Newtown Community Primary School
'Newtown Primary School is a Community Primary School and we take the "Community" aspect of our title very seriously. Our children, their families and extended families are at the heart of everything we do.'

Beech Class (Year 4/5)

Welcome to Beech Class

Hello, my name is Miss Hough, and I am the teacher of Beech Class. In our class, we are lucky to have Miss Camp as our teaching assistant.


In Beech class, we are always willing to ‘have a go’ and we have an understanding that everyone makes mistakes and that these help us to learn. We respect everybody and show kindness which will make our class a welcoming and happy place for everyone. Working as a team is important in Beech class, making sure we help others, to make sure that everyone reaches their potential. We want everyone to be proud of their peers for their achievements.


There are a few things we need to remember this year:


  • PE kit: your full (named) PE kit needs to be in school every day.


  • Reading: We strongly encourage daily reading at home and progress will be tracked on a display in the classroom. Alongside this, rewards will be presented at regular milestones through the 100 club. Please listen to your child’s reading regularly and record this in the back of their orange Learning Destination (Homework book); Please ensure that this is brought in every morning.


  • Homework: Spellings and maths homework will be set on Friday each week and the work will be due in on the following Friday. Please encourage your children to write sentences using their spelling words. The learning destination book can also be used for any other home learning that your children may wish to do. They will always be rewarded for this.


I am really looking forward to sharing some fantastic learning with you have an amazing time with lots of engaging learning opportunities planned.