Newtown Community Primary School
'Newtown Primary School is a Community Primary School and we take the "Community" aspect of our title very seriously. Our children, their families and extended families are at the heart of everything we do.'

Latest News

  • Wild Science Weeks

    Wed 16 Oct 2019
    Our Wild Science weeks has seen our children out using our new fire circle and the shelter building equipment during our 'Wild Rumpus' sessions.  It is great that our teachers are well trained in safely managing outdoor learning such as this.  Experiences such as these provide many different opportunities for learning.  The children have not only found out about the science behind fire or what makes a strong shelter, they have also learned about safety, risk management and teamwork, all of which are vital life skills.  There has been plenty of wind and rain during the sessions, but not enough to stop us smiling!  
  • Fun with Science!

    Wed 16 Oct 2019

    Years 4, 5 and 6 were extremely lucky to have a visit from Amanda Chmura, who is one of our school Governors on Tuesday afternoon. Amanda is a scientist who works for UK research and innovation exploring and using science every single day. The purpose of the sessions were to enthuse, engage and help children understand that anyone can be a scientist if they want to find out new things.

    The children explored how to make carbon dioxide by mixing vinegar and baking powder (sodium hydrogen carbonate). This was made great fun by adding lentils and watching them bob up and down due to the energy created.