Newtown Community Primary School
'Newtown Primary School is a Community Primary School and we take the "Community" aspect of our title very seriously. Our children, their families and extended families are at the heart of everything we do.'

Ash Class (Year 4)

Welcome to Ash Class!

My name is Miss Hallam and I will be teaching year 4 this year, with the support of our lovely teaching assistant, Mrs Hall. Our class name will be Ash Class.


I am looking forward to this year and am excited to get to know you all and having lots of fun together. In Ash Class we are kind and caring, respect each other and our possessions to ensure each child is able to try their best, achieve to their potential and support each other even when things are tricky. We will be willing to try different activities and not be afraid to make mistakes as we know this helps us learn and develops our understanding. With this comfortable and supportive classroom atmosphere, our aim will be to ensure every child is happy and smiles and laughs at least once a day – but hopefully all day, every day!


A named PE kit should be in school every day and daily reading at home is encouraged. In the classroom, we have a display which shows the progression the children are making with their home reading and rewards are presented at regular milestones. Please listen to your child reading regularly and ensure this is recorded in the back of their journal (orange homework book).


Spellings and Maths homework will be set weekly and due in on a Friday.

Please check back on this page as there will be regular updates of our memorable school year. Ash Class is a friendly, happy, and caring place to be and I am thrilled to be the class teacher.


Miss Hallam

To contact Miss Hallam about home learning please email:

Home Learning - Friday 5th March 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Friday 5th March

Good morning Ash Class 😊

Miss Brown’s final dance video can be found below!


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To correctly use spelling words in context.


Sentence, special, therefore, various, weight, woman, women, through, although, thought.


Can you write a paragraph with at least five of the spelling words in it?

  • Remember all the words need to be used correctly.
  • Could you make a mini story?



To write an imaginative description.

Look at the image in your learning pack of a scene from ‘Alice in Wonderland’. Everything is so large compared to her.


Imagine you were trapped inside school after you had been shrunk! Describe your journey from the door across the classroom. What dangers would you need to be careful of as a tiny person?


  • Use a thesaurus to look up ‘big’ and ‘small’ so you can use a range of words without repeating too often.
  • Write descriptively using paragraphs and try to include expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials.
  • Think about our classroom and what you would come across.


To enjoy reading!

Watch the lesson video.


Read pages 122-127.


Enjoy reading some more of the text and think about: How do you feel about what has just happened? What do you think will happen in the last two chapters?


  • Read the text a couple of times to ensure you understand, you can also listen to Miss Hallam reading this on the loom video.
  • Have a think about the questions and we will finish and discuss the work when we return to school next week.


To find equivalent fractions.

Complete the worksheet using the maths video below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet.


  • Remember you can write notes that will help you.
  • Show your workings out.
  • Look carefully at the diagrams and the number of sections on the bar models.


Basic maths

To complete an online division game.

Play a new division game. This closely links to our times tables so use these to help you (link 1).


  • Remember to challenge yourself by choosing a range of times tables and ones you find trickier.


Topic work

To create an outdoor sculpture inspired by Richard Shilling.


ART – Richard Shilling

Click on the link below to explore environmental artist Richard Shilling’s webpage to learn about him and his beautiful art.


Then, create your own outdoor sculpture in his style. If this is not possible, draw a picture and label it of what you would make.


  • Look through a range of his pictures and collections to be inspired by his artwork.
  • Ask an adult to come outside with you to somewhere they feel would be possible for you to make a sculpture.
  • If not, draw and label a design picture.
  • Don’t forget to take a picture and post it on the blog!


Keeping active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 2 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.


Home Learning - Thursday 4th March 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Thursday 4th March 2021

Good morning Ash Class 😊

Today is World Book Day – make sure you spend some time reading! Why not post a picture of you reading on the blog. You could also draw a picture of your favourite book cover and stick it in your window for others to see!


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To write spelling sentences.


Sentence, special, therefore, various, weight, woman, women, through, although, thought.


Write sentences using your spelling words.

  • Remember to write one sentence for each spelling.
  • Make sure the sentences make sense!



To ask questions about a picture.

Watch the lesson video.


Look at the photograph in your pack. What kinds of questions can we ask about this picture?


  • What comes to mind when you see the photograph?
  • Use words like ‘what’, ‘how’, ‘when’, ‘why’ and ‘where’ to help you.
  • Challenge: use a ‘What if…?’ question.



To share your opinion.

Read pages 118-121.


Write down what you think they should do. Give your opinion is as much detail, sharing why you think this.


  • What do you think they need to do?
  • When suggesting your opinion, give reasons as to why you think this is what they should do.


To count in tenths.

Complete the worksheet using the maths links below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video. Then complete the sheet.


  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Use your number bonds to 10 to help you with tenths.
  • Look carefully for sequences and patterns with the fractions.
  • Read the questions carefully!

Basic maths

To play a times tables game.

Play the times tables memory game. Can you match the questions to their answers?


  • Use link 2, have a few goes, selecting different times tables.


Topic work

To research Buddhism.

RE – Buddhism

Use the bitesize link below to research Buddhism.


Then, create your own Buddhism quiz using the instructions in the booklet.


Research the key symbols and create a jigsaw using these.


  • Watch the videos on the BBC Bitesize website and make some notes on these.
  • Read the information too.
  • Create a quiz for others to solve. You could post these on the blog for your friends or challenge someone at home.
  • Create a jigsaw by creating your image and cutting it into pieces.


Keeping active

To take part in a virtual PE lesson.

Watch the video below (link 3) and take part in the PE lesson named, ‘Gymnastics’.

  • Remember to make sure you have a little bit of space around you before you start!
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • Do the activities in time with the video.


Home Learning - Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Wednesday 3rd March

Good morning Ash Class 😊



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To create spelling word trees.


Sentence, special, therefore, various, weight, woman, women, through, although, thought.


Create word trees, one for each word using the different parts of the words.

  • Put the word inside a mind map. Then find other words that link to this to place around the outside. E.g., mysterious – mystery, curious, furious



To understand a character’s point of view.

Look at the picture in your pack. The girl looks worried or scared.


Explain how we know this using the sentence starter. Write a paragraph or two to share your thoughts.


Then ask her three questions.


  • What can you see?
  • Imagine being in her position, how do you think you would feel? Use this to help you empathise with


To answer literal questions.

Watch the lesson video.


Read pages 114-117.


Then, carefully answer the 5 literal questions in the learning pack, finding the answers in the text.


  • Literal questions mean the answers are ready to be found in the text.
  • Read the text carefully a couple of times.
  • Highlight or underline things in the text to help you.


To use tenths successfully.

Complete the worksheet using the maths links below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video. Then complete the sheet.


  • Remember you can write notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Recognise the number of parts that are shaded out of the 10 parts.
  • Understand 5/10 = 1/2.

Basic maths

To complete an online times table game.

Play hit the button (link 1).

  • Remember to challenge yourself by choosing a range of times tables.


Topic work

To create a mini project about the Romans.

HISTORY – Ghastly Romans

First, learn about the Romans using the espresso link below.


Then, choose a way to present your learning. Whilst doing this, try to answer all the questions in the booklet about the Romans.


How will you present your work?

  • All worksheets can be found in your learning pack.
  • Explore the espresso section, watching the videos and completing some activities.
  • Your project could be a PowerPoint, a fact file, a poster, a speech, a model, a labelled drawing and so on.



Keeping active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 2 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.


Home Learning - Tuesday 2nd March 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Tuesday 2nd March

Good morning Ash Class 😊



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To split your spelling words into sections.


Sentence, special, therefore, various, weight, woman, women, through, although, thought.


Complete the second column of the spelling grid.


Bitesize these words using different syllables and sounds.

  • Say the words aloud to help you hear the different sounds of the words that may help you to remember the words.
  • Example:

Mys – te – ri – ous


To write dialogue between two characters.


Watch the lesson video first.


Watch the short film, ‘Rock, Paper and Scissors’.


Use the speech bubbles to share what you imagine the conversation would have been when Rock was trying to persuade Paper to come with him.


  • What is the video about? What does it show you?
  • Imagine how Paper feels, the Rock man is trying to persuade her to follow him and she is unsure whether to trust him.
  • Remember, when using speech bubbles, you don’t need to use speech marks or the names.


To think about the character’s feelings.

Read pages 110-113.


Think about the character’s feelings at this point of the book. Fill in the thought bubbles with what you believe their thoughts would be.


  • How do you think they are feeling? What clues are there in the book that they may be feeling this way?
  • Try to make sure you have different feelings for each person e.g., scared – petrified – frozen with fear!



To understand what a fraction is.

Complete the worksheet using the maths links below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video. Then complete the sheet.


  • You can write any notes that will help you.
  • Remember that the denominator (bottom number) is the total number of parts including the shaded ones, the numerator (top number) is the number of shaded.


Basic maths

To complete a quick-fire multiplication activity.

Follow link 3, have a go at the times table check that we use in class.


  • You can use the keypad online to have a go.
  • If you cannot do this, write down numbers 1-25 before you start.


Topic work

To learn the days of the week and the months of the year in French.

FRENCH – Days and Months

Learn about the days and months using the links below.


Then create your own sets of flashcards for both the days of the week and the months of the year.


  • Make sure you listen to the videos and have a go at speaking them too.
  • Remember to include accents on some of the letters if they show they have one.
  • Write both the English and French on your flashcards.


Keeping active

To take part in a virtual PE lesson.

Watch the video below (link 5) and take part in the PE lesson named, ‘Throwing and Aiming’.

  • Remember to make sure you have a little bit of space around you before you start!
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • Do the activities in time with the video.


Home Learning - Monday 1st March 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Monday 1st March

Good morning Ash Class 😊



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To find definitions for spelling words.


Sentence, special, therefore, various, weight, woman, women, through, although, thought.


Complete the first column of the spelling grid.


Then use the online dictionary to find the definitions.

  • Follow link 1 to the online dictionary.
  • Rewrite the definitions in your own words.



To predict what happens next.

Predict what happens next using the image and the story setting.


Use the questions to help you predict what happens next.

  • Use the prompts in your booklet to help you with possible ideas.
  • Remember to plan your writing before you begin.
  • Please email your work to:



To define words from the text.

Watch the lesson video.


Read pages 104-109.


Define these five words: lagoon, snarling, interrupted, embers, bait.


  • Use the online dictionary and the lesson video to help you define these words.
  • Look up any other words in the text that you are not sure of.
  • You can draw pictures too.


To recognise unit and non-unit fractions.

Complete the worksheet using the maths links below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video. Then complete the sheet.


  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read how the questions are worded to ensure you understand how to answer them.
  • Use multiplication to solve answers where appropriate.

Basic maths

To play a maths game.

Play times table bingo interactively (link 2).

  • You can choose the question types and the difficultly levels for this game. Remember to challenge yourself.


Topic work

To identify the three states of matter.

SCIENCE – States of Matter

Follow the link to the bitesize information (link 3).


Then, complete the Gases, Solids and Liquids worksheet.


Finally, find three examples of each state in your home.


  • Use the worksheet and table in the booklet to complete the activities successfully.
  • You could always include a picture on the blog of a solid, liquid or gas you have found in your home!

Keeping active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 4 to his YouTube channel where the lesson goes live and are available after.

Home Learning - Friday 26th February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Friday 26th February

Good morning Ash Class 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To correctly use spelling words in context.


Occasion, occasionally, often, opposite, ordinary, position, possess, possession, probably, purpose.


Can you write a paragraph with at least five of the spelling words in it?

  • Remember all the words need to be used correctly.
  • Could you make a mini story?



To create a menu.

Imagine you are the owner of a brand-new restaurant in Trowbridge.


Design an exciting menu to give to your customers.


  • What do you think they would like?
  • How would you make your menu stand out from other restaurants?
  • Remember to cater for all.


To write a prediction and identify word classes.


Watch the lesson video.


Read pages 100-103.


Make a prediction about what will happen next.


Then, complete the word class activity.


  • Read the pages a couple if times to think about what has just happened that could be important when thinking about the next stages of the story.
  • Remind yourself of the three word classes before searching for examples.



To find areas using cms.

Complete the worksheet using the maths video below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet.


  • Remember you can write notes that will help you.
  • Show your workings out.
  • Remember to use your times tables to find the areas.


Basic maths

To complete an online division game.

Play a new division game. This closely links to our times tables so use these to help you (link 1).


  • Remember to challenge yourself by choosing a range of times tables and ones you find trickier.


Topic work

To create a Van Gogh inspired piece of art.


ART – Vincent Van Gogh

Read the information about Van Gogh and his life.


Then, create a piece of artwork inspired by his piece, ‘Sunflowers’. You could find a similar image or lay out your work in the same way but with a different type of flower.


  • Read the information in your pack to learn more about Vincent Van Gogh and his life.
  • Then, create a piece of artwork inspired by his piece called ‘Sunflowers’.
  • Will you choose the same flower but in a different set-up or the same set-up but a different flower?


Keeping active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 2 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.


Home Learning - Thursday 25th February

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Thursday 25th February

Good morning Ash Class 😊

Part 3 of Miss Brown’s dance routine can be found below!


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To write spelling sentences.


Occasion, occasionally, often, opposite, ordinary, position, possess, possession, probably, purpose.


Write sentences using your spelling words.

  • Remember to write one sentence for each spelling.
  • Make sure the sentences make sense!



To write a letter to an author.

Watch the lesson video first.


Write a friendly letter to an author of a book that you have enjoyed reading.


If you are not sure who to choose, write to Nicola Davies about ‘Ariki and the Island of Wonders’ so far!

  • Remember the key features of a letter and how to lay out your letter – look in your booklet for hints and tips.
  • Organise your thoughts into paragraphs.
  • What was your favourite part? Why?
  • Do you have any questions for the author?



To consider the author’s choices.

Read pages 96-99.


Think about the author’s choices during these pages by answering the questions in your learning pack.


  • Use full sentences to answer the questions.
  • Sentence stems:
  • I think … because …
  • I believe …
  • I wonder if …


To compare areas.

Complete the worksheet using the maths links below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video. Then complete the sheet.


  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Area is the space inside a closed shape.
  • You can count the squares but can also times the sides if it is a rectangle.

Basic maths

To play a times tables game.

Play the times tables memory game. Can you match the questions to their answers?


  • Use link 2, have a few goes, selecting different times tables.


Topic work

To create a fact file about Hinduism.

RE – Hinduism

Use the bitesize link below (link 4) to learn about the religion. Create a fact file about the religion.


Challenge activities: Create a Rangoli pattern and watch the story of Rama and Sita.


  • Watch the videos on the BBC Bitesize website and make some notes on these.
  • Then read the information too.
  • Make sure your fact file is written in your own words!
  • Any Rangoli artwork would look brilliant on the blog.

Keeping active

To take part in a virtual PE lesson.

Watch the video below (link 3) and take part in the PE lesson named, ‘Full Body Workout’.

  • Remember to make sure you have a little bit of space around you before you start!
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • Do the activities in time with the video.


Home Learning - Wednesday 24th February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Wednesday 24th February

Good morning Ash Class 😊



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To create spelling word trees.


Occasion, occasionally, often, opposite, ordinary, position, possess, possession, probably, purpose.


Create word trees, one for each word using the different parts of the words.

  • Put the word inside a mind map. Then find other words that link to this to place around the outside. E.g., mysterious – mystery, curious, furious



To create verses for an ocean poem.

Read the ocean poem in your booklet and add a couple of verses of your own.


  • Use the same layout explained in the booklet.
  • Layout: Original line; number, adjective, noun, what is it doing?



To complete an inference grid.

Watch the lesson video to complete the lesson.


Read pages 92-95.


Complete the inference grid, finding evidence in today’s pages.


  • Highlight or underline key parts in the text linked to the inference.
  • Write three pieces of evidence for each inference.
  • Use quotation marks if taking from the text.



To make shapes with given areas.

Complete the worksheet using the maths links below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video. Then complete the sheet.


  • Remember you can write notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Think carefully about what the shape needs to look like.
  • Use a different colour pencil to draw the lines or colour in if this helps.


Basic maths

To complete an online times table game.

Play hit the button (link 1).

  • Remember to challenge yourself by choosing a range of times tables.


Topic work

To learn about and compare the Stone and Iron Ages.

HISTORY – Stone Age to Iron Age

Learn about the different ages using the espresso link below (link 3).


Then compare the prehistoric periods in the table and answer the four questions on the worksheet.


  • All worksheets can be found in your learning pack.
  • Explore the espresso section, completing any activities you choose.
  • Remember to keep going back to the information to help you answer the questions.


Keeping active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 2 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.


Home Learning - Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Tuesday 23rd February

Good morning Ash Class 😊



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To split your spelling words into sections.


Occasion, occasionally, often, opposite, ordinary, position, possess, possession, probably, purpose.


Complete the second column of the spelling grid.


Bitesize these words using different syllables and sounds.

  • Say the words aloud to help you hear the different sounds of the words that may help you to remember the words.
  • Example:

Mys – te – ri – ous


To write a newspaper article.

Watch the lesson video first.


Imagine that you are a newspaper reporter. Write a detailed newspaper article to report the events that occur in the video below (link 2).


  • Curmudgeonly = bad tempered and negative person (normally old).
  • Use the bullet points in the booklet to help you structure your newspaper article.
  • Please email your work to:



To draw the dog character.

Read pages 86-91.


Create a labelled drawing of the ‘dog’ using the image and descriptions in the text.


  • Label exact things, e.g., sharp, ___ teeth using the descriptions in the text along with the image.


To find areas by counting squares.

Complete the worksheet using the maths links below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video. Then complete the sheet.


  • You can write any notes that will help you.
  • Don’t try to measure anything with a ruler today, you are just working in squares.
  • Be careful when using half squares – two halves make a whole.


Basic maths

To complete a quick-fire multiplication activity.

Follow link 3, have a go at the times table check that we use in class.


  • You can use the keypad online to have a go.
  • If you cannot do this, write down numbers 1-25 before you start.


Topic work

To revise numbers 0-20 in French.

FRENCH – Numbers 0-20

Recap on your understanding of the French numbers 0-20 by watching the videos (link 4).


Create a set of flashcards using the loose flashcard sheets in your pack.


  • Make one flashcard for every number from 0-20.
  • Make these as bright and colourful as you can.
  • Remember to include the correct French spelling of the number.


Keeping active

To take part in a virtual PE lesson.

Watch the video below (link 5) and take part in the PE lesson named, ‘Quick Feet’.

  • Remember to make sure you have a little bit of space around you before you start!
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • Do the activities in time with the video.


Home Learning - Monday 22nd February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Monday 22nd  February

Good morning Ash Class 😊



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To find definitions for spelling words.


Occasion, occasionally, often, opposite, ordinary, position, possess, possession, probably, purpose.


Complete the first column of the spelling grid.


Then use the online dictionary to find the definitions.

  • Follow link 1 to the online dictionary.
  • Rewrite the definitions in your own words.



To write a report about your planet discovery!

Imagine you have discovered a brand-new planet!


Complete an astronaut report to send to Mission Control about what you have found.


Then, draw an image of your planet.


  • Find the list of things to include in your learning pack and check these off as you are including them.
  • Remember to plan your writing before you begin.
  • Please email your work to:



To create four literal questions.

Watch the lesson video before you start.


Read pages 80-85.


Then, pretend you are the teacher and write four literal  questions linked to these pages, for other people to answer.


  • Remember that literal questions have the answers within the text to find.
  • Only use pages 80-85 when creating your questions.
  • Why not post on the blog for your friends to answer?



To understand what area is.

Complete the worksheet using the maths links below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video. Then complete the sheet.


  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read how the questions are worded to ensure you understand how to answer them.
  • Use multiplication to solve answers where appropriate.

Basic maths

To play a maths game.

Play times table bingo interactively (link 2).

  • You can choose the question types and the difficultly levels for this game. Remember to challenge yourself.


Topic work

To learn about different forces.

SCIENCE – Forces Fun

Watch the espresso video about forces (link 3).


Then, complete the pushes and pulls worksheet. Finally, pick a ‘forces challenge’ to complete.


  • Use the worksheets in the booklet to complete the activities successfully.
  • When deciding which challenge to do, check with your adults about the resources you can use.

Keeping active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop, and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 4 to his YouTube channel where the lesson goes live and are available after.

Home Learning - Friday 12th February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Friday 12th February

Good morning Ash Class 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To correctly use spelling words in context.


Height, imagine, knowledge, library, material, medicine, mention, minute, naughty, notice.


Can you write a paragraph with at least five of the spelling words in it?

  • Remember all the words need to be used correctly.
  • Could you make a mini story?



To complete my story!

Watch the lesson video.


Reread your story all the way from the beginning (Monday’s work). Then, complete the story by writing the ending of your story.


Email your story to:


  • Use your story mountain to remind you of your ending.
  • Make sure it is detailed.
  • Use the notes in your pack to help you with writing this section.
  • Make sure you end with a powerful final line.
  • Optional extra: illustrate your story.



To answer literal questions.

Read pages 74-79.


Answer the literal questions that are in your learning pack by looking in today’s pages.


  • Remember which skill we are using; dog with a bone – literal retrieval. The answers will be in the text.


To complete a word problem activity sheet.

Complete the worksheet using the maths link below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet.


  • Remember you can write notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Show your workings out.


Basic maths

To complete an online division game.

Play a new division game. This closely links to our times tables so use these to help you (link 1).


  • Remember to challenge yourself by choosing a range of times tables and ones you find trickier.


Topic work

To present your findings about Madagascar.


This week you have been learning about MADAGASCAR.


Today, you need to present your findings from this week.


  • You can present this however you would like to. For example: leaflet, PowerPoint, poster.
  • Please email this to me:


Keeping active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 2 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.



Home Learning - Thursday 11th February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Thursday 11th February

Good morning Ash Class 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To write spelling sentences.


Height, imagine, knowledge, library, material, medicine, mention, minute, naughty, notice.


Write sentences using your spelling words.

  • Remember to write one sentence for each spelling.
  • Make sure the sentences make sense!



To write the resolution of your story.

Read back through your story so far!


Today we are going to write the resolution section. This is starting to solve the dilemma they were in!


  • Use your story mountain for the main stages of your story.
  • Make sure there are plenty of details and that it isn’t sorted too quickly.
  • Use notes in pack to help.


To compare Ariki’s personality and confidence.

Watch the lesson video before you do the task.


Read pages 70-73.


Complete the table by thinking about the four times of the book and comparing.


  • How did she come across at these times? Was she confident? What personality traits did she show?
  • Look back in the text to remind yourself if needed.



To answer correspondence problems.

Complete the worksheet using the maths links below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video. Then complete the sheet.


  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • When thinking about different options and number of possibilities, have a system to help you find them all.

Basic maths

To play a times tables game.

Play the times tables memory game. Can you match the questions to their answers?


  • Use link 2, have a few goes, selecting different times tables.


Topic work

To complete a piece of artwork inspired by Madagascar.


This week you are learning about MADAGASCAR.


Complete a piece of artwork inspired by Madagascar. You can choose if this is a traditional Madagascan piece or a piece which is inspired by the country.


  • Look at the images in your packs to start your thinking and then google some other ideas to see in colour.
  • Please email your work:


Keeping active

To take part in a yoga activity.

Follow link 3 to reach the YouTube yoga video for today:

  • Remember to make sure you have a little bit of space around you before you start!
  • Follow the instructions carefully.


Home Learning - Wednesday 10th February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Wednesday 10th February

Good morning Ash Class 😊

The link to part two of Miss Brown’s dance routine videos can be seen below.


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To create spelling word trees.


Height, imagine, knowledge, library, material, medicine, mention, minute, naughty, notice.


Create word trees, one for each word using the different parts of the words.

  • Put the word inside a mind map. Then find other words that link to this to place around the outside. E.g., mysterious – mystery, curious, furious



To write the dilemma/problem section.

Watch the video to support you with this activity.


To continue writing your story, the next stage is the main dilemma/problem stage! This needs to be full of drama and excitement!


  • Use your story mountain to remind you of the stages of your story.
  • Use the helpful bullet points in your learning pack to support you.



To make a prediction.

Read pages 64-69.


Make a prediction as to where Ipo and Bad Boy have gone and what you think Ariki might find.


Extension: Draw a picture.


  • Where do you think Ipo and Bad Boy have gone? Who or what do you think has taken them? What might she find?
  • Extension: Draw a picture of the scene she might see.


To divide 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.

Complete the worksheet using the maths links below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video. Then complete the sheet.


  • Remember you can write notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Use methods that you have used the last couple of days to solve these with larger numbers.


Basic maths

To complete an online times table game.

Play hit the button (link 1).

  • Remember to challenge yourself by choosing a range of times tables.


Topic work

To research a famous Madagascan person.


This week you are learning about MADAGASCAR.


Research a famous person from Madagascar and write some notes about them.


  • When researching, be careful to find people who come from the country, Madagascar, not the film!
  • Why are they famous? Are they still alive?

Keeping active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 2 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.


Home Learning - Tuesday 9th February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Tuesday 9th February

Good morning Ash Class 😊



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To split your spelling words into sections.


Height, imagine, knowledge, library, material, medicine, mention, minute, naughty, notice.


Complete the second column of the spelling grid.


Bitesize these words using different syllables and sounds.

  • Say the words aloud to help you hear the different sounds of the words that may help you to remember the words.
  • Example:

Mys – te – ri – ous


To write the build-up to your story.

Continue with your story that you started writing yesterday.


Today, use the second section on your story mountain to start building up your story.


  • Use the story mountain from last Thursday.
  • Look at the notes in your learning pack to help you.
  • If typing, remember to save often!


To create a timeline of key events.

Watch the lesson video first.


Read pages 60-63.


Create a timeline of some of the key events so far.


  • What are some of the main things that have happened so far?
  • Create a timeline of these events - can be bullet points going down the page rather than across.



To divide 2-digit by 1-digit numbers, including remainders.

Complete the worksheet using the maths links below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video. Then complete the sheet.


  • You can write any notes that will help you.
  • Remember to use your known facts first to get as close to the total number as you can to know how many remainders there are.
  • Watch the videos!

Basic maths

To complete a quick-fire multiplication activity.

Follow link 2, have a go at the times table check that we use in class.


  • You can use the keypad online to have a go.
  • If you cannot do this, write down numbers 1-25 before you start.


Topic work

To research things which are important in Madagascar.


This week you are learning all about MADAGASCAR.


Today, research the things which are important to people in this country.


  • Use the links below.
  • You could research festivals, holidays, important dates, leaders of the country, indigenous people.
  • Make some notes.

Keeping active

To take part in a yoga activity.

Follow link 3 to reach the YouTube yoga video for today, Mike the Cosmic Space Monkey.

  • Remember to make sure you have a little bit of space around you before you start!
  • Follow the instructions carefully.


Home Learning - Monday 8th February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Monday 1st February

Good morning Ash Class 😊

CBBC have got a special timetable to help with home learning, you can find the link below to see the schedule.


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To find definitions for spelling words.


Height, imagine, knowledge, library, material, medicine, mention, minute, naughty, notice.


Complete the first column of the spelling grid.


Then use the online dictionary to find the definitions.

  • Follow link 1 to the online dictionary.
  • Rewrite the definitions in your own words.



To write the story introduction.

Watch the video before you start writing.


Follow the steps in your booklet for today’s lesson. Write your title and an exciting introduction section.


  • Read the important hints and tips.
  • Make sure the first sentence draws the reader in – excitement, drama!
  • Use your story mountain to shape your story.



To write as someone else.

Read pages 55-59.


Write a short diary entry, pretending you are the baby whale.


  • You could write about:
  • first going to the boat and why you did this.
  • Ariki helping you.
  • You helping them.
  • Reunited with family.



To divide 2-digits by 1-digit numbers with remainders.

Complete the worksheet using the maths links below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video. Then complete the sheet.


  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully to identify the times tables needed.
  • Think carefully about remainders and use objects at home to help.

Basic maths

To play a maths game.

Play times table bingo interactively (link 2).

  • You can choose the question types and the difficultly levels for this game. Remember to challenge yourself.


Topic work

To research geographical information about Madagascar.


This week you are learning all about MADAGASCAR.


Today, research the key geographical information. Make notes.


  • Use the links below to help your research.
  • You could research climate, animals, geographical landmarks and features.

Keeping active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.

Home Learning - Friday 5th February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Friday 5th February

Good morning Ash Class 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To correctly use spelling words in context.


Certain, circle, disappear, eight, eighth, experience, famous, favourite, guard, guide.


Can you write a paragraph with at least five of the spelling words in it?

  • Remember all the words need to be used correctly.
  • Could you make a mini story?



To think about using different word types.

Read the information about different types of words in pack (also below as PDF).


List some examples on the table in your pack. Keep this safe for next week!


  • Think about your character and story mountain as to which words you may use.
  • Try to make the words relevant to your plans.
  • Have a think about an exciting title!


To complete an inference grid.

Read pages 50-54.


Watch the lesson video. Complete the inference grid by looking back through these pages to find evidence to support them.


  • The two inferences need three pieces of evidence to support them.
  • Highlight or underline important information in the text to help you.


To grow in confidence dividing 2-digits by 1-digit numbers.

Complete the worksheet using the maths links below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video. Then complete the sheet.


  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • You can use the interactive place value counters if this helps (link 3).

Basic maths

To complete an online division game.

Play a new division game. This closely links to our times tables so use these to help you (link 1).


  • Remember to challenge yourself by choosing a range of times tables and ones you find trickier.


Topic work

To use your imagination.

Imagine you have won the Nobel Prize!


Why and how did you win? Create a poster or a speech to explain.


  • Think about what difference you would have made to the world.
  • Share on the blog or send to me via email:

Keeping active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 2 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.


Home Learning - Thursday 4th February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Thursday 4th February

Good morning Ash Class 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To write spelling sentences.


Certain, circle, disappear, eight, eighth, experience, famous, favourite, guard, guide.


Write sentences using your spelling words.

  • Remember to write one sentence for each spelling.
  • Make sure the sentences make sense!



To create a story mountain.

Watch the lesson video before you do the task.


Read the information carefully about the five steps. Then, create your own story mountain, using the questions to help structure yours.


  • Think carefully about each stage and how it would link to the next.
  • Draw the line lightly.
  • Make sure you do the writing first and draw any boxes afterwards to keep it neat!


To draw an image from your understanding of the text.

Read pages 44-49.


Following this, draw a picture of Ariki helping the whale with its injury.


  • Underline or highlight any parts of the text that give you details to help draw it.
  • Will you draw it all with pencil or will you add colour?



To divide 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.

Complete the worksheet using the maths links below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video. Then complete the sheet.


  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Look carefully at the pictures and diagrams to help your understanding.
  • Draw things to help.

Basic maths

To play a times tables game.

Play the times tables memory game. Can you match the questions to their answers?


  • Use link 2, have a few goes, selecting different times tables.


Topic work

To research another Nobel Prize winner.

Use the internet to search for another Nobel Prize winner.


Create a fact file about them.


  • Find the key facts: date of birth (age or death), date of award and reason for award.
  • Ensure they are appropriate to research.


Keeping active

To take part in a yoga activity.

Follow link 3 to reach the YouTube yoga video for today: We’re Going on a Bear Hunt!

  • Remember to make sure you have a little bit of space around you before you start!
  • Follow the instructions carefully.


Home Learning - Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Wednesday 3rd February

Good morning Ash Class 😊

Newtown’s very own Miss Brown has recorded dance videos for ‘Friend Like Me’ by Will Smith from Aladdin for us to learn. Find the link below the grid.


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To create spelling word trees.


Certain, circle, disappear, eight, eighth, experience, famous, favourite, guard, guide.

Create word trees, one for each word using the different parts of the words.

  • Put the word inside a mind map. Then find other words that link to this to place around the outside. E.g., mysterious – mystery, curious, furious



To create my own character.

Using the information in the booklet, create your own character thinking about the specific aspects of the character.


  • Remember to give them a powerful, suitable name.
  • You may wish to lay this out like a fact file or as a mind map with a picture in the centre.
  • Please send to:



To answer literal questions.

Read pages 40-43.


Watch the video to support you with this activity. Then answer the five literal questions, looking back in the text to find the answers.


  • Highlight, circle or underline answers when you find them if this helps you to remember.
  • Literal question answers don’t need to be full sentences.


To multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.

Complete the worksheet using the maths links below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video. Then complete the sheet.


  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Draw circles for the place value counters or use the interactive below (link 3).
  • Re-watch the videos if you are finding it tricky.


Basic maths

To complete an online  times table game.

Play hit the button (link 1).

  • Remember to challenge yourself by choosing a range of times tables.


Topic work

To learn about Nobel Prize winners.

Read the information pages about these winners (found in packs and as a PDF below).


Complete the challenges linked to Luis Alvarez and Dr. Feynman.


  • Read the information carefully (PDF may be clearer).
  • Have a go at each of the challenges.
  • You could email or post on the blog any outcomes.


Keeping active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 2 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.


Home Learning - Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Tuesday 2nd February

Good morning Ash Class 😊



You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To split your spelling words into sections.


Certain, circle, disappear, eight, eighth, experience, famous, favourite, guard, guide.


Complete the second column of the spelling grid.


Bitesize these words using different syllables and sounds.

  • Say the words aloud to help you hear the different sounds of the words that may help you to remember the words.
  • Example:

Mys – te – ri – ous


To create character names linked to a theme.

It is important characters fit into a story comfortably.


Watch the lesson video and do your activities alongside the video. In your learning pack, look at the activity with four story categories and create suitable characters for each.


Extension: Draw or write descriptions for a couple.


  • Think carefully about catchy names that suit the story theme.
  • Could you use alliteration in a couple of the character names?
  • When describing, try to say why you have used the name and details you have.
  • Remember, the characters don’t have to be people!



To understand and illustrate some relevant words.

Read pages 37-39.


Then, find the definitions of the keywords using a dictionary (link 1 for an online one).


To help yourself remember the meaning, draw an image that matches each of the words.



  • Use a dictionary to begin with, however these are quite specific words so you may need to google them.
  • Words:
  • Rudder
  • Outrigger
  • Gourd
  • Breadfruit



To become more confident multiplying 2-digits by 1-digit.

Complete the worksheet using the maths links below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video. Then complete the sheet.


  • You can write any notes that will help you.
  • Make sure you line up the place value columns correctly.
  • Start with your ones, then tens and so on.
  • Remember to add at the end.


Basic maths

To complete a quick-fire multiplication activity.

Follow link 2, have a go at the times table check that we use in class.


  • You can use the keypad online to have a go.
  • If you cannot do this, write down numbers 1-25 before you start.


Topic work

To complete a paper aeroplane challenge.


Follow the instructions in your pack to make a paper aeroplane.


Practise throwing, before measuring the distance of three throws. Can you go further than the Wright brothers first plane?

  • Post on the blog how far your paper aeroplane went.
  • Compare with your friends and see if you can edit and improve yours to go even further.
  • Have fun!

Keeping active

To take part in a yoga activity.

Follow link 3 to reach the YouTube yoga video for today, Star Wars! …May the force be with you!

  • Remember to make sure you have a little bit of space around you before you start!
  • Follow the instructions carefully.


Home Learning - Monday 1st February 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Monday 1st February

Good morning Ash Class 😊

CBBC have got a special timetable to help with home learning, you can find the link below to see the schedule.


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To find definitions for spelling words.


Certain, circle, disappear, eight, eighth, experience, famous, favourite, guard, guide.


Complete the first column of the spelling grid.


Then use the online dictionary to find the definitions.

  • Follow link 1 to the online dictionary.
  • Rewrite the definitions in your own words.



To write alternative story endings.

Watch the video before you start writing.


Read through the details in your packs about writing a good story. Then complete the activity: changing the ending to familiar stories of your choice.


  • Plan your writing first.
  • Think about the very endings of the stories, thinking of a different way to end them. Could you think of a silly ending? A more serious one?
  • Don’t forget to email to:



To enjoy reading for pleasure.

Read pages 30-36 of the story. Take your time to read the pages and think about the story.


You can listen to Miss Hallam reading these pages by clicking the link below.


  • Enjoy reading and listening  to the next section of the story.
  • If someone at home is around whilst you are doing this, why not tell them about the book so far and your favourite bits!



To multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.

Complete the worksheet using the maths links below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video. Then complete the sheet.


  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully to identify the times tables needed.
  • Partition the numbers carefully, but don’t forget to add the sections back together afterwards.


Basic maths

To play a maths game.

Play times table bingo interactively (link 2).

  • You can choose the question types and the difficultly levels for this game. Remember to challenge yourself.


Topic work

To learn about the Wright brothers and birds.


Read the information about the Wright brothers (can be found as a PDF below). Next, complete the bird motion task in your booklet. Then, find out 5 facts about a bird of your choice.


  • Read the information carefully – the PDF document is clearer!
  • Research 5 bird facts and post them on the blog. This could be a guess who game – don’t say the name of bird and let others guess from your 5 facts! I look forward to guessing! 😊


Keeping active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.

Home Learning - Friday 29th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Friday 29th January

Good morning Ash Class 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To correctly use spelling words in context.


Accident, accidentally, actual, actually, believe, bicycle, business, caught, centre, century.


Can you write a paragraph with at least five of the spelling words in it?

  • Remember all the words need to be used correctly.
  • Could you make a mini story?



To create a winter themed poem.

Watch the lesson video before you do the task. Winter warmer - Write a poem about winter which could make the reader feel warm and happy.


  • Some of the different styles of poetry:
  • Acrostic
  • Haiku
  • Rhyming couplets



To write a summary of the book so far.

Read pages 26-29.


Write a summary of the book so far. You have a 6-sentence limit!


Then, think about what will happen next. Maybe make some notes.


  • Remember to think about the most important bits of the story so far.
  • Use connectives and punctuation to make your sentences longer as you only have 6!



To use different written methods of multiplication.

Complete the worksheet using the maths links below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video. Then complete the sheet.


  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Partition numbers to ensure they are manageable and use your known facts to help you solve larger numbers.

Basic maths

To complete an online division game.

Play a new division game. This closely links to our times tables so use these to help you (link 1).


  • Remember to challenge yourself by choosing a range of times tables and ones you find trickier.


Topic work

To advertise your invention.

Imagine your invention has been successful with manufacturing and the stores want to sell your products! Create a poster to promote and sell your product.


  • Use the pictures and hints in your pack to help you with your poster.
  • Make sure the product and its name stands out.
  • Email to


Keeping active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 2 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.


Home Learning - Thursday 28th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Thursday 28th January

Good morning Ash Class 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To write spelling sentences.


Accident, accidentally, actual, actually, believe, bicycle, business, caught, centre, century.


Write sentences using your spelling words.

  • Remember to write one sentence for each spelling.
  • Make sure the sentences make sense!



To continue a story, using the starting point.

Find Thursday’s writing task in this week’s booklet.


Read the sentence, this is the start to your story.


Write a creative, mystery story!

  • Think carefully about your story: What will happen at the beginning, middle and end?
  • Try to include at least one fronted adverbial, expanded noun phrase and simile.
  • Don’t forget to email me your story:



To write a diary entry as Ariki.

Watch the lesson video alongside your learning.


Read pages 20-25.


Write a short diary entry in character as Ariki. Write about taking the boat.


  • Think about these questions: Did you mean to do it? Was that your plan to leave the girls behind?


To use efficient multiplication.

Complete the worksheet using the maths links below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video. Then complete the sheet.


  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Look carefully at the pictures and diagrams to help your understanding.

Basic maths

To play a times tables game.

Play the times tables memory game. Can you match the questions to their answers?


  • Use link 2, have a few goes, selecting different times tables.


Topic work

To make a model of your invention.

Yesterday, you designed a new product. Today, I would like you to have a go at making a model of this invention.


  • It can be made with any resources you have available, e.g., recycling, paper.
  • Make sure you ask an adult about the resources you can use.


Keeping active

To take part in a yoga activity.

Follow link 3 to reach the YouTube yoga video for today, Moana theme!

  • Remember to make sure you have a little bit of space around you before you start!
  • Follow the instructions carefully.


Home Learning - Wednesday 27th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Wednesday 27th January

Good morning Ash Class 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To create spelling word trees.


Accident, accidentally, actual, actually, believe, bicycle, business, caught, centre, century.


Create word trees, one for each word using the different parts of the words.

  • Put the word inside a mind map. Then find other words that link to this to place around the outside. E.g., mysterious – mystery, curious, furious



To write a recount.

Watch the lesson video before starting the tasks.

Think back to your first visit to a new place.

Write a recount of your first visit to this place. Explain what happened and how you felt.


  • Plan your writing first – decide which visit you are going to write about.
  • Is it somewhere you went with your family? On a school trip?
  • Reread your work before you finish.



To answer literal questions.

Read pages 14-19. Then answer the five literal questions in the pack.

  • Remember literal questions are retrieval/dog questions – the answers will be on the page for you to fetch!



To find factor pairs.

Complete the worksheet using the maths links below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video. Then complete the sheet.


  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Factors must times together to make the number.


Basic maths

To complete an online  times table game.

Play hit the button (link 1).

  • Remember to challenge yourself by choosing a range of times tables.


Topic work

To design your own invention.

Can you invent something useful? Think of something at home or at school that needs improvement.

Draw and label your own new product.


  • An invention is something that hasn’t ever been made before.
  • So, think of something that either doesn’t exist or something that needs a completely new model!


Keeping active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 2 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.


Home Learning - Tuesday 26th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Tuesday 26th  January

Good morning Ash Class 😊

Kate, our wonderful singing teacher has created a video for you all, a chance for you to sing! Check it out below.


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To split your spelling words into sections.


Accident, accidentally, actual, actually, believe, bicycle, business, caught, centre, century.


Complete the second column of the spelling grid.


Bitesize these words using different syllables and sounds.

  • Say the words aloud to help you hear the different sounds of the words that may help you to remember the words.
  • Example:

Mys – te – ri – ous


To write a story, titled ‘The Ascent’.

The word ‘ascend’ means ‘to rise or climb up’.


Your task is to write a story with the title ‘The Ascent’ (the climb).


  • Think about what you might write about. What is ascending? A person, an object like a hot air balloon or a flying creature?
  • Be creative, use paragraphs and the helpful tips.
  • Please send me your writing on:



To identify different types of words.

Watch the lesson video and do your activities alongside it.


Read the introduction to the book and pages 9-13.


After this, identify the different word classes in the table. Complete the grid in your pack.

  • Reminders:
  • Adjective = describing word, e.g., large
  • Proper noun = a noun that names a specific person, place or thing, with a capital letter, e.g., Bob, London
  • Verb = a doing word, action or feeling, e.g., running.



To multiply three numbers.

Complete the worksheet using the maths links below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video. Then complete the sheet.


  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully to identify the steps you need to take to find the final answer.
  • Underline key information in the questions when trying to understand what to do.

Basic maths

To complete a quick-fire multiplication activity.

Follow link 2, have a go at the times table check that we use in class.


  • You can use the keypad online to have a go.
  • If you cannot do this, write down numbers 1-25 before you start.


Topic work

To explain why an invention is important.

Read the list of inventions in your home learning pack. Choose one of them. Write or show why this invention is an important one.


  • Why have you chosen this?
  • You can present this however you wish to – poster, speech, PowerPoint.
  • Please email across to me.


Keeping active

To take part in a yoga activity.

Follow link 3 to reach the YouTube yoga video for today, Frozen!

  • Remember to make sure you have a little bit of space around you before you start!
  • Follow the instructions carefully.


Home Learning - Monday 25th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Monday 25th  January

Good morning Ash Class 😊

CBBC have got a special timetable to help with home learning, you can find the link below to see the schedule.


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To find definitions for spelling words.


Accident, accidentally, actual, actually, believe, bicycle, business, caught, centre, century.


Complete the first column of the spelling grid.


Then use the online dictionary to find the definitions.

  • Follow link 1 to the online dictionary.
  • Rewrite the definitions in your own words.



To write persuasively.

Watch the video before you start writing. Persuade the reader to take their next holiday to the town/village where you live. Tell others why they should visit.


  • Plan your writing first.
  • Research your town – you could use the internet and/or ask your family.
  • Read the other helpful tips in the booklet.



To make a prediction.

Look at the front cover and read the blurb, of the book we will be studying, ‘Ariki and the Islands of Wonders’.


Write a prediction about the story.


  • Please find the colour image of the front cover on our class page on the school website.
  • What can you see? What does the blurb say? Use both to help you write your predictions.



To answer questions using the 11- and 12-times tables.

Complete the worksheet using the maths links below.


Watch the lesson video before you start the sheet. If you would like more questions and explanations, also watch the White Rose video. Then complete the sheet.


  • Remember you can write any notes that will help you.
  • Read each question carefully to identify the times table you need to use.
  • Use facts you do know – e.g., 5 x 12 = is the same as 12 x 5 so you can count in fives to check your answer.


Basic maths

To play a maths game.

Play times table bingo interactively (link 2).

  • You can choose the question types and the difficultly levels for this game. Remember to challenge yourself.


Topic work

To create a fact file about Thomas Edison.

Read the information about Thomas Edison from your pack. Find the key pieces of information and create a fact file with these.


  • Highlight or underline key pieces of information.
  • If you would like to find out more, look on the internet.

Keeping active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.

Home Learning - Friday 22nd January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Friday 22nd January

Good morning Ash Class 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Scavenge, pre-historic, undergrowth, tempt, vermin, itinerary.

Can you write a paragraph with all five words in?

  • Remember all the words need to be used correctly.
  • Could you make a mini story?



To write creatively about an image.

‘Said the stars’ – Think creatively to answer the questions about the image.

Watch the video (link 3) to think about the questions before you start writing.


  • Use the notes and prompts in your pack to help you.
  • Try to answer each question but using your imagination and details to write in full sentences and paragraphs.  



To answer literal questions.

Read the text called ‘Get Ready with Cleopatra’ and answer the quick questions.

  • Underline or circle words in the text that help you to answer the questions.
  • Remember to look up any words you don’t know.



To complete multiplication and division questions.

Complete questions 8 – 10 of the booklet named ‘Multiplication and Division’.

Watch the video below (link 4) and complete the lesson alongside it.


  • Think carefully about using facts you know to help you solve other trickier facts.
  • Make notes on the pages if this helps you.


Basic maths

To complete an online division game.

Play a new division game. This closely links to our times tables so use these to help you (link 1).


  • Remember to challenge yourself by choosing a range of times tables and ones you find trickier.


Topic work

To choose a screen-free activity.

Choose an activity from the sheet called ’20 Screen-Free Activities for Home Learning’.


Keeping active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is going to be doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 2 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.


Home Learning - Thursday 21st January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Thursday 21st January

Good morning Ash Class 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Scavenge, pre-historic, undergrowth, tempt, vermin, itinerary.

Write sentences using your spelling words.

  • Remember to write one sentence for each spelling.
  • Make sure the sentences make sense!



To write creatively about an image.

‘Let’s play football’ – Think creatively to answer the questions about the image.

  • Use the notes and prompts in your pack to help you.
  • Try to answer each question but using your imagination and details to write in full sentences and paragraphs.  



To answer literal questions.

Read the text called ‘Friendly Felines’ and answer the quick questions.

Watch the video, link 4 and complete the lesson alongside the video.


  • Underline or circle words in the text that help you to answer the questions.
  • Remember to look up any words you don’t know.



To complete multiplication and division questions.

Complete questions 5 – 7 of the booklet named ‘Multiplication and Division’. Watch the video, link 5 and complete the lesson alongside the video.


  • Think carefully about using facts you know to help you solve other trickier facts.
  • Make notes on the pages if this helps you.


Basic maths

To play a times tables game.

Play a times tables memory game, can you match the questions to their answers?


  • Use link 2, have a few goes, selecting different times tables.


Topic work

To choose a screen-free activity.

Choose an activity from the sheet called ’20 Screen-Free Activities for Home Learning’.


Keeping active

To take part in a yoga activity.

Follow link 3 to reach the YouTube yoga video for today, which has an Alice in Wonderland theme!

  • Remember to make sure you have a little bit of space around you before you start!
  • Follow the instructions carefully.


Home Learning - Wednesday 20th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Wednesday 20th January

Good morning Ash Class 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Scavenge, pre-historic, undergrowth, tempt, vermin, itinerary.

Create word trees, one for each word using the different parts of the words.

  • Put the word inside a mind map. Then find other words that link to this to place around the outside. E.g., mysterious – mystery, curious, furious



To write creatively about an image.

‘Pegged’ – Think creatively to answer the questions about the image.

Please watch the video before starting your writing – link 3.

  • Use the notes and prompts in your pack to help you.
  • Try to answer each question but using your imagination and details to write in full sentences and paragraphs.  



To answer literal questions.

Read the text called ‘The Hunter with a Heart’ and answer the quick questions.

  • Underline or circle words in the text that help you to answer the questions.
  • Remember to look up any words you don’t know.



To complete multiplication and division questions.

Complete questions 1 – 4 of the booklet named ‘Multiplication and Division’.

Please watch the video and complete your tasks alongside it – link 4.


  • Think carefully about using facts you know to help you solve other trickier facts.
  • Make notes on the pages if this helps you.


Basic maths

To complete an online  times table game.

Play hit the button (link 2).

  • Remember to challenge yourself by choosing a range of times tables.


Topic work

To choose a screen-free activity.

Choose an activity from the sheet called ’20 Screen-Free Activities for Home Learning’.


Keeping active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is going to be doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 2 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.


Home Learning - Tuesday 19th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Tuesday 19th  January

Good morning Ash Class 😊


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Scavenge, pre-historic, undergrowth, tempt, vermin, itinerary.

Bitesize these words using different syllables and sounds.

  • Example:

Mys – te – ri – ous


To write creatively about an image.

‘Above the sky’ – Think creatively to answer the questions about the image.

  • Use the notes and prompts in your pack to help you.
  • Try to answer each question but using your imagination and details to write in full sentences and paragraphs.  



To answer literal questions.

Read the text called ‘Stone Age Time Periods’ and answer the quick questions.

Watch the video and do the lesson alongside it – link 4.

  • Underline or circle words in the text that help you to answer the questions.
  • Remember to look up any words you don’t know (link 1).



To complete length and perimeter questions.

Complete questions 6 – 10 of the booklet named ‘Length and Perimeter’.

Watch the video and do the lesson alongside it – link 5.

  • Use this key fact to help: 1000m = 1km.
  • Perimeter is the length all the way around a shape.
  • Make notes on the pages if this helps you.


Basic maths

To complete a quick-fire multiplication activity.

Follow link 2, have a go at the times table check that we use in class.


  • You can use the keypad online to have a go.
  • If you cannot do this, write down numbers 1-25 before you start.


Topic work

To choose a screen-free activity.

Choose an activity from the sheet called ’20 Screen-Free Activities for Home Learning’.


Keeping active

To take part in a yoga activity.

Follow link 3 to reach the YouTube yoga video for today, which has a Harry Potter theme!

  • Remember to make sure you have a little bit of space around you before you start!
  • Follow the instructions carefully.


Home Learning - Monday 18th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Monday 18th  January

Good morning Ash Class 😊

CBBC have got a special timetable to help with home learning, please find the link below to see the schedule.


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Scavenge, pre-historic, undergrowth, tempt, vermin, itinerary.

Use the online dictionary to find the definitions of these words.

  • Follow link 1 to the online dictionary.
  • Rewrite the definitions in your own words.



To creatively write about an image.

‘Just visiting’ – Think creatively to answer the questions about the image.

  • Use the notes and prompts in your pack to help you.
  • Try to answer each question but using your imagination and details to write in full sentences and paragraphs.



To answer literal questions.

Read the text called ‘Stone Age Stew’ and answer the quick questions.

  • Underline or circle words in the text that help you to answer the questions.
  • Remember to look up any words you don’t know.



To complete length and perimeter questions.

Complete questions 1 – 5 of the booklet named ‘Length and Perimeter’.

  • Use this key fact to help: 1000m = 1km.
  • Perimeter is the length all the way around a shape.
  • Make notes on the pages if this helps you.


Basic maths

To play a maths game.

Play times table bingo interactively.

  • You can choose the question types and the difficultly levels for this game. Remember to challenge yourself.


Topic work

To choose a screen-free activity.

Choose an activity from the sheet called ’20 Screen-Free Activities for Home Learning’.


Keeping active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is going to be doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.


Home Learning - Friday 15th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Friday 15th January

Don’t forget! BBC Bitesize are putting lessons for children on CBBC every weekday. Have a look at the attachment uploaded on the 12th: ‘Timetable of BBC lessons wc11.1.21’.


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Floating, mysterious, fantasy, surroundings, atmosphere.

Can you write a paragraph with all five words in?

  • Remember all the words need to be used correctly.
  • Could you make a mini story?



To present your arguments.

‘What’s the issue?’ – Decide on a statement linked to a current world issue or something that matters to you. Present your argument.

  • Make some notes before you start writing.
  • Use the questions in the learning pack to get you thinking of ideas.
  • Please send your argument to: or post on the blog. I would love to see your work!



To answer literal questions.

Read the text called ‘Cave Paintings’ and answer the quick questions.

  • Underline or circle words in the text that help you to answer the questions.
  • Remember to look up any words you don’t know.



To complete addition and subtraction questions.

Complete questions 7 – 9 of the booklet named ‘Addition and Subtraction’.

  • Think carefully about how question 7 is worded. Remember, they only have £1 between them so your amounts must add up to £1!
  • Make notes on the pages if this helps you.


Basic maths

To complete an online division game.

Play a new division game. This closely links to our times tables so use these to help you (link 1).


  • Remember to challenge yourself by choosing a range of times tables and ones you find trickier.


Topic work

To choose a screen-free activity.

Choose an activity from the sheet called ’20 Screen-Free Activities for Home Learning’.


Keeping active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is going to be doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 2 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.


Home Learning - Thursday 14th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Thursday 14th January

Don’t forget! BBC Bitesize are putting lessons for children on CBBC every weekday. Have a look at the attachment uploaded on the 12th: ‘Timetable of BBC lessons wc11.1.21’.


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Floating, mysterious, fantasy, surroundings, atmosphere.

Write sentences using your spelling words.

  • Remember to write one sentence for each spelling.
  • Make sure the sentences make sense!



To create an information page.

‘Favourite hobby’ – Create an information page about your favourite hobby.

  • Use the reminders in the learning pack to help.
  • Try to persuade others to understand why you like this hobby. Why not post your work on the blog?



To answer literal questions.

Read the text called ‘The Official Safe-Tea Shelter’ and answer the quick questions.

  • Underline or circle words in the text that help you to answer the questions.
  • Remember to look up any words you don’t know.



To complete addition and subtraction questions.

Complete questions 4 – 6 of the booklet named ‘Addition and Subtraction’.

  • What does each image show? Remember bar models have the parts, which together add to make the whole.
  • Make notes on the pages if this helps you.


Basic maths

To play a times tables game.

Play a times tables memory game, can you match the questions to their answers?


  • Use link 2, have a few goes, selecting different times tables.


Topic work

To choose a screen-free activity.

Choose an activity from the sheet called ’20 Screen-Free Activities for Home Learning’.


Keeping active

To take part in a yoga activity.

Follow link 3 to reach the YouTube yoga video for today, which has a Pokémon theme!

  • Remember to make sure you have a little bit of space around you before you start!
  • Follow the instructions carefully.


Home Learning - Wednesday 13th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Wednesday 13th January

Don’t forget! BBC Bitesize are putting lessons for children on CBBC every weekday. Have a look at the attachment uploaded on the 12th: ‘Timetable of BBC lessons wc11.1.21’.


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Floating, mysterious, fantasy, surroundings, atmosphere.

Create word trees, one for each word using the different parts of the words.

  • Put the word inside a mind map. Then find other words that link to this to place around the outside. E.g., mysterious – mystery, curious, furious



To create an animal  information text.

‘Creature feature’ - Write an information text about an animal that lives in South America.

  • You could use San Diego Zoo’s website (link 1) to help you research.
  • Make some notes before you start writing.
  • Use the reminders in the learning pack to help.



To answer literal questions.

Read the text called ‘Spotting a Tsunami’ and answer the quick questions.

  • Underline or circle words in the text that help you to answer the questions.
  • Remember to look up any words you don’t know.



To complete addition and subtraction questions.

Complete questions 1 – 3 of the booklet named ‘Addition and Subtraction’.

  • What does each image show?
  • Make notes on the pages if this helps you.


Basic maths

To complete an online  times table game.

Play hit the button (link 2).

  • Remember to challenge yourself by choosing a range of times tables.


Topic work

To choose a screen-free activity.

Choose an activity from the sheet called ’20 Screen-Free Activities for Home Learning’.


Keeping active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is going to be doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 3 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.


Home Learning - Tuesday 12th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Tuesday 12th  January

Did you know? BBC Bitesize are putting lessons on CBBC every day. This includes daily celebrity guests! Find the timetable attached called, ‘Timetable of BBC lessons wc11.1.21’.


You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Floating, mysterious, fantasy, surroundings, atmosphere.

Bitesize these words using different syllables and sounds.

  • Example:

Mys – te – ri – ous


To design your own island.

‘A day on my island’ – Design your own floating island, adding descriptive labels to explain your diagram.

  • Use the questions and the image in the learning pack to help you think of ideas.
  • Please send a picture of your island to:



To answer literal questions.

Read the text called ‘A Very Unusual Winter’ and answer the quick questions.

  • Underline or circle words in the text that help you to answer the questions.
  • Remember to look up any words you don’t know (link 1).



To complete place value questions.

Complete questions 5 – 9 of the booklet named ‘Place Value’.

  • What is the question asking you to do? Remember some questions will have more than one step.
  • Make notes on the pages if this helps you.


Basic maths

To complete a quick-fire multiplication activity.

Follow link 2, have a go at the times table check that we use in class.


  • You can use the keypad online to have a go.
  • If you cannot do this, write down numbers 1-25 before you start.


Topic work

To choose a screen-free activity.

Choose an activity from the sheet called ’20 Screen-Free Activities for Home Learning’.


Keeping active

To take part in a yoga activity.

Follow link 3 to reach the YouTube yoga video for today, which has a Minecraft theme!

  • Remember to make sure you have a little bit of space around you before you start!
  • Follow the instructions carefully.


Home Learning - Monday 11th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Monday 11th  January




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


Floating, mysterious, fantasy, surroundings, atmosphere.

Use the online dictionary to find the definitions of these words.

  • Follow link 1 to the online dictionary.
  • Rewrite the definitions in your own words.



To write a description.

‘Picture play’ - Write a description using the floating island image.

  • Use the notes and prompts in your pack to help you.
  • Think about where this could be.



To answer literal questions.

Read the text called ‘A storm is Brewing…’ and answer the quick questions.

  • Underline or circle words in the text that help you to answer the questions.
  • Remember to look up any words you don’t know.



To complete place value questions.

Complete questions 1 – 4 of the booklet named ‘Place Value’.

  • What does each image show? What is its value?
  • Make notes on the pages if this helps you.


Topic work

To choose a screen-free activity.

Choose an activity from the sheet called ’20 Screen-Free Activities for Home Learning’.


Keeping active

To take part in a fitness workout.

PE with Joe Wicks is back! He is going to be doing sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am on his YouTube channel.

  • Stretch before and after the workout.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • If something hurts, stop and rest, and try again next time.
  • Follow link 2 to his YouTube channel where the lesson should go live and be available after.


Home Learning - Friday 8th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Friday 8th January




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:


To correct spelling mistakes using your knowledge.


Open the document ‘Ash Friday 8.1.21 Spelling task’. Look carefully at the words and try to correct the spelling words.

  • Think carefully about the sounds and spelling patterns we have been using.


To write about the winter.

Open the document ‘Ash Friday 8.1.21 In the winter I see’. Draw a picture of a wintery scene and write sentences about it.

  • Write sentences about winter and what can be seen.
  • Remember to use your SPaG skills – fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases etc.


To answer comprehension questions.

Log onto espresso using the login details below.

  • login: student31363
  • password: Newtown


Comprehension text: Butterfly Lion

  • Click link 1, but if this doesn’t work follow these steps:

Espresso > KS2 > English > Comprehension (Lower) > butterfly Lion.

  • Read the text carefully and take the quiz.


To play fact family games.

Try the activities on the link – use multiplication and division to start with. Remember about using the same three numbers in each of the family calculations.

(link 2)

  • Challenge yourself to use some larger numbers once you are more confident.
  • Maybe have a go at the addition and subtraction too.

Topic work

To reflect on the year’s news.

Watch the round-up video about the news of 2020. Then have a look at the quiz to see how much you have remembered about these.


  • Follow link number 3 and use the login from above.
  • Watch the video – did you learn anything new? What do you think will happen in 2021?

Keeping active

To enjoy doing a jungle workout!

Have a go at the exercise workout video.

  • Follow link number 4 to find this video.
  • Why not make your own exercise routine?

Home Learning - Thursday 7th January 2021

Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Thursday 7th January




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:




Can you talk to your family and discuss what their resolution for the new year is?

  • Write a sentence reflecting on what each person said.


To develop your reflection.

Use the worksheet ‘Ash Wednesday 7.1.21 New Years Resolution’.

  • You can think about things at home and at school.
  • What are you excited about this year? Remember this doesn’t have to be something big, it can be anything!


To answer comprehension questions.

Log onto espresso using the login details below.

  • login: student31363
  • password: Newtown


Comprehension text: The BFG

  • Click link 1, but if this doesn’t work follow these steps:

Espresso > KS2 > English > Comprehension (Lower) > The BFG.

  • Read the text carefully and take the quiz.


To play place value games.

Choose a couple of place value games to have a go at. Which one did you prefer and why?

(link 2)

  • Challenge yourself and work on a couple of different activities.
  • Maybe try to choose activities you haven’t played before.

Topic work

To practise some French.

Use espresso to practise some of your French. Click on ‘Allez!’ and choose a topic. Watch any videos and then click on activities to find a n online game.

  • Follow link number 3 and use the login from above.
  • Use this as a chance to remind yourself of some of our learning so far and learn more of things that interest you.
  • Why not post on the blog with your favourite new phrase or piece of learning for people to guess.

Keeping active

To try a yoga video.

Follow the video, listening to the instructions and have a go.

  • Follow link number 4 to find this video.

Home Learning - Wednesday 6th January 2021


Daily Planner For:

Ash Class

Day: Wednesday 6th January




You are learning:

You can find out how to do this here:

Here are some important things to remember:




Look up the definition of the word in the dictionary.

Then create a word tree for the word resolution.

  • Try to think of other words with the same ending sound ‘-tion’.
  • Use link 1 to find the definition.


To reflect on last year and think forward to this year.

Use the worksheet ‘Ash Wednesday 6.1.21 Happy New Year Activity Sheet’.

  • You can think about things at home and at school.
  • What did you enjoy about school last year?


To answer comprehension questions.

Log onto espresso using the login details below.

  • login: student31363
  • password: Newtown


Comprehension text: A Dog Called GRK

  • Click link 2, but if this doesn’t work follow these steps:

Espresso > KS2 > English > Comprehension (Lower) > A Dog Called GRK.

  • Read the text carefully and take the quiz.


To play multiplication games.

Have a go at hit the button. Remember you can choose to look at specific times tables or to use a mix.

(link 3)

  • Challenge yourself and work on tables you find tricky.
  • Feel free to have a look at other times tables games on top marks.

Topic work

To have a go at a drawing video.

Have a go at drawing the fun popcorn.

  • Follow link number 4 to draw popcorn – remind yourself of our cinema day we had before the half term.

Keeping active

To try a yoga video.

Follow the video, listening to the instructions and have a go.

  • Follow link number 5 to find this video.

Remembrance Day