 for Topic - Link 5 for keeping physically active- Link 6 for keeping physically active- |
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