Our three amazing year sixes who brought home the silverware! All three have had a rollercoaster of emotions since entering the competition and showed real dedication and confidence to stand up there in front of the Trowbridge mayor, councillors and other schools.
Being third up, they sat through two other performances which were of a very high standard. This did not phase them. They stood up and spoke so confidently for over 11 minutes using humour, joint chorus of spoken language as well as excellent diction. They were spot on and I couldn’t be prouder. These are the moments that make Newtown truly special. We will win first place next year but for now, second is a massive achievement. Newtown is a school of high standards and self belief and as a teacher and parent, I am so proud to be a part of it.
Thankyou for everyone’s kind words of encouragement to these three incredible children, all of that has contributed into making this possible.
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