Newtown Community Primary School
'Newtown Primary School is a Community Primary School and we take the "Community" aspect of our title very seriously. Our children, their families and extended families are at the heart of everything we do.'

Ash Class (Year 3/4)

Welcome to Ash Class


Hello, my name is Miss Hough, and I am the teacher of Ash Class. In our class, we are lucky to have Mrs Stevens as our teaching assistant.


In Ash class, we are always willing to ‘have a go’ and we have an understanding that everyone makes mistakes and that these help us to learn. We respect everybody and show kindness which will make our class a welcoming and happy place for everyone. Working as a team is important in Ash class, making sure we help others, to make sure that everyone reaches their potential. We want everyone to be proud of their peers for their achievements.


There are a few things we need to remember this year:


  • PE kit: your full (named) PE kit needs to be in school every day.


  • Reading: We strongly encourage daily reading at home and progress will be tracked on a display in the classroom. Alongside this, rewards will be presented at regular milestones through the 100 club. Please listen to your child’s reading regularly and record this in the back of their orange Learning Destination (Homework book); Please ensure that this is brought in every morning.


  • Homework: Spellings and maths homework will be set on Monday each week and the work will be due in on Friday. Please encourage your children to write sentences using their spelling words. The learning destination book can also be used for any other home learning that your children may wish to do. They will always be rewarded for this.


I am really looking forward to sharing some fantastic learning with you all and getting to know everyone. I’m thrilled to be your teacher and I’m sure we’re going to have an amazing time with lots of engaging learning opportunities planned.

Henri Rousseau

We have had a very busy Term 5 in Ash class and we have achieved so much incredible learning. A particular highlight of this term has been creating our Henri Rousseau inspired art!


In Science this term we have been thinking about sound and have been learning how we hear. In groups we thought about the how amount of force effects the sound created. We had the opportunity to consider the vibrations made by an instrument and concluded that the more an object vibrates the louder the sound it produced.


This term we have had the opportunity to work with chance to shine to learn how to play the cricket. We have worked extremely hard this term on improving our throwing, catching, and batting skills and have even managed to play a game of cricket as a whole class.

Author visit

We have worked extremely hard this term on improving our writing and even had a visit from Rachel Delahaye who inspired us to come up with our own ideas for stories. We can’t wait to continue improving our skills next term!


In Science this term we have been thinking about electricity and making our own circuits. In partners we managed to create our own using components such as bulbs, buzzers and batteries.

World Book Day

We have had a very busy Term 3 in Ash class. We have achieved so much incredible learning, and we should be so proud of ourselves for this. A particular highlight of this term was world book day. We completed lots of activities celebrating books and even managed to share some with Oak class! Here we are making monster bookmarks!

Smallbrook Meadows

On Wednesday 28th February, Ash class took an exciting train ride to Warminster. When we arrived, we visited Smallbrook Meadows to explore the nature. We went pond dipping and completed a nature trail. This was so exciting and we managed to catch pond skaters, water lice and much more. It was a very muddy day and it rained the entire time, but we didn't let that stop us and we still had an amazing time! We even found time to play in the adventure playground at the end of the day before getting on the train back to school!

Science Week

We have had a very busy Term 3 in Ash class. We have achieved so much incredible learning, and we should be so proud of ourselves for this. A particular highlight of this term was our Science Week. With an ‘Up in the Air’ focus, we had lots of fun making orange bird feeders, finding out about buzzards and we even had a visit from West of England Falconry, who brought in their special lugger falcon, Indali in to see us! As well as this, we enjoyed carrying out a film canister rocket investigation, where we were able to launch these rockets up into the air by adding alka seltzer tablets and water. We found out that the more tablets used, the more carbon dioxide and air pressure was produced and the greater the upwards force.


In Geography, we were also very busy! We found out about flooding, droughts and the water cycle. Together, we made mini water cycle models using plastic bottles and blue coloured water. We tested the bottles on the windowsill, above the radiator in our classroom and in a dark cupboard. The water cycle models which worked the best were the ones in our classroom, as they had the most light and warmth for condensation to occur.


We have worked extremely hard this term on improving our skills when using the computers. We have managed to send emails, practice our times tables and even create our own PowerPoints to share our geographical knowledge. We can’t wait to continue our computing next term!


In Ash class this term, we have been learning about how the Roman’s lived, as well as their efforts to conquer and build an empire. The children worked hard to use modern maps, to plot Roman roads that are still in use to this day. We also took an amazing trip to the Roman baths where the children used tools to dig for artefacts, and they even met a real roman!


This term in science, we have been learning about living things and their habitats. We even conducted an invertebrate hunt that supported the children to classify different creatures in a classification key.

 Remembrance Day

Also, this term we found out more about Remembrance Day, identifying the meaning behind it’s importance. We shared the poem ‘In Flanders fields’ and the children worked hard making their own poppies to show respect to the soldiers. We displayed these outside our classroom.

Roman Baths trip

On Wednesday, Chestnut and Ash class visited the Roman Baths and had so much fun! The children had a tour of the museum where they learnt about the hot springs and how they were made and used in Roman times. They were also engaged with an immersive workshop where they learnt how to dress up as Romans in tunics and togas; create beautifully designed mosaics and also handle real-life artefacts that were over 2000 years old! What an awesome day!


In Ash class this term, we have been learning about the celebration of harvest and thinking about what it means to them. We have considered the importance of gathering food and thought about who we might need to share it with the most! The children have worked extremely hard to create scarecrow masks and write tatty scarecrow poems. We showed some of these in our harvest assembly.


This term in DT, Ash class have been working on building robots. We have worked hard to design our own robots and have begun making them out of wood. This week we carefully measured and cut the wood to complete our designs and have started to paint them. We are very excited to complete them next week!


In Ash class this term, we have been exploring solids, liquids, and gases. We have conducted experiments exploring reversible and irreversible changes in substances. The children really enjoyed this and have become experts on the changes between substances.

Guided Reading

In guided reading this term we have been reading the Iron Man. The children have really enjoyed the story and have been working extremely hard to analyse the book. Last week, we acted out a chapter of the story in small groups and the children created some beautiful soundscapes to accompany their acting.