Newtown Community Primary School
'Newtown Primary School is a Community Primary School and we take the "Community" aspect of our title very seriously. Our children, their families and extended families are at the heart of everything we do.'

Oak Class (Year 6)

Welcome to Oak Class


Your teachers are Miss Fisher, Miss Giddings and Mrs Bieda.


Our class teaching assistant is Mrs King.


Year 6 is a very important year and as we get closer to the end of our primary education, we want the children to be as prepared for their next adventure to secondary school as much as possible. Miss Fisher and Mrs Bieda will be teaching year 6 on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Giddings will continue to teach the children at the end of the week.


The children will continue their leadership skills by working alongside the Green Team and ABC (Anti Bullying Crew). They will have opportunities to plan and deliver workshops to the younger children in the school to support them with their understanding of environmental issues; key mental health strategies and how to improve kindness in the school and wider community.


Building the children’s leadership skills will be a fundamental focus as they draw closer to the end of year six. The aim is to for all year sixes to leave primary school as confident, resilient young people who are able to successfully navigate the world


PE will be taught at the end of the week by Miss Giddings, please make sure your kit is in school every day though just in case there are changes.


I am really looking forward to teaching Oak class in 2025!


Miss Fisher

WW2 - Museum

During T2, the children have absolutely loved our WW2 topic! They have shown off their knowledge, learnt from each other and asked some incredible questions. To bring this topic to a close, we got to spend some time at Trowbridge Museum learning more and looking at how Trowbridge was impacted by the war. We got to look at real WW2 artefacts and even try on a gas mask (this one was a replica!).

WW2 Art

Oak class have been learning about electricity during this term. We have learnt how to accurately draw circuits using symbols, conducted investigations to explore insulators and conductors and how different voltages effect circuits. The children have really enjoyed getting to use this equipment and have had lots of great chats linking this to their own lives outside of the classroom.


Oak class have been learning about electricity during this term. We have learnt how to accurately draw circuits using symbols, conducted investigations to explore insulators and conductors and how different voltages effect circuits. The children have really enjoyed getting to use this equipment and have had lots of great chats linking this to their own lives outside of the classroom.


At Newtown, we marked Remembrance Day with a class assembly and a piece of artwork. In oak class, we were inspired by Poppy Fields and the children created some incredible black and white landscapes with soldiers or graves and added red poppies to stand out and remind us to remember and pay our respects.


Autumn term is when we celebrate harvest festival and spend time learning about this and reflecting on what we are thankful for. As well as some fantastic discussions, the children produced some beautiful oil pastel landscapes to highlight the importance of farmers and the work they do, all around the world. As a school, we hold a collection for food during this time. Our Youth Parliament representatives took the school’s donations to the local food bank.


In science this term, Oak class have been learning all about living things and how these are scientifically classified. We have researched Carl Linnaeus and explored his method of classification. The children also learnt about different types of microorganisms. To build on this learning, we investigated to see which conditions were best for the growth of microorganisms (mould). Oak class loved observing the mould growth and discussing how this lined up with their predictions!


The children have been loving their weekly sessions with Bath Rugby this term! They are learning so many new rugby skills but they are always really focused on developing their sportsmanship, teamwork and communication skills! It is fantastic to see the children get so involved and to be so enthusiastic about these sessions. I know that we are all looking forward to these continuing into term 2.


This term, the children have had lots of fun exploring pneumatics and hydraulic systems. They put this new knowledge into practise by designing, making and evaluating their very own pneumatic monster mouths! I was so impressed by their creativity and resilience during this, as well as they support of one another. They really did produce some great final products!