Welcome to Cedar Class!
My name is Mrs Bieda and I am so pleased to be teaching you in Cedar class this year. I am very lucky to be supported by two amazing teaching assistants, Mrs Hall (am) and Mrs King (pm).
You will be faced with many new challenges in Year 5 but if you remember to approach them with a positive attitude and are always prepared to ‘have a go’, you will find yourself enjoying your learning within a caring and supportive environment. I am looking forward to teaching you all of the exciting topics we will be covering this year, beginning with our history topic - Anglo Saxons and Scots and our science topic - Living Things and their Habitats in term one.
Key things to remember:
To consolidate their knowledge of our current History topic on the Anglo Saxons and Vikings, Cedar class visited Trowbridge museum last week and took part in several workshops, including re-enacting the Battle of Edington when King Alfred defeated the Vikings, the first King to do so.
Cedar class had a great day yesterday when they visited Clarendon Academy to take part in their Year 5 Taster day. The children gained an insight into at secondary school and took part in four lessons – PE, Science, Art and French. They particularly enjoyed the Science lesson where they investigated the amount of energy in three different types of crisps by setting fire to them! Ask your child why this helped them answer the question! Cedar Class behaved beautifully and this was commented on by several members of Clarendon staff – well done Cedar!
As part of our History topic this term – Anglo Saxons and Vikings, Cedar class investigated some historical artefacts. They all found the Viking helmet incredibly heavy when trying it on and they wondered how Vikings managed to wear them for long periods of time during battles! They also learnt about illuminated letters, used at the beginning of Anglo Saxon manuscripts and created their own beautiful versions, using the first letter of their name.
During term 5, our focus artist was Andy Warhol. Cedar Class were set the task of printing a t-shirt in the style of Andy Warhol’s art.
Before they could do this, they investigated colour and researched his life and artwork. They then practised drawing their designs before drawing them onto polystyrene tiles, which were then used to print their designs on to t-shirts. As you can see from the photographs, they did an amazing job and were extremely proud of the results!
This year we have been developing our music curriculum. Firstly, all children have been having weekly singing sessions with Sam Evans since the beginning of the year. Over the past couple of weeks, classes have started to use our new instruments – ukuleles and glockenspiels. It is always exciting when we get to learn a new skill! Not only are we learning how to play the musical instrument itself; we are also developing our selves as learners. We are needing to demonstrate determination, resilience, and teamwork to create a collaborative sound. The children will be sharing their musical masterpieces with the rest of the school in term 6.
In addition, we have had two other visitors this year. Earlier in the year we had a performance from the West of England Youth Orchestra. On Tuesday this week, years 4, 5 and 6 got to take part in Rock music workshops. During these sessions, the children learnt about key elements of music such as pulse and rhythm before getting to play a range of instruments. The children got to play bass guitar, electric guitar, drums, tambourines, and vocals. Using these instruments, the children were able to perform part of the song ‘We Will Rock You’ by Queen. They made an amazing sound!
As always, Newtown were noticed for their fantastic behaviour! All the children behaved beautifully and showcased some real talent, impressing our guests. We hope to see Danny and Rhia again in the future!
Mrs Dowler
Cedar class visited Trowbridge town centre at the end of term 4 to carry out research on the types of land use in the town. They collected data on the types of shops we saw, noted the types of land use found and discussed ways in which areas of Trowbridge could be improved, looking in particular at the derelict Bowyers site. They came up with some really well thought out ideas and were able to justify why their idea should be chosen.
This term, Cedar class have continued to investigate ‘Properties and changes of materials’. They recently carried out an investigation into which material would provide the best thermal insulation when trying to keep a drink hot. After choosing their variables, making predictions and recording how they intended to carry out their investigation, the children were ready! They used four different materials to insulate four cups and added warm water to each cup. They then used dataloggers to measure the temperature of the water and recorded the starting temperature. The children continued to measure the temperature of the water at five minute intervals for twenty minutes in total, whilst carefully recording the results. Following the investigation, the children were able to evaluate what they had done and discuss their thoughts on how they could further investigate thermal insulation.
One of our focus subjects this term is Geography and our topic is ‘Somewhere to Settle’. The topic started by discussing what makes a good settlement and why people in the past might have chosen to live where they did. We have also discovered that Cedar class love investigating maps! They have been improving their location knowledge through using atlases and particularly enjoyed comparing two maps of Trowbridge, one from pre-1900 and a current map. They were able to discuss the differing land uses in both maps and compare how this has changed over time. A good website to do this is ‘Know your place’ which can be found at https://maps.bristol.gov.uk/kyp/?edition=wilts
As part of their topic on Antarctica, Cedar class carried out research to find out more information on the penguins that inhabit the continent. They then wrote and illustrated non-chronological reports, sharing the information they had found. The completed reports are currently on display just outside of our classroom, but the two examples shown reflect the high quality of all of the children’s reports.
In Science this term, the topic is 'Properties and changes of materials.' The children enjoyed investigating whether materials were soluble or insoluble, the investigation also prompted lots of discussion about whether the temperature of the water would change their results.
Cedar class looked at the artwork of Nerys Levy, who specialises in Antarctic landscapes. They then went on to create their own beautiful Antarctic landscapes.
Cedar class had a great start to this term's Geography topic on Antarctica when they were visited by Al Sylvester, a polar explorer. They listened beautifully as he told them about his expedition to the South Pole and learned a great deal about coping with the extreme temperatures of Antarctica. The children were amazed by his achievements and his inspiring attitude.
During this term’s DT topic, Cedar class were challenged to design and make a self-propelling boat. They began by making a prototype and identified areas that needed improving. They then constructed their final product, which included using glue guns to attach a mast and learning how to sew in order to decorate their sails. They were all quite rightly very proud of their completed boats and thoroughly enjoyed testing them!
In Science, Cedar class learned about the difference between mass and weight. They then used scales and force meters to measure the mass and weight of objects in the classroom and made notes on what they discovered about the relationship between the two measurements.
Cedar class enjoyed their recent visit to the steam fair held in County Hall.
During our class assembly this week, Cedar class discussed Remembrance Day and the significance of wearing a poppy to remember those who sacrificed their lives for us. Following our assembly, Cedar class created these amazing stained glass windows featuring poppies.
Cedar class have thoroughly enjoyed this term's History topic. They began by investigating what was discovered at Sutton Hoo and what this tells us about the Anglo-Saxon way of life. They took part in a variety of activities, including creating timelines, researching Anglo-Saxon religion, and learning which place names originate from Anglo-Saxon times. They also produced some amazing artwork when they drew the Sutton Hoo helmet, which was thought to have belonged to King Raedwald, and created clay models of it.
Cedar class are thoroughly enjoying their PE lessons this term, where they are learning how to improve their hockey skills. The children have been showing great sportsmanship whilst playing matches and there has been some impressive goals!
One of the first lessons at the beginning of every school year at Newtown involves the children drawing their self-portrait in their sketch books. They can then enjoy looking back at previous year’s portraits and noticing how their drawing skills have progressed and improved. All of Cedar class produced carefully drawn, detailed self-portraits, that they were quite rightly, very proud of.
Cedar class enjoyed taking part in Foodies this week, they discussed different varieties of pumpkins and found out that pumpkins belong to a plant family called cucurbits. The group also includes squash, melons, and cucumbers. They prepared butternut squash and pumpkins to make soup and made soda bread rolls to enjoy with it. Following this, the children learnt about food waste and how we can all take steps to reduce the amount of food wasted every year.
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