My name is Miss Abbott and I have the privilege of teaching year 2 with the support of our fantastic teaching assistant Mrs Clark.
In Maple class we enjoy learning and we know how to work hard whilst still having fun!
We appreciate the enjoyment and importance of reading. Therefore, here at Newtown we have the 100 club where children can win prizes for the amount of time they have read at home. Who will be the first to reach the amazing milestone of 100 reads?
Key things to remember:
The learning destination book can also be used for any additional home learning that your child wishes to be included.
Make sure that you come back to this class page so that you can see what exciting things our class have been getting up to at school.
Miss Abbott
Maple Class have had an excellent start to term 3! They have started their African topic by learning all about our world including the names of our continents and oceans. They learnt a song to help them remember the different names, then they made their own map of the world on a paper plate. They used an atlas and globe to help them place the continents and the oceans in the correct place. Well done Maple Class!
Maple Class have been working extremely hard on their final Nativity performance in year 2. They sang beautifully, remembered lots of actions and remembered to say their lines clearly! Well done Maple. 😊 Here are some photos of the children in their costumes. Can you guess their characters?
It is great to see children continuing their learning outside of the classroom from completing reading challenges, working on their teamwork and fitness, extending and practising their column addition and producing a fantastic shoebox habitat at home!
Maple Class are such super Mathematicians! They have been working hard on their place value using base ten, their 2 times tables and their column addition and subtraction. It is fantastic to see the children thinking carefully about their counting and remembering to check their answers using the resources to help them.
Maple Class have been learning all about bridges this term. They have been learning about why bridges are made using particular shapes and looking at the materials used to keep them strong. Prior to any of their learning, the children experimented with different construction materials to try and make their own bridges. They then tested their bridges strength and thought about how they could make it stronger.
As the term has progressed, the children have begun to design, practise cutting and joining and create their own model bridges. Their finished bridges will use dowel and string to move up and down! Check back on this page to see the final products…
Maple Class have been busy in the secret garden repotting some of the plants. The children also helped to prepare the flower beds, by taking all the weeds out, ready for the lovely flowers to be planted. What a super job they did!
Maple Class have had a super week learning all about Harmony day in Australia and the celebration of diversity. As part of this week, the children looked at the Bangladesh nationals who live within Australia and the cuisine skills and flavours that they bring. The children had a super time, preparing their delicious Lassi recipe and many of them tried ingredients they’d never had before such as cardamom, mango and soy milk.
Maple Class have had an exciting start to Year 2 learning about the famous astronauts Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake. We have been looking at survival techniques in Space and comparing the lives of these astronauts. As part of their learning, we had an Astronaut Day filled with training activities, space food testing and even a journey to the moon with Commander Marshall! The children all looked great in their Astronaut costumes. I’m sure you’ll agree!
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