Newtown Community Primary School
'Newtown Primary School is a Community Primary School and we take the "Community" aspect of our title very seriously. Our children, their families and extended families are at the heart of everything we do.'

Ash Class (Year 3/4)

Welcome to Ash Class!


My name is Miss Hallam and I am teaching Ash Class this year with the support of our amazing teaching assistant, Mrs Williamson.


We are very excited to explore some fantastic topics, ensuring the children achieve their full potential whilst enjoying each day. In Ash Class we are kind to each other and respect everybody and everything. We are not afraid to have a go, challenge ourselves and make mistakes, as we know these make us better learners.


A named PE kit should be in school every day and daily reading at home encouraged. We showcase home reading on a classroom display and present rewards when various milestones are reached, so please find time to listen to your child reading and sign the journal.

Spellings and Maths homework will be set weekly.


Regular updates of our memorable school journey will be added to this page. Ash Class is a caring and friendly place to be and I am honoured to be the class teacher.


Miss Hallam


This term Ash class are learning all about our teeth and the four different types we have. They will learn the function of each type of tooth and will also be looking at the affect sugar has on them. This is through experiments and our class reader book ‘Demon Dentist’ by David Walliams! We have predicted which of the drinks pictured has the most sugar (per 200ml – the size of the purple Ribena bottle) and will be finding this out very soon. Our main science experiment will also look at the affects of different drinks on our teeth.

Our Whole Class Painting

Ash Class have been incredibly busy and hardworking this term to create a whole class painting. Our topic has been focused on the artwork of Claude Monet, in particular his famous painting ‘Bridge over the Pond of Water Lilies’. Each child created a tile of the final painting.

We used a wide range of skills in the process including: experimenting with water colour paints and oil pastels, using a viewfinder, looking at proportions to upscale their section of the image and layering their mediums.

We are also waiting in anticipation for our cress to grow in our mini water worlds as have been looking at the water cycle and our water worlds should allow us to see the condensation and the process in action!

Ancient Greece

A fun introduction to Ancient Greece exploring weaving by Greek slaves and crowns worn by Greek goddesses.


Ash class have been thinking about Harvest this afternoon. We listened to the story 'Oliver's Vegetables' and discussed the importance of food and giving to those in need. The children then wrote ten sentences to explain ten things that they are thankful for. These were then arched together using a split pin to form an apple, tomato or pumpkin! I'm sure you'll agree that they're pretty impressive.


We have had a very busy, exciting term two so far with plenty more to do in the final two weeks of term. Ash Class had fun using their creative skills to make snowman tree decorations and bookmarks for the Christmas Fayre. 

The children have also been entertained by their classroom visitor "Elfie"! Here are just some of the things we have found him doing so far …  Where will we find him next?