Newtown Community Primary School
'Newtown Primary School is a Community Primary School and we take the "Community" aspect of our title very seriously. Our children, their families and extended families are at the heart of everything we do.'

Chestnut Class (Year 3)

Welcome to Chestnut Class!

My name is Miss Pearce and I am teaching year 3 this year with the support of our lovely teaching assistant Mrs Williamson.


Chestnut class is a kind and caring place to be and I am thrilled to be the class teacher. The children know how important it is to treat others with respect, as well as the equipment we use. This allows us to enjoy each day of school to the best of our abilities. We will remember to try our best in everything we do by challenging ourselves with our learning and demonstrating good role model behaviour. It is going to be an exciting year with lots of fun, interesting topics and experiences planned. 


Important things to remember:


  • All homework (spellings, sentences and maths) will be set every Monday and should be completed by Friday.
  • Orange homework books are to be brought in every day.
  • Children are expected to read daily and record their readings at the back of the orange book.
  • PE kits must be named and in school every day.


Please keep checking our class page to see all the amazing things we will be doing this year.


Miss Pearce

To contact Miss Pearce about home learning please email:

Home Learning - Friday 5th March 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 05.03.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To create Spelling Pyramids using your spelling words:

natural, promise, regular, special, straight, strange, though, through, various, weight.

Write each of your spelling words in the style of a pyramid e.g. the word ‘small’ would look like this:








  • Write the first letter of the word. Then write the first and second letter and continue this pattern of adding another letter each time until you have completed the word.


To read for enjoyment and reflect on the story.

Watch Miss Pearce’s reading lesson today by clicking on the link below.

Read pages 122-127. Enjoy reading! How do you feel about what has just happened? What do you think will happen in the last two chapters?

  • Share your thoughts with your family or friends on the blog.
  • Send me your thoughts on the class email.



To imagine a setting using the picture stimulus.

Look at the scene from ‘Alice in Wonderland’. The surroundings seem so big, making Alice appear even smaller. Imagine you were trapped in your school after you had been shrunk. Describe your journey from the door across the classroom.

  • What dangers would you have to be careful of as a tiny person?
  • Plan your writing carefully first.
  • Challenge yourself to use a thesaurus to look up ‘big’ and ‘small’.
  • Send your writing to the class email.


To practise your cursive handwriting.

Practise the spelling words that are on the sheet in your neatest joined-up handwriting: found, laughed, let’s, fun, any, better, lived, much, place, under.

  • Keep your letters on the line.
  • Use lead ins and lead outs.
  • Ensure your letters are of the same size, shape, and height.


To interpret pictograms (2, 5 and 10).

Watch the White Rose Maths video and then watch Miss Pearce teaching the maths activity today.

Follow along with Miss Pearce to complete the worksheet inside the daily learning pack.

  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use taught methods to help you with each of the questions.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use Hit the Button to practise times tables (link below table).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Topic work

To create your own outdoor sculpture inspired by Richard Shilling.

Click on the link below to explore environmental artist Richard Shilling’s webpage to get a sense of who he is and how he creates his beautiful pieces of nature art. Create your own outdoor sculpture inspired by Richard Shilling.

  • If it is not possible to create an outdoor sculpture, draw a picture and label it with the materials you would use if you could make it.
  • Remember to send an image of your artwork to the class blog.

Keeping Physically Active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.


Lesson with Miss Pearce:


Lesson with Miss Pearce:

White Rose Maths video:

Basic Maths

Hit the Button:


Joe Wicks’ YouTube Channel:


Richard Shilling website:

Home Learning - Thursday 4th March 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 04.03.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To create sentences using this week’s spelling words:

natural, promise, regular, special, straight, strange, though, through, various, weight.

Rainbow write over your list of spelling words.

Write at least 5 sentences using your spelling words. Record these in your orange book or on paper.

  • Remember to create full sentences.
  • Challenge yourself to use expanded noun phrases in your sentences


To express what you think the characters should do.

Watch Miss Pearce’s reading lesson today by clicking on the link below.

Read pages 118-121.

Write down what you think they should do!

  • Write in full sentences.
  • Send your work to the class email.



To ask questions using a picture stimulus.

Look at the picture of the animals on your worksheet. What kinds of questions can we ask about this photograph? Use words like ‘what’ ‘how’ ‘when’ ‘why’ ‘where’ to help you.

  • Your challenge is to ask a ‘What if…?’ question.
  • Write in full sentences.
  • Neat and legible handwriting.
  • Send your work to the class email.


To practise your cursive handwriting.

Practise the spelling words that are on the sheet in your neatest joined-up handwriting: thought, door, may, only, ran, dog, many, know, well, sea.


  • Keep your letters on the line.
  • Use lead ins and lead outs.
  • Ensure your letters are of the same size, shape, and height.


To draw pictograms (2, 5 and 10).

Watch the White Rose Maths video and then watch Miss Pearce teaching the maths activity today.

Follow along with Miss Pearce to complete the worksheet inside the daily learning pack.

  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use taught methods to help you with each of the questions.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use Hit the Button to practise times tables (link below table).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Topic work

To learn about the religion Buddhism and complete the activities.


Click on the links below to learn about the religion Buddhism. Then, create your own Buddhism quiz and key symbols jigsaw.

  • Send your work to the class blog or email to share what you have learned.

Keeping Physically Active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.

Home Learning - Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 03.03.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To create word trees/word families from your spelling words: natural, promise, regular, special, straight, strange, though, through, various, weight.

Complete the third grid of your spelling sheet. Make word trees/word families from each of your spelling words e.g. natural (nature, at, rural, actual).

  • Remember to look for other words within each of your spelling words.
  • Create words from the sounds or groups of letters in your chosen spelling word.


To answer literal questions about the text.

Watch Miss Pearce’s reading lesson today by clicking on the link below.

Read pages 114-117. Answer the five literal questions on your sheet.

  • Find the answers to each questions directly in the text (Dog with a Bone).
  • Write in full sentences.
  • Send your work to the class email.



To understand a character’s point of view, using the picture stimulus.

Look at the picture of the girl, she looks worried or scared. First, explain how we know this using the sentence starter on your worksheet. Then, create three questions starting with What, How and Why.

  • Challenge yourself to ask an ‘If’ question.
  • Think about what will make your writing unique.
  • Neat and legible handwriting.
  • Send your work to the class email.


To practise your cursive handwriting.

Practise the spelling words that are on the sheet in your neatest joined-up handwriting: play, must, something, garden, who, take, red, bed, fast, didn’t.

  • Keep your letters on the line.
  • Use lead ins and lead outs.
  • Ensure your letters are of the same size, shape, and height.


To make tally charts.

Watch the White Rose Maths video and then watch Miss Pearce teaching the maths activity today.

Follow along with Miss Pearce to complete the worksheet inside the daily learning pack.

  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use taught methods to help you with each of the questions.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use Hit the Button to practise times tables (link below table).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Topic work

To create a mini-project about the Romans. 

Click on the Discovery Espresso link below to learn all about the Romans. Create a mini-project about the Romans (see worksheet for ideas). Try to answer the questions on the worksheet within your project.

  • Remember to watch the videos on the website and complete some of the fun activities.
  • Remember to share your creations on the class blog or via the class email.

Keeping Physically Active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.

Home Learning - Tuesday 2nd March 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 02.03.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To bitesize your spelling words into memorable chunks: natural, promise, regular, special, straight, strange, though, through, various, weight.

Complete the second column of the spelling grid. Then, bitesize each of your words into memorable chunks. For example: promise

  • Colour over the syllables in different colours.
  • Syllables are a number of speech sounds in a word, usually containing a vowel.


To empathise with the characters in the story.

Watch Miss Pearce’s reading lesson today by clicking on the link below.

Read pages 110 -113. Think about the character’s feelings at this point. Write their thoughts in the speech bubbles.


  • Use neat handwriting.
  • Keep your answers short and simple to fit inside each speech bubble.
  • Send work to the class email.



To create dialogue between two characters

Click on the link below to watch the short film ‘Broken: Rock, Paper and Scissors’. Write the dialogue between Rock and Paper when he tried to persuade her to come with him on the character speech bubble sheet.

  • Plan your writing carefully first.
  • Use a wide range of punctuation, vocabulary, and sentence lengths.
  • Neat and legible handwriting.
  • Send to the class email!


To practise your cursive handwriting.

Practise the spelling words that are on the sheet in your neatest joined-up handwriting: I’ve, school, has, around, think, yes, stop, mouse, every, home.

  • Keep your letters on the line.
  • Use lead ins and lead outs.
  • Ensure your letters are of the same size, shape, and height.


To give change.

Watch the White Rose Maths video and then watch Miss Pearce teaching the maths activity today.

Follow along with Miss Pearce to complete the worksheet inside the daily learning pack.

  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use taught methods to help you with each of the questions.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use Hit the Button to practise times tables (link below table).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Topic work

To revise the days of the week and months of the year in French.

Click on the links below to learn the days of the week and months of the year in French. Create a set of flashcards to help you revise each topic. Be as creative as you can, design them as you wish.

  • Maybe you could write the English word on one side and the French word on the other and use them as a game to test yourself.

Keeping Physically Active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.

Home Learning - Monday 1st March 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 01.03.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To find definitions for the following spelling words: natural, promise, regular, special, straight, strange, though, through, various, weight.

Complete the first column of the spelling grid.


Then use the online dictionary to find the definitions.

  • Follow link below the grid to the online dictionary.
  • Rewrite the definitions in your own words.


To find out definitions to words in the text

Watch Miss Pearce’s reading lesson today by clicking on the link below.

Read pages 104-109. Define the five words in the pack. Look up any other unfamiliar words.


  • Look up any other vocabulary you are not sure of. You can draw pictures to help you remember if you choose to.
  • Send work to the class email.



To predict what will happen next using the image and story starter.

Read the mini story starter on your sheet today and look at the picture. Answer each of the questions below to predict what happens next.

  • What dangers are there around Mike?
  • What problem could happen to Mike?
  • How could it be fixed?
  • How do Mike and Joey finish the story?
  • Remember to write in full sentences.
  • Send your work to the class email.
  • Use the helpful tips on your sheet to be successful.


To practise your cursive handwriting.

Practise the spelling words that are on the sheet in your neatest joined-up handwriting: king, or, our, through, baby, town, took, two, way, fish

  • Keep your letters on the line.
  • Use lead ins and lead outs.
  • Ensure your letters are of the same size, shape, and height.


To subtract change.

Watch the White Rose Maths video and then watch Miss Pearce teaching the maths activity today.

Follow along with Miss Pearce to complete the worksheet inside the daily learning pack.

  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use taught methods to help you with each of the questions.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use Hit the Button to practise times tables (link below table).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Topic work

To identify the three states of matter.

Learn about the three states of matter by clicking on the link below to watch the BBC Bitesize video. Then, complete the worksheet in today’s pack. Look carefully at each diagram and label each part either a solid, liquid or gas. Finally, look for examples of solids, liquids and gases at your home and write them in the table provided.

  • Send your work to the class email and blog.

Keeping Physically Active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.

Home Learning - Friday 26th February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 26.02.21


 Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To create Spelling Pyramids using your spelling words:

increase, interest, island, learn, perhaps, popular, quarter, question, reign, remember

Write each of your spelling words in the style of a pyramid e.g. the word ‘small’ would look like this:








  • Write the first letter of the word. Then write the first and second letter and continue this pattern of adding another letter each time until you have completed the word.


To make a prediction about the story and explore word classes in the text.

Watch Miss Pearce’s reading lesson today by clicking on the link below.

Read pages 100-103. Make a prediction about what will happen next. Then complete the word class activity.

  • Write your prediction in full sentences.
  • Send your work to the class email.



To design an exciting menu to give to the customers of your new restaurant.

Imagine you are the owner of a brand-new restaurant in Trowbridge.

Design an exciting menu to give to your customers.

  • As a challenge, you could bring your menu to life using the menu template page or using your own creative ideas.
  • Follow the helpful tips on the sheet to be successful.
  • Send your work to the class email.


To practise your cursive handwriting.

Practise the spelling words that are on the sheet in your neatest joined-up handwriting: other, lots, eat, food, need, head, would, everyone, fox, that’s

  • Keep your letters on the line.
  • Use lead ins and lead outs.
  • Ensure your letters are of the same size, shape, and height.


To add money

Watch the White Rose Maths video and then watch Miss Pearce teaching the maths activity today.

Follow along with Miss Pearce to complete the worksheet inside the daily learning pack.

  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use taught methods to help you with each of the questions.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use Hit the Button to practise times tables (link below table).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Topic work

About Vincent van Gogh and creating a piece of artwork inspired his ‘Sunflowers’ painting.

First, read the information in your pack to learn about the famous artist Vincent van Gogh. Then, create a piece of artwork inspired by Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ painting.

  • You could find a flower picture similar to this one and create a similar image but using a different flower.
  • Send your work to the class email and blog.

Keeping Physically Active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.

Home Learning - Thursday 25th February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 25.02.21


 Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To create sentences using this week’s spelling words: increase, interest, island, learn, perhaps, popular, quarter, question, reign, remember

Rainbow write over your list of spelling words.

Write at least 5 sentences using your spelling words. Record these in your orange book or on paper.

  • Remember to create full sentences.
  • Challenge yourself to use expanded noun phrases in your sentences


To answer questions about the text.

Watch Miss Pearce’s reading lesson today by clicking on the link below.

Read pages 96-99. Think about the author’s writing choices using the questions in this booklet.


  • Use full sentences to answer each question.
  • Send your work to the class email.



To write a letter.

Write a friendly letter to an author about a book that you have enjoyed. If you are unsure which author to choose, write to Nicola Davies, the author of Ariki and the Island of Wonders, to share your thoughts on the novel so far.

  • Include key features of a letter as stated on the worksheet today.
  • Follow the helpful tips on the sheet to be successful.
  • Send your work to the class email.


To practise your cursive handwriting.

Practise the spelling words that are on the sheet in your neatest joined-up handwriting: shouted, first, car, man, after, us, work, couldn’t, going, wanted

  • Keep your letters on the line.
  • Use lead ins and lead outs.
  • Ensure your letters are of the same size, shape, and height.


To convert pounds and pence.

Watch the White Rose Maths video and then watch Miss Pearce teaching the maths activity today.

Follow along with Miss Pearce to complete the worksheet inside the daily learning pack.

  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use taught methods to help you with each of the questions.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use Hit the Button to practise times tables (link below table).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Topic work

To learn about Hinduism and create a fact file.

Learn about the religion Hinduism by clicking on the link below. On the bordered page, create a fact file about Hinduism.

  • Take part in the fun challenge activities like watching the story of Rama and Sita or creating your own rangoli pattern artwork.
  • Send any work completed to the class email/blog.

Keeping Physically Active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.

Home Learning - Wednesday 24th February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 24.02.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To create word trees/word families from your spelling words: increase, interest, island, learn, perhaps, popular, quarter, question, reign, remember

Complete the third grid of your spelling sheet. Make word trees/word families from each of your spelling words e.g. interest (intern, rest, in, internet, into, ink, restful, rescue, here).

  • Remember to look for other words within each of your spelling words.
  • Create words from the sounds or groups of letters in your chosen spelling word.


To find evidence to given inferences

Watch Miss Pearce’s reading lesson today by clicking on the link below.

Read pages 92-95. Complete the inference grid, finding evidence in today’s pages.


  • Use your Sherlock Holmes inference skills to find evidence in the text to support the given inference. What bits from the pages we have just read makes us think the inference?
  • Read between the lines!



To add your own verse to the ocean poetry

Read the ocean poem in your pack today and add your own verse. Follow the structure and use the instructions on the sheet to help you (number, adjective, noun, explain what the noun is doing). To challenge yourself, add more than one verse to the poem.

  • Think about what will make your writing unique
  • Include alliteration e.g. six sneaky starfish
  • Punctuate your poem
  • Neat and legible handwriting.
  • Read through your work carefully and edit.
  • Send to the class email!


To practise your cursive handwriting.

Practise the spelling words that are on the sheet in your neatest joined-up handwriting: over, never, narrator, how, things, magic, next, small, did, new

  • Keep your letters on the line.
  • Use lead ins and lead outs.
  • Ensure your letters are of the same size, shape, and height.


Pounds and pence

Watch the White Rose Maths video and then watch Miss Pearce teaching the maths activity today.

Follow along with Miss Pearce to complete the worksheet inside the daily learning pack.

  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use taught methods to help you with each of the questions.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use Hit the Button to practise times tables (link below table).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Topic work

To compare The Stone Age to Iron Age.


Click on the Discovery Espresso link below to learn about the different ages. Compare the different periods using the grid. Answer the four questions on the final sheet as a challenge.

  • Remember to explore each of the ages by watching the videos.
  • Send your work to the class email.

Keeping Physically Active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.

Home Learning - Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 23.02.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To bitesize your spelling words into memorable chunks: increase, interest, island, learn, perhaps, popular, quarter, question, reign, remember

Complete the second column of the spelling grid. Then, bitesize each of your words into memorable chunks. For example: perhaps.

  • Colour over the syllables in different colours.
  • Syllables are a number of speech sounds in a word, usually containing a vowel.


To create a labelled drawing

Watch Miss Pearce’s reading lesson today by clicking on the link below.

Read pages 86-91. Create a labelled drawing of the ‘dog’ creature they speak of. Use the description in the text and the example image to help you.

  • Do you think this is a dog as we know it?
  • Remember to use a ruler to draw the labelling lines.



Write a newspaper article about The Lighthouse.

Imagine that you are a newspaper reporter.

Write a detailed newspaper article to report the events that occur in The Lighthouse video (link below grid).

  • Use the writing tips on the sheet in your pack today to help you include key features of a newspaper article.


To practise your cursive handwriting.

Practise the spelling words that are on the sheet in your neatest joined-up handwriting: good, again, I’ll, boy, soon, want, cat round, animals, night.

  • Keep your letters on the line.
  • Use lead ins and lead outs.
  • Ensure your letters are of the same size, shape, and height.


Count money (pounds)

Watch the White Rose Maths video and then watch Miss Pearce teaching the maths activity today.

Follow along with Miss Pearce to complete the worksheet inside the daily learning pack.

  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use taught methods to help you with each of the questions.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use Hit the Button to practise times tables (link below table).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Topic work

To revise numbers 0 - 20 in French




Create yourself a set of French number flashcards using the Flashcard template in your pack.  Be as creative as you can, design them as you wish.

  • Maybe you could draw the number on one side and the French word on the other and use them as a game to test yourself.

Keeping Physically Active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.

Home Learning - Monday 22nd February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 22.02.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To find definitions for the following spelling words: increase, interest, island, learn, perhaps, popular, quarter, question, reign, remember

Complete the first column of the spelling grid.


Then use the online dictionary to find the definitions.

  • Follow link below the grid to the online dictionary.
  • Rewrite the definitions in your own words.


To create your own literal questions about the story.

Watch Miss Pearce’s reading lesson today by clicking on the link below.

Read pages 80-85. Then, write four literal questions for others to answer.

  • Remember the Dog with a Bone strategy - answers should be found directly in the text.
  • Post your questions to the blog or email.



To design a planet.

Write a detailed report about a new planet that you have discovered. Then, draw a picture of your planet.

  • Remember to include key information about your planet (see worksheet in pack).
  • Share your new planet with your friends on the blog.


To practise your cursive handwriting.

Practise the spelling words that are on the sheet in your neatest joined-up handwriting: water, bear, find, these, live, away, can’t, more, began, say.

  • Keep your letters on the line.
  • Use lead ins and lead outs.
  • Ensure your letters are of the same size, shape, and height.


Count money (pence)

Watch the White Rose Maths video and then watch Miss Pearce teaching the maths activity today.

Follow along with Miss Pearce to complete the worksheet inside the daily learning pack.

  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use taught methods to help you with each of the questions.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use Hit the Button to practise times tables (link below table).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Topic work

About different forces.

Watch the Discovery Espresso video to learn about forces (see link below). Complete the pushes and pulls worksheet and choose a forces challenge to do.

  • Send your work to the class email and share your chosen challenge to the class blog.

Keeping Physically Active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.


Home Learning - Friday 12th February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 12.02.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To create Spelling Pyramids using your spelling words:


extreme, February, forward, forwards, fruit, group, heard, heart, history, important

Write each of your spelling words in the style of a pyramid e.g. the word ‘small’ would look like this:








  • Write the first letter of the word. Then write the first and second letter and continue this pattern of adding another letter each time until you have completed the word.


To answer literal questions about the story.

Watch Miss Pearce’s reading lesson today by clicking on the link below.  Read pages 74-79.

Complete the five literal questions independently and mark your answers using the loom video.

  • Use the Dog with a Bone strategy to find the answers directly in the text.



I can finish writing my story.

Finish writing your story, today writing the ending section.  If you would like to, you could also illustrate your story.


  • Is it a happy ending? Have your characters learned any lessons? Have any of them changed or developed? If so, how?
  • Can you include a powerful final line of the story? This should either close the story completely or leave it on a cliff-hanger to make the reader want a sequel! 


To multiply using a grid method.

Click on the loom video to watch Miss Pearce teaching the maths activity today.

Follow along with Miss Pearce to complete the worksheet inside the daily learning pack.

  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use taught methods to help you with each of the questions.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use Hit the Button to practise times tables (link below table).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Topic work

I can present my learning about Australia.



When we come back to school, we will be sharing these in our classes.

This can be presented in any way: PowerPoint, poster, booklet, or leaflet.


  • Use what you have learned this week to include in your final piece.
  • Remember to email your learning to the class email. 

Keeping Physically Active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.


Home Learning - Thursday 11th February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 11.02.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To create sentences using this week’s spelling words: extreme, February, forward, forwards, fruit, group, heard, heart, history, important

Rainbow write over your list of spelling words.

Write at least 5 sentences using your spelling words. Record these in your orange book or on paper.

  • Remember to create full sentences.
  • Challenge yourself to use expanded noun phrases in your sentences


To compare Ariki’s personality and confidence at different times in the book.

Watch Miss Pearce’s reading lesson today by clicking on the link below.

Read pages 70-73. Complete the grid to demonstrate how confident Ariki was at four different points in the story. 

  • Learning about ripples and waves
  • Getting onto the boat
  • Riding out the storm
  • Walking into the opening and seeing the man
  • What was her personality like in those moments?
  • How was she feeling?
  • What impression did she give us?
  • Share your examples to the blog or email.



To write the resolution paragraph.


Continue writing your story, today writing the resolution section. How is the problem going to be solved? What do the characters do? Add detail – don’t let it be solved instantly!


  • Remember to use your story mountain.
  • Use the different activities last week to help you – examples of word types.
  • Include features.
  • Remember to describe the characters’ feelings.


To use multiplication to work out the total number of combinations in a given situation (How many ways?)

Watch the White Rose Maths Video. Then, watch Miss Pearce teaching the maths activity today.

Follow along with Miss Pearce to complete the worksheet inside the daily learning pack.

  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use taught methods to help you with each of the questions.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use Hit the Button to practise times tables (link below table).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Topic work

To create a piece of artwork linked to Australia.

Create a piece of artwork linked to Australia.

You can choose whether to do a traditional Australian art or a piece of artwork linked to the country.



  • Look at the examples of artwork linked to Australia in your pack for inspiration.
  • Alternatively, google some other examples of Australian art to help you.

Keeping Physically Active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.

Home Learning - Wednesday 10th February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 10.02.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!




You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To create word trees/word families from your spelling words: extreme, February, forward, forwards, fruit, group, heard, heart, history, important

Complete the third grid of your spelling sheet. Make word trees/word families from each of your spelling words e.g. important (import, ant, port, importance, importing, tan, or, an).

  • Remember to look for other words within each of your spelling words.
  • Create words from the sounds or groups of letters in your chosen spelling word.


I can make a prediction about the story


Watch Miss Pearce’s reading lesson today by clicking on the link below.

Read pages 64-69.

Make a prediction about what Ariki is going to find.

Extension: Draw a picture of the scene she might see!

  • Where do you think Ipo and Bad Boy have gone?
  • Who or what do you think has taken them?
  • What might she find?




I can write the dilemma paragraph


Continue writing your story, today writing the dilemma/problem section.

Something might have gone wrong or something new is introduced and a mystery needs solving. EXCITEMENT! INTEREST! DRAMA!


  • Remember to use your story mountain.
  • Use the different activities last week to help you – examples of word types.
  • Include features of a narrative
  • Could you include some speech between characters?



Watch the White Rose Maths Video. Then, watch Miss Pearce teaching the maths activity today.

Follow along with Miss Pearce to complete the worksheet inside the daily learning pack.

  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use taught methods to help you with each of the questions.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use Hit the Button to practise times tables (link below table).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Topic work

I can research a famous person from Australia

Click on the links below to research a famous person from Australia and write some notes about them.

e.g. – Nicole Kidman – actress

    - Shane Warne - cricketer

  • Remember to email your work to your teacher and share any fun fact on the class blog.
  • Include as many facts about your chosen famous person as you can.

Keeping Physically Active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.

Home Learning - Tuesday 9th February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 09.02.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!




You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To bitesize your spelling words into memorable chunks: extreme, February, forward, forwards, fruit, group, heard, heart, history, important

Complete the second column of the spelling grid. Then, bitesize each of your words into memorable chunks. For example: forward.

  • Colour over the syllables in different colours.
  • Syllables are a number of speech sounds in a word, usually containing a vowel.


To create a timeline of some of the key events in the story.

Watch Miss Pearce’s reading lesson today by clicking on the link below.

Read pages 60-63.

Create a timeline of some of the key events that have happened in the story so far.

  • What are some of the main things that have happened so far?
  • Draw pictures to match each event on the timeline.
  • Share your timelines to the class blog or email.



To write the build-up paragraph of the story


Continue with your story, today writing the build-up section.


  • Remember to use your story mountain as the basic form of your story.
  • Use the different activities last week to help you – examples of word types.
  • Include features of a narrative


To divide 2-digits by 1-digit

Watch the White Rose Maths Video. Then, watch Miss Pearce teaching the maths activity today.

Follow along with Miss Pearce to complete the worksheet inside the daily learning pack.

  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use taught methods to help you with each of the questions.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use Hit the Button to practise times tables (link below table).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Topic work

To continue researching about Australia.

Research and make notes about festivals, holidays, important people, and dates for this country.

This could include specific special dates, festivals and holidays, the leaders of the country, the indigenous people.

  • Please look on our class page on the website to find links to some useful websites to help with your research.

Keeping Physically Active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.

Home Learning - Monday 8th February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 08.02.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To find definitions for the following spelling words: extreme, February, forward, forwards, fruit, group, heard, heart, history, important

Complete the first column of the spelling grid.


Then use the online dictionary to find the definitions.

  • Follow link below the grid to the online dictionary.
  • Rewrite the definitions in your own words.


To write a short diary entry

Watch Miss Pearce’s reading lesson today by clicking on the link below.


Read pages 55-59. Write a short diary entry, pretending you are the baby whale.

  • Think: you could write about first going over to the boat and why you did this, Ariki helping you, you are helping the children and being reunited with your family.



How to Write a Story – Write the introduction to your story.



Begin writing your story.

You can either write this on paper or type up your story (remember to save your document often if you are typing).


  • Write your title!
  • Write the beginning of your story.
  • Make sure the first sentence draws the reader in… EXCITEMENT! INTEREST! DRAMA!
  • Remember to use your story mountain as the basic form of your story.
  • Use the different activities last week to help you start your story – creating your character and examples of word types.
  • Include features


To divide with remainders (activity).

Watch Miss Pearce teaching the maths activity today.

Follow along with Miss Pearce to complete the worksheet inside the daily learning pack.

  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use taught methods to help you with each of the questions.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use Hit the Button to practise times tables (link below table).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Topic work

To research the key geographical information and make notes about Australia.

This week your topic learning is all about:

Australia. Research the key geographical information about this country. This could include climate, animals, geographical features.

Please then make notes about this country ready to use later in the week.

  • Please look on the class page on the website to find links to some useful websites to help with your research.

Keeping Physically Active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.


Home Learning - Friday 5th February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 05.02.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To create Spelling Pyramids using your spelling words:

consider, continue, decide, describe, different, difficult, early, earth, exercise, experiment

Write each of your spelling words in the style of a pyramid e.g. the word ‘small’ would look like this:








  • Write the first letter of the word. Then write the first and second letter and continue this pattern of adding another letter each time until you have completed the word.


To find evidence to support given inferences

Watch Miss Pearce’s reading lesson today by clicking on the link below.

Read pages 50-54. Complete the inference grid below by looking back through the pages to find statements that support the inferences.

  • Find evidence from the text to support these inferences:
  • The whale was trying to help them.
  • Ariki is kind to the whale.



How to write a story – word type activity. Plan different ones you will use.

Try listing 2 or 3 examples of each type of word from the pages before that you will use – and not the ones already mentioned!

  • Think about an exciting, interesting title for your story - this will be used next week when we write our super stories!


To divide 100 into 2, 4, 5 and 10 equal parts (activity).

Watch Miss Pearce teaching the maths activity for today.

Follow along with Miss Pearce to complete the worksheet inside the daily learning pack.

  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use taught methods to help you with each of the questions.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use Hit the Button to practise times tables (link below table).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Topic work

To create a poster or a speech to explain how you won the Nobel Prize.

Imagine you have won the Nobel Prize! Why and how did you win? Create your poster or speech on the bordered page in your pack.

  • Think about what difference you would like to make to the world to earn you the Nobel Prize.
  • Share your poster or speech via the email or blog

Keeping Physically Active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.

Home Learning - Thursday 4th February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 04.02.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To create sentences using this week’s spelling words: consider, continue, decide, describe, different, difficult, early, earth, exercise, experiment

Rainbow write over your list of spelling words.

Write at least 5 sentences using your spelling words. Record these in your orange book or on paper.

  • Remember to create full sentences.
  • Challenge yourself to use expanded noun phrases in your sentences


To continue reading the story and draw a picture of Ariki helping the whale.

Watch Miss Pearce’s reading lesson today by clicking on the link below.

Read pages 44-49.

Draw a picture of Ariki helping the whale with its injury.

  • Post a photo of your drawing to the blog or send your image to the class email.
  • Give your picture colour.



How to write a story – create your story mountain.

Read the information in your pack and use this to help you make your own story mountain. Create your own story mountain on the bordered page.

  • Look at the example to help you.
  • Include: The Beginning, The Build-Up, The Problem, The Resolution and The Ending.


To divide 2-digits by 1-digit (2).

Watch the White Rose Maths Video and then Miss Pearce teaching the maths activity for today.

Follow along with Miss Pearce to complete the worksheet inside the daily learning pack after watching the White Rose Maths video.

  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use taught methods to help you with each of the questions.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use Hit the Button to practise times tables (link below table).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Topic work

To research another person who won the Nobel Prize and create a fact file.

Use the bordered page in your pack to create your fact file on a different Nobel Prize winner.

  • Share your fact file on the blog or send to the class email.

Keeping Physically Active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.

Home Learning - Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 03.02.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To create word trees/word families from your spelling words: consider, continue, decide, describe, different, difficult, early, earth, exercise, experiment

Complete the third grid of your spelling sheet. Make word trees/word families from each of your spelling words e.g. describe (scribe, crib, desk, ripe, desire, descriptive, describing, description).

  • Remember to look for other words within each of your spelling words.
  • Create words from the sounds or groups of letters in your chosen spelling word.


To answer questions about the text

Watch Miss Pearce’s reading lesson today by clicking on the link below.

Read pages 40-43. Then, answer the literal questions.

  • Remember the Dog with a Bone teaching strategy, the answers will be directly in the text, you must retrieve them.



How to write a story – create your own character. Extension: draw it too.

Create a character, using the information in your pack to help you think about specific aspects of the character.

  • Give them a powerful name that suits their character, e.g., you would not name a robber ‘Sweet Sue’, choose something more appropriate like ‘Sneaky Sue’ or ‘Sly Sue’.


To divide 2-digits by 1-digit (1).

Watch the White Rose Maths Video and then Miss Pearce teaching the maths activity for today.

Follow along with Miss Pearce to complete the worksheet inside the daily learning pack after watching the White Rose Maths video.

  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use taught methods to help you with each of the questions.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use Hit the Button to practise times tables (link below table).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Topic work

To read the information about the Nobel Prize winners and complete the challenges on the pages.

Have a go at the activities on the sheets linked to each Nobel Prize winner.

  • Share your completed challenges on the blog or send photos to the class email.

Keeping Physically Active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.

Home Learning - Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 02.02.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To bitesize your spelling words into memorable chunks: consider, continue, decide, describe, different, difficult, early, earth, exercise, experiment

Complete the second column of the spelling grid. Then, bitesize each of your words into memorable chunks. For example: decide.

  • Colour over the syllables in different colours.
  • Syllables are a number of speech sounds in a word, usually containing a vowel.


To find the definitions of keywords and draw images to match.

Watch Miss Pearce’s reading lesson today by clicking on the link below.

Read pages 37-39. Look up the definitions of this vocabulary. When writing these down, draw a little picture to go with each one.

•             Rudder

•             Outrigger

•             Gourd

•             Breadfruit

  • Use a dictionary to look up the definitions to the four given words. Alternatively, look up the definitions using an online dictionary.
  • Give your sketches some colour.
  • Google images of the words if you are unsure how they look.



How to write a story – character names to match settings.

Read the information about characters before completing the task.

For each category in the table (western, a space adventure, a love story, and a spy story), write a short list of characters who might suit that story type.

  • Extension: Draw or write descriptions of a couple of them.


To multiply 2-digits by 1-digit (2).

Watch the White Rose Maths Video and then Miss Pearce teaching the maths activity for today.

Follow along with Miss Pearce to complete the worksheet inside the daily learning pack after watching the White Rose Maths video.

  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use taught methods to help you with each of the questions.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use Hit the Button to practise times tables (link below table).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Topic work

To take part in the paper aeroplane challenge

Can you beat the Wright brothers’ first plane’s distance? Follow the instructions in your pack to create a paper aeroplane and see how far you can throw it.

  • Post on the blog how far it went to compare with friends.

Keeping Physically Active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.

Home Learning - Monday 1st February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 01.02.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To find definitions for the following spelling words: consider, continue, decide, describe, different, difficult, early, earth, exercise, experiment

Complete the first column of the spelling grid.


Then use the online dictionary to find the definitions.

  • Follow link below the grid to the online dictionary.
  • Rewrite the definitions in your own words.


To read pages for pleasure and tell someone else about the story so far.

Watch Miss Pearce reading today by clicking on the link below.


Read pages 30-36 for pleasure.

  • Just enjoy reading more of the story. If someone at home is around, tell them about the story so far!



How to write a story using alternative endings.

Read through the details on the last three pages about the stages of a story. Then have a go at this activity: Write down or type out some of your alternative endings to different stories.

  • Remember to note down the name of the story and then write your different ending! Can you come up with 3?


To multiply 2-digits by 1-digit (exchange).

Watch Miss Pearce teaching the maths activity today.

Follow along with Miss Pearce to complete the worksheet inside the daily learning pack.

  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use taught methods to help you with each of the questions.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Use Hit the Button to practise times tables (link below table).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.

Topic work

To read the Wright brothers information in your pack, complete the bird motion task and research 5 facts about a type of bird.

Read the Wright brothers information. Complete the bird flight task on the last page, try to watch some outside too. You can research this if it helps.

Then, research a bird of your choice, find out 5 facts about them.

  • Post your facts on the blog. Why not do it as a guess who? Give other children the 5 clues without saying the name of the bird, then they can try and guess!

Keeping Physically Active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.


Home Learning - Friday 29th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 29.01.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To create Spelling Pyramids using your spelling words:

Address, answer, appear, arrive, breath, breathe, build, busy, calendar, complete.

Write each of your spelling words in the style of a pyramid e.g. the word ‘small’ would look like this:








  • Write the first letter of the word. Then write the first and second letter and continue this pattern of adding another letter each time until you have completed the word.


To continue reading the story and to write a short summary of the book so far.

Watch Miss Pearce teaching a reading lesson today and follow along to complete the reading and writing task.

Read pages 26-29. Write a summary of the book so far (6 sentence limit*).

Then write down your thoughts on what will happen next.

  • *You have a 6-sentence limit – so remember to be choosing the most important parts and using connectives and punctuation for longer sentences!



To write a poem about winter which could make the reader feel warm and happy.

Find the worksheet titled ‘Winter Warmer’ in your pack. Read the instructions and follow the helpful tips to writing a poem.

  • Plan your writing carefully first.
  • Remember to keep it ‘light-hearted’ and happy.
  • Neat and legible handwriting.
  • Read through your work carefully and edit.
  • Send to the class email!


To multiply 2-digits by 1-digit (1).

Watch the White Rose Maths video and then watch Miss Pearce going through your task today.

Follow along with Miss Pearce to complete the worksheet inside daily learning pack.

  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use taught methods to help you with each of the questions.

Basic maths facts

To play a maths game.

Play times table bingo interactively (link below).

  • You can choose the question types and the difficultly levels for this game. Remember to challenge yourself.

Topic work

To advertise your invention

Advertise your invention.

Imagine your new invention has been successful with manufacturing and the stores want to sell your products!

Create a poster to promote and sell your product.

It needs to be/have:

  • Bright and colourful
  • Include a price!
  • Drawing of the
  • product
  • Key selling points
  • Where it is
  • available from?

Keeping Physically Active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.


To practise singing

Click on the video link below to sing along with our singing coach.

  • Remember to turn up the sound on the YouTube link.
  • Have fun!


Lesson with Miss Pearce:



White Rose Maths Video:


Lesson with Miss Pearce:


Basic Maths

Times table bingo:


Joe Wicks’ YouTube Channel:


KS2 singing lesson with our singing coach:

Home Learning - Thursday 28th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 28.01.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To create sentences using this week’s spelling words: Address, answer, appear, arrive, breath, breathe, build, busy, calendar, complete.

Rainbow write over your list of spelling words.

Write at least 5 sentences using your spelling words. Record these in your orange book or on paper.

  • Remember to create full sentences.
  • Challenge yourself to use expanded noun phrases in your sentences


To read pages 20-25 and write a short diary entry as Ariki about taking the boat.

Click on the link below to watch Miss Pearce teaching a reading lesson.

Write a short diary entry as Ariki about setting sail on the boat.

  • Think: Did you mean to do that? Was that your plan to leave the three girls behind?



To continue the story – read the first line of a story, you need to continue the story from this.

Read the first line of the story, ‘It was only then that I realised that things were not quite as they seemed.’ Continue the story, using this sentence to start you off!

  • Plan your writing carefully first.
  • Think about what will make your writing unique.
  • Use a wide range of punctuation, vocabulary, and sentence lengths.
  • Neat and legible handwriting.
  • Read through your work carefully and edit.
  • Send to the class email!


To multiply 2-digits by 1-digit (no exchange) activity.

Watch Miss Pearce teaching maths using the link below.

Follow along with Miss Pearce to complete the worksheet inside daily learning pack.

  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use taught methods to help you with each of the questions.

Basic maths facts

To play a maths game.

Play times table bingo interactively (link below).

  • You can choose the question types and the difficultly levels for this game. Remember to challenge yourself.

Topic work

To make a model of your own invention.

Using your design from yesterday, please create a real model of your invention.

  • Use any materials you have available such as paper, plastic pots etc, (it does not need to be the materials the invention would be made from)!
  • Please take a picture and send it to me on the class email.

Keeping Physically Active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.


To practise singing

Click on the video link below to sing along with our singing coach.

  • Remember to turn up the sound on the YouTube link.
  • Have fun!



Lesson with Miss Pearce:


Lesson with Miss Pearce:

Basic Maths

Times table bingo:


Joe Wicks’ YouTube Channel:


KS2 singing lesson with our singing coach:


Home Learning - Wednesday 27th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 27.01.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To create word trees/word families from your spelling words: Address, answer, appear, arrive, breath, breathe, build, busy, calendar, complete.

Complete the third grid of your spelling sheet. Make word trees/word families from each of your spelling words e.g. Build (building, builder, builds, bid, busy, business).

  • Remember to look for other words within each of your spelling words.
  • Create words from the sounds or groups of letters in your chosen spelling word.


To answer questions about the text

Click on the link below to watch Miss Pearce teaching a reading lesson.

Read pages 14-19. Then, answer the literal questions.

  • Remember the Dog with a Bone teaching strategy, the answers will be directly in the text, you must retrieve them.



To write a recount

Write a detailed recount about the first time you visited a place of your choice. The title of your recount is ‘A first visit’.

  • Plan your writing carefully first.
  • Think about what will make your writing unique.
  • Use a wide range of punctuation, vocabulary, and sentence lengths.
  • Neat and legible handwriting.
  • Read through your work carefully and edit.
  • Send to the class email!


To understand related calculations

Watch Miss Pearce teaching maths using the link below.

Complete the worksheet inside daily learning pack. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video.

  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use taught methods to help you with each of the questions.

Basic maths facts

To play a maths game.

Play times table bingo interactively (link below).

  • You can choose the question types and the difficultly levels for this game. Remember to challenge yourself.

Topic work

To design your own invention

Can you invent something useful? Perhaps a better toothbrush or brush, a pencil that keeps your colouring in the lines? Think of something at home or at school that needs improvement.

  • Use the design space in the Wednesday section to design your very own invention.
  • Remember designing means drawing a picture, giving the product a name, and then labelling key parts of the design.

Keeping Physically Active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.


To practise singing

Click on the video link below to sing along with our singing coach.

  • Remember to turn up the sound on the YouTube link.
  • Have fun!


Lesson with Miss Pearce:


White Rose Video:

Lesson with Miss Pearce:

Basic Maths

Times table bingo:


Joe Wicks’ YouTube Channel:


KS2 singing lesson with our singing coach:

Home Learning - Tuesday 26th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 26.01.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To bitesize your spelling words into memorable chunks: Address, answer, appear, arrive, breath, breathe, build, busy, calendar, complete.

Complete the second column of the spelling grid. Then, bitesize each of your words into memorable chunks. For example: complete.

  • Colour over the syllables in different colours.
  • Syllables are a number of speech sounds in a word, usually containing a vowel.


To identify word classes in the text

Click on the link below to watch Miss Pearce teaching a reading lesson.

Read the introduction and pages 9 - 13 with expression. Complete the identifying word classes activity. Find 3 adjectives, 3 proper nouns and 3 verbs.

  • Adjectives are describing words such as glistening or blue.
  • Proper nouns are used for specific names like New York City.
  • Verbs are doing words e.g. swimming



To write a story with the title: The Ascent

The word ‘ascend’ means ‘to rise or climb up’. Write a story with the title ‘The Ascent’.

  • Plan your writing carefully first.
  • Think about what will make your writing unique.
  • Use a wide range of punctuation, vocabulary, and sentence lengths.
  • Neat and legible handwriting.
  • Read through your work carefully and edit.
  • Send to the class email!


To compare statements

Complete the worksheet inside daily learning pack. Watch Miss Pearce teaching maths using the link below.

If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video.

  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use taught methods to help you with each of the questions.

Basic maths facts

To play a maths game.

Play times table bingo interactively (link below).

  • You can choose the question types and the difficultly levels for this game. Remember to challenge yourself.

Topic work

To create a mini project on a famous invention of your choice.

Choose one invention from the list in your pack.


Write/show why it is so important.

  • Your project can be displayed as a report, a PowerPoint, a poster, or a speech.
  • Email your work or post on the blog.

Keeping Physically Active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.


To practise singing

Click on the video link below to sing along with our singing coach.

  • Remember to turn up the sound on the YouTube link.
  • Have fun!


Lesson with Miss Pearce:


White Rose Video:

Lesson with Miss Pearce:  

Basic Maths

Times table bingo:


Joe Wicks’ YouTube Channel:


KS2 singing lesson with our singing coach:

Home Learning - Monday 25th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 25.01.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To find definitions for spelling words.


Address, answer, appear, arrive, breath, breathe, build, busy, calendar, complete.


Complete the first column of the spelling grid.


Then use the online dictionary to find the definitions.

  • Follow link below to the online dictionary.
  • Rewrite the definitions in your own words.


To make a prediction.

Look at the front cover and read the blurb, of the book we will be studying, ‘Ariki and the Islands of Wonders’.


Write a prediction about the story.

  • Please find the colour image of the front cover on the internet. What can you see? What does the blurb say? Use both to help you write your predictions.



To write persuasively.

Watch the White Rose Maths video for examples of today’s learning. Then, watch the video of Miss Pearce going through today’s maths worksheet. Persuade the reader to take their next holiday to the town/village where you live. Tell others why they should visit.

  • Plan your writing first.
  • Research your town – you could use the internet and/or ask your family.
  • Read the other helpful tips in the booklet.


To consolidate 2-, 4- and 8- times tables.

Complete the worksheet using the maths links below.


Watch the lesson video of Miss Pearce before you start the sheet. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video. Then complete the sheet.


  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully to identify the times table you need to use.
  • Use facts you do know – e.g. 4 x 2= is the same as 2 x 4 so you can count in twos to check your answer.

Basic maths facts

To practise your times tables.

Play the Maths Fishing Game to practise your times tables (link below table).

  • Select the year 3 objectives before playing the game (steps 6 - 10). This includes your 3s, 4s, 8s and doubles).

Topic work

To create a fact file about Thomas Edison.

Read the information about Thomas Edison from your pack. Find the key pieces of information and create a fact file with these.

  • Highlight or underline key pieces of information.
  • If you would like to find out more, look on the internet.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) will be running live physical activity sessions on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Access his YouTube channel to locate the live sessions through the link below this table. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, use a video that Joe has already recorded to support you in keeping physically active.

  • Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Home Learning - Friday 22nd January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 22.01.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to comprehend a text and answer a range of questions relating to it.

Read the ‘Hindu Gods’ text in Day 10 pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to help you understand ‘tricky’ words.

Writing (All three worksheets located in Day 10 pack).


  1. How to practise your handwriting.
  2. How to use inverted commas to show direct speech.
  3. To finish the sentences to match the photo.
  1. Copy example words on the lines provided.
  2. Click on the link below to watch Miss Pearce’s lesson on inverted commas. Look at each sentence, place the speech marks in the correct place.
  3. Look at the photo, write what you can see and hear.
  1. Use neat, cursive handwriting.
  2. Remember, speech marks go around the part that is being said.
  3. Pretend you are at the place in the picture and think about your senses. Use adjectives to engage the reader.


How to create your own sentences using this week’s spelling words.


See ‘Spelling Task’ in Day 10 pack. Choose 5 words from your spelling list to create your own interesting sentences.

  • Record the sentences in your orange book.
  • Use some adjectives to make your sentences more engaging.


How to revise a range of maths questions (fractions based).

Click on the link below to watch Miss Pearce teaching maths today.

Look at each section of the sheet in Day 10 pack, the instructions explain what you have to do.

  • Use the grouping (drawing circles) method to work out fractions of amounts.

Basic maths facts

That numbers relate through multiplication and division facts.

Complete the ‘Multiplication Triangles’ sheet to make each triangle true.

  • Use the multiplication square in your clear plastic wallet to help you work out the facts.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) will be running live physical activity sessions on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Access his YouTube channel to locate the live sessions through the link below this table. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, use a video that Joe has already recorded to support you in keeping physically active.

  • Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

That having a balanced diet with the correct portions of each food group keeps you healthy.

On the ‘Finding the Food Group’ worksheet, fill in each section of the Eatwell plate with the correct food group name, using the list to help you.

  • Research on the internet if you are finding it tricky.
  • You can draw and colour some little pictures of foods in their correct groups.


Miss Pearce teaching Inverted commas:

Punctuation: Introduction to speech marks (KS2):  


Miss Pearce teaching maths:


Joe Wicks’ YouTube Channel:

Home Learning - Thursday 21st January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 21.01.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to comprehend a text and answer a range of questions relating to it.

Click on the video link below which will take you to Miss Pearce’s reading lesson for today. Read the ‘The Gunpowder Plot’ text in Day 9 pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to help you understand ‘tricky’ words.

Writing (All three worksheets located in Day 9 pack).


  1. How to practise your handwriting.
  2. How to identify adverbs
  3. To finish the sentences to match the photo.
  1. Copy example words on the lines provided.
  2. Choose a suitable adverb for each sentence. Then, circle the adverb in each sentence.
  3. Look at the photo, write what you can see and hear.
  1. Use neat, cursive handwriting.
  2. Use the word bank and examples to help you.
  3. Pretend you are at the place in the picture and think about your senses. Use adjectives to engage the reader.


To complete the sentence by putting the correct missing word in the gap.

Look at ‘Spelling Task’ in Day 9 pack. Use the word bank to complete each sentence.

  • A typing error occurs on this page. Sentence 3 is supposed to attached to the end of sentence 1. Apologies.
  • The sentences and words are mixed up so think carefully about each one.


How to identify fractions by shading the correct number of parts (see sheet in Day 9 pack).

Click on the video link below which will take you to Miss Pearce’s maths lesson for today.  Colour and label the fractions correctly.  

  • Use the example to help you.
  • The numerator (top number) is the shaded part. The denominator (bottom number) is the total number of parts.

Basic maths facts

How to double a number three times (see ‘Table at the Double’ sheet in Day 9 pack).

Double the first number you see. Continue to double the number you make. Complete the table.

  • See example – Double 2 is 4. Double 4 is 8. Double 8 is 16.
  • To double, add the number together twice.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) will be running live physical activity sessions on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Access his YouTube channel to locate the live sessions through the link below this table. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, use a video that Joe has already recorded to support you in keeping physically active.

  • Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To choose a fun activity that you will enjoy

Look at the separate booklet in the clear pack called ’20 Screen-Free Activities for Home Learning’. Pick one that you would like to do and take photos.

  • Remember to share your photos on the class blogs or send them to me via the class email.


Miss Pearce reading ‘The Gunpowder Plot’:


Miss Pearce’s maths lesson:


Joe Wicks’ YouTube Channel:


Home Learning - Wednesday 20th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 20.01.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to comprehend a text and answer a range of questions relating to it.

Watch the video link below which will take you to Miss Pearce’s reading lesson for today.

Read the ‘The London Marathon’ text in Day 8 pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to help you understand ‘tricky’ words.

Writing (All three worksheets located in Day 8 pack).


  1. How to practise your handwriting.
  2. How to use different conjunctions
  3. To finish the sentences to match the photo.
  1. Copy example words on the lines provided.
  2. Choose a suitable conjunction to fill in the gaps of each sentence.
  3. Look at the photo, write what you can see and hear.
  1. Use neat, cursive handwriting.
  2. Try saying the sentences with each conjunction, what sounds right?
  3. Pretend you are at the place in the picture and think about your senses. Use adjectives to engage the reader.


How to identify your spelling words in a word search.

Look at ‘Spelling Task’ word search sheet in Day 8 pack. Try to find the spelling words listed on the sheet in the box. They will be jumbled in between random letters.


  • Pick one word at a time to focus on, make sure you know how it is spelled.
  • Words could be arranged in any direction (horizontally, vertically, diagonally etc).


How to revise a range of maths questions (multiplication, division, fraction).

Watch the video link below which will take you to Miss Pearce’s maths lesson for today. Look at each section of the sheet in Day 8 pack, the instructions in bold explain what you have to do.

  • Read each question carefully and use scrap paper to do your workings out

Basic maths facts

How to practise your eight times table (word search in day 8 pack)

Answer the calculations and find answers in the word search.


  • Find each number in words within the word search.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) will be running live physical activity sessions on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Access his YouTube channel to locate the live sessions through the link below this table. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, use a video that Joe has already recorded to support you in keeping physically active.

  • Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

How to use your observational drawing skills to create a self-portrait.

Use the mirror sheet in Day 8 pack to sketch an image of you. Add colour to your picture.

  • Use a mirror or photograph of yourself to help you draw you.
  • Use a sharp pencil to sketch lightly.


Miss Pearce reading ‘The London Marathon’:


Miss Pearce’s maths lesson:  


Joe Wicks’ YouTube Channel:

Home Learning - Tuesday 19th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 19.01.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to comprehend a text and answer a range of questions relating to it.

Read the ‘Roald Dahl’ text in Day 7 pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to help you understand ‘tricky’ words.

Writing (All three worksheets located in Day 7 pack).


  1. How to practise your handwriting.
  2. To add fronted adverbials to the beginning of sentences.
  3. To finish the sentences to match the photo.
  1. Copy example words on the lines provided.
  2. Match the fronted adverbials to the sentences then create 3 of your own.
  3. Look at the photo, write what you can see and hear.
  1. Use neat, cursive handwriting.
  2. Fronted adverbials describe location.
  3. Pretend you are at the place in the picture and think about your senses. Use adjectives to engage the reader.


How to rainbow write over each of your spelling words to remember how each word is spelled.

Use five coloured pencils to trace over each of your spelling words.

  • Think about our daily morning task.
  • Avoid colouring the box without tracing over each letter.


How to revise a range of maths questions (adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing).

Look at each section of the sheet in Day 7 pack, the instructions in bold explain what you have to do.

  • You are mainly working with 3-digit numbers so remember your hundreds, tens, and ones columns.

Basic maths facts

How to practise your three times table (word search in day 7 pack)

Answer the calculations and find answers in the word search.

  • Find each number in words within the word search.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) will be running live physical activity sessions on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Access his YouTube channel to locate the live sessions through the link below this table. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, use a video that Joe has already recorded to support you in keeping physically active.

  • Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

How to cut and create your own skeleton

Use the ‘Skeleton Cut Out and Label’ sheet to cut out each of the bones and stick them down on a piece of paper. Then, use the key words box to write what each bone is next to it.

  • If you do not have glue, draw the skeleton on scrap paper/in orange book and label it.
  • Use a ruler to draw straight lines to each body part and write straight.


Joe Wicks’ YouTube Channel:

Home Learning - Monday 18th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 18.01.21

Good morning Chestnut Class!

CBBC have got a special timetable to help with home learning, please find the link below to see the schedule.


You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to comprehend a text and answer a range of questions relating to it.

Read the ‘Carnival’ text in Day 6 pack. Skim and scan for information to answer each question. Choose an answer that is most suitable.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to help you understand ‘tricky’ words.

Writing (All three worksheets located in Day 6 pack).


  1. How to practise your handwriting.
  2. How to correct sentences.
  3. To create a piece of writing to match the photo and title.
  1. Copy example words on the lines provided.
  2. Look at each sentence, what is wrong with them?
  3. See ‘Where is this train going?’ sheet. Think about where you want your train to go and write a lengthy paragraph about this.
  1. Use neat, cursive handwriting.
  2. Write corrected sentence underneath. Remember capital letters, full stops, and question marks.
  3. Be descriptive. Will your train go to a happy place, an exciting place or even a scary place?


To spell high frequency words: again, another, because, clothes, different, everyone, friends, know, laughed, magic, mouse, other, really, through, which

See Day Six Spelling Activity sheet – Copy the words into your orange book and practise them.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


How to revise a range of number and place value maths questions.

Look at each section of the sheet in Day 6 pack, the instructions in bold explain what you have to do.

  • You are mainly working with 3-digit numbers so remember your hundreds, tens, and ones columns.

Basic maths facts

How to practise your four times table (word search in day 6 pack)

Answer the calculations and find answers in the word search.

  • Find each number in words within the word search.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) will be running live physical activity sessions on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Access his YouTube channel to locate the live sessions through the link below this table. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, use a video that Joe has already recorded to support you in keeping physically active.

  • Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

How to represent the stages of the life cycle of flowering plants.

Use information to create something that represents each stage in the life cycle of a flowering plant.

  • Include each stage.
  • Be inventive. Ideas can be found on the sheet.



Joe Wicks’ YouTube Channel:


Optional programmes on TV

BBC Bitesize on CBBC schedule: 

CBBC - Schedules, 18 - 24 January 2021


Home Learning - Friday 15th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 15.01.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information


Read ‘All about…Honeybees’ text and answer the questions on the next page.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to understand ‘tricky’ words.



How to use your writing tasks from this week to write a lengthy story about the circus.

Use your plans and descriptive paragraphs from the week to write your circus story. See ‘The Circus’ headed lined paper in Day 5 pack to write on.

  • Draft your story on scrap paper/in orange books to make it your best piece of work!
  • Use your best handwriting.


How to create your own sentences using this week’s spelling words.

See ‘Day Five Spelling Task’ in Day 5 pack. Choose 5 words from your spelling list to create your own interesting sentences.

  • Record the sentences in your orange book
  • Use some adjectives to make your sentences more engaging


How to multiply numbers up to 12.

Use the ‘Multiplication Wheels’ sheet in Day 5 pack. Multiply (x/times) each number on the wheel by the number in the middle of the wheel.

  • Check your answer by using arrays/grouping circles.

Basic maths facts

How to estimate on a 0 – 1000 Number Line (See worksheet in Day 5 pack).

Place the 3-digit number on the number line where you think it might belong.

  • Remember that 500 goes exactly in the middle between 0 and 1000.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) will be running live physical activity sessions on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Access his YouTube channel to locate the live sessions through the link below this table. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, use a video that Joe has already recorded to support you in keeping physically active.

  • Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To choose a fun activity that you will enjoy

Look at the separate booklet in the clear pack called ’20 Screen-Free Activities for Home Learning’. Pick one that you would like to do and take photos.

  • Remember to share your photos on the class blogs or send them to me via the class email.


Joe Wicks’ YouTube Channel:

Home Learning - Thursday 14th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 14.01.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information.

Read the ‘Tigers’ text in Day 4 pack. Answer the questions on the next page.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to understand ‘tricky’ words.



How to order your circus story using a storyboard (located in Day 4 pack).

Use the 6-box storyboard to order the events of your story. Draw a picture and write a brief sentence to show what is happening.

  • Colour in your pictures
  • Only short sentences - you will use them to write the full story tomorrow.


To complete the sentence by putting the correct missing word in the gap.

Look at ‘Spelling Task’ in Day 4 pack. Use the word bank to complete each sentence.

  • The words and word banks are jumbled up so think carefully about each one.


How to find fractions of amounts

13 of 9. Draw 3 circles because the denominator tells us to. Share 9 between the 3 circles. Look at how many objects are in 1 circle (because that is what the numerator is telling us to look at). 3 is your answer.

  • Use the grouping method (drawing circles) to help you!
  • Denominator = bottom number in fraction
  • Numerator = top number in fraction

Basic maths facts

How to write 3-digit numbers in words

Look at the example. You have to write each number in words.

  • Partition the number into hundreds, tens, and ones.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) will be running live physical activity sessions on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Access his YouTube channel to locate the live sessions through the link below this table. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, use a video that Joe has already recorded to support you in keeping physically active.

  • Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To choose a fun activity that you will enjoy

Look at the separate booklet in the clear pack called ’20 Screen-Free Activities for Home Learning’. Pick one that you would like to do and take photos.

  • Remember to share your photos on the class blogs or send them to me via the class email.


Joe Wicks’ YouTube Channel:

Home Learning - Wednesday 13th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 13.01.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information.

Read the ‘Fossils’ text. Answer the questions on the next page.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to understand ‘tricky’ words.



How to plan a story about the circus using a story mountain

Look at the story mountain, complete each box from left to right. Good stories always have a build-up, a dilemma, and a resolution e.g. my build up could be that there are no visitors at the circus, my dilemma could be that the circus is losing money so it might have to close, and my resolution could be that a new, exciting act joins the circus and business is restored. 

  • You have already chosen a character and described your setting so this part should be straightforward!
  • Is there a moral (lesson) to your story? E.g. always looking on the bright side of life, never judging a book by its cover.
  • This plan will help you to write a lengthy narrative at the end of the week.  


How to identify your spelling words in a word search

Look at ‘Day Three Spelling Task’ word search sheet. Try to find the spelling words listed on the sheet in the box. They will be jumbled in between random letters.

  • Pick one word at a time to focus on, make sure you know how it is spelled
  • Words may be arranged in any direction (horizontally, vertically, diagonally etc).


How to subtract tens and ones from 3-digit numbers, crossing 100 using a column subtraction method

Begin with the ones column, you have to subtract the bottom number from the top. This is not always possible if the top number is smaller e.g. 3 – 4. You have to exchange a ten from the top number in the tens column and add it to the three so that it becomes 13 – 4. Remember to change the 5 into a 4 because you have now taken one. Then, you can subtract by counting back, put 13 in your head and take away 4. Repeat for all columns.

  • Always start subtracting from the ones column (far right column) and move to each of the left columns.
  • Remember that if you take a ten from the tens column you must make sure that the number is one less (5 becomes a 4). You only do this if the top number is smaller and you can’t subtract the bottom number from it.
  • Use your fingers to subtract!

Basic maths facts

How to subtract using a number line

Put your finger on the first number e.g. 20. Take away 3 numbers until you get to 17, this is the answer.

  • You could check your answer by adding the answer to the number you took away. Did you get the first number in the number sentence? 17 + 3 = 20. This is called the inverse.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) will be running live physical activity sessions on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Access his YouTube channel to locate the live sessions through the link below this table. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, use a video that Joe has already recorded to support you in keeping physically active.

  • Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To choose a fun activity that you will enjoy

Look at the separate booklet in the clear pack called ’20 Screen-Free Activities for Home Learning’. Pick one that you would like to do and take photos.

  • Remember to share your photos on the class blogs or send them to me via the class email.


Joe Wicks’ YouTube Channel:

Home Learning - Tuesday 12th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 12.01.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information


Read the ‘From Spawn to Frog’ information text. Answer the questions on the next page.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to understand ‘tricky’ words.



How to write a character description for your circus story

Look at ‘Day Two Writing Task’ sheet. Think of a character you would like in your circus story e.g. a showman, an acrobat, a clown, a juggler, a tightrope walker. Draw and colour a picture of your character in the box. Write a descriptive paragraph underneath to describe what your character looks like, what they are wearing, how they act/move/speak etc.

  • Use the key words on the sheet to help you make your writing more interesting
  • Give your character a name!
  • Use strong adjectives
  • Remember your capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.


To rainbow write over each of your spelling words to practise the spelling of each one

Use three coloured pencils to trace over each of your spelling words. By the third colour, your words will start to look like a rainbow. You can choose to add more than three colours.

  • Remember our daily morning task - pictures for guidance 
  • Trace over each letter rather than colouring the whole box


How to add two 2-digit numbers together using a column addition method

First, add the numbers in the ones column (the right column/second column). Then, add the numbers in the tens column (the left column/first column). This will give you the answer.

  • Start with the ones column in case you need to carry a ten across to the tens column to add with the tens.

Basic maths facts

How to find number bonds to 20. These are two numbers, that when added together, make 20.

Look at the number given, put it in your head and count up to 20. How many numbers did you add to the first number? For example, put 15 in your head, count up on your fingers to 20, there are 5 on your fingers. 15 + 5 = 20.

  • Alternatively, start with the number 20 in your head, subtract the number you can see and whatever is left is the answer.
  • Be as accurate as you can.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) will be running live physical activity sessions on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Access his YouTube channel to locate the live sessions through the link below this table. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, use a video that Joe has already recorded to support you in keeping physically active.

  • Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

About Rosa Parks, an inspirational figure of Black History

Watch the video ‘The Story of Rosa Parks’, using the link below. Complete the ‘Inspirational people’ worksheet about Rosa Parks.

  • Recall information from Term 1 about Rosa Parks, write about her life and why she inspires you in full sentences.

Home Learning - Monday 11th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 11.01.21


Good morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information


Read ‘From Spawn to Frog’ text by Kate Ruttle. Answer the questions on the next page.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to understand ‘tricky’ words.



How to write a descriptive paragraph about the setting of a circus.

Use example and key words on ‘Day One Writing Task’ sheet for ideas. Look at the picture, what can you see?

  • Use adjectives to describe what you see e.g. red, white, stripy, large, incredible, amazing, colourful.
  • Remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.


How to spell words linked to endangered animals - Asia, bees, species, atlas, river, mountain, ocean, endangered, geography, continent, compass, extinct

See Day 1 Spelling Activity sheet.


Copy the words linked to our topic into your orange book and practise them.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


How to partition 3 and 4-digit numbers.

Look at the number and partition (split) it into thousands, hundreds, tens and ones (place value columns). For example: 483 partitioned is 400 + 80 + 3 = 483.

  • The thousands have four digits
  • The hundreds have three digits
  • The tens have two digits
  • The ones have one digit

Basic maths facts

That certain 1-digit numbers added together make 10 (number bonds to ten).

Put the number you see in your head, count up to ten on your fingers and see how many fingers you are holding up, this is the answer.

  • Use your fingers to help you count!
  • Perhaps use a ruler, start on 7 then count on until 10, this equals 3.

7 + 3 = 10.

Keeping Physically Active

How to keep fit and healthy at home.

Joe Wicks (AKA the Body Coach) will be running live physical activity sessions on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to support children with their physical wellbeing whilst they are at home. Access his YouTube channel to locate the live sessions through the link below this table. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, use a video that Joe has already recorded to support you in keeping physically active.

  • Exercise helps our bodies, and our minds stay healthy.
  • Exercising each day, helps you develop strength and fitness over time. 
  • Ask an adult in your house to help you find the right website.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, this will keep you safe.
  • Stop if you think you might have injured yourself.

Topic work

To choose a fun activity that you will enjoy

Look at the separate booklet in the clear pack called ’20 Screen-Free Activities for Home Learning’. Pick one that you would like to do and take photos.


  • Remember to share your photos on the class blogs or send them to me via the class email.


Joe Wicks’ YouTube Channel:

Home Learning - Friday 8th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 08.01.21


Good Morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information


Read the ‘Alice in Wonderland’ text (PDF link below table). Skim and scan for information to answer each question underneath the text.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to understand ‘tricky’ words.
  • Check your answers using the answers PDF file below the table. 



How to practise your handwriting

Click on the ‘Handwriting’ PDF file below. Copy the words (his, some, looked, people, make, but, so, very, your, an) onto the sheet or in your orange book to practise you handwriting.  

  • Use continuous cursive joined-up handwriting.
  • Try to keep your your letters to the right size and shape.
  • Remember lead ins and lead outs.


To create sentences using your spelling words:


January, month, resolution, new, year, happy, memory.


Use each of the words in your spelling list to include in your own sentences.


For example: This year, my resolution is to achieve the Superstar Award at school.

  • No more than two words from the list per sentence (see example)
  • Use adjectives to make your sentences exciting.
  • Record sentences in your orange book or on a piece of paper.


To recap on Place Value

Play the Place Value Basketball Game to practise your understanding of place value (link below table).

  • Start on the purple level (smaller numbers) and then try to challenge yourself by moving up the levels to the higher numbers.

Keeping Physically Active

To keep active by taking part in a GoNoodle dance.   

Click on the Trolls: Can't Stop The Feeling | GoNoodle’ YouTube link below the table and copy the children’s fun dance steps.

  • Be careful and aware of your surroundings.
  • Try to keep in time with the children’s dance moves as best as you can.
  • Have fun!

Topic work

How To Draw Cartoon Hot Chocolate

Click on the YouTube link below the table to follow the instructions on how to draw a cartoon hot chocolate.   

  • You can use any pens, pencils, or materials to create your piece of art
  • Colour in your creation if possible.


Place Value Basketball:



Trolls: Can't Stop The Feeling | GoNoodle:



How To Draw Cartoon Hot Chocolate:

Home Learning - Thursday 7th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 07.01.21


Good Morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information


Read ‘The Romans’ text (PDF link below table). Skim and scan for information to answer each question underneath the text.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to understand ‘tricky’ words.
  • Check your answers using the questions and answers (combined) PDF file below the table. 




How to describe what you see during the winter months

Use the ‘Winter Writing’ PDF file to draw pictures in the box of things you may see during the winter months. Write at least 5 descriptive sentences to explain what you have drawn.

  • Include some good adjectives e.g. In the winter, I see white, glistening snow flakes falling from the grey, cloudy sky.
  • You can draw your pictures and write your sentences in your orange book if you cannot print the sheet.


To create word trees with your New Year spelling words:



January, month, resolution, new, year, happy, memory.


Pick a spelling word e.g. month. Think of as many words that you can create using sounds, patterns, or letters within the chosen word e.g. Monday, moth, on, money etc.

  • Think about our Wednesday morning activity
  • Think of words that are similar in the way they are spelled to your spelling words this week


To practise your times tables.

Play the Maths Fishing Game to practise your times tables (link below table).

  • Select the year 3 objectives before playing the game (steps 6 - 10). This includes your 3s, 4s, 8s and doubles).


Keeping Physically Active

To keep active with Joe Wicks

Click on the YouTube link below the table and copy each of Joe’s fun exercises for kids.


  • Follow each instruction carefully and be aware of your surroundings
  • You do not need to have much space to carry out this activity.

Topic work

How to say and write greetings in French

Watch the short, active BBC video on French greetings with Ben (link below table).  Then, create some basic conversations between characters on the worksheet (PDF link below table) using some of the French greetings you can remember.

  • Use the vocabulary sheet at the beginning of the PDF file to help you spell your French words.
  • You could draw pictures of the characters with speech bubbles on scrap paper instead of printing the worksheet itself.

Home Learning - Wednesday 6th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Chestnut Class

Date: 06.01.21


Good Morning Chestnut Class!



You are learning:


You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


How to infer and retrieve information


Read the ‘New Year’ text (PDF link below table). Skim and scan for information to answer each question underneath the text.

  • Read at least twice.
  • Use an online dictionary to understand ‘tricky’ words.
  • Check your answers using the answers PDF file below the table. 




To reflect on last year and give yourself a new goal/resolution for this year.

Open the ‘New Year’s Resolution Writing’ PDF file. Look at each box carefully and create a well thought out answer for each section of the worksheet.

  • You may want to print the worksheet to write on or write your answers in your orange book/on scrap paper.
  • A resolution is something that you set out to do to achieve a personal goal or continue good practise of something.



How to spell words linked to the New Year.

Practise writing the following words in your orange book or on scrap paper:


January, month, resolution, new, year, happy, memory.

  • Say it
  • Cover it
  • Write it
  • Check it


To practise your times tables.

Use Hit the Button to practise times tables (link below table).

  • Practise inverse operations (related division facts).
  • 3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3 – multiplication facts can be reversed.


Keeping Physically Active

To keep active by completing a child friendly yoga video. 

Click on the YouTube link below the table (Sonic The Hedgehog | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!) and follow Jaime’s instructions.

  • Follow each instruction carefully and be aware of your surroundings
  • You do not need to have much space to carry out this activity.

Topic work

How To Draw A Snowman

Click on the YouTube link below the table to follow the instructions on how to draw a snowman.

  • You can use any pens, pencils, or materials to create your piece of art
  • Colour in your creation if possible.



Hit the Button:


Sonic The Hedgehog | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!:


How To Draw A Snowman:

Remembrance Day