Hello and welcome to Year Six, Oak class. Our teacher is Miss Giddings and our teaching assistant is Mr Clayton.
Year six is a very challenging year academically but also socially; with SATs and secondary school getting increasingly closer the children will feel the pressure. However, my aim is to make the year fun and memorable and ensure the children leave Newtown as well prepared for their next journey as possible. The children will have many fun opportunities this year with a residential trip to Braeside, the end of year production, other topic related excursions as well as organising and leading events within the school. Yes, it will be hard work, but it most definitely will be rewarding. All I ask is that the children try their best and show kindness to others. We are a team in Oak class, and I cannot wait to embark on this journey with the children and I am excited for the many enjoyable moments I know Year Six will bring!
Key things to remember:
Oak class thoroughly enjoyed our ‘up in the air’ learning for science week! It was a jam-packed week in which the children made bird feeders, learnt all about birds of prey and created their own pop art inspired Osprey pictures. To top this off, the children also carried out a parachute egg drop experiment to explore the effects of surface area on air resistance. Additionally, a big well done to all who took part in the model making competition over this week!
During this term, the children also got stuck in with their foodies learning! This term the focus was corn. The children made cornbread in their session with Mrs Disney and it was a very positive reaction from all!
This term we also had our final few weeks with Bath Rugby and Wiltshire Council. These sessions were fantastic and the children really grew in skill, confidence and teamwork during these. Also, in PE. the children have been practising and developing their hockey skills this term and I am so impressed by the sportsmanship they show during matches and the skills they put into practice each lesson!
During Term 2, the children have loved learning all about WW2. They engaged fantastically in lessons, asked insightful questions and deepened their understanding with their own research into what life was like during this time. Additionally, we enjoyed a trip to Trowbridge Museum to build on our in-class learning. To go with this, we read The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. The children linked this brilliantly with their topic learning and produced some fantastic writing: a diary from the day Bruno met Shmuel and a letter to Grandmother.
Oak class thoroughly enjoyed our DT topic, learning about and experimenting with pneumatic systems. We explored where we see these in everyday life, created our own simple pneumatic and hydraulic systems and we are applying our learning to design, make and evaluated our own pneumatic moving monster mouths. The children are working fantastically on these and are supporting each other brilliantly.
The children have been having sessions with Bath Rugby and Wiltshire Council every Monday. They are learning the key skills needed to play rugby and looking at how to keep themselves healthy. It has been lovely to see their confidence grow within this sport, as well as their teamwork and sportsmanship skills.
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