Newtown Community Primary School
'Newtown Primary School is a Community Primary School and we take the "Community" aspect of our title very seriously. Our children, their families and extended families are at the heart of everything we do.'

Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast Club and how it runs

What is a breakfast club?

Breakfast clubs are paid for by parents and play an important role in providing before-school childcare for families where parents work or need to get other children to different schools or childcare settings.


A good breakfast club provides a safe, secure environment before school for children.  It also provides a good breakfast and a calm start to the school day.


How does Newtown’s breakfast club run?

Newtown breakfast club:

  • Runs from 7:45am until 8:30am during the term time apart from INSET days
  • Includes a good breakfast
  •  Is run by staff that the children know


How much does it cost to send my child to the breakfast club?

Each breakfast club session will cost £2.50


Parents need to:

  • Book the number of sessions for each term in advance
  • Pay in advance of the term for number of sessions they have booked


An example of how much it would cost for 3 sessions a week for a 6 week term.

3 breakfast club sessions per week for a 6 week term

3 x £2.50 (session cost) = £7.50 per week

£7.50 (per week cost) x 6 weeks

In this example the total for the term would be: £45


The number of sessions you are able to book each week can be from 1 - 5


How do I book my child’s breakfast club sessions?

If you would like your child to attend any breakfast club sessions, please contact the School Office.