Hello and a very big warm welcome to year six, Oak class. Our teacher is Miss Fisher and our teaching assistants are Mrs Phillips and Mrs King.
Year six is a very challenging year academically but also socially; with SATs and secondary school getting increasingly closer the children will feel the pressure. However, my aim is to make the year fun and memorable and ensure the children leave Newtown as well prepared for their next journey as possible. The children will have many fun opportunities this year with a residential trip to Braeside, other topic related excursions as well as organising and leading events within the school. Yes it will be hard work, but it most definitely will be rewarding and my only rules are that everyone tries their best and are kind at all times. We are a team in Oak class, and I cannot wait to embark on this journey with the children.
Key things to remember:
Miss Fisher
And here they are! Our very own completed Islamic tiles created from recycled cardboard. I am so proud of the hard work that the children have put into these. They mixed PVA glue into the acrylic paint to add shine and texture to their art work and thought carefully about colour mixing and complimentary colours. Well done my little artists!
Year 6 have been working hard on their Islamic tiles this week. We have been inspired by the work of Darrell Wakelam who uses cardboard to create beautiful, intricate sculptures. We learnt about the use of geometric shapes, flora and use of calligraphy in Islamic art and then designed our very own masterpieces. More pictures to follow when we have finished!
Today, we were very lucky to welcome Nrmeen Alkhiry into our classroom. Nrmeen works for Wiltshire council as an Arabic translator and often works with children in our school. Linking to our topic, she gave up her afternoon to teach us about the Arabic language, culture and her home country of Jordan. The children really enjoyed finding out about Arabic currency (Dirham); exploring traditional cuisine and objects such as the coffee pot which had beautiful Islamic pattern on; traditional clothing (such as hand-embroidered dresses and white long shirts that are worn to the Mosque) and even learning how to say the Arabic alphabet. Did you know that Arabic is read and written from the right to the left?
Here are some lovely pictures from our afternoon. Thank you so much Nrmeen!
Year 6 have been impressing me with their fine art skills this week. Our new topic is the ‘golden age of Baghdad’ and we have been learning about Islamic pattern. Take a look at our beautiful half and half mosque, fine liner pictures. I am sure you will agree that the children have worked exceptionally hard and the detail in their Islamic pattern is beautiful.
At Newtown, we have been thinking about how to stay safe when using the internet; when chatting on messaging apps and also when playing online games with friends. Did you know that to use Facebook or TikTok you have to be 13 years old? To be on Whatsapp, you have to be sixteen! We talked about why apps had age restrictions and the dangers of using these without adult supervision. The children showed great maturity and came up with a few slogans to help them remember how to stay safe and sensible.
We will upload some more photos later in the term when our posters are up and displayed across the school.
Year 6 have been writing setting descriptions based upon the story Kensuke’s Kingdom. Can you spot figurative language such as similes?
I am sure you will notice that the children have worked incredibly hard on describing their senses in these beautiful pieces of writing. Well done Oak class.
Oak class tried their hand at Shodo this afternoon ( Japanese calligraphy); this links nicely to our topic about Asia and also our class novel Kensuke’s Kingdom. We found out that it really wasn’t as easy as it looked and we needed to use these skills:
The children said that it was very enjoyable and interesting to learn about Japanese symbols and art styles.
Oak class have been sharpening up their art skills this week by recreating their own yacht. These images have been inspired by Kensuke’s Kingdom and the Peggy Sue. They have taken great care to ensure the sails, hull and bow of the boat are represented accurately. I particularly like the range of hues used in the colours and the use of pattern to represent the mood of the ocean. Well done guys!
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Friday 5th March 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
Julius Caesar text extract |
read over the text and highlight/ underline any unfamiliar words. Read around the word for meaning to see if the rest of the sentence can help you to understand. Have a go at answering the questions. What type of question is it? Where will I find the answer? |
Remember to read the test at least three times. If you get stuck on pronunciation – email Miss Fisher or message on Teams and I will help you. Highlight/ underline the answers in your text. |
Writing |
Describe my own imaginary space |
Think back to Peter’s special place in the story Paradise Garden. Today, You are going to describe your ideal special place linked to The Paradise Gardens. |
Remember to add an image of your special place. Please included expanded noun phrases in your description. |
Spelling |
Spelling test. |
Rainbow write over your words with a coloured pen or pencil.
Test yourself or ask a member of your household to test you if they are available.
Don’t forget to send me your scores! They are quite tricky this week so be careful.
Maths |
Area of triangles Lesson 3 |
Look through the slides uploaded today for maths – remind yourself of how to find the area of a triangle.
Look through the questions today. Some will show you 90 degree angles also. |
If you get stuck, please email Miss Fisher at oak@newtown.wilts.sch.uk |
Basic maths facts |
Key skills |
See basic maths sheet Friday 26th Feb. think carefully about the strategy needed for each question.
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with and let Miss Fisher know. |
Topic work |
History: Julius Caesar |
What do you already know about Caesar? Look through the information uploaded today and make notes. List bullet points to explain who Caesar is and draw a portrait. |
Think about: Why is he still remembered today? How did he die? What invasions did he carry out? |
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Maths: https://vimeo.com/508494691
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Thursday 4th March 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
Shine text – inference focus |
Read over the text carefully. Skim and scan the text first and then read very carefully on the second read. Can you explain what the text is about? Remind yourself of the key vocab from yesterday. Try your best to answer the questions using the text to support. . |
Read the question at least twice. Do I know what it is asking me to do? Is it an inference question? Retrieval? Or am I looking for a word? |
Writing |
Describe a character from a story |
Listen again to the Paradise Garden story below. Focus on what is said about the character Peter as you listen. Make bullet point notes. Using the text answer the key questions on your worksheet in your learning pack.
Think about the character Peter: what words would you use to describe him? Would you sleep in the garden? Why do you think Peter makes the decision to move into the garden? |
Spelling |
Bitesize your spellings |
Look at your spellings. Rainbow write over each word with a coloured pen or pencil.
Sentences with your spelling words today. |
Please include: Relative clauses Commas Brackets or dashes for parenthesis Varied sentence starters.
Maths |
Area of a triangle Second lesson |
Watch the Power Point slides below and remind yourself about how to find the area of a triangle.
Have a go at answering the questions on the worksheet. Remember ½ B X H
If you get stuck, please email Miss Fisher at oak@newtown.wilts.sch.uk |
Basic maths facts |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete Thursday questions. Remember the strategy required for each question. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
History: Roman invasions |
Watch the video below about Roman Invasions. Then have a look at the key dates on the Power point. Summarise what happened in each year on your learning sheet. Where was the invasion? What happened? Was it successful? |
Key words: Rural Great Empire Emporer Julius Caesar Century Conquer Celtic tribes
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Writing link: The Paradise Garden by Colin Thompson, read by Ruth Merttens | Storytelling from Hamilton Trust - YouTube
Maths link:
Topic link:
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Wednesday 3rd March 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
Shine – vocabulary focus |
Read over the text carefully. Skim and scan the text first and then read very carefully on the second read. Can you explain what the text is about?
Look at the given adjectives and nouns in a table. For each noun – find the adjective in the text that describes it. If you are given the adjectives – find the noun that it is describing. |
Top tips: Highlight or underline the noun/adjective as the word you are looking for will be near it. |
Writing |
Use descriptive language to describe a setting |
Remind yourself of the Paradise Garden story from yesterday. It is in the links below. Choose one of the four given illustrations and: 1. Write a three-sentence description of the illustration. 2. Write where in the story the illustration comes. 3. Write about the strangest thing in the illustration. 4. Write about the funniest thing in the illustration. 5. Write about the mood of the illustration and explain why you say that. |
Remember to use: Expanded noun phrases Commas correctly Varied sentence openers: Behind the strong, metal gate… Amongst the tropical gardens… |
Spelling |
Family tree |
Look at your spellings. Rainbow write over each word with a coloured pen or pencil.
Using the word: irresponsible How many other words can you find that have the ‘ible’ or ‘ir’ letter strings.
You can use Google search to help with this if you need to.
Examples may include: Irreversible, irrelevant, impossible, possible, legible |
Maths |
Area of a triangle Lesson 1 |
Watch the video link below.
Remember to find the area of a triangle you must ½ B x H. half the base and multiply by the height. Some people prefer to do B X H then ÷ 2. It will give you the same answer.
Key words: If you get stuck, please email Miss Fisher at oak@newtown.wilts.sch.uk |
Key skills |
Complete day 3 in your basic maths pack. Look carefully at the question and tell yourself the strategy that is needed. What is tricky? |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with and let me know via Teams chat. |
Topic work |
History: Learn about the Roman army |
Click on the topic link below and learn about the Roman army. Here you will find out about the five different types of Roman soldier: Legionary Cavalry Auxiliary Centurion Legate What are the differences between them? Next, find out the names of the armour that the soldiers used to wear. |
Make notes as you read. Write down key spellings from the fact file.
Don’t forget to send me your learning.
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Writing link: The Paradise Garden by Colin Thompson, read by Ruth Merttens | Storytelling from Hamilton Trust - YouTube
Maths link: Calculate the area of triangles - Homeschool lessons in Primary Maths Year 6 - BBC Bitesize
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Tuesday 2nd March 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
Infer information from a text: Just William |
Read over the text carefully. Skim and scan the text first and then read very carefully on the second read. Can you explain what the text is about? Can you remember the meaning of the key words from yesterday?
Look at the questions you have been asked. What type of questions are they?
Read the question at least twice. Do I know what it is asking me to do? Is it an inference question? Retrieval? Or am I looking for a word? |
Writing |
Paradise Garden: Descriptive writing |
Open up your learning pack writing task today and make prediction based on the front cover of the book. Listen to the story by clicking on the link below. Make notes as you listen about the setting and characters. Choose four more objects from the picture in your learning pack and use adjectives to describe the sounds they may make,
Remember to include commas in the correct places.
Use the online thesaurus link to find interesting adjectives to describe the sounds. |
Spelling |
Bitesize your spellings |
Look at your spellings. Rainbow write over each word with a coloured pen or pencil.
Bitesize your words by splitting them into memorable chunks. |
Example: Mar-vell-ous
Maths |
Area and perimeter |
Watch the video link below. What is the difference between are and perimeter? When calculating perimeter – make sure you add all of the sides of the shape. It can be easy to miss smaller sides. Answer the questions the best you can.
Remember to estimate measurements first. Perimeter = outside measurement Area = inside shape measurement
If you get stuck, please email Miss Fisher at oak@newtown.wilts.sch.uk |
Key skills |
Do Tuesday basic maths questions in your pack. Remember to think carefully about the strategy you are being asked to use.
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with.
Topic work |
Science: Digestive system |
Watch the teaching video below. Please note that this video does talk about poo and may make you giggle!
Firstly, draw a balanced diet on the plate remembering to label the key food groups.
Secondly – after listening carefully to the video – label the parts of the digestive system.
Pause the video at any point. |
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Writing link: The Paradise Garden by Colin Thompson, read by Ruth Merttens | Storytelling from Hamilton Trust - YouTube
Writing link: https://www.thesaurus.com/
Maths link: Spr6.8.2 - Area and perimeter on Vimeo
Topic link:
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Monday 1st March 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
Just William |
Read over the text twice. Highlight or underline any words that you do not understand. What type of text is this? How do you know? Look at the five given words from the text and find out what they mean: Mantelpiece larder liquorice charred sausage beverages |
Use the online dictionary link to help you if you do not know the definition.
Remember to use strategies that we use in class to support you with your reading: Jump in (you could do this with an adult or sibling). |
Writing |
Publish my persuasive letter |
Read your draft notes from Friday’s lesson. Look at the formal language used in Miss fisher’s example in your learning pack. You can magpie these in your own letter. Write up your own letter addressing the issue you would like to change in your area. |
Letter features:
Spelling |
New spellings Definitions |
Rainbow write your first column of spellings. Look at the spelling patterns with
Using the five given words – look up the definitions and write them after the colon. Remember to try and make a prediction about the meaning before looking it up. Where have you heard this word before? |
Rainbow writing is really important as it helps you to memorise the shape of each letter.
Rainbow write: Writing over the top of the word in a colour pen or pencil/ repeat with other colours each day. |
Maths |
Area of shapes |
Watch the video below in the link. What is area? When would we need to find the area of a shape in real life? Think about carpet fitting and measuring of rooms in the house. Have a go at the questions and then share this with Miss Fisher. |
Remember that I will upload the answers on the Oak class page and also in teams.
If you get stuck, please email Miss Fisher at oak@newtown.wilts.sch.uk or message in Teams |
Basic maths facts |
Key skills |
Page one in your basic maths pack Top tips: Think about the type of question – what strategy is needed? For fractions – do I need to convert the denominator?
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with.
Topic work |
Science: Evolution |
Watch the video lesson below about evolution. Make notes about each of the four animals given on your learning sheet. How are they suited to their environment? |
Use the ‘think about’ notes on your sheet to help you. |
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Maths link: Spr6.8.1 - Shapes - same area on Vimeo
Topic link:
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Friday 26th February 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
Why the Whales Came |
Read this extract from Morpurgo. What do you think it means when it says ‘wigging’. (this means telling off!) When do you think this story was set? What does the language tell you? Have a go at answering the questions on the worksheet in your learning pack. |
Remember to read the test at least three times. If you get stuck on pronunciation – email Miss Fisher or message on Teams and I will help you. Highlight/ underline the answers in your text. |
Writing |
Plan a persuasive letter to the local MP |
Think about the world we live in. what six things would you like to improve? This could be linked to environment, facilities, education or issues such as homelessness.
Choose one that you are going to write to your local MP about. What do you want to improve in your area and why? Look at Miss Fisher’s example to help you plan. |
Remember to organise your letter carefully:
Spelling |
Spelling test. |
Rainbow write over your words with a coloured pen or pencil.
Test yourself or ask a member of your household to test you if they are available.
Don’t forget to send me your scores! They are quite tricky this week so be careful.
Maths |
Imperial measures |
Watch the White Rose learning video below. Recap – what can you remember about miles and kilometres? What are imperial measures?
Use the video and pause it at convenient points to remind you about feet and inches.
If you get stuck, please email Miss Fisher at oak@newtown.wilts.sch.uk |
Key skills |
See basic maths sheet Friday 26th Feb. think carefully about the strategy needed for each question.
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with and let Miss Fisher know. |
Topic work |
Art: Keith Haring |
Open the Power Point about Keith Haring. What do you think about Haring’s art? Have a go at describing his art in your learning pack and then recreate a piece of art in the style of Keith Haring. |
Look at the shapes, colours and lines used in his work. What do you notice? |
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Maths link: Spr6.7.5 - Imperial measures on Vimeo
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Thursday 25th February 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
The Railway Children |
Read over the text carefully. Skim and scan the text first and then read very carefully on the second read. Can you explain what the text is about? Remind yourself of the key vocab from yesterday. Try your best to answer the questions using the text to support. . |
Read the question at least twice. Do I know what it is asking me to do? Is it an inference question? Retrieval? Or am I looking for a word? |
Writing |
Relative clauses |
Think about the Banksy artwork that you looked at yesterday. Have a look at some other street art examples in your learning pack. Write a relative clause linked to each picture.
Relative pronouns: That, which, whose, who
See example on sheet to help you. Use sentence stems such as:
Spelling |
Bitesize your spellings |
Look at your spellings. Rainbow write over each word with a coloured pen or pencil.
Bitesize your words by splitting them into memorable chunks. |
Example: Fe-ro-cious Pre-tent-ious |
Maths |
Miles and kilometres |
Watch the video link below. Make notes as you watch this video – there is lots of useful information. Is 1 mile bigger or smaller than a kilometre?
5 miles = 8 kilometres 10 miles – 16 kilometres If you get stuck, please email Miss Fisher at oak@newtown.wilts.sch.uk |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete Thursday questions. Remember the strategy required for each question. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
Street art |
Look at the Power point uploaded about street art. This follows on from your learning about Banksy. What is the difference between stencil art/ art installations and graffiti?
Choose which street artist you prefer and explain why you like their art. Choose an image to recreate. |
Please remember that graffiti is illegal unless you have been given a designated place to do it by the owner of the land/ building. |
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Maths link: Spr6.7.4 - Miles and kilometres on Vimeo
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Wednesday 24th February 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
Railway Children text Vocabulary focus |
Read over the text carefully. Skim and scan the text first and then read very carefully on the second read. Can you explain what the text is about?
Look at the vocabulary listed with pictures. Can you find the definitions? |
Read the question at least twice. Do I know what it is asking me to do? Is it an inference question? Retrieval? Or am I looking for a word? |
Writing |
Respond to artwork |
Look at the Banksy piece of art in your learning pack. This piece is called ‘Game changer’ and was revealed in Southampton hospital. Ask yourself: What can you see? What do you think is happening? What is unusual about the picture? Have a go at answering the picture prompt questions. |
Remember to use: First person pronouns (I, me, my) Use full sentences with commas and full stops in the correct places. Include adjectives to describe what you see and feel when looking at this piece. |
Spelling |
Family tree |
Look at your spellings. Rainbow write over each word with a coloured pen or pencil.
Using the word: audacious How many other words can you find that have the ‘cious’ or ‘aud’ spelling pattern?
You can use Google search to help with this if you need to.
Examples may include: Audio, audited, precious, atrocious. |
Maths |
Calculate with metric measures |
Watch the video link below. How many grams are there in a kilogram? How many centimetres are there in metres? How many metres are there in kilometres?
Key words: Length, mass and capacity. You will need your knowledge of multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1,000. If you get stuck, please email Miss Fisher at oak@newtown.wilts.sch.uk |
Key skills |
Complete day 3 in your basic maths pack. Look carefully at the question and tell yourself the strategy that is needed. What is tricky? |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with and let me know via Teams chat. |
Topic work |
Art: All about Banksy |
Open the link below and learn about Street art/Banksy Make notes as you read the information. What do you know about Banksy? What do you think about his style of art? What do you think about the fact he remains anonymous?
Write a brief explanation for the two given Banksy pictures in your learning pack. Who do you think it is? What do you think Banksy is trying to communicate? |
Don’t forget to send me your learning. Remember that there is no right or wrong answer as art is personal to each person. We may see different things and interpret it in different ways. |
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Maths link: Spr6.7.3 - Calculate with metric measures on Vimeo
Topic link: Banksy: Who is the famous graffiti artist? - CBBC Newsround
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Tuesday 23rd February 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
Infer information from a text: Treasure Island |
Read over the text carefully. Skim and scan the text first and then read very carefully on the second read. Can you explain what the text is about? Can you remember the meaning of the key words from yesterday?
Look at the questions you have been asked. What type of questions are they?
Read the question at least twice. Do I know what it is asking me to do? Is it an inference question? Retrieval? Or am I looking for a word? |
Writing |
My inspirations |
Lockdown has been a tough time for everyone but there are positive experiences that some of us have had. This writing lesson is about you sharing things that have inspired you whilst being at home. Look at the example inspirations and read the content. Answer the questions in full sentences using correct punctuation. Write a paragraph about your lockdown inspiration. This could be reading, art, cooking etc. |
Remember to include commas in the correct places.
You can think of an idea that you would like to achieve in the next week if you cannot think of something that you have already done.
Remember simply getting along with you family and completing your learning each day is an achievement – it does not have to be anything massive. |
Spelling |
Bitesize your spellings |
Look at your spellings. Rainbow write over each word with a coloured pen or pencil.
Bitesize your words by splitting them into memorable chunks. |
Example: Sup-er-stit-ious
Maths |
Convert metric measures |
Watch the video link below. Length can be measured in…? Mass can be measured in…? Capacity can be measured in…?
Answer the questions the best you can.
Remember to estimate measurements first.
Milli – 1/1000 Kilo – 1000
If you get stuck, please email Miss Fisher at oak@newtown.wilts.sch.uk |
Key skills |
Do Tuesday basic maths questions in your pack. Remember to think carefully about the strategy you are being asked to use.
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
Science: circulation in the body |
Watch the teaching video below. Make notes of key words as you are watching. Label the function of each part of the blood. Then have a go at the heart rate experiment. Lastly label the key parts of the heart. |
You will need a timer to be able to do the heartrate experiment today.
Key spellings are given on activity sheet today. |
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Maths link: Spr6.7.2 - Convert metric measures on Vimeo
Topic link:
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Monday 22nd February 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
Treasure island |
Read over the text twice. Highlight or underline any words that you do not understand. Ask yourself – what is this text about? How do I know? Who are the characters? Where is it set? Have a go at matching the word to the given pictures and finding out what each item is. |
Use the online dictionary link to help you if you do not know the definition.
Remember to use strategies that we use in class to support you with your reading: Jump in (you could do this with an adult or sibling). |
Writing |
Adverbs of possibility |
Read the poem – what is it about? Open the Power point uploaded to Teams and your class page – remind yourself about adverbs of possibility. Change the adverbs in the given sentences to change the meaning. Have a go at writing a message to yourself in 6 months time: In six months time, I will probably be at secondary school. I say probably and not certainly because of school closures!
Example: Probably, Maria and Matt are looking forward to their wedding. The adverb is probably. Change the adverb and rewrite. How does it change the meaning?
Spelling |
New spellings Definitions |
Rainbow write your first column of spellings. Look at the spelling patterns with the tious and cious suffix.
Using the five given words – look up the definitions and write them after the colon. Remember to try and make a prediction about the meaning before looking it up. Where have you heard this word before? |
Rainbow writing is really important as it helps you to memorise the shape of each letter.
Rainbow write: Writing over the top of the word in a colour pen or pencil/ repeat with other colours each day. |
Maths |
Metric measures |
What types of things do we measure? Think about grams, kilograms, miles, kilometres, metres, stone, pounds, pence, millimetres, litres. Which is most suitable for measuring distance from one town to another? Have a go at answering the questions. |
Remember to use the help top tips provided in your online learning lesson.
If you get stuck, please email Miss Fisher at oak@newtown.wilts.sch.uk or message in Teams |
Basic maths facts |
Key skills |
Page one in your basic maths pack Top tips: To find a quarter – half it and half it again. Dividing by 1 digit – short bus stop Dividing by 2 digits – long division |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with.
Topic work |
Science: adaptation of animals -camouflaging |
Watch the adaptation lesson in the link below. Make notes as you watch about the types of animals you see and how they adapt to their environment using camouflage techniques.
Have a go at creating a camouflaged moth for different areas around your house/ in your garden. |
Think about the background surface where you will place your moth:
Rainbow curtains – you will need to colour your moth rainbow.
Tree trunk – use similar tones of brown and grey and include texture. |
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Maths link: Spr6.7.1 - Metric measures on Vimeo
Topic link:
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Friday 12th February 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
Chapter 3 Coles Kingdom The magical Teoquat fruit |
Read page 26-35 of Cole’s Kingdom. You will find the full e-book on your class page on Monday.
Look at the reading activity in your learning pack. Re-read pages 26 and 27.
Answer the comprehension questions today. Look back in the text and underline where the answer can be found.
Check what type of question it is asking you. Is it an inference question? Is it a retrieval question and the answer is directly in the text? Is it a question linked to a word?
Writing |
Write up my setting description
Look back at your planning work from the last two lessons.
Read over the example of Grandma’s attic setting description.
Write your setting description carefully including all the things you have planned. You could write as if you are Cole. EG: As I crouched under the archway, an almighty white, glorious looking building blinded my eyes. |
Remember: Go back to the whole e book story if you need to. This will help you to choose words and remind you of the setting that you are looking at.
Read over each sentence as you write it to check for errors. Use brackets instead of crossing out errors. |
Spelling |
Spelling test. |
Rainbow write over your words with a coloured pen or pencil.
Test yourself or ask a member of your household to test you if they are available.
Don’t forget to send me your scores!
Maths |
Percentage of an amount |
Watch the White Rose learning video below.
Think back to when we were in class and how we found a percentage of an amount. Remember how finding 10% is always a good place to start.
Have a go at the questions on the activity sheet in your learning pack.
Example: Find 15% of £26 Find 10% first = £2.60 Find 5% by halving the 10% = £1.30 Add both amounts together to find the 15% = £3.90
If you get stuck, please email Miss Fisher at oak@newtown.wilts.sch.uk |
Basic maths facts |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete the next 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
Geography: research/ produce an artistic representation of my favourite Chilean animal. |
Look back at your animal research from yesterday.
Choose one to research further and create a piece of art. You can do a simple drawing on your activity sheet if you wish or perhaps try something more adventurous.
Art ideas: Collage using ripped newspaper or magazines
A painting
A felt tip drawing
A pen and line drawing using fine liners. |
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Maths link: https://vimeo.com/497642809
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Thursday 11th February 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
Chapter 2 Coles Kingdom
Read page 19-25 of Cole’s Kingdom. You will find the full e-book on your class page on Monday.
Look at the reading activity in your learning pack. Re-read pages 22 and 23.
Answer the comprehension questions today. Look back in the text and underline where the answer can be found.
Check what type of question it is asking you. Is it an inference question? Is it a retrieval question and the answer is directly in the text? Is it a question linked to a word?
Writing |
Continue planning a setting description
Use your sense today to describe the setting.
Work your way through the setting description questions and give details for each section. |
Remember: Go back to the whole e book story if you need to. This will help you to choose words and remind you of the setting that you are looking at.
Spelling |
Sentences with spellings |
Rainbow write over your words with a coloured pen or pencil.
Choose 10 words and write them in a sentence.
Remember to include: Parentheses Commas used correctly Subordinate clauses
Maths |
Order fractions, decimals and percentages |
Watch the White Rose learning video below.
3/20 = 15/100 Remember to times the 20 x 5 to get 100. You must then do 3 x 15 to get the fraction out of 100.
Have a go at the questions on the activity sheet in your learning pack.
1/20 = ? %
20 needs to be x by 5 to get 100. Whatever you do to the top, you must do to the bottom. So 5%.
If you get stuck, please email Miss Fisher at oak@newtown.wilts.sch.uk |
Basic maths facts |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete the next 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
Geography: Research animals that live in Chile |
Open the link below and make notes about each of the Chilean animals you find out about.
Add notes to each of the five animals on your activity sheet in your learning pack. Don’t forget to include information about their habitat, diet and features. |
Upload you work to the blog if you wish or why not ask a question to share your knowledge of Chile. |
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Maths link: https://vimeo.com/497582311
topic link: https://www.kids-world-travel-guide.com/animals-in-chile.html
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Wednesday 10th February 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
Chapter 2 Coles Kingdom
Read page 15-19 of Cole’s Kingdom. You will find the full e-book on your class page on Monday.
Look at the reading activity in your learning pack. Re-read pages 15 and 16.
Answer the comprehension questions today. Look back in the text and underline where the answer can be found. What do you think about this story so far? I really enjoyed reading it! |
Check what type of question it is asking you. Is it an inference question? Is it a retrieval question and the answer is directly in the text? Is it a question linked to a word?
Writing |
Write a setting description
Read the example given in your learning pack. Highlight or underline any words that you might want to magpie (use in your own work).
Work your way through the setting description questions and plan your own description. You can also choose Grandma’s attic if you wish or the palace |
Remember: Go back to the whole e book story if you need to. This will help you to decide upon a setting to describe.
Spelling |
Family tree with spelling word |
Rainbow write over your words with a coloured pen or pencil.
Using the word ‘societies’ think of other words that have the ‘ies’ ending. These will be nouns that normally end in a y. when they become plural, the y is dropped and ‘ies’ is added.
Examples may include:
Fly – flies Reply – replies Deny – denies Luxury – luxuries
Maths |
Equivalent fraction, decimal and percentages |
Watch the White Rose learning video below.
Where might we use percentages in everyday life? How do we convert a fraction into a percentage?
Have a go at the questions on the activity sheet in your learning pack.
1/20 = ? %
20 needs to be x by 5 to get 100. Whatever you do to the top, you must do to the bottom. So 5%.
If you get stuck, please email Miss Fisher at oak@newtown.wilts.sch.uk |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete the next 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
Geography: The cuisine of Chile |
Log in to Espresso and click on the link below.
Find out about the types of foods that are specialties in Chile. Are any of these foods familiar to you? Are there any you would like to try? Look at the traditional Chilean foods described on your worksheet in your learning pack. Which one would you like to try? Give a reason.
Then, research the types of foods that are produced in Chile. Think about how climate affects this. |
Upload you work to the blog if you wish or why not ask a question to share your knowledge of Chile. |
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Maths link: https://vimeo.com/492474663
topic link: https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/modules/t2_passport/chile/factfile_food.html
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Tuesday 9th 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
Chapter 1 Coles Kingdom Grandma’s attic |
Read page 8-14 of Cole’s Kingdom. You will find the full e-book on your class page today.
Look at the reading activity in your learning pack. Re-read pages 8 and 9.
Answer the comprehension and definition questions today. Look back in the text and underline where the answer can be found. |
Check what type of question it is asking you. Is it an inference question? Is it a retrieval question and the answer is directly in the text? Is it a question linked to a word?
Writing |
Apostrophes for contraction and possession |
Read the extract given in your learning pack. Highlight or underline all words that contain an apostrophe. Choose which column to place the word in.
Use the uploaded Power Point to help you on your class page. |
Remember: Possession: when something belongs to someone. Example: Grandma Jenny’s house. The house belongs to Grandma Jenny. Contraction: two words that have been squeezed together to make one word. Example: couldn’t (could not) |
Spelling |
Bitesize sepllings |
Rainbow write over your words with a coloured pen or pencil.
Split your words up into memorable chunks. Example; Sec-re-tary
Say the bitesize chunks at least three times to help memorise them.
Maths |
Fractions to percentages |
Watch the White Rose learning video below.
Where might we use percentages in everyday life? How do we convert a fraction into a percentage?
Have a go at the questions on the activity sheet in your learning pack.
1/20 = ? %
20 needs to be x by 5 to get 100. Whatever you do to the top, you must do to the bottom. So 5%.
If you get stuck, please email Miss Fisher at oak@newtown.wilts.sch.uk |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete the next 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
Geography: exploring Chile Atacama desert |
Have a look at the link below. There is also a Power Point uploaded to your class page. What can you find out about the Atacama desert in Chile? Found out about the climate there and what you might see. Have a go at the questions in your learning pack linked to this.
Upload you work to the blog if you wish or why not ask a question to share your knowledge of Chile. |
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Maths link: https://vimeo.com/492449530
topic link: https://kids.kiddle.co/Atacama_Desert
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Monday 8th February 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
Chapter 1 Coles Kingdom Grandma’s attic |
Read page 1-7 of Cole’s Kingdom. You will find the full e-book on your class page today.
Look at the reading activity in your learning pack. Re-read pages 1 and 2.
Answer the comprehension questions today. Look back in the text and underline where the answer can be found. |
Check what type of question it is asking you. Is it an inference question? Is it a retrieval question and the answer is directly in the text? Is it a question linked to a word?
Writing |
Direct speech |
Watch the video link below to remind yourself about what direct and indirect speech is. Look at the writing activity in your learning pack for today. Have a go at inserting missing inverted commas and other punctuation in the correct place. |
Remember: There must be either a comma or full stop before the closed speech marks. If the sentence continues, use a comma. If the sentence is finished then use a full stop. |
Spelling |
New spellings Definitions
Rainbow write over your new words with a coloured pen or pencil.
Do you know any of these words? Can you say it in a sentence? Choose five words to check the definitions and write them down using a colon.
Example: Secretary: A person employed by an individual or in an office to assist with correspondence, make appointments, and carry out administrative tasks.
Maths |
Understand percentages |
Watch the White Rose learning video below.
Where might we use percentages in everyday life?
Have a go at the questions on the activity sheet in your learning pack.
If you get stuck, please email Miss Fisher at oak@newtown.wilts.sch.uk |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete the first 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
Geography: exploring Chile |
Have a look at the link below. You will need to log into Espresso learning to see this.
Make bullet point notes as you look at the fact file.
Use the subheadings given and research each section. You may wish to expand your search and use the internet here also. |
Upload you work to the blog if you wish or why not ask a question to share your knowledge of Chile. |
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Writing link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zm63c7h
Maths link: https://vimeo.com/492101741
topic link: https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/modules/t2_passport/chile/factfile_intro.html
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Friday 5th February 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
volcanoes comprehension |
Read over the text again from yesterday. Test yourself on the meaning of tricky words such as magma and lahars.
Answer the comprehension questions today. Look back in the text and underline where the answer can be found. |
Check what type of question it is asking you. Is it an inference question? Is it a retrieval question and the answer is directly in the text? Is it a question linked to a word?
Writing |
Add illustrations to your story. |
Read over your story from yesterday. Check for: Does each sentence make sense? Are there any words missing? Have I used commas in the right places? Have I included expanded noun phrases to describe?
When you are happy you have completed all of the above, add illustrations to your story.
Ensure that key words linked to volcanoes are spelt correctly. You will have these written in your topic work. |
Spelling |
Spelling test |
Rainbow write over your new words with a coloured pen or pencil.
Test yourself on your spellings or ask someone in the house to test you.
Don’t forget to send Miss Fisher your score.
Maths |
Divide by 10,100 and 1000 |
Watch the WhiteRose learning video below.
Draw a PV grid to help you multiply and divide if you need to. Remember when dividing, the numbers get smaller so go to the right. When multiplying, the numbers get larger and move to the left.
Have a go at the questions on the activity sheet in your learning pack.
Remember that you can draw your own place value chart like we do in class. Use the headings. Thousands, hundreds, tens, ones (decimal point on the line) then tenths, hundredths and thousandths. If you get stuck, please email Miss Fisher at oak@newtown.wilts.sch.uk |
Basic maths facts |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete the next 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
Geography: Research a famous volcano |
Read through the famous volcano information uploaded on your class page on Wednesday.
Choose another volcano to research further and complete the fact file that is in your pack.
Which is your favourite volcano of the three that you have researched? How are the same? How are they different?
Extension: Why not create a piece of art to show an erupting volcano? See the uploaded volcano pics to inspire you.
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Maths link: https://vimeo.com/488186549
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Thursday 4th February 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
volcanoes comprehension |
Read over the text at least twice. Highlight or underline any unfamiliar words and check their meaning using the dictionary link.
Do not answer the questions today. Just focus on understanding the language and make a note of definitions. |
Check what type of question it is asking you. Is it an inference question? Is it a retrieval question and the answer is directly in the text? Is it a question linked to a word?
Writing |
Write up volcano story |
Look at your writing sheet in your learning pack.
Read over your draft story from yesterday. Remember, you can send a copy to Miss Fisher to mark if you would like feedback.
Write up your story in best. Check that you have included expanded noun phrases; subordinate clauses and your best handwriting.
Use sentence stems such as; As the ground shook below my feet… Chaos surrounded me, … The volcano, as if it were a furious dragon, spurted… The volcano played an angry tune as if it were a beating drum repeatedly pummelling down.
Use key language learnt when labelling volcano in topic the other day. |
Spelling |
Sentences |
Rainbow write over your new words with a coloured pen or pencil.
Write ten sentences using your spelling words. Challenge: can you use more than one spelling word in a sentence?
Remember to include: Parentheses Relative clause Subordinate clauses
Maths |
Multiply by 10,100 and 1000 |
Watch the WhiteRose learning video below.
Draw a PV grid to help you multiply and divide if you need to. Remember when dividing, the numbers get smaller so go to the right. When multiplying, the numbers get larger and move to the left.
Have a go at the questions on the activity sheet in your learning pack.
Remember that you can draw your own place value chart like we do in class. Use the headings. Thousands, hundreds, tens, ones (decimal point on the line) then tenths, hundredths and thousandths. If you get stuck, please email Miss Fisher at oak@newtown.wilts.sch.uk |
Basic maths facts |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete the next 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
Geography: Research a famous volcano |
Read through the famous volcano information uploaded on your class page yesterday.
Choose another volcano to research further and complete the fact file that is in your pack.
Extension: Why not create a piece of art to show an erupting volcano? See the uploaded volcano pics to inspire you.
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Maths link: https://vimeo.com/487198038
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Wednesday 3rd February 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
Volcanoes text |
Read over the text at least twice. Highlight or underline any unfamiliar words and check their meaning using the dictionary link.
Answer the questions about the text. |
Check what type of question it is asking you. Is it an inference question? Is it a retrieval question and the answer is directly in the text? Is it a question linked to a word?
Writing |
Story plan |
Look at your writing sheet in your learning pack. Read the story starter to inspire you.
Draft a story plan. The story is about the day the volcano erupted (you can choose which volcano you are writing about in your story or make one up of your own.)
Use sentence stems such as; As the ground shook below my feet… Chaos surrounded me, … The volcano, as if it were a furious dragon, spurted… The volcano played an angry tune as if it were a beating drum repeatedly pummelling down.
Use key language learnt when labelling volcano in topic the other day. |
Spelling |
Family trees |
Rainbow write over your new words with a coloured pen or pencil.
Use the word ‘misinform’ to create a family tree. Find other words that begin with the prefix ‘mis’.
Where have you heard this word before? How does the prefix change the meaning? What does it mean without the prefix?
Maths |
3 decimal places |
Watch the WhiteRose learning video below.
Can you remember what we call the 1st 2nd and 3rd decimal place? (tenths, hundredths and thousandths)
Have a go at the questions on the activity sheet in your learning pack.
Remember that you can draw your own place value chart like we do in class. Use the headings. Thousands, hundreds, tens, ones (decimal point on the line) then tenths, hundredths and thousandths. If you get stuck, please email Miss Fisher at oak@newtown.wilts.sch.uk |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete the next 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
Geography: Research a famous volcano |
Read through the famous volcano information uploaded on your class page.
Choose one volcano to research further and complete the fact file that is in your pack.
Extension: Why not create a piece of art to show an erupting volcano? See the uploaded volcano pics to inspire you.
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Maths link: https://vimeo.com/487196408
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Tuesday 2nd February 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
Dangerous volcanoes activity |
Read over the text at least twice. Highlight or underline any unfamiliar words and check their meaning using the dictionary link.
Label the map with the names of the volcanoes (you will need to research this)
Challenge: Have a go at the four other questions. Can you find out the answers? |
Check what type of question it is asking you. Is it an inference question? Is it a retrieval question and is the answer directly in the text? Is it a question linked to a word?
Check the spelling when Googling the name of the dangerous volcano. |
Writing |
Volcano explanation |
Open the Bitesize link below. Draw what a volcano looks like. Write an explanation to explain to a younger child/ or somebody who does not know, what a volcano is.
Use sentence stems such as; Did you know that… It is believed that… Amazingly…
Spelling |
Bitesize words |
Rainbow write over your new words with a coloured pen or pencil.
Bitesize your new spellings into chunks that will help you to remember them. Example: mis – be - have |
Where have you heard this word before? How does the prefix change the meaning? What does it mean without the prefix?
Maths |
Understand thousandths |
Watch the WhiteRose learning video below.
Can you remember what we call the 1st 2nd and 3rd decimal place? (tenths, hundredths and thousandths)
Have a go at the questions on the activity sheet in your learning pack.
Remember that you can draw your own place value chart like we do in class. Use the headings. Thousands, hundreds, tens, ones (decimal point on the line) then tenths, hundredths and thousandths. If you get stuck, please email Miss Fisher at oak@newtown.wilts.sch.uk |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete the next 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
RE/Art/History: Draw geometric patterns |
Read through the Islamic art Power Point that has been uploaded to your class page. Make notes/ bullet points and sketches as you read it. You are focusing on the geometric art patterns. Use the grids in your learning pack to have a go at creating a geometric design. Use colour if you can.
Take a photograph of your pattern and post it on the blog.
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Writing link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z849q6f/articles/zd9cxyc
Maths link: https://vimeo.com/485550430
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Monday 1st February 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
Volcanoes of the world |
Read over the text at least twice. Highlight or underline any unfamiliar words and check their meaning using the dictionary link.
Have a go at the comprehension and challenge questions. Write your answers on the lined paper provided. |
Check what type of question it is asking you. Is it an inference question? Is it a retrieval question and the answer is directly in the text? Is it a question linked to a word?
Writing |
Volcano vocabulary |
Look at the volcano words that you started to look at last week. Can you match the word to their definition? Choose the easier ones first. You do not have to do this in order. Are there any key words in the definition that will help you to match it? |
Check your answers by looking at the uploaded sheet to the website once you have had a go.
Spelling |
New spellings Definition focus |
Rainbow write over your new words with a coloured pen or pencil.
Check that you know the definition of each word. Choose five words to check the definition of using the Collins dictionary link below. |
Where have you heard this word before? How does the prefix change the meaning? What does it mean without the prefix?
Maths |
Recap decimals to 2 decimal places |
Watch the WhiteRose learning video below.
Can you remember what we call the 1st and 2nd decimal place? (tenths and hundredths)
Have a go at the questions on the activity sheet in your learning pack.
Remember that you can draw your own place value chart like we do in class. Use the headings. Thousands, hundreds, tens, ones (decimal point on the line) then tenths and hundredths. If you get stuck, please email Miss Fisher at oak@newtown.wilts.sch.uk |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete first next 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
Geography/science: Arctic animals |
Think back to the online adaptation lesson you watched last Monday. The link is below if you wish to remind yourself. Today you are going to research an arctic animal of your choice. There are many examples on your worksheet in your learning pack. Use the given subheadings to focus your research. There is also a good website link below. |
Please email your fact file to Miss Fisher. I would love to find out which artic animal is your favourite. |
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Maths link: https://vimeo.com/485432781
Reading link: https://www.loom.com/share/1e27979a00004cc49d64677084607c07?sharedAppSource=personal_library
Topic link 1: https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/adaptations-91bc
topic link 2: https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/animals-and-nature/habitats-and-ecosystems/arctic/
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Friday 29th January 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
A weekend in Pompeii Formal and informal language |
Read over the text carefully. Today you are focusing on the style of language used.
Look at the informal words and write in the formal version.
Then look at the formal words and write in the informal version. |
Informal: How we speak to our friends and people we know on a daily basis and when writing a diary. Formal: Used when writing a letter of importance or when speaking to somebody of great importance. Would also be advised at a job interview! Would also be used in a newspaper report. |
Writing |
Write a newspaper report |
Look back at the example newspaper report in your pack. Today you are going to write a brief report as if you were there at the time of the eruption and you are reporting in the local newspaper for all others to read.
Watch the video link below again to help you remember what it may have been like to witness this remarkable yet deadly event.
Remember to include: A snappy headline to draw the reader in. Short, snappy sentences to give facts. indirect speech (you write as a sentence) from people that you interviewed: Example: The local Roman Emperor, who was white with shock, stated that his first priority was to bury his valuables. |
Spelling |
Spelling test |
Look at your spellings. Rainbow write over each word with a coloured pen or pencil.
Test yourself on your spelling words by covering them up and doing one at a time. If you have somebody at home, you could ask them to test you.
Remember to print your handwriting in a spelling test, you do not need to join.
Mark your spellings and let Miss Fisher know your score.
Maths |
Drawing reflected shapes |
Have a go at drawing the reflections on the activity sheet.
For each shape, you are drawing the reflection in the horizontal and vertical mirror line (to the other side).
Count the squares away from the mirror line and then repeat on the other side. |
You will need a ruler for this. If you cannot find one, an edge of a book will do the trick!
If you get stuck, please email Miss Fisher at oak@newtown.wilts.sch.uk |
Basic maths facts |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete first next 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
Geography: Famous volcanoes of the world |
Open the uploaded PowerPoint on your class page.
Read through the information on World famous volcanoes.
Using the activity sheet in your learning pack – label the names on the world map of the volcanoes.
Extra challenge; Choose a volcano of your choice to research further and produce a poster/ fact file about it.
You can use the internet to research further.
Please remember to use capital letters for names of countries and continents.
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Reading link: https://www.loom.com/share/a291aa9db10f4ee9b3abecc0924744e4?sharedAppSource=personal_library
Maths link: https://www.loom.com/share/46432b8b7d5b44c48f1808deac1ec144?sharedAppSource=personal_library
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Thursday 28th January 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
A weekend in Pompeii word focus |
Read over the text carefully.
Look at the words given and find out the definition for each using the dictionary link below.
Make sure you say the word aloud – can you pronounce it correctly? Check with somebody in your house. |
Writing |
Diary entry publish – the day Vesuvius erupted |
Look over your plan from yesterday. Make sure you have written a draft.
Check that you have included the things to the right.
Edit and improve your sentences if needed.
Write up in best and email Miss Fisher your work. |
Remember to use: First person pronouns (I, me, my) Expanded noun phrases to explain what you saw, heard, felt and smelt. Eg: I couldn’t believe my eyes, people were screaming frantically and running in all directions – it was pure chaos.
Spelling |
Sentences using spellings |
Look at your spellings. Rainbow write over each word with a coloured pen or pencil.
Choose 10 words to write in sentence. Please make sure you punctuate them correctly and begin them in different ways.
You must include: A relative clause Commas, dashes or brackets for parentheses
Maths |
Reflections |
Watch the video about reflections on a quadrant grid. (link below)
Have a go at the questions – remember to touch the points where the lines meet and count from x and y axis.
Remember that when reflecting a shape, you must count from the mirror line. It is different from translating!
If you get stuck, please email Miss Fisher at oak@newtown.wilts.sch.uk |
Basic maths facts |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete first next 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
Geography: Tectonic plates |
Open the Power Point below and learn about tectonic plates. What are they? Which countries do they lie on? Have a go at the tectonic plate activity in your booklets |
If you prefer: You can redraw the world map and mark on the plates using labels. |
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Maths link 1: https://www.loom.com/share/0ea5167863f140f594c0743918dd4c03?sharedAppSource=personal_library
Maths link 2: https://www.loom.com/share/a52dce02803644e1b725c670561353ca?sharedAppSource=personal_library
Reading link: https://www.loom.com/share/071eca7a27354cc389fb1fecca36c951?sharedAppSource=personal_library
Topic link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zyhv4wx/revision/1
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Wednesday 27th January 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
A weekend in Pompeii |
Read over the text carefully. Skim and scan the text first and then read very carefully on the second read. Can you explain what the text is about?
Answer the questions in your learning pack. |
Read the question at least twice. Do I know what it is asking me to do? Is it an inference question? Retrieval? Or am I looking for a word? |
Writing |
Diary entry plan – the day Vesuvius erupted |
Watch the YouTube video below showing a recreation of what it would have looked like when Vesuvius erupted. Today, you are going to plan your diary entry as if you were there and managed to escape. (You may have been on a boat).
Remember to use: First person pronouns (I, me, my) Expanded noun phrases to explain what you saw, heard, felt and smelt. Eg: I couldn’t believe my eyes, people were screaming frantically and running in all directions – it was pure chaos.
Spelling |
Family tree |
Look at your spellings. Rainbow write over each word with a coloured pen or pencil.
Using the word: received. How many other words can you find that have the ‘ei’ spelling pattern?
You can use Google search to help with this if you need to.
Maths |
Translations |
Watch the video link below.
Have a go at the questions – remember to touch the points where the lines meet and count from x and y axis.
Remember that when translating a shape, choose one corner to move first. Count how many away it is from the x and y axis.
If you get stuck, please email Miss Fisher at oak@newtown.wilts.sch.uk |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete first next 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
Geography: Label parts of a volcano |
Open the link below and look at the parts of a volcano. You may remember some of these words that we put up on our topic board prior to Christmas.
I will upload the answers on the class page so you can mark them.
Be careful with the spellings of the key words: Magma Fumarole Crater
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Reading link: https://www.loom.com/share/ded29d07ca214c9fb4c78a50542b9050?sharedAppSource=personal_library
Maths link: https://www.loom.com/share/ecfbd8d3297542b4be763f79e2ba2847?sharedAppSource=personal_library
Topic link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z849q6f/articles/zd9cxyc
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Tuesday 26th January 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
The pack of Pompeii |
Read over the text carefully. Skim and scan the text first and then read very carefully on the second read. Can you explain what the text is about?
Check the definitions of any words that you are unsure of using the dictionary link below. Answer the questions carefully. |
Read the question at least twice. Do I know what it is asking me to do? Is it an inference question? Retrieval? Or am I looking for a word? |
Writing |
Research the eruption of Mount Vesuvius |
Open the link below on Espresso learning. Watch the video. Make notes in your learning pack as you watch the video. Research Mount Vesuvius further adding any new facts that you find out.
Use bullet points to record you learning. Try to include dashes to add extra information when writing bullet points about Mount Vesuvius |
Spelling |
Bitesize your spellings |
Look at your spellings. Rainbow write over each word with a coloured pen or pencil.
Bitesize your words by splitting them into memorable chunks. |
Example: Sig-nat-ure |
Maths |
Four quadrants |
Watch the video link below. Remember to look carefully at the coordinates when working on quadrant grids. Top left - + Top right + + Bottom left - - Bottom right + - Have a go at the questions on the sheet. |
Remember we always read the x coordinate before the y. Y to the sky goes vertical X goes horizontal
If you get stuck, please email Miss Fisher at oak@newtown.wilts.sch.uk |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete first next 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
RE: The five pillars of Islam |
Watch the introduction to Islam video in the link below on Espresso learning.
Open the 5 pillars power point. This is uploaded to your class page.
Find out about the 5 pillars that Muslims follow. Create your own 5 pillars (morals) that you hold as important beliefs. This could be linked to charity like in the Islamic 5 pillars or you could think of 5 new ones.
Ideas might include: Charity Kindness Working hard Showing independence Truthfulness Respecting the planet |
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Maths link: https://www.loom.com/share/9a98f1626f67425f9f3e236062a61a47?sharedAppSource=personal_library
Reading link: https://www.loom.com/share/b5da7ad407d84b46a7073a47d6aebfd5?sharedAppSource=personal_library
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Monday 25th January 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
Investigating Pompeii and Vesuvius |
Read the text at least three times. Check any definitions that you are unsure of. Answer each question about the text.
Check what type of question you are answering. Read the question at least twice. |
Writing |
The eruption of Mount Vesuvius: Senses and description |
Read the example newspaper report in your booklet. Imagine that you were there at the time. Have a go at the sense activity. |
Use research online to help you if you get stuck. |
Spelling |
Definition practise |
Look at your new spellings Rainbow write over each word with a coloured pen or pencil. Choose 5 to look up definitions for. Use the dictionary link below to help you with this. |
Where have I heard the word before? Can I say it in a sentence?
Maths |
The first quadrant
Watch the video link below. Can you remember what a quadrant is? Have a go at the questions on your worksheet. |
Remember we always read the x coordinate before the y. Y to the sky goes vertical X goes horizontal |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete first 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
Oak academy Science: adaptation
Desert animals |
Watch the topic link below about adaptation. Make bullet point notes as you watch with the key learning that you find out. Research a desert animal of your choice and complete the key facts sheet in your work pack. |
There are lots of link ideas at the bottom of your worksheet to help with the research.
Remember to write clearly and neatly. Please email me a copy of your learning or post it on the blog. |
Spelling link: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/
Reading link: https://www.loom.com/share/9bc2d810b0d94ef59a5ce5ee8e5037ff
Maths link: https://www.loom.com/share/04d4521a556543fa9c910685b6a39b1a
Topic link: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/what-is-an-adaptation-cmw6ct
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Friday 22nd January 2021 |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
‘Old enough to vote but too young to care’ text
Continued from yesterday. |
Read over the text again. Find the definitions for each of the given words. |
What style of question is this? Is it a vocab related question? Is it retrieval? (dog and bone) Is it inference? (Sherlock Holmes) |
Writing |
‘Said the stars’ |
Using the image in your pack have a go at writing imaginative answers to the questions given about a picture.
Extension: write the first paragraph as if this picture were taken from a story.
Spelling |
-cious and -tious endings. |
Practise spelling the following: Precious, vicious, ambitious, cautious, malicious.
Test yourself on the spellings for each word. |
Which ones have tious and which have cious?
Maths |
Finding fractions of amounts. Mastery lesson |
Watch the video in the link below
Choose a section from the uploaded worksheet. They questions get harder the higher the number.
Extension: see upload for mastery questions |
Basic maths facts |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete next 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
Endangered species
Look at the link below and find out about endangered animals across the world. Continue from yesterday by choosing other animals to research.
Have a go at the wordsearch too. |
You can use other websites to find out information if you wish. |
Spelling link: Discovery Education Espresso - Word endings: -cious, -tious
Maths link: https://www.loom.com/share/51a88b06353b42cb839fb2fd8bd18129?sharedAppSource=personal_library
Reading link: https://www.loom.com/share/bf55dc9c1deb48b99a44bfde859d785a?sharedAppSource=personal_library
Topic link: Endangered Animal Facts For Kids | DK Find Out
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Thursday 21st January |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
‘Old enough to vote but too young to care’ text First 10 questions |
Read over the text at least 3 times Try your best to answer as many questions as you possibly can.
Pick out any words that you are unsure of the meaning and use the online dictionary to find definition. |
What style of question is this? Is it a vocab related question? Is it retrieval? (dog and bone) Is it inference? (Sherlock Holmes) |
Writing |
‘Let’s play football’ |
Using the image in your pack have a go at writing imaginative answers to the questions given about a picture.
Extension: write the first paragraph as if this picture were taken from a story.
Spelling |
-cious and -tious endings. |
Practise spelling the following: Precious, vicious, ambitious, cautious, malicious.
Write a sentence for each word. |
Can you include a subordinate clause?
Maths |
Finding fractions of amounts. |
Watch the video in the link below
Answer as many questions on your worksheet as you can. Mark at the end (answers at back of maths sheets in your pack.)
What should I find first? What operation do I need to use to find ¼ of an amount? What knowledge must I use? |
Basic maths facts |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete next 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
Endangered species
Look at the link below and find out about endangered animals across the world. Focus on where the animal is from, why it is endangered and what can be done to protect the species.
Have a go at first four animals on the worksheet. |
You can use other websites to find out information if you wish. |
Spelling link: Discovery Education Espresso - Word endings: -cious, -tious
Reading link 1; https://www.loom.com/share/d47cd8f57a7d4dea8c1f347a1e457b33?sharedAppSource=personal_library
Reading link 2: https://www.loom.com/share/5e1faa62680f4e6aa07a7090f58c2fd7?sharedAppSource=personal_library
Maths link: https://www.loom.com/share/9a6fc91aaadc4ad096a822ec34e642c7
Topic link: Endangered Animal Facts For Kids | DK Find Out
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Wednesday 20th January |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
The lost cities of ancient Maya Challenge sections |
Read over the text again. Try your best to answer as many questions as you possibly can. |
What style of question is this? Is it a vocab related question? Is it retrieval? (dog and bone) Is it inference? (Sherlock Holmes) |
Writing |
‘Pegged’ |
Using the image in your pack have a go at writing imaginative answers to the questions given about a picture.
Extension: write the first paragraph as if this picture were taken from a story.
Spelling |
-cious and -tious endings. |
Practise spelling the following: Precious, vicious, ambitious, cautious, malicious.
Find more words that end with cious and tious. |
Can you remember the definitions? |
Maths |
Dividing fractions |
Watch the video in the link below
Answer as many questions on your worksheet as you can. Mark at the end (answers at back of maths sheets in your pack.)
How is dividing fractions different from multiplying them? |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete next 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
Science: living things Classification
Grouping plants |
Remind yourself of the Carl Linneaus system and the groups. Look at the addition upload to support you with grouping plants.
Watch the Linneaus video link below and answer questions in your pack.
The answers are at the back of your booklet to check when you are finished. |
Spelling link: Discovery Education Espresso - Word endings: -cious, -tious
Reading Link: https://www.loom.com/share/6233cb860fc64da78c574b3d6f8cc2ad?sharedAppSource=personal_library
Maths link: https://www.loom.com/share/6339bf4064e146eab9e56694ee5d1cb8?sharedAppSource=personal_library
Topic link: Science KS2: The work of Carl Linnaeus - BBC Teach
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Tuesday 19th January |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
The lost cities of ancient Maya Sections c and d |
Read over the text at least 3 times. Identify unfamiliar words and use the online dictionary to search for definitions. Try your best to answer as many questions as you possibly can in section c and d. |
What style of question is this? Is it a vocab related question? Is it retrieval? (dog and bone) Is it inference? (Sherlock Holmes) |
Writing |
‘Above the sky’ |
Using the image in your pack have a go at writing imaginative answers to the questions given about a picture.
Extension: write the first paragraph as if this picture were taken from a story.
Spelling |
-cious and -tious endings. |
Practise spelling the following: Precious, vicious, ambitious, cautious, malicious.
Bitesize each of these words into memorable chunks. |
Check the meanings for each of the words – use the online dictionary to help. |
Maths |
Multiplying fractions by fractions |
Watch the video in the link below:
Answer as many questions on your worksheet as you can. Mark at the end (answers at back of maths sheets in your pack but I will also go through these in the video.)
How is multiplying fractions different from adding them?
Remember to pause the video as often as you need to. |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete next 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
Science: living things Classification
Microorganisms |
Re watch the PowerPoint about microorganisms from yesterday.
Read through the microorganisms information using the topic link below and try to answer the questions on your activity sheet.
The answers are at the back of your booklet to check when you are finished. |
Spelling link: Discovery Education Espresso - Word endings: -cious, -tious
Reading link: https://www.loom.com/share/507302ee88df439987be1a245d96e853?sharedAppSource=personal_library
Maths link: https://www.loom.com/share/9634a4a8cb38473888ff0571f0396e5a
Topic link: Discovery Education Espresso - Science 2 - Digital microscope - Learning path - Micro-organisms - Start here
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Monday 18th January |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
The lost cities of ancient Maya Sections a and b |
Read over the text at least 3 times. Identify unfamiliar words and use the online dictionary to search for definitions. Try your best to answer as many questions as you possibly can in section a and b. |
What style of question is this? Is it a vocab related question? Is it retrieval? (dog and bone) Is it inference? (Sherlock Holmes) |
Writing |
‘Just Visiting’ |
Using the image in your pack have a go at writing imaginative answers to the questions given about a picture.
Don’t forget to use full sentences and read over them to make sure they make sense.
Spelling |
-cious and -tious endings. |
Click on the link below and have a go at choosing the correct ending for each root word. Practise spelling the following: Precious, vicious, ambitious, cautious, malicious. |
Check the meanings for each of the words – use the online dictionary to help. |
Maths |
Multiplying fractions |
Watch the video in the link below
Answer as many questions on your worksheet as you can. Mark at the end (answers at back of maths sheets in your pack.)
How is multiplying fractions different from adding them? |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete first 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
Science: living things Classification |
Have a look at the uploaded Power Point presentation about Carl Linnaeus and his way of grouping living things and sorting them.
Look at the activity. How could you sort these living things? Look at adaptations such as fur, claws, wings, movement etc.
Open the second PowerPoint and learn a little about microorganisms. Have a go at the questions. |
The answers are at the back of your booklet to check when you are finished. |
Spelling link: Discovery Education Espresso - Word endings: -cious, -tious
Reading link: https://www.loom.com/share/25a264c1a96d4adba636eb72ce413c0c
Maths link: https://www.loom.com/share/8800b9c1686f49af84fe03ab9f84a6d5?sharedAppSource=personal_library
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Friday 15th January |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
Challenge sections The Stone Enquirer |
What can you remember about this text? Read the text again.
Look at section c and d and answer as many questions as you can referring back to the text. If you get stuck, leave the question and move on. |
Think back to different styles of writing that you have done. What were the features?
Writing |
‘What’s the issue’ task |
Look at the task description in in your learning pack. Is there something that you are passionate about? Do you want to support the homeless in the local area? Do you think we should support our elderly residents more?
Choose an issue that you would like to write about and create a piece of writing that persuades others to understand your point of view. |
Use rhetorical questions to make the reader feel involved directly.
Spelling |
-ant and -ent endings |
Open spelling link below and choose the correct ending for each root word given. |
Maths |
Fractions assessment questions |
How many can you answer? Use the strategies covered this week to help you. You can always flick back to the fractions work from previous day’s learning. |
Check the operation Check the denominators Can it be simplified? Is it improper?
Basic maths facts |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete next 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
Plastics and the environment |
Use the internet and the Power point from yesterday to research the benefits and problems with plastics. Use the planning sheet to write bullet points.
What other additional information could you give? Could you give a fact using statistics that may shock the reader? |
Remember to use facts and figures in your plan. |
Spelling link: Discovery Education Espresso - Word endings: -ant, -ent
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Thursday 14th January |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
Section a and b The Stone Enquirer |
Read the text at least 2 times.
Make sure you look at the date on the article!
Check definitions of any unfamiliar words such as innovation, nomads, sustained.
Look at section a and b and answer as many questions as you can referring back to the text. |
What type of question is this?
Gabble gabble – vocab Dog and bone – retrieval Sherlock Holmes – Inference |
Writing |
Favourite hobby |
Look at the description of the task in your pack. What is your favourite hobby and why? If you do not have a hobby, think about one that you might like to take up. How could you persuade someone else to take up this hobby? Write a paragraph explaining what your favourite hobby is and how you would persuade others to do it also. |
Use subordinate clauses in your sentences.
If you were to take up karate, I can guarantee that you will feel… |
Spelling |
Letter string ‘ough’ |
Open the link below and read the passage in activity. Identify the correct words by clicking on them. Check by clicking the button below. |
Read the words carefully and check the pronunciation of the ‘ough’ sound in words. |
Maths |
Mixed addition and subtraction of fractions |
Watch video link below.
Answer as many questions as you can and mark at the end. |
Check for errors. Can you identify where you went wrong? |
Basic maths facts |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete next 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
It’s My Business news article |
Look at the Power point presentation that has been uploaded. Should plastic be banned? What are your thoughts on this? How would this affect you? Look around you – how many things can you see that are made of plastic? What impact will this have on the future? Write an article to show your thoughts on banning plastics. |
Check your spelling, punctuation and sentences carefully. |
Spelling link: Discovery Education Espresso - Words containing the letter string 'ough'
Maths link: Aut6.11.2 - Mixed addition and subtraction on Vimeo
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Wednesday 13th January |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
Challenge section from Great Fire poetry |
Read the poems at least 3 times.
Look at the questions in the challenge section. Answer as many questions as you can.
What do all four poems have in common? Metaphor: A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes something by saying it is something else. It's not actually true but it gives the reader a clearer idea of what it is like. |
Writing |
Creature feature |
Look at the description of the task in your pack. Some South African animals that you may wish to choose:
Write an information text about your chosen animal that you have researched. |
Use subheadings Use diagrams and labels Use descriptive noun phrases |
Spelling |
Homophone activity |
Open the activity and click on start. Insert the correct homophone to complete each sentence. |
Maths |
Add and subtract fractions |
Watch the video link below.
Remember to check the denominators. Can you remember the 3 steps we talked about in class?
Basic maths facts |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete next 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
Create a recycle poster |
Watch the recycling video below. Do you recycle at home already? Do you know which bins are for which rubbish? What can and can’t go in the recycle bins?
Design a poster to encourage your family members to recycle more. Think about plastics such as yoghurt pots and lids from tubes or pots. |
Ask your adults at home to explain the recycling in Wiltshire and the types of bins we have at home.
What is the black bin used for and where does this waste end up? Blue lidded bin? Black box? |
Spelling link: Discovery Education Espresso - Homophones and similar words: contractions and possessive pronouns
Maths link: Aut6.9.5 - Add and subtract fractions (1) on Vimeo
Topic link: Recycling - what's the best way to sort waste? (signed) - KS2 Science - BBC Bitesize
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Tuesday 12th January |
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
Section d from Great Fire poetry (we will do the challenge section tomorrow)
Read the poems at least 3 times.
Look at the questions in section d and the challenge sections. Answer as many questions as you can.
What do all four poems have in common? Metaphor: A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes something by saying it is something else. It's not actually true but it gives the reader a clearer idea of what it is like. |
Writing |
A day on my island |
Writing task 2 Design your own floating island. Use the question prompts to help you draw and write a description.
What size and shape will it be? What vegetation is on the surface? What will provide you with shelter? What are the roots of your island like? What is the weather like? |
Spelling |
Verbs or nouns? |
Sorting activity Read the words on the left-hand side. Is it a verb or a noun? Drag and drop each word into the correct column.
Verbs: an action/ something you can do Noun: a word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things (common noun), or to name a particular one of these (proper noun). |
Maths |
Compare and order fractions |
Recap from last week: can you get them all correct today?
Check for errors and change your answers. Watch the video below to help you. |
Is the numerator half of the denominator? Is the numerator more than half of the denominator? What does that tell you?
Basic maths facts |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete next 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
Recycling activity |
Open the recycling Power point in the links below and answer the questions. Do any of these answers surprise you? What do you do at home to recycle? Do you think you could do more?
Have a go at the sorting activity in your pack. What is each material made from? Could it be reused or would it just end up in the waste skip?
Spelling link: Discovery Education Espresso - Homophones and similar words: verb or noun?
Maths link: Aut6.9.3 - Compare and order (denominator) on Vimeo
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Monday 11th January |
Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
P.E |
To stay active and physically healthy. |
Click on the Body Coach link below and you will find Joe Wick’s YouTube page. Here Joe will upload a new workout on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On a Tuesday and Thursday, choose an old workout to complete. |
Even if you only manage to complete ten minutes, that will wake you up and make you feel energised and ready to learn. |
Reading |
Section a, b, c Great Fire poetry |
Read the poem at least 3 times. Highlight any words that you do not understand the meaning of (check using online dictionary) Answer the questions the best you can in section a, b, c and d.
What do all four poems have in common? Personification: when something non-human is made to sound human like. |
Writing |
Picture play writing activity |
Using the image in your pack imagine you are on a floating island.
Using the questions provided, write a descriptive paragraph to describe what it is like on this island and what you can see. |
Don’t forget to use full sentences and subordination.
Use your senses to help you imagine what you would see, hear, touch and smell. |
Spelling |
Homophones |
Watch video in the link about homophones.
Click on link two and complete the sentences with the correct spelling of the word. |
Homophones – sound the same but look different. |
Maths |
Simplify fractions |
Watch the video in the link below
Answer as many questions on your worksheet as you can. Mark at the end (answers at back of maths sheets in your pack.)
Are the numerator and denominator both even? Can they be halved? Do both the numerator and denominator have a common factor? |
Key skills |
See uploaded maths sheet. Complete first 5 questions. |
Make a note of any questions you need extra help with. |
Topic work |
Five ways I can help the Earth |
Use the link below to read about how humans affect the planet. Think about the negative impacts that humans can have on the world by:
Create a poster to show 5 ways in which humans can make a difference to their environment. |
Use a picture and a short bullet point underneath.
Write the bullet point as an instruction such as:
Always pick up your litter.
Plant your own fruits and vegetables if you have a garden. |
Spelling link: Discovery Education Espresso - Homophones video
Spelling link 2: Discovery Education Espresso - Homophones and similar words: complete the sentence
Maths link: Aut6.8.4 - Simplify fractions on Vimeo
Topic link: How do human beings affect the environment? - BBC Bitesize
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Friday 8th January 2021 |
Happy new year Oak class. I hope you are all well. Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Reading |
Swimming the English channel |
Read the text at least three times. Pick out any unfamiliar words Use the online dictionary link below to search for meaning. Try to answer the questions about the text. |
Check what type of question it is asking you to use. Gabble Gabble – vocab Dog and bone – retrieval Sherlock Holmes – inference |
Writing |
Write in best my own new year’s resolutions |
Read over your draft from yesterday. Check your handwriting, spelling and punctuation.
Write up in best. |
You can hand write this or type it. Whatever you prefer.
Use my sentence starters in the example to help you when writing. |
Spelling |
See uploaded words from Wednesday (10 words)
Write a sentence for each of the spelling words.
Can you include a subordinate clause?
Where have you heard this word before? Can you use this word in a sentence? |
Maths |
Multiplication |
Open the maths sheet below in the link. You will see there are 3 columns with the gold star being the hardest.
Begin on the bronze star column and check that you have use short multiplication correctly. When confident, have a go at some long multiplication from the silver column. If you are very brave, try the gold star column but remember you will be multiplying by 1s, 10s and 100s. |
Do not forget your place holder zeros! 125 X 16
Basic maths facts |
Times tables |
click on ‘all tables’ option play game thinking carefully about each question and the times table required.
Write down a couple of questions that you are still not secure with and practise. |
Topic work |
Chimpanzees |
Using what you have learnt from the clip, create a ‘Chimp Survival Guide’ for young chimps entering into the wild for the first time. You could include the following information:
What skills are the chimps taught in the clip? How will they fend for themselves when they are released?
Dictionary link: Cambridge Dictionary | English Dictionary, Translations & Thesaurus
Basic maths link: Times tables shooting – Timestables.co.uk
Topic link: Chimpanzees - Natural Curriculum
Daily Planner For: Oak Class |
Day: Thursday 7th January 2021 |
Happy new year Oak class. I hope you are all well. Espresso Username: student31363 Password: Newtown
Subject |
You are learning: |
You can find out how to do this here: |
Here are some important things to remember: |
Reading |
Bumblebee text
Infer and retrieve information from a text. |
Read the text at least three times. Pick out any unfamiliar words Use the online dictionary link below to search for meaning. Try to answer the questions about the text. |
Check what type of question it is asking you to use. Gabble Gabble – vocab Dog and bone – retrieval Sherlock Holmes – inference |
Writing |
Plan my own new year’s resolutions |
What do you want to achieve by the end of year six? Think about three things that you would like to get better at. This could be something at school or a hobby that you enjoy out of school. It could even be things around the home like tidying your bedroom!
Write a paragraph explaining what your new year’s resolutions are and why. See the uploaded example to help you. This is only a draft today.
You can hand write this or type it. Whatever you prefer.
Use my sentence starters in the example to help you when writing. |
Spelling |
See uploaded words from yesterday (10 words)
These are linked to new year’s resolutions. Practise writing these and looking at spelling patterns. Write definitions for each of the words. |
Where have you heard this word before? Can you use this word in a sentence? |
Maths |
Mixed mental maths |
Open the document below and have a go at two coloured columns. You can choose where you feel most comfortable. Green, purple and pink are the most challenging. Identify which questions you are stuck on and what you need more help with. |
What operation is it asking me to use? What should I start with? Is it BODMAS, long division, rounding? How can I check my answer? |
Basic maths facts |
Reflections: shape and space |
Click on the link below and open the game. Watch the example carefully. To reflect a shape, count how many dots a corner (vertices) is away from the mirror line. Repeat for other corners. |
Topic work |
Adaptions in animals |
Watch the video and make a note of the 10 special animals. What is their special feature? Choose one of these fascinating animals to research further. Draw an image of your favourite and label ad |